ANNEX II + III: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS + TECHNICAL OFFER Publication reference: 2007СВ16IРО006-2011-2-34/TD4 p 1 /19 Contract title: Supply of the forensic equipment with the following lots: LOT 1 - Procurement of mobile forensic laboratories - vehicles LOT 2 - Procurement of forensic laboratory equipment - chambers for fingerprints development and drying cabinets LOT 3 - Procurement of counter diversion equipment LOT 4 - Procurement of forensic field equipment - light sources and shoe prints recovery devices LOT 5 - Procurement of forensic laboratory device - scanner for gell lifters. Column 1-2 should be completed by the Contracting Authority Column 3-4 should be completed by the tenderer Column 5 is reserved for the evaluation committee Annex III - the Contractor's technical offer The tenderers are requested to complete the template on the next pages: Column 2 is completed by the Contracting Authority shows the required specifications (not to be modified by the tenderer), Column 3 is to be filled in by the tenderer and must detail what is offered (for example the words “compliant” or “yes” are not sufficient) Column 4 allows the tenderer to make comments on its proposed supply and to make eventual references to the documentation The eventual documentation supplied should clearly indicate (highlight, mark) the models offered and the options included, if any, so that the evaluators can see the exact configuration. Offers that do not permit to identify precisely the models and the specifications may be rejected by the evaluation committee. The offer must be clear enough to allow the evaluators to make an easy comparison between the requested specifications and the offered specifications. January 2013 106744541 Page 1 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes LOT 1 - Procurement of mobile forensic laboratories - vehicles Tenderers are to offer a standard production State the manufacturer model most closely to matching the specification _________________________ below and provide details of the offer. The vehicles must be capable to operate under extreme conditions. The vehicles need to operate in all terrains, urban or nature. The vehicles must provide maximal safety for all passengers and be supplied with all necessary equipment in compliance with Law on safety of the traffic State the vehicle model ________________________ State the country of manufacture _________________ Year of the production __________________________ All the stated specifications are MINIMUM values 1.1 Item name: Mobile forensic laboratories VEHICLES Quantity: 2 units 1.ENGINE: 1.1 Petrol or diesel motor 1.2 Euro 5 motor type 1.3 Cubic capacity from 1900 cm3 1.4 Performance – minimum 150 Hp 1.5 Driving gear – 4 x 4 2. GEAR BOX 2.1 Minimum 6 speed manual shifter + reverse 3. BRAKES 3.1 ABS system January 2013 106744541 Page 2 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes 4. STEERING 4.1 Manual with servo mechanism, height and depth adjustable 4.2 Left hand steering 4.3 Drivers and co-driver’s seat – height and depth adjustable 5. WHEELS/TYRES 5.1 17 inch –aluminium or steel rims 6. DOOR AND SEATS 6.1 Minimum 5 doors, number of seats 5 7. BODY 7.1 Length – minimum 4400 mm 8. OTHER 8.1 Remote central locking system 8.2 Automatic air conditioning 8.3 Front window opener 8.4 Air bags for driver and co-driver( front +side) 4 8.5 Trunk size min 500 l, with an easy system for folding the seats. Dimension of the trunk with folded seats min 1100 l 8.6 Roof rails 8.7 Bluetooth device 8.8 Integrated GPS navigation device with maps of the entire Europe 9. FINISH 9.1 Outside color – no preferences 9.2 Interior – dark or grey 10. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT January 2013 106744541 Page 3 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes 10. 1 Speaker Compact , slim speaker enclosure in cast Power: 100W Minimal dimensions : width 130 mm , height 130mm , depth 60mm 10.2. Siren General features : Programming tones with amplifier technology, protection of changing the polarity of power, eliminating noise from the microphone, keys controller with backlit ON indicator. Technical specification: Combined control switching and control of the microphone with following characteristics Tones siren + transitions between tones Microphone for PA Radio re – broadcasting Manual control horn and air horn 2 function light signals Specification of the siren / PA / light control Power Amplifier: 100W Power supply: 12V or 24V DC Number of tones : 5 Minimal dimensions of controller: 11x50x20mm Lights(blinker) LED modules Two color To be mounted on the windshield Minimum 12 different operating modes Solid quality case(high resistance) January 2013 106744541 Page 4 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes Power supply 10-40 V DC 11. TECHICAL EQUIPMENT 10.1 One drivers handbook per vehicle 10.2 Two sets of keys 10.3 Wheel replacement jack 10.4 Set of supporting tools with wrench wheel 10.5 Spare wheel(as stated above) 10.6 Front assembly for towing vehicles 10.7 First aid kit in accordance with the law, TYPE BRSPS Z.B2.001 10.8 Rope and tow rope 10.9 Warning triangle 10.10 Spare set of bulbs 10.11 Fluorescent vest 10.12 Fire extinguisher, S-2A