Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level ESSENTIAL COMPONENT EnglishLanguage Arts Textbooks or Instructional Materials OBJECTIVE Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) and 60119 PURCHASED GRADE YES The high school has distributed to students locally adopted School/district 9 standards-aligned English/Language arts textbooks or provides locally instructional materials in all classrooms for all students enrolled in 10 adopted standards- grades 9-12 English courses, that may include SBE-adopted 11 aligned English/ intervention programs for appropriate students. language arts 12 textbooks or SBE-adopted Intervention Programs (Program 4) for Comments: instructional materials RLA/ELD include: Houghton Mifflin Company, Houghton Mifflin California Portals, in all classrooms for 2010, Gr. 4-8 all students enrolled National Geographic/Hampton Brown, Inside Language, in grades 9-12 Literacy and Content, 2009, Gr. 4-8 English courses, that Pearson Longman ELT, Longman Keystone, 2010, Gr. 4-8 Scholastic Inc., Scholastic Read 180 California Enterprise may include SBEEdition, 2009, Gr. 4-8 adopted intervention Sopris West Educational Services, Language! The program textbooks for Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum, 4th Edition, 2009, Gr. 4-8 appropriate students. Steck-Vaughn, California Gateways, 2010, Gr. 4-8 SBE-adopted Intervention Programs for English Learners (Program 5) for RLA/ELD include: Heinle/Cengage Learning, Milestones, 2009, Gr. 4-8 Houghton Mifflin Company, Houghton Mifflin California Portals, 2010, Gr. 4-8 National Geographic/Hampton Brown, Inside Language, Literacy and Content, 2009, Gr. 4-8 Pearson Longman ELT, Longman Keystone, 2010, Gr. 4-8 Scholastic Inc., Scholastic Read 180 California Enterprise Edition, 2009, Gr. 4-8 Sopris West Educational Services, Language! Focus on English Learning, 4th Edition, 2009, Gr. 4-8 Steck-Vaughn, California Gateways, 2010, Gr. 4-8 This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education NO TO USE YES NO Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level ESSENTIAL COMPONENT Mathematics Textbooks or Instructional Materials OBJECTIVE Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) and 60119 School/district provides The high school has distributed to students locally adopted locally adopted standards-aligned mathematics standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials in all mathematics textbooks classrooms for all students enrolled in grades or instructional materials 9-12 mathematics courses. in all classrooms for all students enrolled in grades 9-12 mathematics courses. PURCHASED PROGRAM Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Calculus Other: Other: Comments: This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education YES NO TO USE YES NO Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level ESSENTIAL COMPONENT HistorySocial Science Textbooks or Instructional Materials OBJECTIVE School/district provides locally adopted standards-aligned history-social science textbooks or instructional materials in all classrooms for all students enrolled in grades 10-12 historysocial science courses. Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) and 60119 PURCHASED PROGRAM Geography The high school has distributed to students locally (where appropriate) adopted standards-aligned history-social science textbooks in all classrooms for all students enrolled in World History US History grades 10-12 history-social science courses. Economics Government Comments: This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education YES NO TO USE YES NO Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level ESSENTIAL COMPONENT Science Textbooks or Instructional Materials OBJECTIVE School/district provides locally adopted standards-aligned science textbooks in all classrooms for all students enrolled in grades 9-12 science courses. Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) and 60119 The high school has distributed to students locally adopted standards-aligned science textbooks or instructional materials in all classrooms for all students enrolled in 9-12 science courses. For courses determined to be laboratory science courses by the school/district, science laboratory equipment is made available to all students enrolled in these 9-12 science courses.* PURCHASED PROGRAM Earth/Physical Science Biology Chemistry Physics Physiology Environmental Science Equipment* *Under Education Code 60119 (a)(1)(C): “The Other: provision of the textbooks, instructional materials or Comments: science equipment specified in this subparagraph is not a condition of receipt of funds provided by this subdivision.” This subsection only refers to science laboratory equipment; basic textbooks or instructional materials in science must be provided for each student. This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education YES NO TO USE YES NO Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level ESSENTIAL COMPONENT Foreign Language Textbooks or Instructional Materials OBJECTIVE School/district provides curriculum frameworkaligned foreign language textbooks or instructional materials in all classrooms for all students enrolled in foreign language courses. Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) and 60119 The high school has distributed to students locally adopted state curriculum framework-aligned foreign language textbooks or instructional materials in all classrooms for all students enrolled in foreign language courses.* PURCHASED PROGRAM Spanish French German Japanese Chinese *Under Education Code 60119 (a)(1)(C): “The provision of textbooks, instructional materials or Latin science equipment specified in this subparagraph Other: is not a condition of receipt of funds provided by this subdivision.” Comments: This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education YES NO TO USE YES NO Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education Instructional Materials Survey For Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) And 60119 High School Level ESSENTIAL COMPONENT Health Textbooks or Instructional Materials OBJECTIVE School/district provides curriculum frameworkaligned health textbooks or instructional materials in all classrooms for all students enrolled in health courses. Compliance With Education Code Sections 1240(i) and 60119 PURCHASED PROGRAM The high school has distributed to students locally Health adopted curriculum framework-aligned health Other: textbooks or instructional materials in all Other: classrooms for all students enrolled in health courses.* *Under Education Code 60119 (a)(1)(C): “The Comments: provision of textbooks, instructional materials or science equipment specified in this subparagraph is not a condition of receipt of funds provided by this subdivision.” This form is to assist county superintendents of schools to evaluate the sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials. Modified December 2008. California Department of Education YES NO TO USE YES NO