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PAGE 323:
3975. African American Art (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) Same as ART 3975 (Non-Art Majors) P: ART 1906,
1907; or consent of the instructor. Survey of African American art in North America from Colonial period
through twentieth century. Examines works of art and craft in different media. Explores cultural impact on
the production of art.
3980. Ceramic History of North Carolina and the Southeastern United States (3) (S) P: ART 1905 or
1910; 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. NC ceramics from colonial times to present.
3990. Art History and Its Methods (3) (WI*) (F) Formerly ART 4980 Required of art history majors. P:
ART 1906, 1907 or consent of instructor. Seminar in methodologies of art history.
4900. Northern Renaissance Art History (3) (WI*) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor.
Northern European painting, sculpture, and architecture from 1300-1600.
4910. Northern Baroque Art (3) (WI*) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Painting,
architecture, and sculpture in Low Countries, England, and France during seventeenth century.
4916. Art of India (3) (WI*) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Significant art periods, traditions,
and artists of ancient and modern India.
4920. Nineteenth-Century Art (3) (WI*) (F) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Neo-classicism,
romanticism, realism, impressionism, post-impressionism, and related trends of nineteenth century.
4940. Survey of Twentieth-Century Painting and SculptureModern Art 1900-1950 (3) (WI*) (F) P:
ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Art movements from first half of twentieth-century, including
Fauvism, Futurism, Dadism, and Surrealism.
4942. Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern ART: 1950 to the Present (3) (F) (FC:FA) Same as ART
4942 (Non-Art Majors) Formerly ART 4990 P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Art from
second half of twentieth century.
4944. Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1960s Art (3) Formerly ART 5981 P: ART 1906, 1907 or
consent of instructor. A critical look at the art since the 1960s dealing with the political economy of
4946 Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1980s Art (3) P: ART 1906, 1907 or consent of instructor. A
critical look at the art since the 1980s that has been engaged in representing a political economy.
4948. Art of the United States (3) Formerly ART 5900 P: ART 1906, 1907 or consent of instructor. A
critical look at the art in the U.S. from the colonial times to the present.
4950. Twentieth-Century Architecture (3) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Sources and
development of contemporary architecture of the world.
4970. History of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Design (3) (S) Same as ART 4970 (Non-Art
Majors) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Major artists and movements in history of textile,
ceramic, metal, wood, and graphic design.
4990. Survey of Contemporary Art: 1950 to the Present (3) (F) (FC:FA) Same as ART 4990 (Non-Art
Majors) P: Junior standing; ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Art from second half of twentiethcentury.
5900. Art of the United States (3) P: ART 1906, 1907. Painting, sculpture, architecture, design, and
crafts in U.S. from colonial times to present.
5981. Studies in Contemporary Art: (3) P: ART 1906, 1907. Selected topics in art from 1945 to present.
1906. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) Same as ART 1906 (Art; Art History) P: ART 1905 or 1910;
or consent of instructor. History of art from prehistoric times to Renaissance.
1907. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) Same as ART 1907 (Art; Art History) P: ART 1905 or 1910;
or consent of instructor. History of art from Renaissance to modern times.
1910. Art Appreciation (2) (F,S,SS) (FC:FA) For General College student. P: Non-art major. Visual
experience to enhance student’s understanding and enjoyment of art.
2905. Masterpieces in the Visual Arts and Literature (3) (FC:FA) For General College student. Not
open to those who have credit for ART 1907. P: Non-ART major. Comparative study of selected visual
and literary works from the Renaissance to modern times.
2906. West and Central African Art (3) (S) (FC:FA) For General College student. Not open to those
who have credit for ART 3970 nor to art history minors. P: Non-ART major. Art from west and central
Africa examined within environmental and societal conditions which influence its production and uses.
3975. African American Art (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) Same as ART 3975 (Art History) P: ART 1906, 1907; or
consent of the instructor. Survey of African American art in North America from Colonial period through
twentieth century. Examines works of art and craft in different media. Explores cultural impact on the
production of art.
4942. Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern ART: 1950 to the Present (3) (F) (FC:FA) Same as ART
4942 (Art History) Formerly ART 4990 P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Art from second half
of twentieth century.
