PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus eTROY [<*****This is a Psychology Assessment Program Learning Objective Course. There are two Common Assignments, Rubrics for Assessment, these assignments must be submitted and assessed using LiveText*****>] Course Number: PSY 4460 Course Title: COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Semester Hours: 3 Pre-requisite(s): Six semester hours of psychology Instructor Information ***Information should include your Title; Name; Location; Phone Number(s); and Troy E-mail. *** ***Insert a specific time each week when you will be available for student questions, or a plan for communicating with student. Be sure to let them know hours you can be contacted by phone. *** Instructor Education ***Provide a list of your earned degrees here or refer students to your Blackboard Web site. *** Approved Delivery Models: Indicate ALL approved delivery models for this course (e.g., face-to-face, live interactive teleconferencing, live-to-tape, on-line). Catalog Course Description: A study of human intellectual functioning including attention, perception, memory, problem solving, reasoning and language. Student Learning Objectives: Cognitive Psychology introduces the student to the study of information processing and to specific areas of investigation within the field. This course focuses on the concepts that describe human thinking, perception, and decision-making; the tools researchers use to study human cognition; and the underlying physiology and processes that make cognition possible. As a result of taking this course students will demonstrate the emergence of cognitive psychology, its key issues, subfields, and principle findings. [APA 1.2 and 1.4], including: 1. Describe attentional processes and the role of consciousness in cognition, including signal detection theory, selective and divided attention, and neuro-scientific approaches to attention and consciousness. [APA 1.2 and 1.3] 2. Describe perceptual processes in cognition that include top-down and bottom-up processes. [APA 1.2 and 1.3] 3. Demonstrate the types of tasks that can measure memory; traditional models of memory, and the levels of processing models of memory. [APA 1.2, 1.3, and 2.2] 4. Explain how knowledge is represented and manipulated to include mental imagery, propositional coding, and semantic organization. [APA 1.2 and 1.3] 5. Demonstrate language concepts such as acquisition, linguistics, grammar, and phonetics. [APA 1.2 and 1.3] 6. Describe concept formation, problem-solving, decision-making, judgment, logic, reasoning, and human/artificial intelligence. [APA 1.2 and 1.3] PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus 7. Identify appropriate applications of psychology in solving problems; seek and evaluate scientific evidence for psychological claims. [APA 3.1, 4.2, and 5.3; Common Assignments] 8. Explain different research methods used by psychologists and evaluate the appropriateness of conclusions derived from psychological research. [APA 2.2, 2.3, and 3.1; Common Assignments] 9. Demonstrate effective writing skills and application of APA style. [APA 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 7.1; Common Assignments] Note: Individual locations may add Goals and Objectives that align with the Catalog Course Description that meet the unique needs of the local student population. Sternberg, R. J. (2012). Cognitive psychology (6th ed). Publisher: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. ISBN 10: 1-111-34476-0; ISBN 13: 978-1-111-34476-4 LiveText (2010). Publisher: LiveText. ISBN 10: 0-9796635-4-7; ISBN 13: 978-0-9796635-4-3 NOTE: ALL STUDENTS TAKING THIS COURSE ARE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE LIVETEXT – BASIC LEVEL (APPROX $98). LiveText may be purchased via LiveText (, from the bookstore, or MBS for online students. The textbook provider for the eTROY of Troy University is MBS Direct. The Web site for textbook and other material purchases is [<***** Note to faculty: If not provided, please consult the Master Textbook List for the approved textbook(s) for this eTroy course. The Master Textbook list may be obtained from Dana Bush ( or at the Troy University Psychology Program Livetext. All psychology faculty -especially those who will be teaching one of the Psychology Designated Assessment courses - are expected to have a free LiveText account – contact Marci Shirley to open your account at The Psychology LiveText site has resources for onground and online faculty. If you have further questions, please consult the Psychology Curriculum Committee Facilitator, Karena T. Valkyrie at upccfacilitator@troy.eduor >****] Note: Identify at least one and no more than three appropriate textbooks for this course. Textbooks not on the Master List cannot be used until approved by a committee of discipline specialists comprised of representatives from all campuses offering this course. Selections must be current (within 5 years) unless the text is approved as a seminal text in the field. This committee will review texts regularly. Other Materials: (e.g. Blue books, computer diskettes, art supplies, etc.) Indicate if no additional materials are required. Content: Brief outline of TOPICS to be covered during the semester/term Method of Instruction: Brief Description of teaching modalities (e.g., lecture, group discussions, presentations, etc.) Laboratory Experiences: Specify required clinical