Clothing and Stereotypes

2004 – 2005
Submitted to
The aim of this research is to find out if there are stereotypes of
physical appearance especially in dressing and to find out what these
stereotypes are. In psychology and sociology researches, different types
of stereotyping people are found. However, these stereotypes generally
depend on race, sex and ethnicity. In this study, existence of stereotyping
people according to clothing styles is tried to be proved.
Before this study, a thesis called “Clothing Motives” was done by
Ilhan Candas in 1985. In that study, Ilhan Candas studied the motives
behind people's selection of different types of clothes. He had a
questionnaire which he applied to nearly a hundred people. He used the
figures of people which have small differences. He tried to find out the
effects of these small differences on people.
However, in the present study different methods are used and it is
about the stereotypes of dressing not the motives of clothes. Also in this
study the researchers do not study small differences but they focus on
different styles of clothes and the prejudices of people toward these
different styles.
The hypothesis of the study is that people have some common
stereotypes about the way people dress. To prove this claim, two methods
are used. These methods are questionnaire and interview.
Questionnaire: (Appendix 1)
Subjects: 25 people who are the students of Bogazici University from
different classes. (13 men, 12 women)
It is prepared according to data that is collected,
especially from a thesis that is done by Ilhan Candas in 1985. It is
generally adapted from the questionnaire that Ilhan Candas prepared for
his research.
It contains twenty five questions whose answers were
“Yes”, “I have no idea” or “No”. Its questions are about the stereotypes
about people's style of dress.
Subjects: 10 people who are the students of Bogazici University from
different classes. (5 men, 5 women)
Pictures: For the interview 6 photos are selected. Some are taken by
the researchers and some are found from the internet resources. There
are three girls and three boys who are dressed in three different styles
(Formally, sporty and showy). (Appendix 2)
Researchers show each photo to the subjects and ask
questions about the life-styles, personalities and socioeconomic status of
these people. Then for each photo, the answers are noted and analyzed.
Results of the questionnaire:
The way people dress can tell us a lot of things about them.
People want to look as much like everybody else as possible
The necktie is a sign of discipline, responsibility and
The people who use accessories are showy
A fashionable life-style enables females to develop an
independent, up-to-date, overall beautiful personality image.
Females spend more time for dressing and hair care.
Males have less interest in clothing and they care less for
their physical appearance
A fashionable life-style enables females to develop a relaxed,
tolerant, prestigious personality image.
Hiding physical defects and emphasizing beauties are two
important functions of clothing
People try to impress others by their appearance
“Modern independent female” tries to create a ”fashionable,
new, beautiful, exclusive, independent” self and social image
People have the tendency to conform to the majority
Following the fashion is the sign of belonging to high income
When people go to a place important for them, they should
make sure that their appearance is immaculate
People try to avoid dressing in a way respected people dislike
People tend to hide both personality and physical defects by
Clothes can be used for several and contradictory purposes
Cloths are identified with some life-styles
It is important that costumes create respect
Aesthetic beauty is important in costumes
When people go to a place important for them, they should
consider comfort of their outfit
Personality should be reflected in clothing
A part of good living is dressing-well
There should be no rule in clothing
Dressing should depend on the peculiarities and necessities
of the place
Yes idea No
100% 0% 0%
40% 28% 32%
60% 24% 16%
40% 24% 36%
52% 20% 28%
88% 8% 4%
44% 16% 40%
56% 24% 20%
76% 16%
88% 8%
76% 8% 16%
68% 16% 16%
24% 24% 52%
80% 12% 8%
56% 20% 24%
48% 12% 40%
92% 8% 0%
92% 4% 4%
52% 20% 28%
68% 20% 12%
64% 28%
The questionnaire results are treated in different categories such as
personality, sex, life-styles and fashion.
First of all, 100% of subjects think that the way people dress can tell
us a lot of things about them (Q1). Also generally people think that people
have the tendency to conform to the majority (Q12, 68% yes, 16% no
idea, 16% no) and want to look as much like everybody else as possible
(Q2, 40% yes, 28% no idea, 32% no).
In addition, the subjects think that males have less interest in
clothing and they care less for their physical appearance (Q7, 44% yes,
16% no idea, 40% no) and they refer the necktie as a sign of discipline,
responsibility and traditionalism (Q3, 60% yes, 24% no idea, 16% no).
