Nausea/Diarreah Diet

Nausea/Diarrea Diet
NAUSEA, or a sick queasy feeling in the stomach maybe accompanied by the desire to
vomit or actual VOMITING of foodstuff contents of the gastrointestinal system. They
are symptoms of some underlying process frequently related to diseases of the
gastrointestinal system, which may be caused by viruses, food poisoning, medications,
alcohol, anxiety and pregnancy. In addition, nausea may be a sign of an upper respiratory
illness with a post-nasal drip.
DIARRHEA is a symptom of gastrointestinal disease resulting in loose, watery often
frequent bowel movements. It may be “acute”, beginning suddenly and resolving over a
few days with dietary discretion, or of a “chronic” ongoing process. Causes of this
symptom are similar to the ones listed for nausea and vomiting.
BRAT: Is a acronym for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.
TREATMENT: A short-term gastrointestinal (stomach or bowel) illness requires a
change in your diet to begin the recuperation process.
For Nausea and/or Vomiting:
First six hours: In the immediate six or so hours after vomiting has stopped, it is best to
give your stomach a rest. Following a period of one to two hours, suck on a hard candy or
popsicle (no chewing). Then progress to ice chips or sips of water if nausea persists.
First 24 hours:
(Day One) Gradually add clear liquids if the vomiting has ceased. Beginning with a sip
or two every ten minutes is a good way to start. Suggestions include water, apple juice,
flat soda, weak tea, jello (in liquid or gelatin form), broth or bouillon (clear based from
non-greasy soup). If symptoms of nausea or vomiting return, begin the process again,
taking nothing by mouth for an hour or so.
Begin to add bland foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, crackers, cooked cereals
(Farina, Cream of Wheat), toast and jelly.
(DAY THREE) - Progress to a “regular” diet by adding such things as soft
cooked eggs, sherbert, stewed fruits, cooked vegetables, white meat of chicken or turkey.
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Avoid milk and dairy products for three days.
Avoid fried, fatty, greasy and spicy foods.
Avoid pork, veal, salmon and sardines.
Avoid raw vegetables such as parsnips, beets, sauerkraut, corn on the cob, cabbage
family, onions.
Avoid citrus fruits: pineapples, oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes.
Other fruits to avoid are cherries, grapes, figs, currants, raisins, rhubarb, seeded
Avoid extremely hot or cold beverages.
Avoid Alcohol.
Avoid coffee and caffeinated sodas.
Drink plenty of water or liquids to avoid dehydration from fluid losses due to your
Rest and avoid exertion to give your body a chance to recover.
Consult the Health Service about taking medication.
Make an appointment if you are not getting better despite dietary compliance after 24
hours, if you have a problem with chronic diarrhea or if you have additional
symptoms of fever, weight loss, lightheadedness (feeling of faintness), rectal bleeding
or abdominal pain.
Some people with MS have problems controlling their bowels, resulting in episodes of
diarrhea. If a person suffers from diarrhea, it is critical to continue eating. The right foods
will provide adequate nutrients and will ease the urge to expel waste.
For years, doctors have recommended plenty of fluids and the B.R.A.T diet for people
trying to manage diarrhea. B.R.A.T. is an acronym, which stands for:
These foods work well for controlling diarrhea because they are low in fiber and
digestive residue.
Some doctors now recommend the C.R.A.M. diet (cereal, rice, milk) because the milk
provides fat and protein (lacking in the B.R.A.T. diet) and the C.R.A.M. foods are shown
to ease diarrhea faster.
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Sorbitol, also known as glucitol, is a sugar alcohol the body metabolises slowly. It is
an artificial sweetener often used in diet foods. It is called a nutritive sweetener
because it provides 2.6 calories per gram versus the 4 calories of sugar and starch.
Sorbitol is poorly digested by the body. It is also used as a humectant in some
Sorbitol is also produced by the body. Too much sorbitol in cells can cause damage.
Diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy may be related to too much sorbitol in the cells
of the eyes and nerves.
Ingesting sorbitol can lead to some abdominal pain and mild to severe diarrhea.
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