E modules mapped to the curriculum from Pennine Best sources www.bmjlearning.com (click) www.doctors.net.uk (click) www.elearning.rcgp.org.uk (click) www.e-lfh.org.uk (click) has a full set of modules mapped to curriculum and creates an e-portfolio entry with each module completed Curriculum Statement, e-module title and source Being a general practitioner RCGP Health for health care professionals 1+2 The general practice consultation Bmj breaking bad news Bmj shared decision making Bmj managing aggressive patients Bmj advanced communication skills x3 Drs.net dealing with aggressive and violent patients Drs.net improving communication skills for better outcomes Clinical governance Bmj analysis of significant events Bmj leadership in medicine Drs.net good medical records Drs.net appraisal for gps Patient safety Www.npsa.nhs.uk Bmj steroids Bmj safe and effective prescribing Bmj safeguarding adults Bmj patient safety in primary care Bmj patient safety an introduction Drs.net drug dosage and administration Drs.net patient safety Ethics and values based medicine www.ethox.org.uk Promoting equality and valuing diversity Drs.net equality and diversity Evidence based practice How to read a paper See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 1 Research and academic activity Drs.net clinical trials modules 1-5 Teaching,mentoring and clinical supervision Bmj teaching small groups Bmj how to assess your learning needs Management in primary care Bmj patient confidentiality Bmj complaint management Drs.net how to avoid being sued Drs.net conflict resolution Drs.net managing difficult staff RCGP commissioning 1+2 Information management and technology Www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk Bmj clinical records RCGP record keeping Healthy people Www.phru.nhs.uk Bmj smoking cessation x2 Bmj screening for bowel cancer Bmj screening for breast cancer Bmj screening for cervical cancer Bmj cervical cancer vaccination Bmj antenatal and newborn screening Drs.net cervical screening Drs.net clinical management of smoking cessation Drs.net raising the issue of physical activity Drs.net malaria prophylaxis RCGP self care for minor ailments Genetics in primary care Bmj cancer and genetics Care of acutely ill people Www.basics.org.uk Bmj anaphylaxis Bmj acute carbon monoxide poisoning Drs.net management of anaphylaxis Care of children and young people Bmj limp in childhood Bmj childhood asthma Bmj recurrent chest infections in a child Bmj when to suspect child maltreatment Bmj uti in children See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 2 Bmj managing infants who cry excessively Bmj feverish illness in young children Bmj diagnosing respiratory symptoms in children Bmj autism Bmj child abuse Bmj child protection x2 Bmj childhood cough Bmj childhood immunization Drs.net child protection Drs.net primary nocturnal enuresis Drs.net cerebral palsy in children Drs.net haemolytic ureamic syndrome in children Drs.net management of pleural infection in children Drs.net bronchiolitis Drs.net initial management of the fitting child Drs.net fits, faints and funny turns in children Drs.net childhood immunisations RCGP Autism in general practice Care of older adults Bmj elder abuse Bmj assessment of falls risk Drs.net depression in the older person RCGP Mental health in older people RCGP veteran's health in GP Women's health Bmj breast feeding Bmj infertility Bmj vulvovaginal candidiasis Bmj urinary incontinence in women Bmj unplanned pregnancy counselling Bmj contraception in the perimenopause Bmj suspected breast cancer Bmj polycyclic ovary syndrome Bmj postnatal depression Bmj postnatal health Bmj menopause Bmj endometriosis Bmj dysmenorrhoea Bmj bacterial vaginosis Bmj asking women about domestic abuse Drs.net emergency contraception Drs.net breastfeeding Drs.net managing menorrhagia Drs.net problems of early pregnancy Drs.net the menopause and HRT Drs.net contraception: The LARCS Drs.net sexually transmitted infections in woman Drs.net diabetes in pregnancy See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 3 RCGP Violence against women and children Men's health Bmj scrotal swellings Bmj erectile dysfunction Bmj managing patients at risk of prostate cancer Bmj benign prostatic