In order to become a CIPS Approved Study Centre, it is expected that all the following criteria will be met,
except those marked *, where it may not be possible to evidence the criterion at the approval stage. Study
Centres would be expected to be able to meet these criteria within their first year of operation.
1. Business structure, financial stability and policies
- demonstrating capability and financial soundness for becoming a CIPS approved centre.
Centre capacity /
1.1.1 The Study Centre has clearly stated commitment from Senior
Management to becoming a CIPS Approved Centre
/business planning 1.1.2 The Study Centre is financially sound, and makes reliable provision to
& commitment to
support the operation and consistent delivery of CIPS programmes.
CIPS programmes.
Compliance with
1.2.1 The Study Centre agrees to co-operate with CIPS monitoring activities,
and provide access to premises, personnel and records.
1.2.2 The Study Centre makes adequate provision for its learners to complete
their programme of study and take CIPS examinations/assessments,
either by providing examination facilities or by using those of another
provider and paying the associated fee for this service.
1.2.3 The Study Centre clearly documents the respective roles, responsibilities
and accountabilities of any partnership arrangements
1.2.4 The Study Centre declares any conflicts of interest involving personnel.
1.2.5 The study centre has appropriate arrangements in place for preventing
and investigating malpractice and maladministration
1.3.1 Centre has appropriate policies in place to safeguard learners and the
learning process
2. Course management and administration
- demonstrating effective and efficient operational functions, including engagement with CIPS
2.1.1. The Study Centre has a single, named point of responsibility for the
Management &
quality assurance and management of CIPS programmes.
2.1.2. The Study Centre has a named, readily available and knowledgeable
point of contact for dealing with enquiries about CIPS courses.
2.1.3. *There is effective communication between the Study Centre and CIPS,
for learner registration, staff changes, etc.
2.1.4. The roles and responsibilities of the CIPS staff team across all sites are
clearly defined, allocated, communicated and understood.
2.1.5. Course structure is clearly set out as required by CIPS, including full
coverage of unit content and required GLH
2.1.6. The Study Centre has systems that ensure consistency of standards and
support equality of opportunity
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2. Course management and administration
- demonstrating effective and efficient operational functions, including engagement with CIPS
2.1.7. *Inspection/audit reports from other relevant organisations are
2.1.8. *Study Centre links with local CIPS branches (where they exist) and/or
employers/businesses are good
Course Delivery
2.2.1 Staff demonstrate good practice by following Schemes of Work
containing clear aims, objectives, and coverage of content for each unit.
2.2.2 Staff are required to be up-to-date, and use latest research, journals, etc
in their teaching.
2.2.3 A suitable range of teaching methods/techniques is used.
2.2.4 Systems are in place for the prompt return of marked and ‘mock’
assignments, with suitable feedback and guidance for improvement.
Course Data
2.3.1 The Study Centre has administrative systems in place to track the
progress of learners towards their target awards.
2.3.2 Study Centre staff are aware of CIPS’ format and timescale
requirements for information, registration, quality assurance, etc, and
have systems in place to comply.
2.3.3 Study Centre uses data effectively when reviewing course delivery and
planning improvements.
2.3.4 Unless a learner chooses not to have one, the Study Centre has
arrangements in place to obtain on behalf of its learners a unique
learner number (ULN) and a learner record.
3 Staffing and other resources
- demonstrating commitment to high quality teaching and learning resources, including qualified
and competent staff
3.1.1. The Study Centre has sufficient competent, qualified and experienced
staff and/or associates to meet CIPS requirements for qualifications
3.1.2. All staff involved in CIPS programmes are properly resourced and
supported to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively
3.1.3. There is a contingency strategy for teaching team cover.
3.2.1. The Study Centre has adequate resources and systems in place to
support the delivery of CIPS programmes.
3.2.2. Equipment and accommodation used for the purposes of delivery
(and assessment) complies with the requirements of relevant
legislation, including health and safety, and provides access for all
3.2.3. Equipment and accommodation at satellite premises meets the same
standards as those of the main provider.
Staff receive appropriate training on use of equipment where
4. Learner support/feedback
- demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the learner experience
Pre-course to
4.1.1. Clear information, advice and guidance about the centre, and about
CIPS qualification content, procedures, assessment and progression
are provided to potential and new learners.
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4. Learner support/feedback
- demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the learner experience
4.1.2. Learner selection and admission is conducted with demonstrable
commitment to equal opportunities in all areas.
On-course to
4.2.1. Particular learning / assessment requirements of learners are identified
and met wherever possible
4.2.2. Learners have access to, or are directed to, latest CIPS texts/study
4.2.3. Learners have regular opportunities to review their progress against
the requirements of the award and to seek guidance where necessary.
4.3.1. Feedback is obtained from learners and used in quality improvement
4.3.2. Guidance/assistance is offered to completers on
progression routes
employment opportunities
CIPS membership
5. Quality assurance, evaluation and review
- demonstrating a commitment to ongoing quality improvement
Internal processes
5.1.1. Course team meetings are held regularly to ensure effective
communication, and to plan actions to redress weaknesses.
5.1.2. Suitably qualified and experienced staff carry out internal quality
assurance activity to promote continuous improvement.
5.1.3. Queries about the qualification specification or related awarding body
material are resolved and recorded
5.1.4. The Study Centre deals promptly and fairly with learner complaints
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