On the other hand, the subjects prove that females spend more time
for dressing and hair care (Q6, 88% yes, 8% no idea, 4% no) and the
people who use accessories are showy (Q4, 40% yes, 24% no idea, 36%
no). Also they think that “Modern independent female” tries to create a
“fashionable, new, beautiful, exclusive, independent” self and social image
(Q11, 76% yes, 8% no idea, 16% no).
Furthermore, people want to use their clothes in different areas and
for different purposes. One of these purposes is emphasizing their beauty
and hiding physical defects (Q9, 76% yes, 16% no idea, 8% no). It is
important for people to hide both personality and physical defects by
clothing (Q16, 48% yes, 12% no idea, 40% no). According to the
questionnaire, other functions of clothes are impressing others (Q10, 88%
yes, 8% no idea, 4% no), creating respect (Q19, 52% yes, 20% no idea,
28% no) and of course reflecting personality (Q22, 52% yes, 16% no
idea, 32% no). In the same way, it is thought that people try to avoid
dressing in a way respected people dislike (Q15, 56% yes, 20% no idea,
24% no).
In addition, according to the subjects of the study, clothes can be
used for several and contradictory purposes (Q17, 92% yes, 8% no idea)
and dressing should depend on the peculiarities and necessities of the
place (Q25, 64% yes, 28% no idea, 8% no). Also people give importance
to aesthetic beauty in clothing (Q20, 68% yes, 20% no idea, 12% no).
The next thing that people are careful in clothing is that when people
go to a place important for them, they should make sure that their
appearance is immaculate (Q14, 80% yes, 12% no idea, 8% no) and they
should consider comfort of their outfit (Q21, 72% yes, 12% no idea, 16%
Certainly the last thing people consider is fashion. Especially females
give importance to fashion. People think that a fashionable life-style
enables females to develop an independent, up-to-date, overall beautiful
personality image (Q5, 52% yes, 20% no idea, 28% no) and a relaxed,
tolerant, prestigious personality image (Q8, 56% yes, 24% no idea, 20%
no). On the other hand, conforming to fashion is not limited with the
females. If thought generally, people agree with that clothes are identified
with some life-styles (Q18, 92% yes, 4% no idea, 4% no) and a part of
good living is dressing-well (Q23, 44% yes, 24% no idea, 32% no).
However, it is not thought that following the fashion is the sign of
belonging to high income groups (Q13, 24% yes, 24% no idea, 52% no).
It may be because of the opportunity to be able to find a product in very
different prices from expensive to cheap.
In conclusion, people really have preferences in clothing and they are
careful in different subjects such as fashion or hiding physical defects
while choosing dresses. In addition, they really have some common
stereotypes in the way they regard the way that other people dress.
However, they think that there should be no rule in clothing (Q24, 40%
yes, 24% no idea, 36% no).
Results of the interview:
For the interview, 6 photos are used. These are sportive girl and boy,
formal girl and boy, showy girl and boy. Questions about the life-styles,
personalities and socioeconomic status of these people are asked to the
1. Sportive Girl (Picture 1): The findings show that the sportive girl
in picture 1 is perceived as an 18-25 old, single, university student.
Generally people identified the girl as a member of a middle or a high
income group. It seems that posture of the girl also gives different
messages to people such as calmness, dignity, soberness and coolness.
Furthermore people pointed out that the girl does not follow fashion
because of the way she dressed in a relaxed way. Also people generally
thought that the girl lives with her family or in the dorm.
2. Sportive Boy (Picture 2): Sportive boy in picture2 is thought to
be aged between 20 25 by the subjects. As people said about the sportive
girl in picture 1, people generally described the boy as a university
student. This person is generally perceived as a member of a high income
group. Due to the clothes in fashion and brand named accessories on the
boy in picture, people identified the person as a "clubber" who likes "the
night life”, pubs and bars. Also from the disposition of the man, he was
depicted as a creative job holder such as a musician, advertiser or a
sportsman. Also people claimed that he is single and lives with his friends
not with his family
3. Formal Girl (Picture 3): People generally identified the woman in
picture 3 aged between 25 30. She is perceived as a bank official, a
lawyer or a manager in a company. Most of the subjects described the
woman as self-confident, successful, innovative and trustful. She was
thought as a member of a high income group who has good relationships
with the people around her.