hyperplasia Bmj vasectomy Bmj men's sexual and reproductive health Bmj - lower urinary tract symptoms in men Bmj prostate cancer Drs.net carcinoma of the prostate Drs.net manageing erectile dysfunction Drs.net benign prostatic hyperplasia Ds.net sexually transmitted infections in men Drs.net The swollen scrotum Sexual health Bmj chlamydia infection Bmj testing for HIV Bmj sexual assault Bmj managing patients under 18 Bmj sexually transmitted infections Drs.net identifying and testing patients for HIV Drs.net introduction to sexual health Drs.net contraception RCGP Sexual health in general practice RCGP supporting couple relationships Cancer and palliative care Bmj palliative care in the community Bmj advance decisions Bmj palliative care in non malignant disease Bmj end of life care Drs.net palliative care Drs.net cancer associated thrombosis Drs.net common oncological conditions Drs.net nausea in oncology and palliative care Drs.net The LCP for the care of the dying Drs.net post mortems and death certification Drs.net cancer pain management 1+2 Mental health problems Bmj deliberate self harm Bmj obsessive compulsive disorder Bmj access to psychological therapies Bmj the mental health act Bmj depression Bmj CBT in GP Bmj insomnia See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 4 Bmj benzodiazepine dependence Bmj anxiety disorders Drs.net psychiatry; crisis response home treatment teams Drs.net post traumatic stress disorder Drs.net cognitive behavioural therapy Drs.net treatment of depression Drs.net somatic symptoms of depression Drs.net the mental health act Drs.net pimary care in the management of ADHD RCGP Improving access to psychological therapies Learning disabilities Bmj the mental capacity act Bmj learning disabilities x4 Drs.net the mental capacity act 2005 Cardiovascular problems Bmj heart failure Bmj stable angina Bmj atrial fibrillation Bmj care of patients after an MI Bmj prescribing anti hypertensives what the patient is thinking Bmj varicose veins Bmj secondary prevention of ischaemic cardiac events Bmj lipid management in cardiovascular disease Bmj lipid management pitfalls in testing and treatment Bmj hypertension x2 Bmj chest pain Drs.net hypertension in primary care Drs.net atrial fibrillation Drs.net acute myocardial infarction Drs.net hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Drs.net heart failure for primary care Drs.net primary systemic vasculitis Drs.net acute chest pain Drs.net arrhythmia in primary care Digestive problems Www.pcsg.org. Bmj chronic diarrhoea x2 Bmj colonic diverticular disease Bmj irritable bowel syndrome Bmj LFTs interpreting abnormal results Bmj Gord Bmj abnormal LFTs - a guide to interpretation Bmj abnormal LFTs - pitfalls in diagnosis Bmj acute diarrhoea Bmj suspected lower gi cancer Bmj irritable bowel syndrome Bmj haemorrhoids See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 5 Bmj coeliac disease Drs.net colorectal cancer Drs.net the acute abdomen Drs.net probiotics in gastroenterology Drs.net assessment and management of feacal incontinence Drs.net irritable bowel syndrome Drs.net celiac disease Drs.net the ABC + E of hepatitis Drs.net hepatitis C RCGP hepatitis B+C Drug and alcohol problems Www.smmgp.org.Uk Bmj drug misuse in primary care Bmj alcohol and substance misuse amongst doctors RCGP Harm reduction, health and wellbeing for substance users RCGP Management of drug misuse Ent and facial problems Bmj epistaxis Bmj vertigo Bmj the tympanic membrane x2 Bmj nasal symptoms Bmj mumps Bmj hearing loss and tinnitus Bmj hoarseness Bmj ear discharge Bmj allergic rhinitis Drs.net the discharging ear Eye problems Bmj the red eye Bmj eyelid disorders Bmj giant cell arteritis Bmj thyroid eye disease Bmj acute painless loss of vision Bmj the red eye picture tests Bmj glaucoma Bmj gradual loss of vision Bmj uveitis Bmj laser refractive eye surgery Drs.net diabetes and eye disease Drs.net impact of eye disease Drs.net glaucoma Drs.net age related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy Drs.net cataracts Drs.net diagnosis and management of the red eye Drs.net age related macular degeneration Drs.net ophthalmic injuries See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 6 Metabolic problems Bmj