Technical Program for the IUTAM Symposium on Evolutionary Methods in Mechanics Cracow, 24-27 September 2002 1. Hang-glider wing design by genetic optimization, S.D’Angelo, M.Fantetti, E.Minisci (Turin Polytechnic, Italy). 2. Evolutionary computation in crack problems, W.Beluch (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 3. Minimum heat losses subjected to stiffness constraints: window frame optimization, R.A.Białecki, M.Król (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 4. Evolutionary computation in inverse problems of mechanics and biomechanics, T.Burczynski, E.Majchrzak (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 5. An error function for optimum dimensional synthesis of mechanisms using genetic algorithms, Bustos J.Aguirrebeitia, V.Gomez-Garay, R.Aviles (Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Spain). 6. Evolutionary improvement of belief networks for technical diagnostic, W.Cholewa (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 7. A cellular automata framework for parallel GA implementation, O.Canyurt, P.Hajela (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA). 8. Evolutionary computation in theormoelastic problems, A.Długosz (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 9. Management of evolutionary MAS for multiobjective optimization, G.Dobrowolski, M.KisielDorohinicki (University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland). 10. On the identification of linear elastic mechanical behavior of orthotropic materials using evolutionary algorithms, N.M.Dourado, J.C. Xavier. J.L.Morais (Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Doaro, Portugal). 11. PAMUC: A new method to handle with constraints and multiobjectivity in evolutionary algorithms, R.Filomeno Coelho. PH.Bouillard, H.Bersini (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium). 12. A comparative analysis of „Controlled Elitism“ in the NSGA-II applied to optimization of frames, D.Greiner, G.Winter, J.M.Emperador, B.Galvan (Las Plamas de Gran Canaria University, Spain). 13. Using evolutionary search to study structural safety, D.E.Grierson (University of Waterloo, Canada), S.Khajehpour (Kinectrics, Canada). 14. Accounting for plies coupling in composite laminate statistical optimization via lamination parameters, L. Grosset, R.Le Riche (Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France), R.T.Haftka (University of Florida, USA). 15. I-PAES: A multiobjective optimization method with efficient constraint handling in high dimensional space, A.Hernandez-Aguirre, G.Lizarraga-Lizarraga, S.Botello-Rionda (Center for Research in Mathematics, Mexico). 16. Material optimization of aligned fiber laminate composites in the presence of stress concentrations, Z.Hu, G.M.Genin M.J.Jakiela (Washington University, USA). 17. Genetic algorithm for damage assessment, V.T.Johnson, S.Ananthramu, (Scientist Aeronautical Development Agency, India), B.K B.K.Raghu Prasad (Indian Institute of Science, India). 18. Parameter estimation of hydradynamic drive mathematical model with application of genetic algorithm, A.Kęsy, Z.Kęsy (Technical University of Radom, Poland), A. Kądziela (High Trade School of Radom, Poland). 19. Multiscale genetic algorithm, Y.Y.Kim, D.H.Jung (Seoul National University, Korea). 20. Structural design using genetic algorithm, E.Kita, T.Tamaki and H.Tanie (Nagoya University, Japan). 21. Topology optimization using evolutionary algorithms, G.Kokot, P.Orantek (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 22. Hierarchical genetic strategy applied to the problem of identification of the coordinate measuring machine geometrical errors, J.Kołodziej, W.Jakubiec, M.Starczak (University of Bielsko-Biała, Poland), R.Schaefer (Jagiellonian University, Poland). 23. Genetic algorithm for fatigue crack detection in Timichenko beams, M.Krawczuk, M.Palacz, W.Ostachowicz (Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery of Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland). 24. Multicriteria design optimization of robot gripper mechanisms, S.Krenich (Cracow University of Technology, Poland). 25. Optimal design of multiple clutch brakes using a multistage evolutionary method, S.Krenich, A.Osyczka (Cracow University of Technology, Poland). 26. Distributed evolutionary algorithms in optimization of nonlinear solids, W.Kuś, T.Burczyński (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 27. Adaptive penalty strategies in genetic search for problems with inequality and equality constraints, C-Y.Lin, W-H.Wu (National University of Science and Technology, China). 28. Ranking Pareto optimal solutions in genetic algorithm by using the undifferentiation interval method, J.Montusiewicz (Technical University of Lublin, Poland). 29. The effectiveness of probabilistic algorithms in shape and topology discrete optimization of 2-D composite structures, A.Muc, W.Gurba, P.Kędziora (Cracow University of Technology, Poland). 30. Genetic algorithms in optimization of resin hardening technological processes, A.Muc, P.Saj (Cracow University of Technology, Poland). 31. Hybrid evolutionary algorithms in optimization of structures under dynamical loads, P.Orantek (Silesian University of Technology, Poland). 32. Evolutionary optimization system (EOS) for design automation, A.Osyczka, S.Krenich, J.Krzystek, J.Habel (Cracow University of Technology, Poland). 33. Evolutionary method for a universal motor geometry optimization, G.Papa, B.Korousic-Seljak (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia). 34. A review of the development and application of cluster oriented genetic algorithms, I.C.Parmee (University of the West of England, UK). 35. Genetic algorithms applied to electric transformers design, L.A.C.Poltosi, N.Lemke, A.L.Cehin (Programa Interdisciplinar de Computacao Aplicada-Unisinos, Brazil). 36. Structural topology optimization using evolutionary algorithm with morphological representation of geometry, J.Prasad, K.Tai (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). 37. Investigation of evolutionary algorithm effectiveness in optimal synthesis of certain mechanism, R.Rohatynski T.Klekiel, K.Białas-Heltowski (University of Zielona Góra, Poland). 38. Hole shapes in a perforated elastic plate. Genetic algorithm optimization over range of in-plane loads, S. Vigdergauz (The Israel Electic Corporation Ltd., Israel). 39. An objective oriented library for evolution programs with applications for partioning of finite element meshes, J.Żola, Ł.Łaciński, R.Wyrzykowski (Technical University of Częstochowa, Poland).