LOT 2 - Procurement of forensic laboratory equipment - chambers for fingerprints development and drying cabinets 2.1 January 2013 106744541 Item name: Laboratory chamber for latent fingerprint development – Nynhidrine Chamber Process: Ninhydrin Quantity: 7 Short description: The Laboratory fuming and heating chamber designed to accelerate the development of latent fingerprints treated with Ninhydrin. Chamber must be designed for safe and efficient processing of items to develop latent fingerprints treated with Ninhydrin. The device has to be environmentally sealed for the processing of fingerprints with Ninhydrin Technical specification: Constructed of fiberglass Page 5 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes 2.2 January 2013 106744541 Stainless steel interior large transparent front door Adjustable microprocessor based digital temperature controller It must achieve temperature at 75-80 C It must provide humidity / moisture chamber interior environment, by internal or external humidifier, which allows a controlled amount of humidity to be introduced into the chamber while the prints are developing. If the addition of moisture is by external device, humidifier has to be power rated at 220V and with humidity control button. The chamber must have appropriate humidifier connecting ports. Chamber power rated at 220V Stainless steel documents rods and clips Interior size suitable for at least A4 paper size Item name: Digester workstation Quantity: 7 units Short description: The device has to protect operator and environment from toxic gases, vapours and particles, during the preparation of chemical solutions for latent fingerprint development, and eliminate of putrid odour from decaying evidences. Technical specification: 360° visibility Transparent thermoplastic construction Page 6 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes Polypropylene base Minimal interior dimensions: W 75cm x H 45 cm x D 45 cm Integrated replaceable carbon filtering system, List of chemical safe to use: Ninhydrin, DFO, iodine and cyanoacrylate Automatic controller for airflow detection and filter condition Power rated at 220V Item name: Fingerprint powder processing Workstation Quantity: 7 units Short description: The device has to provide multi-directional negative pressure airflow pulls finder print powders away from the operator’s breathing zone 2.3 January 2013 106744541 Technical specification: constructed of polypropylene Removable perforated stainless steel work surface internal white lighting developed system for pulling air away in two directions. First, downward into the stainless steel work surface to remove the heavier particulate found in latent print powder. Second, horizontally to the rear of the workstation to capture the lighter particulate internal filter for filtration at > 0.3 Page 7 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes microns particles Warning light for filter replacement Power rated at 220V Minimal interior dimensions: W 55 cm x H 40 cm x D 55 cm Item name: Laboratory chamber for latent fingerprint development Process: Cyanoacrylate fuming Quantity: 7 units Short description: Chamber must be designed for safe and efficient processing of items to develop latent fingerprints, by cyanoacrylate evaporation method. The device should utilize solid-state heating elements to accelerate cyanoacrylate polymerization while providing proper humidity levels inside the chamber. Upon fuming process is finished, device has to remove all harmful cyanoacrylate fumes from the chamber. The device must be able to monitor carbon filter, to control heating and humidity level, to limit process cycle up to 60 minutes, to have single button control for controlling all chamber options. 2.4 Technical specification: Fully constructed out of polypropylene Transparent door Minimal interior dimensions: W 55cm x H 45 cm x D 40 cm Controls humidity levels to achieve 80% Integrated recirculation fan January 2013 106744541 Page 8 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes 2.5 January 2013 106744541 Fluorescent vapour-resistant light source Cyanoacrylate accelerator with temperature control Integrated replaceable carbon filtering system Gas sensor to alert operator when to replace carbon filter Sound and visual alarm, Safety lock Roods and clamps for hanging Item name: Crime scene tent Quantity: 7 units The tent has to enable preservation of integrity of crime scene and keep crucial evidence protected from weather and other elements (sun, rain, wind, snow, public view). it must be constructed of strong (durable) composite materials that make it very durable while keeping it lightweight. tent legs and frame have to be resistant to rust and dents. The tent must have four detachable walls and it has to be very easy to set up and take down. it has to be delivered in wheeled carry case, easy for transport. it must be square shape that covers area, at least 3m x 3m. Page 9 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes Item name: Vacuum cleaner for collecting micro traces Quantity: 7 units Technical specification: 2.6 2.7 January 2013 106744541 Evidence vacuum kit must be designed specifically for the collection of microparticle evidence, such as