Millennium Circulation: Course Reserves

Millennium Circulation: Course Reserves
The Course Reserves module allows libraries to set aside materials that are on reading lists for particular
courses, assigning them temporary location codes, item types, and loan periods. The Course Reserves
module is accessed via the Course Reserves button in the vertical toolbar in Millennium Circulation.
Creating a course record
To create a course record, from the MilCirc main screen:
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Click on the New button, located in the upper middle section of the screen. MilCirc will then begin
a ‘New COURSE’ record creation wizard, prompting you to enter specific information for the course
3. For the BEGIN DATE and END DATE dialogs simply press Enter to bypass them, using their
default settings. These date fields are not necessary for our purposes.
4. For LOCATION, enter the item record location code for your libraries’ reserves collection (i.e. cs
for SSHL, es for S&E, ssv for SIO, etc.) and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
5. For PROF/TA, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on the
Next button or press Enter to continue.
6. For COURSE, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on the
Next button or press Enter to continue.
7. For COUR NOTE (aka course note), follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the
information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue. MilCirc will now display your
new course record:
8. Click on the Insert button and MilCirc will display a dialog with a dropdown menu. Select the new
field that you wish to insert information for. Enter the data in the text box and click OK to add it to
the course record.
9. Once the course record is complete, click on the Save button. MilCirc will now assign your course a
course record number (a ‘r’ number) and immediately take you to course maintenance mode.
Editing an Existing Course Record
To edit a course record, from the MilCirc main screen:
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #:
3. Click on the Edit button, located in the upper middle section of the screen. MilCirc will then display
the technical version of the course record.
4. To add a field to the course record, click on the Insert button.
5. To edit an existing field, simply click into the text of the field and make the change.
6. To delete a variable-length field (i.e. PROF/TA, COURSE, or COUR NOTE), click into the text of
the field and press CNRTL-D or right-click and select the Delete Field option from the menu.
7. Once your changes are complete, click on the Save button.
Adding an Individual Item to a Course Record
To add items to a course reserve list (i.e. attach item records to a course record):
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
3. Click on the Add Items button, located in the middle of the window. MilCirc will now display a
‘Place item/bib on reserve…’ window:
4. Ideally, you have the item that you want to attach to the course. If so, click on the down pointing
arrowhead and change the search index to BARCODE.
5. Scan or enter the item’s barcode and MilCirc will retrieve its record.
6. Click on the Add Selected Item(s) button. MilCirc will display a Course Reserve Setting dialog:
7. In the Location field, enter the item record location code for your libraries’ reserves collection (i.e.
cs for SSHL, es for S&E, ssv for SIO, etc.).
8. In the Item Type field, enter the special reserves item type that you wish to circulate the item with
(i.e. 38 = Reserves1, 39 = Reserves2, 40 = Reserves3, and 41 = Reserves4). NOTE: None of the
reserves item types are specifically defined in their names because each library uses them
differently. Check with the Circulation Systems Manager to confirm how your specific branch uses
these codes to circulate reserves materials.
9. DO NOT check the ‘Display course name as call number’ box. This option is not currently used by
the UCSD Libraries.
10. Leave the Active radio button selected.
11. Click on the OK button to save the settings. NOTE: Once you save the settings, MilCirc will retain
them in memory until you change them manually or you shutdown your MilCirc session. This can
be very time saving when adding different titles to a course record.
Upon saving the settings, MilCirc adds the item to the course record:
When an item is attached to a course record and assigned specific reserves settings, its original
location code, item type, and total checkout values are saved and stored in a Save Item line in the
item record. When the item is later removed from the course record, these values will return to their
original fields.
Saving Course Settings for Adding Multiple Individual Items to a Course Record
In an effort to streamline the process a bit, MilCirc offers you the option to pre-establish certain item record
course settings prior to attempting to add an item to a course record. By doing so, you will bypass Step #6
above. However, it should be noted that by saving the settings in the following manner, they are set into
memory and must be manually altered if you are attaching items that are to have alternative settings.
To pre-set the item record settings ahead of time:
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Locate and click on the Options link to display a drop down menu; within this menu scroll down and
click on the Course Settings option. MilCirc will then display a Course Reserves Settings dialog:
3. Click in the ‘Use these settings for adding items/bibs’ check box to active the dialog options.
4. In the Location field, enter the item record location code for your libraries’ reserves collection (i.e.
cs for SSHL, es for S&E, ssv for SIO, etc.).