hypothyroidism Bmj diabetes type 2 update on management Bmj hyperthyroidism Bmj diabetes type 1 update on diagnosis and management Bmj abnormal thyroid function tests Bmj hypercalcaemia Bmj hyperkalaemia Bmj hyponatraemia Bmj primary hyperparathyroism Bmj addison's disease Drs.net metabolic mayhem hypercalcaemia Drs.net diagnosis and initial management of type 2 diabetes Drs.net diabetic emergencies Drs.net 2nd and 3rd generation diabetic agents Drs.net using oral hypoglycaemics in diabetes Drs.net diet and type 2 diabetes Drs.net hyponatraemia Neurological problems Bmj bells palsy Bmj epilepsy Bmj secondary prevention of ischaemic stroke Bmj investigation of peripheral neuropathy Bmj tricyclic antidepressants and headaches Bmj migraine x2 Bmj motor neurone disease x2 Bmj epilepsy x2 Bmj driving and neurological conditions Bmj chronic tension headache Bmj subarachnoid haemorrhage Drs.net pharmacological treatment of neuropthic pain Drs.net restless leg syndrome Drs.net differential diagnosis risk stratification and management of TIA Drs.net acute headache Drs.net adult epilepsy Drs.net hyperacute management of ischaemic stroke Drs.net chronic daily headache Drs.net carpal tunnel syndrome Drs.net cardioembolic strokes and TIA RCGP MS in general practice Respiratory problems Bmj tuberculosis Bmj pneumonia Bmj occupational asthma Bmj copd diagnosis and treatment of exacerbations Bmj whooping cough Bmj asbestos related lung disease See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 7 Bmj bronchiectasis Bmj copd x2 Bmj obstructive sleep apnoea Bmj suspected lung cancer Bmj non responding respiratory tract infections Bmj encouraging asthma self care Bmj chronic cough Drs.net interpreting lung function tests Drs.net acute asthma in primary care Drs.net pneumonia Drs.net prevention and management of influenza Drs.net shortness of breath Drs.net treatment goals in COPD Drs.net diagnosis and management of pulmonary TB RCGP Managing acure respiratory tract infections RCGP Respiratory health in general practice Rheumatology, musculoskeletal and trauma Bmj - the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis Bmj chronic back pain Bmj frozen shoulder Bmj acute back pain Bmj acute lateral ankle ligament injuries Bmj adductor injury in sports Bmj tennis elbow Bmj polymyalgia Bmj osteoporosis Bmj whiplash Bmj labtests in rheumatology Bmj joint hyper mobility syndrome Bmj Raynauds Bmj back examination Bmj ankle pain Drs.net low back pain Drs.net NSAIDs in osteoarthritis Drs.net gout Drs.net educational, social ad psychological issues around OA Drs.net optimizing pain assessment in OA Drs.net glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis Drs.net crystal arthropathies Drs.net A new treatment option for rheumatoid arthritis Skin problems Bmj psoriasis Bmj squamous cell carcinoma Bmj scabies Bmj sun related skin conditions Bmj fungal skin infections Bmj malignant melanomas Bmj leg ulcers See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 8 Bmj basal cell carcinoma Bmj acne Bmj eczema Bmj common skin tumours Bmj seborrhoeic dermatitis Bmj shingles Bmj rosacea Bmj pressure ulcers Bmj pruritis Bmj the management of Ingrowing toenails Bmj hair loss Bmj common benign skin lesions Bmj chronic oedema and lymphoedema Bmj cryotherapy for plantar wart Bmj athletes foot Bmj mouth ulcers Drs.net atopic dermatitis Drs.net actinic keratosis and other premalignant skin conditions Other topics Bmj CKD x3 Bmj obesity Bmj tired all the time Bmj travel health Bmj chronic disease management in primary care Bmj chronic fatigue syndrome x2 Bmj allergy Bmj chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Drs.net herbal medicine Drs.net bariatric surgery for obesity Drs.net chronic kidney disease Drs.net MRSA Drs.net clostridium difficile Drs.net oral anticoagulation Drs.net DVLA driving guidelines Drs.net renal insufficiency and chronic liver disease Drs.net management of obesity Drs.net kidney stones Drs.net urinary tract obstruction Drs.net diagnosis and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Drs.net lymphoma Drs.net paraprotein investigation Drs.net diagnosis and management of UTI RCGP kidney health in general practice See www.pennine-gp-training.co.uk for more resources 9