hair, fibers, etc. Must be portable, lightweight and compact with rechargeable battery supply AC 220 Recharge Unit Must have adequate connection for onetime use, sealed filter assemblies to prevent any possibility of contamination from one area to another. Must be delivered with one-time use filter or evidence vacuum adapter replacement filters set(2 sets) Must have durable carrying case Item name : Drying cabinet for wardrobe Quantity: 7 units Short description: Chamber must be designed to protect the evidence from airborne pathogens and cross-contamination while eliminating personnel exposure to putrid odours of decomposition and harmful bacteria or viruses. The unit must be configured to clean the incoming "drying" air through pre-filtration and then filter the cabinet exhaust air through a combination of bonded filtration. Decontamination of the chamber should be easy to eliminate DNA remains of previous Page 10 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes material, which might contaminate new traces and compromise further investigation. Technical specification: polypropylene construction Power rated at 220V integrated replicable filtration system to remove viral and bacterial pathogens, other particulates > 0.3 microns particles, as well as putrid odours and other gases, Minimal internal dimensions: W 55 cm x H 40 cm x D 55 cm internal vapour-proof fluorescent light at least 3 collapsible shelves and stainless steel drying rods, automatic microprocessor controller auto waste pump Locking front doors with safety clasps Gas sensor January 2013 106744541 Page 11 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes 2.8 Item name: Drying cabinet for biological traces (DNA swabs) Quantity: 7 units Short description: The Device has to safely and effectively dry DNA swab samples. Technical specification: See-through door with a lock and holders for up to 30 swabs. Strong door seal that swabs are well kept and free from contamination or cross contamination. Integrated filtration system for incoming air into drying cabinet, as well as for exhaust air from the cabinet, and has to be efficient to particles at 0.3 microns. Exhaust air has to be free from potentially harmful airborne particulate. Minimal interior dimensions: W 45 cm x H 45 cm x D 30 cm Power rated at 220V Item name: Kits for developing of obliterated (washed) blood traces. Quantity: 7 kits Each kit has to include: 1 Luminol, chemical substance – reagent that can be used for searching areas for presence of blood, in bottle/s with spray head. Amount – 2000 ml 2. One field blood test kit consisted of Luminol, Leucomalachite and Phenolphthalein, packaged in disposable chemical applicators. Kit has to include 2.9 January 2013 106744541 Page 12 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes four applicators of each reagent, distilled water with dropper, contact test paper, scalpel, instructions, colour chart and carrying case. 3. Amido black solution - reagent for recovering weak or invisible shoeprint or latent fingerprint in blood, at the crime scenes. In reaction with blood it results as a blue/black colour. It has to be delivered in pump spray bottle/s Amount – 1000 ml 4. Hungarian Red, substance in aqueous solution used for staining impressions found in blood. The impressions stained with this solution have to fluoresce under green light (520nm-560nm) It has to be delivered, in bottle/s with spray head. Amount – 1000 ml 5. Blood test reagent that affords the crime scene investigator a complete tool to determine the presence or absence of blood. It has to be sensitive for detection of bloodstains down to 1:10,000 dilutions. It must not alter the DNA in suspect blood stains. Total darkness is not required during process of blood search. It has to be delivered, in bottle/s with spray head that gives fine mist. Amount – 2000 ml 6. Two units of portable alternate light sources that emit light at a wavelength of approximately 455nm (blue region), that enables locating and facilitating photographs of a variety of forensic evidence including physiological fluids. January 2013 106744541 Page 13 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes It has to be tripod-mountable. It must have: ABS body with aluminium head Power Supply, 110/220V AC to 12V DC, 2 amp. orange barrier filter goggles, 220 V AC Extension cord, (at least 1.5m) Cigarette lighter adapter cord,(at least 1,5 m) Carrying Case LOT 3 - Counter diversion equipment Item name: Procurement of counter diversion equipment Quantity: 7 kits Short description: One kit is consisted of the fallowing items: 3.1 January 2013 106744541 3.1 Endoscope video console Able to capture images and video and storing in memory auto exposure display 3-4" TFT image resolution 320 x 240 / 640 x 480 frame rate 25-35 / s Angle of view, 60-70° Visible distance up to 10 cm LED lighting memory size at least 512 MB flexible cable, length at least 1000mm, and Page 14 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes diameter below 6 mm Power supply with rechargeable battery Has to be included software, data cable, memory card, transport box and user manual. 