Project data sets

Project data sets
(A) Education spending: Average salary paid to teachers and expenditures per pupil on
education in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. (Minitab file)
Variable Names:
1. State: State
2. Region: Region
3. Pay: Amount of pay in thousands
4. Spend: Average amount spent per student in thousands
(B) Pollutants: Data from a study of the emissions produced when gasoline is burned in
internal combustion engines. File contains emission levels of three major pollutants for a
sample of 46 light-duty engines. (Minitab file)
Variable Names:
1. EN: Engine number (1-46)
2. HC: Hydrocarbon emissions (grams per mile)
3. CO: Carbon monoxide emissions (grams per mile)
4. NOX: Nitrogen oxide emissions (grams per mile)
(C) Home Prices: The data are a random sample of records of resale of homes from Feb
15 to Apr 30, 1993 from the files maintained by the Albuquerque Board of Realtors. This
type of data is collected by multiple listing agencies in many cities and is used by realtors
as an information base. (Minitab file)
Variable Names:
1. PRICE = Selling price ($hundreds)
2. SQFT = Square feet of living space
3. AGE = Age of home (years)
4. FEATS = Number out of 11 features (dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, disposer,
washer, intercom, skylight(s), compactor, dryer, handicap fit, cable TV access
5. NE = Located in northeast sector of city (1) or not (0)
6. COR = Corner location (1) or not (0)
7. TAX = Annual taxes ($)
(D) Ice Cream: Ice cream consumption was measured over 30 four-week periods from
March 18, 1951 to July 11, 1953. The purpose of the study was to determine if ice cream
consumption depends on the variables price, income, or temperature. The variables Lagtemp and Year have been added to the original data. (Minitab file)
Variable Names:
1. Date: Time period (1-30) of the study (from 3/18/51 to 7/11/53)
2. IC: Ice cream consumption in pints per capita
3. Price: Price of ice cream per pint in dollars
4. Income: Weekly family income in dollars
5. Temp: Mean temperature in degrees F.
6. Year: Year within the study (0 = 1951, 1 = 1952, 2 = 1953)
(E) Hot dogs: Results of a laboratory analysis of calories and sodium content of major
hot dog brands. Researchers for Consumer Reports analyzed three types of hot dog: beef,
poultry, and meat (mostly pork and beef, but up to 15% poultry meat). (Minitab file)
Variable Names:
1. Type: Type of hotdog (beef, meat, or poultry)
2. Calories: Calories per hot dog
3. Sodium: Milligrams of sodium per hot dog
(F) Cereals: Data on several variables of different brands of cereal.
A value of -1 for nutrients indicates a missing observation. (Minitab file)
Number of cases: 77
Variable Names:
1. Name: Name of cereal
2. mfr: Manufacturer of cereal where A = American Home Food Products; G = General
Mills; K = Kelloggs; N = Nabisco; P = Post; Q = Quaker Oats; R = Ralston Purina
3. type: cold or hot
4. calories: calories per serving
5. protein: grams of protein
6. fat: grams of fat
7. sodium: milligrams of sodium
8. fiber: grams of dietary fiber
9. carbo: grams of complex carbohydrates
10. sugars: grams of sugars
11. potass: milligrams of potassium
12. vitamins: vitamins and minerals - 0, 25, or 100, indicating the typical percentage of
FDA recommended
13. shelf: display shelf (1, 2, or 3, counting from the floor)
14. weight: weight in ounces of one serving
15. cups: number of cups in one serving
16. rating: a rating of the cereals
(G) Calcium: Results of a randomized comparative experiment to investigate the effect
of calcium on blood pressure in African-American men. A treatment group of 10 men
received a calcium supplement for 12 weeks, and a control group of 11 men received a
placebo during the same period. All subjects had their blood pressure tested before and
after the 12-week period. (Minitab file)
Number of cases: 21
Variable Names:
1. Treatment: Whether subject received calcium or placebo
2. Begin: seated systolic blood pressure before treatment
3. End: seated systolic blood pressure after treatement
4. Decrease: Decrease in blood pressure (Begin - End)
(H) Smoking and cancer: The data are per capita numbers of cigarettes smoked (sold)
by 43 states and the District of Columbia in 1960 together with death rates per thousand
population from various forms of cancer. (Minitab file)
Number of cases: 44
Variable Names:
1. CIG = Number of cigarettes smoked (hds per capita)
2. BLAD = Deaths per 100K population from bladder cancer
3. LUNG = Deathes per 100K population from lung cancer
4. KID = Deaths per 100K population from bladder cancer
5. LEUK = Deaths per 100 K population from leukemia
(I) Brain size: Willerman et al. (1991) collected a sample of 40 right-handed Anglo
introductory psychology students at a large southwestern university. Subjects took four
subtests (Vocabulary, Similarities, Block Design, and Picture Completion) of the
Wechsler (1981) Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised. The researchers used Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) to determine the brain size of the subjects. Information about
gender and body size (height and weight) are also included. The researchers withheld the
weights of two subjects and the height of one subject for reasons of confidentiality.
(Minitab file)
Number of cases: 40
Variable Names:
1. Gender: Male or Female
2. FSIQ: Full Scale IQ scores based on the four Wechsler (1981) subtests
3. VIQ: Verbal IQ scores based on the four Wechsler (1981) subtests
4. PIQ: Performance IQ scores based on the four Wechsler (1981) subtests
5. Weight: body weight in pounds
6. Height: height in inches
7. MRI_Count: total pixel Count from the 18 MRI scans