4. Formal Boy (Picture 4): People generally thought that the man
in picture4 is aged between 25 32. %50 of the subjects claimed that he is
single and rest of them said he is married. It is generally perceived that
he is a businessman who is the member of a high income group. Most of
the subjects identified the man as serious, disciplined and choosy. Also
people found him metro sexual who cares for himself and his appearance
and who has good relationship with other people.
5. Showy Girl (Picture 5): The girl in picture 5 is generally thought
to be aged between 18 25. People generally depicted her as a fashion
model or a singer. Most of the subjects said that she is very energetic,
self-confident but prodigal who does not know how to save money and
she was found as fond of boys. Also she was perceived as a member of a
low or a middle income group who wants to show off to people and who
wants to seem different from whom she really is.
6. Showy Boy (Picture 6): He was generally thought to be aged
between 25 30. Most of the subjects said that he was a famous actor,
composer or a singer. All of the subjects agreed that he is rich and
member of a high income group. Also all of the subjects share the idea
that he is a car or motor sports fanatic. In addition, generally people said
that he follows the fashion and likes flirting with girls and due to his
posture he is perceived as selfish and prig by the subjects.
In this study, it is aimed to find out that there are certain stereotypes
relating to physical appearance especially in clothing. All the subjects in
the experiment have made nearly the same comments about the people in
the pictures. For example, they all identified the formal boy (picture 4) as
a serious, disciplined and choosy businessman or they identified the
showy girl (picture 5) as an 18-25 year old fashion model or a singer.
Even though, some people have made eccentric comments such as their
horoscopes, eye color or hair color of the subjects in the pictures. This
shows that all the clothes they wear are perceived nearly same by the
Furthermore, the questionnaire results also supported the hypothesis.
Especially in question 1 which is that the way people dress can tell us a lot
of things about them, all the subjects shared the same idea and agreed
with the claim. In addition, in the questions 6, 10, 17 and 18 more than
90% of the subjects answered them as “yes”. On the other hand, for
question 13 which is following the fashion is the sign of belonging to highincome groups, there is high rate for the answer “no”. As it is mentioned
before the questionnaire results proved the idea that there are definite
stereotypes of clothes.
To sum up, both the questionnaire results and interview results
supported the hypothesis of the research. The research would lead people
to conduct more studies about the stereotypes of accessories, beard, and
moustache or hairstyle in the future.
Bibliography and References
 Candas, Ilhan. Clothing Motives. M. A. Thesis Bogazici
 Mass, Warren. “The New American Appleton” Judge Points to
Absolute Truth. (February 21) 2005. Vol 21, iss 4, p 29-31
 Mencken, H. L. Prejudices Third Series. Vloume1, New
 Paul, Annie Murphy. “Psychology Today” Judging by
Appearance. New York. Nov 1997. Vol 30, iss 6, p 20.
Stereotypes of Physical Appearance
1. The way people dress can tell us a lot of things about them.
2. People want to look as much like everybody else as
3. The necktie is a sign of discipline, responsibility and
4. The people who use accessories are showy.
5. A fashionable life-style enables females to develop an
independent, up-to-date, overall beautiful personality image.
6. Females spend more time for dressing and hair care.
7. Males have less interest in clothing and they care less for
their physical appearance.
8. A fashionable life-style enables females to develop a
relaxed, tolerant, prestigious personality image.
9. Hiding physical defects and emphasizing beauties are two
important functions of clothing.
10. People try to impress others by their appearance.
11. “Modern independent female” tries to create a “fashionable,
new, beautiful, exclusive, independent” self and social
12. People have the tendency to conform to the majority.
13. Following the fashion is the sign of belonging to high income
- 10 -
I have no
I have no
14. When people go to a place important for them, they should
make sure that their appearance is immaculate.
15. People try to avoid dressing in a way respected people
16. People tend to hide both personality and physical defects by
17. Clothes can be used for several and contradictory purposes.
18. Cloths are identified with some life-styles.
19. It is important that costumes create respect.
20. Aesthetic beauty is important in costumes.
21. When people go to a place important for them, they should
consider comfort of their outfit.
22. Personality should be reflected in clothing.
23. A part of good living is dressing-well.
24. There should be no rule in clothing.
25. Dressing should depend on the peculiarities and necessities
of the place.
Thank You for Answering
Our Questions!
- 11 -
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 5
Picture 4
- 12 -
Picture 3
Picture 6