NAME: WORK ADDRESS: HOME ADDRESS: PLACE OF BIRTH: EDUCATION: 1972 B.S. 1981 M.S. 1988 Ph.D. Patrick Owen Riley, Ph.D. University of Virginia, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 545 Ray C. Hunt Drive, Suite 240 Charlottesville, Virginia 22908 Phone: (434) 243-5615 Email: 16 Woodlawn Drive Lake Monticello Palmyra, VA 22963 Phone: (434) 591-0133 Mobile: (978) 407-1010 Email: Assumption, Illinois U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Harvard/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Medical Engineering and Medical Physics ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: 1987-1988 Research Associate, MIT, Department Mechanical Engineering 1988-1995 Lecturer, MIT, Department Mechanical Engineering 1988-1995 Assistant Professor (adjunct) Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, Department of Physical Therapy 1996-1998 Lecturer, Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1998-2003 Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003-Present Associate Professor, University of Virginia, School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS: 1989-1993 Assistant Biomedical Engineer, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston, Department of Biomedical Engineering 1987-1995 Technical Director, MGH Biomotion Laboratory 1995-1998 Senior Research Engineer, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston 1998-2002 Director, Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory, Center for Rehabilitation Science, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston 2003 Interim Director, Center for Rehabilitation Science, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston 2003-Present Director of Research, Motion Analysis Laboratory, University of Virginia, Department of PM&R OTHER PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND MAJOR VISITING APPOINTMENTS: 1991-1995 Consulting Engineer, Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, Braintree, MA, Department of Neurology 1996-1997 Visiting Scientist, NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, Neuroscience Laboratory MEMBERSHIPS, OFFICES AND COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: 1978American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1989IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 1989American Society of Biomechanics 1995-2001 American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1997Charter Member Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 1998Member Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Communications Committee, 2001-2004 Web Master, 2004Committee Chair AWARDS AND HONORS: 1972 American Society of Naval Engineers Award MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS: Energetics and biomechanics of human movement Computer simulation for treatment planning Computer simulation for medical/surgical training Development of smart orthotics and training devices PUBLICATIONS: Book Chapters: Riley PO, Kerrigan DC. Laboratory-based evaluation of gait disorders: high tech, in Gait Disorders Evaluation and Management Hausdorff JM and Alexander NB eds. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL 2005. Selected Original Reports: 1. Riley PO, and Rosen MJ. Evaluating manual control devices for those with tremor disability. Journal Rehabilitation Research and Development 1987;24:99-110. 2. Hodge WA, Carlson KL, Fijan RS, Burgess RG, Riley PO, Harris WH, and Mann RW. Contact pressures from an instrumented hip endoprosthesis. Journal Bone Joint Surgery AM 1989;71A:1378-86. 3. Krebs DE, Elbaum LH, Riley PO, Catani PF, Mann RW, and Hodge WA. In vivo hip contact pressures during exercise and ADL. Physical Therapy 1989;69:384. 4. Riley PO, Hodge WA, and Mann RW. Modelling the biomechanics of posture and balance. Journal Biomechanics 1990;23:503-5. 5. Krebs DE, Elbaum L, Riley PO, Hodge WA, and Mann RW. Exercise and gait effects on in vivo hip contact pressures. Physical Therapy 1991;71:301-9. 6. Riley PO, Schenkman ML, Mann RW, and Hodge WA. Mechanics of a constrained chair rise. Journal Biomechanics 1991;24:77-85. 7. Krebs DE, Wong DK, Jevsevar DS, Riley PO, and Hodge WA. Trunk kinematics during locomotor activities. Physical Therapy 1992;72:505-14. 8. Strickland EM, Fares M, Krebs DE, Riley PO, Hodge WA, and Mann RW. In vivo acetabular contact pressures during rehabilitation: Part I, acute phase. Physical Therapy 1992;72:691-9. 9. Givens-Heiss D, Strickland EM, Fares M, Krebs DE, Riley PO, Hodge WA, and Mann RW. In vivo acetabular contact pressures during rehabilitation: Part II, post-acute phase. Physical Therapy 1992;72:700-5. 