and laboratory experiences and the length, evaluation, documentation procedures, placement arrangements, and student population requirements, etc. PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus Course Requirements: The requirements of the course are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attend class meetings. Read assigned material. Participate in class discussions or discussions via internet (online course). Complete all exams. Complete any homework assignments. Note: Individual locations may add course requirements necessary to meet the unique needs of the local student population. REQUIRED COMMON ASSIGNMENTS. Please note that instructors may add more assignments as they desire, but for Assessment Years of 2012-2014, instructors must include the following two common assignments in their syllabus and use LiveText for data collection. Note: The following two common assignments at minimum must each worth at least 10% of the final course grade for a total of 20% of the final grade for the Required Common Assignments. COMMON ASSIGNMENT #1: REVIEW OF A PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL JOURNAL ARTICLE. Students will complete a review of a peer-reviewed journal article in APA style. There are three journal articles (PDF format) in the Assignment Section of our Blackboard Course and on the Student LiveText site. Students will choose one of the following three approved journal articles to review for this assignment: Dornburg, C. C., & McDaniel, M. A. (2006). The cognitive interview enhances long-term free recall in adults. Psychology and Aging, 21, 196-200. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.21.1.196 Geraerts, E., Bernstein, D. M., Merckelbach, H., Linders, C., Raymaekers, L., & Loftus. E . F. (2008). Lasting false beliefs and their behavioral consequences. Psychological Science, 19, 749-753. Simons, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception, 28, 1059-1074. STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE A REVIEW OF A PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLE IN APA STYLE 1. 2. Choose one of the three articles listed above and write a critical review in APA style describing the hypotheses, methods, results, and conclusions of the article. A rubric is located in the syllabus. This rubric provides you with grading expectations/assessment criteria. Assessment points and grading points may differ. USE BASIC APA 6TH ED STYLE MANUAL FOR YOUR PAPER: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12-point Times New Roman font, double-space, and one-inch margins on each side. Include in-text citations for your sources based on APA 6th Ed Style Manual A separate APA style references page in APA 6th Ed Style Manual Make sure that each of your references is cited in your text. Conversely, each citation in your text must have a corresponding reference. Your submitted paper will consist of the title page, 2-3 pages of text, and a references page at minimum. Adhere to the College of Education’s plagiarism guidelines included in this syllabus. PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus 10. Upload this assignment via LiveText and Blackboard (if Blackboard is required by your instructor) by the due date identified in your course schedule. Designated Common Assignments not submitted to LiveText will not be graded. COMMON ASSIGNMENT #2: SHORT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT [SLOS 8-10]. 1. Students will also complete a short essay in APA style about the effects of cell phone use on driver attention. 2. Describe the nature of the topic including the current explanations and controversies surrounding the topic. USE BASIC APA 6TH ED STYLE MANUAL FOR YOUR PAPER: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12-point Times New Roman font, double-space, and one-inch margins on each side. Include in-text citations for your sources based on APA 6th Ed Style Manual A separate APA style references page in APA 6th Ed Style Manual Make sure that each of your references is cited in your text. Conversely, each citation in your text must have a corresponding reference. Your submitted paper will consist of the title page, 2-3 pages of text, and a references page at minimum. 9. Adhere to the College of Education’s plagiarism guidelines included in this syllabus. 10. Upload this assignment via LiveText and Blackboard (if Blackboard is required by your instructor) by the due date identified in your course schedule. Designated Common Assignments not submitted to LiveText will not be graded. Evaluation: Examination format and value are left to the discretion of each faculty person. Faculty are free to use any grading scheme (point based, weighted, etc.) to calculate and assign student grades. However, each common assignment must be worth at least 10% of a student’s total grade in the class. ABSENCE POLICY: In registering for classes at the university students accept responsibility for attending scheduled class meetings, completing assignments on time, and contributing to class discussion and exploration of ideas. In severe cases of inclement weather or other emergency conditions, the Office of Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will announce cancellation of classes through the local and regional media as well as through the University’s web site. Any specific penalties for unexcused absences or “tardies” should be included here. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Students should refer to the Standards of Conduct section of the Oracle, the student handbook, for policies regarding misconduct. Students who engage in academic misconduct may receive a grade of "F" for the course. Your work may be submitted to an on-line plagiarism detection service. Cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University constitutes academic misconduct, and disciplinary procedures specified in the Student Handbook will be followed. College of Education Plagiarism Policy adopted December 2010 The College of Educations defines plagiarism as: Three consecutive words that are not common professional language used from another source without quotation Rephrasing another author's words without appropriate citation Using another author's ideas or data without appropriate citation Submitting another author's or student's writing as one's own PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus Directly quoting a source without using appropriate APA or MLA style (whichever is required by the instructor) citation to show that it is a direct quote. Intentionally taking information from a source and not giving appropriate credit Students who commit plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in The Oracle for Academic Misconduct and violation of the Honor Code. The Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures define university procedures in these matters. Students have the right to request consideration by the Student Services Conduct Board. Consequences for plagiarism in PSY 4460 are as follows: {*NOTE TO FACULTY*: This is where faculty will outline consequences for plagiarism in any assignment/assessment/activity in (course prefix and course number) as follows: Penalty/Failure can only be applied to the assignment. Only in situations where the assignment is critical to successful completion of the course may the faculty fail the student for the course.} eTROY STUDENT EXPECTATIONS As an online learner with Troy University you are expected to: Meet all appropriate deadlines – from the application process to the course assignment deadlines to preparing for graduation there are deadlines every step of the way that have been established to make the process easier for students to achieve their goals. It is the student’s responsibility to meet all appropriate deadlines. Routinely review the eTROY Academic Calendar and adhere to the deadlines. Start with completing your official application documents within the first term to meeting graduation intent deadlines. TROY E-MAIL All students were required to obtain and use the TROY e-mail address that is automatically assigned to them as TROY students. All official correspondence (including bills, statements, e-mails from instructors and grades, etc.) will be sent ONLY to the ( address. All students are responsible for ensuring that the correct e-mail address is listed in Blackboard by the beginning of Week #1. E-mail is the only way the instructor can, at least initially, communicate with you. It is your responsibility to make sure a valid e-mail address is provided. Failure on your part to do so can result in your missing important information that could affect your grade. Your e-mail address is the same as your Web Express user ID following by Students are responsible for the information that is sent to their TROY e-mail account. You can get to your e-mail account by logging onto the course and clicking “E-mail Login”. You will be able to forward your TROY e-mail to your GoArmyEd e-mail account. You must first access your TROY e-mail account through the TROY e-mail link found on the Web site. After you log in to your TROY e-mail account, click on “options” on the left hand side of the page. Then click on “forwarding.” This will enable you to set up the e-mail address to which you will forward your e-mail. Be sure to read your email and keep all correspondence with Troy staff and faculty for future reference. Go through the orientation – the orientation for both undergraduate and graduate online learners has been designed to assist students to have a successful educational experience with their online programs. Information on how to access Blackboard and other learning tools are included in the orientation along with valuable resources on how to learn in the online environment. Make sure that your computer meets the technical requirements and that you have adequate Internet connection. Students must have access to a working computer that they have administrator rights on and access to the Internet. Students can use University computer labs, a public library, etc. to access the Internet but some courses may require the ability to download course related software. PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus Make sure you are ready for online learning – eTROY works on nine week terms. Does your learning style match an accelerate course pace? Do you have the time to dedicate to an interactive course? eTROY courses are not self-paced courses, you must meet all the timelines established by the instructor and participate in all activities assigned. Read your academic catalog – your academic catalog is your “bible” for your online degree program. Please familiarize yourself with your degree program. The undergraduate and graduate catalogs can be found online at Pay close attention to admission eTROY COURSES AT TROY UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES All eTROY courses at Troy University utilize Blackboard Learning System. In every eTROY course, students should read all information presented in the Blackboard course site and should periodically check for updates—at least every 48 hours. TROY E-MAIL All students were required to obtain and use the TROY e-mail address that is automatically assigned to them as TROY students. All official correspondence (including bills, statements, e-mails from instructors and grades, etc.) will be sent ONLY to the ( address. • All students are responsible for ensuring that the correct e-mail address is listed in Blackboard by the beginning of Week #1. E-mail is the only way the instructor can, at least initially, communicate with you. It is your responsibility to make sure a valid e-mail address is provided. Failure on your part to do so can result in your missing important information that could affect your grade. Your e-mail address is the same as your Web Express user ID following by Students are responsible for the information that is sent to their TROY e-mail account. You can get to your e-mail account by logging onto the course and clicking “E-mail Login”. You will be able to forward your TROY e-mail to your GoArmyEd e-mail account if applicable. You must first access your TROY email account through the TROY e-mail link found on the Web site. After you log in to your TROY e-mail account, click on “options” on the left hand side of the page. Then click on “forwarding.” This will enable you to set up the e-mail address to which you will forward your e-mail. STUDENT/FACULTY INTERACTION Interaction will take place via e-mail, telephone, discussion board forums, comments on written assignments and office visits (if needed and possible). • The student will participate in this course by following the guidelines of this syllabus and any additional information provided by the instructor, the eTROY center at Troy University, or Troy University itself. • The student is expected to remain in regular contact with the instructor and class via e-mail or other communications means, by participating in the discussion forums, submitting assignments and taking exams, all in a timely fashion. • TROY requires instructors to respond to students’ e-mail within 24 hours Mon-Thur, and 48 hours Fri-Sun. TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS Students must have: • A reliable working computer that runs Windows XP or Windows Vista. • A TROY e-mail account that you can access on a regular basis (see "TROY e-mail" above) • E-mail software capable of sending and receiving attached files. • Access to the Internet with a 56.6 kb modem or better. (High speed connection such as cable or DSL preferred) • A personal computer capable of running Netscape Navigator 7.0 or above, Internet Explorer 6.0 or above or current versions of Firefox or Mozilla. Students who use older browser versions will have compatibility problems with Blackboard. • Microsoft WORD software. (I cannot grade anything I cannot open! This means NO MS-Works, NO WordPad, NO WordPerfect) PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus • Virus protection software, installed and active, to prevent the spread of viruses via the Internet and e-mail. It should be continually updated! Virus protection is provided to all Troy students free of charge. Click on the following link and then supply your e-mail username and password to download the virus software. TECHINICAL SUPPORT CENTER If you experience technical problems, you should contact the Blackboard Online Support Center. If you can log onto the course simply look at the top of the page. You will see an icon entitled, “Need Help?” If you click on this icon, you will see the information below. For assistance with Blackboard, Wimba, Remote Proctor, and other online tools, please go to and submit a ticket. The Educational Technology team is available 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week to support your technical needs. For instructions on submitting a ticket, please click here. NON-HARASSMENT, HOSTILE WORK/CLASS ENVIRONMENT Troy University expects students to treat fellow students, their instructors, other TROY faculty, and staff as adults and with respect. No form of “hostile environment” or “harassment” will be tolerated by any student or employee. ADAPTIVE NEEDS (ADA) Troy University recognizes the importance of equal access for all students. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the University and its Adaptive Needs Program seeks to ensure that admission, academic programs, support services, student activities, and campus facilities are accessible to and usable by students who document a qualifying disability with the University. Reasonable accommodations are available to students who: • are otherwise qualified for admission to the University • identify themselves to appropriate University personnel • provide acceptable and qualifying documentation to the University. Each student must provide recent documentation of his or her disability in order to participate in the Adaptive Needs Program. Please visit the Adaptive Needs Website @ to complete the necessary procedure and forms. This should be accomplished before the beginning of class. HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM The awarding of a university degree attests that an individual has demonstrated mastery of a significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society. Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions, up to and including suspension and expulsion (see Standard of Conduct in each TROY Catalog). Examples of dishonesty include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism*, or knowingly furnishing false information to any university employee. *Plagiarism is defined as submitting anything for credit in one course that has already been submitted for credit in another course, or copying any part of someone else’s intellectual work – their ideas and/or words – published or unpublished, including that of other students, and portraying it as one’s own. Proper quoting, using strict APA formatting, is required, as described by the instructor. All students are required to read the material presented at: • Students must properly cite any quoted material. No term paper, business plan, term project, case analysis, or assignment may have no more than 20% of its content quoted from another source. Students who need assistance in learning to paraphrase should ask the instructor for guidance and consult the links at the Troy Writing Center. • This university employs plagiarism-detection software, through which all written student assignments are processed for comparison with material published in traditional sources (books, journals, magazines), on the internet (to include essays for sale), and papers turned in by students in PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus the same and other classes in this and all previous terms. The penalty for plagiarism may range from zero credit on the assignment, to zero in the course, to expulsion from the university with appropriate notation in the student’s permanent file. LIBRARY SUPPORT The Libraries of Troy University provide access to materials and services that support the academic programs. The address of the TROY Global Campus Library Web site, which is for all Global Campus and eTROY students, is This site provides access to the Library's Catalog and Databases, as well as to links to all Campus libraries and to online or telephone assistance by Troy Library staff. Additionally, the Library can also be accessed by choosing the "Library" link from the University's home page, FACULTY EVALUATION In the eighth week of each term, students will be notified of the requirement to fill out a course evaluation form. These evaluations are completely anonymous and are on-line. Further information will be posted in the Announcements section in Blackboard. HOW TO LEARN ONLINE Troy University eTROY is designed to serve any student, anywhere in the world, who has access to the Internet. All eTROY courses are delivered through the Learning System. Blackboard helps to better simulate the traditional classroom experience with features such as Virtual Chat, Discussion Boards, and other presentation and organizational forums. In order to be successful, you should be organized and well motivated. You should make sure you log in to our course on Blackboard several times each week. Check all “announcements” that have been posted. Start early in the week to complete the weekly assignment. You should also go to the Discussion Board early in the week and view the topic and question/s for the group discussion exercise. Make your “initial” posting and participate in the discussion. Begin reviewing for the exams early in the term. Do not wait until the last minute and “cram” for these exams. You should review the material frequently, so you will be prepared to take the exams. eTROY CONTACT Whether you’re experienced at taking online courses or new to distance learning, we’re here to help you succeed in your online education. If you have general questions about eTROY programs, courses, policies, services or other university-wide topics, please visit the eTROY web site @; call 1-800-414-5756, or ASK TROY. Additional Services: AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Students with disabilities, or those who suspect they have a disability, must register with the Disability Services Coordinator in order to receive accommodations. Students currently registered with the Disability Services Office are required to present their Disability Services Accommodation Letter to each faculty member at the beginning of each term. If you have any questions, contact the Disability Services Coordinator. ABSENCE POLICY: In registering for classes at the university students accept responsibility for attending scheduled class meetings, completing assignments on time, and contributing to class discussion and exploration of ideas. In severe cases of inclement weather or other emergency conditions, the Office of Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will announce cancellation of classes through the local and regional media as well as through the University’s web site. COMMON ASSIGNMENT #1 RUBRIC [SLOs 8-10] Dornburg, C. C., & McDaniel, M. A. (2006). The cognitive interview enhances long-term free adults. Psychology and Aging, 21, 196-200. recall in PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus Geraerts, E., Bernstein, D. M., Merckelbach, H., Linders, C., Raymaekers, L., & Loftus. E . F. Lasting false beliefs and their behavioral consequences. Psychological Science, 19, 749-753. (2008). Simons, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception, 28, 1059-1074. Choose one of the three articles listed above and write a critical review in APA style describing the hypotheses, methods, results, and conclusions of the article. A title page and a references page are required. The body of the paper, not including the title page and references, needs to be 2-3 pages long. Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 APA Style: appropriate application (i.e., margins, font, etc.), appropriate citation of sources (student paraphrases and knows how to use direct quotes); appropriate mechanical structure (grammar, spelling, etc.) Student demonstrated a mastery of APA style; journal review was well organized and substantiated; paper was well written Student demonstrated an above average understanding of APA style; some citation or structural errors were present; some grammatical problems Student demonstrated a basic understanding of APA style (e.g., margins may be appropriate, but citations, where required, were not accurate); grammatical problems are more visible. Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of the problem outlined in the article Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the problem, the historical context, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed the problem and historical context, but the discussion was not welldeveloped. Below Average (69% or less) 1 Student did not demonstrate an understanding of APA style, errors of font, citations, and structural problems hinder reading of paper. APA 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 SLO 9 Literature Commentary: Identified the problem discussed in the literature, the historical context behind the inquiry, and the need for the research APA 2.2 2.3 3.1 SLOs 7 Student did not address the social problem, or context, or need for the research. PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 Below Average (69% or less) 1 Student demonstrated mastery in the discussion of the methods, design, and clearly understood the impact of design choice on validity and reliability. Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the methods section, the design, and the impact on results, but not as polished or thorough as mastery. Student discussed the “facts” outlined in the methods section, but lacks an analysis perspective. Student did not address the design, sample, design choice; clearly does not yet comprehend the impact of design choice. Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of implications of the article Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the implications of the topic in the article, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed the implications of the article, but clearly little effort or understanding about the topic in the article. Student did not address the implications of the article, or the answer was so limited as to indicate a limited understanding 8 Methods Commentary: Student identifies the research design, the sample, and applies an understanding of strength of design that would impact results APA 2.2 2.3 3.1 SLOs 7 8 Discuss the implications of the results of the study APA 2.1 2.3 2.6 SLOs 7 8 COMMON ASSIGNMENT #2 RUBRIC [SLOS 8-10] Write an APA style essay about the effects of cell phone use on driver attention. Describe the nature of the topic including the current explanations and controversies surrounding the topic. A title page and a references page are required. The body of the paper, not including the title page and references, needs to be 2-3 pages long. Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 APA Style: appropriate application (i.e., margins, font, etc.), appropriate Student demonstrated a mastery of APA style; essay was well substantiated Student demonstrated an above average understanding of APA style; some Student demonstrated a basic understanding of APA style (e.g., margins may be Below Average (69% or less) 1 Student did not demonstrate any understanding of APA style, PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Master Syllabus citation of sources (student paraphrases and knows how to use direct quotes); appropriate mechanical structure (grammar, spelling, etc.) citation or structural errors were present appropriate, but citations, where required, were not accurate) errors of font, citations, margins were clearly present Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of the nature of the topic Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the nature of the topic, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed the nature of the topic, but there was little effort or understanding behind the short answer. Student did not address the nature of the topic, or the answer is so limited as to indicate a limited understanding Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of implications Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the implications of the topic, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed implications of the topic, but clearly little effort or understanding behind the essay. Student did not address the implications, or the answer was so limited as to indicate a limited understanding APA 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 SLO 9 Discuss the nature of the essay topic, including a description of the topic, common explanations, and existing controversies APA 2.2 2.3 3.1 SLOs 1 6 8 Discuss the implications of research conclusions on the topic APA 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.3 3.1 4.2 5.3 SLOs 1 7 8