4970. History of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Design (3) (S) Same as ART 4970 (Art
History) P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Major artists and movements in history of textile,
ceramic, metal, wood, and graphic design.
4990. Survey of Contemporary Art: 1950 to the Present (3) (F) (FC:FA) Same as ART 4990 (Art
History) P: Junior standing; ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Art from second half of twentiethcentury.
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5. Cognates (Choose from the following.).........................................................................................6 s.h.
ACCT 2101. Survey of Financial and Managerial Accounting (3) (F,S) (P: MATH 1065 or 1066)
ANTH 2000. Archaeology Around the World (3) (F,S) (FC:SO)
ANTH 3077. Archaeological Methods (3) (S) (P: ANTH 2000 or consent of instructor)
ART 1906. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART 1905 or 1910)
ART 1907. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART 1905 or 1910)
ART 2905. Masterpieces in the Visual Arts and Literature (3) (FC:FA)
ART 5900. Art of the United States (3) (P: ART 1906, 1907)
ENGL 3870. Introduction to Editing and Abstracting (3) (F,S) (P: ENGL 1200)
IDMR 2700. Historic Interiors I: 3000 BC Through Mid-Nineteenth Century (3) (WI) (F)
IDMR 2750. Historic Interiors II: Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (3) (WI) (S)
MGMT 3202. Fundamentals of Management (3) (F,S,SS)
MUSC 2227. Introduction to American Music from Colonial Times to the Present (3) (FC:FA)
PHIL 2275. Professional Ethics (3) (WI*) (F,S,SS) (FC:HU)
6. Electives to complete requirements for graduation.
History Minor
The minor requires 24 s.h. credit. History courses used for the minor may not be counted toward history
1. Required HIST courses (Choose from the list below.).................................................................9 s.h.
HIST 1030. World Civilizations to 1500 (3) (WI*) (F,S,SS) (FC:SO)
HIST 1031. World Civilizations Since 1500 (3) (WI*) (F,S,SS) (FC:SO)
HIST 1050. American History to 1877 (3) (WI*) (F,S,SS) (FC:SO)
HIST 1051. American History Since 1877 (3) (WI*) (F,S,SS) (FC:SO)
2. HIST electives above 2999............................................................................................................15 s.h.
Public History Minor
The minor requires 24 s.h. credit. History courses used for the minor may not be counted toward history
1. Required HIST courses...................................................................................................................6 s.h.
HIST 3900. Introduction to Public History (3) (F)
HIST 3993. Approaches to Historical Objects (3)
2. HIST electives (Choose from the following.).................................................................................9 s.h.
HIST 4940, 4941, 4942. Internship in Archives and Historical Records Administration (3,6,9) (P: Senior
standing; minimum cumulative 2.2 GPA; minimum 2.5 GPA in HIST; consent of instructor)
HIST 4943, 4944, 4945. Internship in Museum Administration (3,6,9) (P: Senior standing; minimum
cumulative 2.2 GPA; minimum 2.5 GPA in HIST; consent of instructor)
HIST 4946, 4947, 4948. Internship in Historic Site Administration (3,6,9) (P: Senior standing; minimum
cumulative 2.2 GPA; minimum 2.5 GPA in HIST; consent of instructor)
HIST 5910. Introduction to the Administration of Archives and Historical Manuscripts (3)
HIST 5920, 5921. Techniques of Museum and Historic Site Development (3,0)
HIST 5930, 5931. Field and Laboratory Studies in Museum and Historic Site Development (3,0)
HIST 5960. Introduction to Oral History (3)
HIST 5970. Living History (3)
HIST 5985. Historic Preservation Planning (3)
3. Cognates..........................................................................................................................................9 s.h.
ANTH 2000. Archaeology Around the World (3) (F,S) (FC:SO)
ART 1906. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART 1905 or 1910)
ART 1907. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART 1905 or 1910)
ART 2905. Masterpieces in the Visual Arts and Literature (3) (FC:FA)
ART 5900. Art of the United States (3) (P: ART 1906, 1907)
ENGL 3870. Introduction to Editing and Abstracting (3) (F,S) (P: ENGL 1200)
IDMR 2700. Historic Interiors I (3)
IDMR 2750. Historic Interiors II: Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (3) (WI) (F)