Typical Ceremony Outline

Typical Ceremony Outline
1. Welcome and Introductions (Faculty Advisor/Dean)
2. Dinner
3. Introduction of guest speaker by Faculty Advisor
4. Guest speaker's remarks
5. AEL President's remarks
6. Charge to New President and Officers
7. Charge to New Members (President)
8. Presentation of AEL Certificates
9. Presentation of AEL Insignia
10. Concluding remarks and Adjournment
Ceremony Preparation
The President should be present at the Banquet and should schedule the Banquet for a time when the
majority of new members and the current membership can attend without undue complications (The
weekend is a good option).
Ceremonies can be conducted in a formal dining hall on university campus grounds or somewhere
equally appropriate. A ceremony program must be prepared and handed out, which includes the
itinerary and profiles of each of the new members.
Use of university facilities and catering services may help to keep costs moderate while enjoying a
high standard in facilities and food.
Invite representatives from each school within the university so that the faculty can see what AEL
represents. By having the faculty involved in the dinner, AEL can gain more recognition and support.
The AEL officers should greet the inductees when they arrive, guide everyone through dinner and
interact with the new members after dinner. At this point, the officers should try to get the new
members interested in participating in programs and events sponsored by AEL in the future.
Ceremony Components
Each AEL chapter may pick and choose any of the following ceremony components that suit their needs:
Sign-in – All members and guests must sign the attendance book before sitting at their tables.
The Initiation Speech - the President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer read this speech to all
the initiates and current members before the banquet.
President/Faculty Advisor's Welcome - Remarks should include the history of AEL (how and why it
was started), how the organization has progressed, what the national organization is looking to do in
the future, and the local level your chapter is trying to achieve. It is also important to educate the
inductees about the organization and its mission so they may become involved in the future.
Dinner – If your chapter is not able to hold a dinner, have a reception after the ceremony
Greetings from University Administrator
Introduction of Speaker – President/Faculty Advisor
Introduction of Dignitaries – Faculty Advisor. Faculty Advisor must introduce all notable guests
attending the ceremony.
Guest Speaker – Chosen to inspire and inform the audience. Speakers normally give a presentation of
approximately 12-15 minutes. Have them speak after the main course, but preferably before the
dessert. If any special honors are to be presented, they should be presented at this time.
Introduction of AEL president and officers.
Introducing Charter Members– President. The President should introduce each Charter Member.
Presentation of Certificates and Insignia – Vice-President and Treasurer. As the main event of
the evening is the presentation of certificates, each inductee should be recognized by being called
upon and receiving their certificates and pins in front of the room from the AEL president. As each
person comes up, allow time to take pictures. The certificates should be bound in Plexiglas frame with
cardboard backing suitable for hanging. The Secretary-Treasurer should hand pins to the members
along with the bound certificates.
Presentation of Honor Cords – Each candidate's faculty advisor will place the cords over their heads.
President's Address - After the ceremony, the President of the society may wish to give a personal
address to report on the progress of the society or any other relevant matters.
Close – Concluding remarks and adjournment.
Initiation/Induction Speech Example
As president of Alpha Omicron Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, and as a representative of its membership,
I welcome you to this ceremony. We, the members of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, have carefully reviewed your
academic achievements and leadership at Clark University and our community. We have asked you here
today to honor you and to welcome you as members in our Society.
The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students founded Alpha Epsilon Lambda in 1990. AEL's
ideal was based upon the notion that graduate and professional school students should be recognized and
honored for their academic distinction and continued dedication. In order to foster the spirit of service and the
drive to excel in academia, we welcome you into the fellowship of Alpha Epsilon Lambda.
Vice President:
Academia primarily teaches us to learn: To learn about responsibility and conviction; to learn the values of
words and deeds; and to learn about ourselves as well as others. The distinction that makes you exceptional in
academia also draws you into the circle of those who have pursued the same goals. In learning we note that
understanding brings vision, and that knowledge serves as well as enlightens.
Intellect must be tempered with duty, for the measure of a full life is made by how many you touch with your
special gift of service and charity. Loyalty to noble causes and aspirations to higher ideals are constant goals.
For your character, idealism, and sense of devotion in these pursuits, you are distinguished among your peers.
There are many honors received in life, but there is special honor when you are recognized by your peers.
This ceremony in your honor is brief, but let it serve to further fuel your desire to excel and serve, and may
the ideals of Alpha Epsilon Lambda be with you always, in spirit and in deed.
Today, we unite in the common cause of recognizing and honoring those who have been persistent and
dedicated in academia while choosing to lead by serving others. If you are willing to commit to these
principles and make them the foundation of your life as they are the foundation of Alpha Epsilon Lambda,
please respond, “We are”.
Candidates: We are
Repeat after me:
I hereby do solemnly covenant
That I shall uphold
The Constitution and Bylaws
Of Alpha Epsilon Lambda
And its ideals, customs and traditions
In full confidence;
That I shall support in loyal service
Of our Society;
And that intellect and duty
Shall ever be close to my heart
For all my days to come.
You have accepted the responsibility that comes with the life-long membership in Alpha Epsilon Lambda.
Make every effort to practice the ideals stated, both in private and public life, so that others may see you in
the embodiment of excellence and duty, the basic principles of Alpha Epsilon Lambda. As your name is
called, please come up to receive your certificates and pins.
Vice President: Call out the names of the new members and make a brief statement of their achievements.
Secretary-Treasurer: Hand the new members their certificates and pins.
President: Congratulations on this honor. We, the members of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, welcome you into our