5. In the Item Type field, enter the special reserves item type that you wish to circulate the item with
(i.e. 38 = Reserves1, 39 = Reserves2, 40 = Reserves3, and 41 = Reserves4). NOTE: None of the
reserves item types are specifically defined in their names because each library uses them
differently. Check with the Circulation Systems Manager to confirm how your specific branch uses
these codes to circulate reserves materials.
6. DO NOT check the ‘Display course name as call number’ box. This option is not currently used by
the UCSD Libraries.
7. Leave the Active radio button selected.
8. Click on the OK button to save the settings. NOTE: Once you save the settings, MilCirc will retain
them in memory until you change them manually or you shutdown your MilCirc session. This can
be very time saving when adding different titles to a course record.
9. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
10. Click on the Add Items button, located in the middle of the window. MilCirc will now display a
‘Place item/bib on reserve…’ window.
11. Ideally, you have the items that you want to attach to the course. If so, click on the down pointing
arrowhead and change the search index to BARCODE.
12. Scan or enter one of the item’s barcode and MilCirc will retrieve its record.
13. Click on the Add Selected Item(s) button. MilCirc will then attach the designated item to the course:
14. Next, click on the Add Items button to retrieve and add the next item to the course or click on the
Close button in the upper right corner to exit the course record.
Adding Multiple Copies of the Same Title to a Course Record
In the preceding procedures, you added a single item to a course record. However, there will be times when
you want to attach multiple copies of the same title to a course record. In this situation, all of the copies
must be attached to the same bibliographic record. To do this:
15. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
16. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
17. Click on the Add Items button, located in the middle of the window. MilCirc will now display a
‘Place item/bib on reserve…’ window.
18. Ideally, you have the items that you want to attach to the course. If so, click on the down pointing
arrowhead and change the search index to BARCODE.
19. Scan or enter one of the item’s barcode and MilCirc will retrieve its record, for example:
20. In the leftmost column, click into the check boxes for each copy that you wish to attach to the course
record. As you select an additional item, its row will highlight blue. To de-select a row, simply
click into its check box a second time.
21. Once you have selected all of the items, click on the Add Selected Item(s) button. One by one,
MilCirc will display a Course Reserve Setting dialog for each item you selected.
22. In the Location field, enter the item record location code for your libraries’ reserves collection (i.e.
cs for SSHL, es for S&E, ssv for SIO, etc.).
23. In the Item Type field, enter the special reserves item type that you wish to circulate the item with
(i.e. 38 = Reserves1, 39 = Reserves2, 40 = Reserves3, and 41 = Reserves4). NOTE: None of the
reserves item types are specifically defined in their names because each library uses them
differently. Check with the Circulation Systems Manager to confirm how your specific branch uses
these codes to circulate reserves materials.
24. DO NOT check the ‘Display course name as call number’ box. This option is not currently used by
the UCSD Libraries.
25. Leave the Active radio button selected.
26. Click on the OK button to save the settings. NOTE: Once you save the settings, MilCirc will retain
them in memory until you change them manually or you shutdown your MilCirc session. This can
be very time saving when adding different titles to a course record.
Upon saving all of the settings, MilCirc adds the items to the course record:
When an item is attached to a course record and assigned specific reserves settings, its original
location code, item type, and total checkout values are saved and stored in a Save Item line in the
item record. When the item is later removed from the course record, these values will return to their
original fields.
Creating Bibliographic & Item Records within the Course Reserves Module
There will be occasions where a professor will want to place an item on reserve that the Library does not
own any copies of. Sometimes they provide us with a copy of the item and sometimes we purchase a copy
(or copies) with Library funds. Either way, we would have to create a record in our system for these new
items. To create a bibliographic and item record from within Course Reserves, from the MilCirc main
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
3. In the upper left row of options, click on the Options menu and select the ‘Key a Bibliographic-Item
record’ option:
4. MilCirc will now display a ‘Key a Bibliographic-Item record’ window. In the upper middle section
of the window, click on the New button and a bib-item creation wizard will begin.
5. For BRANCH, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on the
Next button or press Enter to continue.
6. For AUTHOR, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on the
Next button or press Enter to continue.
7. For TITLE, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on the
Next button or press Enter to continue.