10. Jevsevar DS, Riley PO, Hodge WA, and Krebs DE. Knee kinematics and kinetics during locomotor activities of daily living in subjects with knee arthroplasty and in healthy control subjects. Physical Therapy 1993;73:229-42. 11. Zachazewski JE, Krebs DE, and Riley PO. Biomechanical analysis of body mass transfer during stair ascent and descent in healthy subjects. Journal Rehabilitation Research and Development 1993;30:412-22. 12. Benda BJ, Riley PO, and Krebs DE. Biomechanical relationship between center of gravity and center of pressure during standing. IEEE Transactions Rehabilitation Engineering 1994;2:3-10. 13. Angeloni C, Riley PO, and Krebs DE. Frequency content of whole body kinematic data for gait, IEEE Transactions Rehabilitation Engineering 1994;2:4046. 14. Hutchinson EB, Riley PO, and Krebs DE. A dynamic analysis of the joint forces and torques during rising from a chair. IEEE Transactions Rehabilitation Engineering 1994;2:49-56 15. Riley PO, Benda BJ, Gill-Body KM, and Krebs DE. Phase plane analysis of stability in quiet standing. Journal Rehabilitation Research and Development 1995;32:227-35. 16. Bortolami S, Riley PO, and Krebs DE. Numerical differentiation of tracking data of human motion: the virtual accelerometer. ASME J. of Dynamics Systems Measurement and Control 1997;119:355-8. 17. Bortolami S, Riley PO, and Krebs DE. Modelling of the systematic uncertainty of photogrameteric tracking of human motion. ASME Journal. of Dynamics Systems Measurement and Control 1997;119:358-61. 18. Luepongsak N, Krebs DE, Olsson E, Riley PO, and Mann RW. Hip stress during lifting with bent and straight knees. Scandanavian Journal Rehabilitation Medicine 1997;29:57-64,. 19. Riley PO, Krebs D.E., and Popat R. Biomechanical Analysis of Failed Sit-toStand. IEEE Transactions Rehabilitation Engineering 1997;5:353-359. 20. McGibbon CA, Riley PO, and Krebs DE. Comparison of hip center estimation using in-vivo and ex-vivo measurements from the same subject. Clinical Biomechanics 1997;12:491-95. 21. Kerrigan DC, Roth R.S., and Riley PO The modelling of adult spastic paretic stiff-legged gait swing period based on actual kinematic data, Gait Posture 1998;7:117-124. 22. Kerrigan DC, Todd M.K., and Riley PO. Knee osteoarthritis and high-heeled shoes. Lancet 1998;351:1399-1402. 23. Kaya BK, Krebs DE and Riley PO. Dynamic stability in elders: momentum control in locomotor ADL. Journal Gerontology Aging Biological Science Medical Science 1998;53M126-34. 24. Riley PO and Kerrigan DC. Torque action of two-joint muscles in the swing period of stiff-legged gait: a forward dynamic model analysis,” Journal Biomechanics 1998;31:835-840. 25. Riley PO and Kerrigan DC, Kinetics of stiff-legged gait: induced acceleration analysis. IEEE Transactions Rehabilitation Engineering 1999;7:420-426. 26. Kerrigan DC, Frates EP, Rogan S, and Riley PO. Hip hiking and circumduction: quantitative definition. American Journal Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2000;79:247-252. 27. Kerrigan DC, Burke DT, Nieto TJ, and Riley PO. Can toe-walking contribute to stiff-legged gait? American Journal Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2001;80: 33-7. 28. Riley PO, Della Croce U, Kerrigan DC. Propulsive adaptation to changing gait speed. Journal Biomechanics 2001;34:197-202. 29. Riley PO and Kerrigan DC. The effect of voluntary toe-walking on body propulsion. Clinical Biomechanics. 2001;16(8):681-7. 30. Kerrigan SC, Karvosky ME, and Riley PO. Spastic paretic stiff-legged gait: joint kinetics. American Journal Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2001;80:244-249. 31. Riley PO, Della Croce U, and Kerrigan DC. Effect of Age on Lower Extremity Joint Moment Contributions to Gait Speed. Gait Posture 2001;14:264-270. 32. Della Croce U, Riley PO, Lelas JL, and Kerrigan DC. A refined view of the determinants of gait. Gait Posture 2001;14:79-84. 33. Lelas JL, Merriman GJ, Riley PO, and Kerrigan DC. Predicting peak kinematic and kinetic parameters from gait speed. Gait Posture 2003;17:106-12. 34. Clancy EA, Cairns KD, Riley PO, Meister M, Kerrigan DC. Effects of treadmill walking speed on lateral gastrocnemius muscle firing. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2004;83:507-14. 35. Johansson JL, Sherrill DM, Riley PO, Bonato P, Herr H. A clinical comparison of variable-damping and mechanically passive prosthetic knee devices. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2005;84:563-75.