Memorandum of Request

Memorandum of Request
To: the University Curriculum Committee
From: Ron Graziani, associate professor SOAD
Date: February 25, 2011
The primary request is the removal of prerequisites from ART, 4940, 4942, 4944,
4946, and 4948. The internal dynamics of art history classes do not require the
foundation courses and survey courses in art history that all SoAD students must
take, to be listed as pre-requisite for 4000 level upper division art history classes.
There is not internal rationale for these pre-requisites to be listed—non SoAD
students, not taking these pre-requisite would not put them at a disadvantage in
these courses. We want to remove the prerequisites from these 4000 level upperdivision art history course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog. This will allow
students throughout the university to enroll in these art history courses, (without
special permission) which should be an institutional goal. We believe the current
practice represents a protocol that is pedagogically incorrect and restricts these art
history courses from being available to students that would otherwise be able
(without restrictions) to take these courses.
Re: Please find enclosed the request for the removal of the prerequisites from the
selected 4000 level art history classes. And a request to delete the course: ART 4942
for non majors.
Page 324
Art 4940
Please remove P: ART 1906, 1907: or consent of the instructor, from:
ART 4940. Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern Art 1900-1950 (3) (F) (WI*)
P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Art from the first half of the
Art 4942
Please remove P: ART 1906, 1907: or consent of the instructor. And Same as ART
4942 (Non-Art Majors) from;
ART 4942. Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern Art 1950-2000 (3) (F) (FC:FA)
Same as ART 4942 (Non-Art Majors). P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of
instructor. Art from the second half of the twentieth-century.
Art 4944
Please remove P: ART 1906, 1907: or consent of the instructor. And Formerly
ART 5981 from:
ART 4944. Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1960s Art (3) Formerly ART 5981
P: ART 1906, 1907 or consent of instructor. A critical look at the art since
the 1960s dealing with the political economy of representation.
Art 4946
Please remove P: ART 1906, 1907: or consent of the instructor. from:
ART 4946. Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1980s (3) P: ART 1906, 1907 or
consent of instructor. A critical look at the art since the1980s that has been
engaged in representing a political economy.
Art 4948
Please remove P: ART 1906, 1907: or consent of the instructor. from:
ART 4948. Art of the United States (3) P: ART 1906, 1907 or consent of
instructor. A critical look at the art in the U.S. from the colonial times to the
Please change the wording of the following: under college of Fine Arts and
Communication-bottom of the section.
Page 216
Non-Art SOAD Majors
ART 1001 and courses under Art History Courses for Non-Art SOAD Majors may be taken by non-art
majors without administrative approval. ART 1005, 1020 are also open to non-art SOAD majors based on
available space and administrative approval. Other courses may be taken by meeting prerequisites or by
consent of the instructor.
on page 325 cat
Please change the heading
And please delete:
on page 326 cat
4942. Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern Art: 1950 to the Present (#) (F)
(FC:FA) Formerly ART 4990. Same as ART 2942 (ART HISTORY) P. ART 1906,
1907,: or consent of instructor. Art from second half of twentieth century.