English Division 3rd year, a 6- year programme SYLLABUS for

English Division 3rd year, a 6- year programme
Welcome to your first pediatric course!
Coordination: Department of Children's Lung Diseases and Allergy, 1/3 Dzialdowska St., 1 st floor, phone: 022 45 23
Head: Professor Marek Kulus, MD, PhD
Curricular Affairs: Marta Krawiec, MD, phone: 022 45 23 265, e-mail: pediatria1@wum.edu.pl
The course consists of seminars and bed-side classes. Apart from taking an active part in both, you are encouraged to
widen your knowledge with the textbook information.
We recommend:
1) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18 th Edition,
2) Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics by T.Lissauer, B.Chir and G.Clayden,
3) Paediatric Physical Examination made easy by D.Gill, N O'Brien
4) The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination by D.Greydanus, A.Feinberg, D.Patel, D.Homnick
5) Lange Clinical Cases: Pediatrics.
The schedule of your course is enclosed.
An oral assessment colloquium takes place on the last day of the course in Dzialdowska hospital. It consists of the
practical and theoretical part and is based on the programme of the course.
For the bed-side classes you need to be dressed in your white coat, change your footwear and bring your stethoscope
and a wrist watch.
One absence is acceptable. If you have more than one absence your knowledge of the missed material will be checked
by your assistant on the following days. If you are more than 15 minutes late you will not be allowed to take part in the
Indexes will be signed at the end of summer semester by Prof. Kulus in his office (first floor).
Our webpage: www pediatria1.wum.edu.pl/node/128
This is what you are going to learn in the coming 2 weeks:
Child development:
1. The stages and fields of child development.
2. How to assess if a child is developing correctly according to WHO's Growth Standards.
3. How to measure and weight a child and how to assess results of the measurements. What are and how to use
percentile charts. How to recognize malnutrition.
1. What are the elements of pediatric history taking (differencies, similarities to adult history taking).
2. How to take history from parents/guardians of an infant.
3. How to take history from a schoolchild.
Physical examination:
1. The elements of physical examination.
2. Assessment of a general condition of a child. Hydration. Nutrition.
3. An acutely ill child.
4. Examination of children at different ages (an infant, a toddler, a preschool child, schoolchild, an adolescent).
5. Examination of the head.
6. Examination of the chest.
7. Examination of the abdomen
8. Examination of meningitis signs.
9. Basic neurological examination.
10. Skin changies.
11. Blood preassure measurement. Scales. Anthropometer. Head circumference measurement. Lenght
measurement. Temperature measurement.
Examination of a newborn baby and main neonatology concerns; details in Karowa Hospital.
What you MUST know to pass the colloquim:
1. Meningitis signs.
2. Peritonitis signs.
3. Dyspnea signs.
4. Dehydration signs.
5. Assesment of general condition of a child. Vital signs.
6. Blood pressure measurement.
7. Developmental milestones.
8. Respiratory rate and heart rate at different ages.
9. Features of physiological and pathological jaundice of a newborn.
10. Apgar score.
11. Assesment of child's development on percentile chart.
12. Findings on chest and abdomen examination in different clinical situations: pneumonia, pneumothorax,
pleural effusion, ileus, appendicitis, peritonitis).