3.2 Telescope mirror set Allows inspection of hard to-reach places of various constructions, vehicles, etc. in order to detect explosives, weapons, etc. Technical specification: Carbon plastic telescopic bar, working length from 0,6 to 2 m, with handle and shoulder catch. Mirror set, including: Spherical mirror diameter 200-240 mm, round mirror diameter 150-160 mm, small round mirror diameter 80-90mm and rectangular mirror aprox. 50 x 80mm LED flashlight 3.3 Metal detector Designed to search and locate metal containing items Technical specification: Frequency: 8.192kHz Ground Balance: Automatic Programs: Pin-point, all metals, discrimination, depth measurement Discrimination: 5 segment and Tone ID Audio output: Speaker, Headset Display: LCD January 2013 106744541 Page 15 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes Weight: 1.25 kg Probe: minimum 22,5 cm concentric Batteries: 2x9V 3.4 Ballistic helmet with protective visor Protection level V50>600m/s Made from ballistic material Maximum weight less than 1600 gr Visor protective level V50>250m/s Visor made from polycarbonate at least 5mm thickness Visor weight less than 700 gr 3.5Flashlight 3W Digital White LED Lighting: 120 lumen / 5500 lux Focusable torch Splash-proof Wall holder with micro controlled charging technology, 12/24V DC + 230V AC adapter Surface of the metal torch is gripped Ability for operating with one hand or gloves Minimal dimension: 300x45mm 3.6 Ballistic Blanket Technical specification Blanket size: 1.5x2m Material: made of heavy duty nylon water January 2013 106744541 Page 16 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes proof + carrying handles. Ballistic fabric: PE/UD (PE\UD is lightweight and high performance antiballistic polyethylene unidirectional, it is made from several layers of the strongest & bulletproof fiber( ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber)) Weight per m2 - minimum 5kg Total item weight: 17.0 kg Protection level: V50 about 620 m/s LOT 4 - Procurement of forensic field equipment - light sources and shoe prints recovery devices 4.1 January 2013 106744541 Item name: Forensic light source for biological trace detection Quantity: 7 units Technical specification: Description: multi versatile light system for the crime scene investigator and the laboratory. Forensic light source must have white and blue LED light(450-460nm). Is should also be versatile and portable. It should be used as a hand held lamp and also be mounted on a telescope handle for searching shoe prints on the floor. Technical specifications: LED Lamp white and blue light (450460nm) Rechargeable battery Ni-MH 12v 4 Ah. AC 220V powered battery charger Plug-in transformer 120v or 240v Telescoping handle for searching shoe Page 17 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes prints on the floor Orange attachable viewing barrier filter Heavy-duty carrying case Item name: Electrostatic shoeprint lifter Quantity: 21 Description: When high voltage is applied to the lifting mat, it takes on a negative charge and the ground plane becomes positive. Any dust present under the mat will take on a positive charge, and will then be attracted to the negatively charged collection mat. The dust print that is transferred to the lifting mat and will appear as a precise mirror image of the original print. The Electrostatic shoeprint lifter must be able to lift prints from rough-surfaced floor tile or irregular flooring of any kind. 4.2 January 2013 106744541 Technical specification: The Electrostatic shoeprint lifter must be consisted of: high voltage power supply/control unit, nickel-plated steel ground plane and a metalized lifting medium. metalized plastic sheet and a metal ground plane. Lifting Film 0,4 x 30 meters roll, Battery Charger AC 220, Rubber Roll, Necessary cable for High Voltage Probe and Ground carrying case Page 18 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes LOT 5 - Procurement of forensic laboratory device - scanner for gell lifters. 5.1 January 2013 106744541 Item name: Device for scanning of footprints with gel lifters Quantity: 1 Technical specification: Must be equipped with a monochrome linear CCD array camera with a minimum of 8100 pixels. Camera should be mounted in a fixed position, exhibit should be moved underneath the camera during scanning. Camera lens should be factory adjusted. The image acquired is up to 19 x 37 cm without stitching. Able to scan a lifter of 18x36 cm at a minimum of 1000 ppi within 70 seconds A minimum of 9 different preset exposure/illumination settings should be selectable. Must be supplied with a minimum of 3 exchangeable vacuum tables for lifters of 13 and 18 cm wide with a maximum as well as an additional table for 5x5 and 7.6x10.2 cm lifters. Vacuum tables should be fitted with a ruler along the X and Y-axis, metric division (mm) should remain visible at all exposure/illumination settings. Must be supplied with a vacuum pump mounted in a noise reducing housing. Page 19 of 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Number Specifications Required Specifications Offered Notes, remarks, ref to documentation Evaluation Committee’s notes January 2013 106744541 Must be supplied with a current version of Photoshop or equivalent Upon completion of the scan images should open up automatically in picture editing software Page 20 of 20