8. For COPY # (‘C’ in the wizard prompt), follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the
information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
9. For ITEM TYPE (‘I TYPE’ in the wizard prompt), follow your libraries established guidelines to
enter the information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
10. For LOCATION (‘LOC’ in the wizard prompt), follow your libraries established guidelines to enter
the information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
11. For BARCODE, scan or enter the items barcode and click on the Next button or press Enter to
12. For CALL #, follow your libraries established guidelines to assign and enter the call number
information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
13. For VOLUME, identify if a volume number is designated on the item and insert the information
following established formatting guidelines (i.e. vol. 2 = |e2). If no volume is indicated on the item,
then leave this option blank. Click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
14. For STAFF NOTE, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on
the Next button or press Enter to continue. MilCirc will now display your new record:
15. If you notice an error in the bibliographic information (i.e. author or title), click on the Edit button in
the upper row and make the necessary changes. If you notice an error in the item record, click into
the respective field and make the adjustment accordingly.
16. Once the record is completed, click on the Save button in the upper middle section of the window.
MilCirc will now assign the new bibliographic and item records their respective numbers.
17. Click the Close button in the upper right corner and MilCirc will return you to the course record
maintenance window.
18. To add the newly created item to the course record, click the Add Items button and follow the
procedures for ‘Adding an Item…” (See preceding procedures).
Creating an Item Record from within Course Reserves
There may be a situation whereby you may have two copies of the same title and wish to add both to a
course record. However, one of the two copies may not have an existing item record in our database. So,
before you can attach the item to the course, you must first create an item record for it. This can be done
from within the Course Reserves module:
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
3. Click on the Add Items button and a ‘Place item/bib on reserve…’ window will appear:
4. Ideally, you have both copies of the item in your possession. Using the search box in the middle of
the window, retrieve the record for the title in question. MilCirc will now display a new ‘Place
item/bib on reserve…’ window.
5. Here, click on the Attach New Item button. MilCirc will display a ‘New Item Options’ dialog:
6. If you are only creating a new record for a single item, leave the ‘Single Item’ radio button selected
and click on the OK button. MilCirc will begin an item record creation wizard.
It is not recommended to use the Multiple Items option as it is more designed for use by Meta Data
and Acquisitions staff.
7. For COPY # (‘C’ in the wizard prompt), follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the
information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
8. For ITEM TYPE (‘I TYPE’ in the wizard prompt), follow your libraries established guidelines to
enter the information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
9. For LOCATION (‘LOC’ in the wizard prompt), follow your libraries established guidelines to enter
the information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
10. For BARCODE, scan or enter the items barcode and click on the Next button or press Enter to
11. For CALL #, follow your libraries established guidelines to assign and enter the call number
information and click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
12. For VOLUME, identify if a volume number is designated on the item and insert the information
following established formatting guidelines (i.e. vol. 2 = |e2). If no volume is indicated on the item,
then leave this option blank. Click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.
13. For STAFF NOTE, follow your libraries established guidelines to enter the information and click on
the Next button or press Enter to continue. MilCirc will now display your new record.
14. If you notice an error in the item record, click into the respective field and make the adjustment
15. Click on the Save button in upper middle section of the window. MilCirc will now assign the new
item record its respective number and display a window similar to the following:
16. To add the new item to your course record, click on the Add Item button. MilCirc will then display
a ‘Course Reserve Setting’ dialog.
17. Enter the reserves setting as appropriate and click OK to accept. MilCirc will then add the new item
to the course record.
Removing Items from a Course Record
To remove items from a course record, from the MilCirc main screen:
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
3. In the leftmost column select each individual item that you want to detach from the course record. If
you want to remove all of the attached items, then click on the All box, located at the top of the
check box column. Upon selecting an item, its row will highlight blue.
4. Click on the Remove Items button.
5. MilCirc will then ask you to confirm that you want to remove the selected items. Click Yes to
continue or No if you want to leave them linked.
6. Once done, MilCirc will display a ‘RESULT’ dialog, confirming the number of items that were
successfully detached or the number of records where an error occurred. Click OK to bypass this
7. Once you have successfully removed all of a courses attached item records, MilCirc will inform you
of this fact and ask if you want to delete the course record. Click Yes to authorize the deletion of the
course record, followed by another Yes to confirm your selection, or No to leave it in the database.
Deleting a Course Record
Course records may only be deleted once all item records have been detached from it. To delete a course
1. Click on the Course Reserves button and if prompted enter your MilCirc initials and password.
2. Retrieve the course record by PROF, COURSE (name), or RECORD #.
3. Click on the Edit button, located in the upper middle section of the window. MilCirc will then
display the Edit record window.
4. In the upper left corner of the window, click on the File option, then Delete Course Record.
5. MilCirc will ask you to confirm your wish to delete the course record. Click Yes to delete the record
or No to leave it in the database.