HealthED Today

HealthED Today
Video Demonstration Transcript
Welcome to HealthEd Today, and congratulations on exploring the exciting career
opportunities that exist within the growing healthcare industry. This short
demonstration will provide you with an overview of these interactive, engaging
online healthcare programs.
Before you begin a Health Ed Today program, we want to provide you with an
opportunity to ensure you have all the necessary plugins and technologies to access
the variety of media in these programs.
By running this browser test, students can quickly determine if they need additional
plug-ins to make the most of their Health Ed Today Experience.
Health Ed Today leverages the Pearson Learning Studio platform as our Learning
Management System, students will use a unique user name and password to access
their course.
These programs include many of the elements of a traditional classroom courses – a
syllabus, course objectives, reading assignments, Lesson Presentations, course
assignments, supporting media, flashcards, module tests, and a final exam.
These courses provide intuitive navigation to assist learners in working through the
various materials. Each course is laid out by Module and each module contains
lessons, an assignment, a discussion topic, supporting media (such as videos and
learning activities) Flashcards, a Glossary, and a Module test. Following the last
module is a final exam.
Each lesson begins with a checklist to ensure learners know exactly what they are
expected to do to meet the objectives for the lesson.
The online lesson presentations have been designed to provide learners with a
wealth of learning opportunities. Each lesson presentation begins with an overview of
what is covered in the modules.
The interactive lecture presentations are designed to optimize instruction – as such
we have provided simple, intuitive navigation to allow learners to quickly find the
resources they need as they move through the lesson presentation – with minimum
Within each lecture presentation, learners will find a variety of content and
interactions, all geared to enhance their online learning experiences including:
Interactive Glossary Terms
Click and Reveals
Enhanced Graphics
In addition to module tests and the final exam, learners are provided with frequent
Check Your Understanding opportunities, such as this drag and drop self-
assessment, in order to review key content and to ensure mastery of concepts
covered in each lesson.
The lesson presentations also contain a set of learning tools including:
A robust Notes taking tool that enables students to take notes on specific
screens. Those notes are logged so students can copy, edit, print and take
with them as a study tool.
And a Glossary for easy references to key terms at any time. These are from
the actual lesson presentation
In addition to the information found in the lecture presentations, learners are
provided with addition supporting videos and animations that support key concepts
Learning activities, such as this drag and drop exercise on the Conduction System
are provided to allow for additional reinforcement.
Online flash cards provide an excellent opportunity to review key terms and concepts
within each module. The flash card interactivity allows learner to: review based on
the terms, the definitions, to see both term and definition at the same time, and to
drill for mastery via the timed mode.
Each course contains both module tests and a final exam. All tests and the final
exam are based on the materials covered in each of our courses. Once you have
completed all tests or the final exam, your grades are automatically recorded into
the grade book.
HealthEd today has created a robust online course experience that is focused on
providing our learners with support as well as a sense of community
At HealthEd today we understand it is helpful to know that your online learning
experience is a shared experience. On your course homepage you will find an activity
feed that provides a snap shot of the activities you and other students are
completing in the course. Additionally, much like other social media tools, the
activity feed is a place where you can communicate with your classmates and
instructors while in your program.
You can easily contact your instructor via email. Simply click the email tab on the
top of the page, and add your instructor as the recipient. You can type a subject,
message, and add an attachment to your message. After you click “Send Message”
you will receive a confirmation message that your email was sent. A copy of the
email is sent to your personal email account.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our course demo. We hope that it has provided
you with the insight and encouragement you need to take the next step in your
process of pursuing a career in the health care industry. If you have additional
questions or would like to speak to one of our representatives, please do not hesitate
to contact us.