ADVANCED WEBTIVITY/ 06 1 Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle, ]e.x. get down, or a verb and two particles get down to. Sometimes the phrasal verb is intransitive, which means it does not need an obiect after it e.g. drift off She closed her eyes and drifted off. Sometimes the phrasal verb is transitive. which means it needs an object to make sense. ln some cases the object can be placed between the two parts of the phrasal verb or after the phrasal verb, e.g. drink sth up or drink up 5th: Drink up your coffee. We've got to go. or Drink your coffee up.We've got to go. In other cases the object can only come em: the phrasal verb, e.g. border on sth: Swaziland border: on South Africa and Mozambique. The dictionary has a clear system to show how the grammar of phrasal Verbs works using abbreviations like sth (something), sb (somebody), swh (somewhere). 1. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. The dictionary gives you extra information to help you. a. This wine is coming from the south-west region of the country. b. He's nearly 90 and he still fends for him. c. She holds with a firm attitude to discipline in schools. d. The next topic for discussion was passed on to very quickly. e. The house was led to by a long winding path. f. l was really set against to do this course before l started. g. They must sit on quite a bit of money. h. It makes me feel pretty happy when I think back what happened. 2. VOCABULARY BUILDING - Choose the best meaning of the phrasal verb from the words in the box. a. pick on - (a) collect (b) recognize (c) criticize b. put away - (a) forget (b) send to prison c. cut back - (a) stop (b) remove d. loosen up - (a) relax (b) untie e. pour down - (a) be honest (c) substitute (d) criticize (c) reconnect (d) reduce spending (c) prepare (b) rain f. pop off - (a) appear (b) explode (d) take (d) allow (c) appear (c) leave (d) leave (d) forget g. 3. Use the phrasal verbs in Exercise 4 to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Use the correct form of the verb. a. It for most of the summer this year. b. They for two years for their part in the crime. c. I've got to now. I've got a dentist appointment at 3. d. They always her because she's the smallest. e. He was quite nervous at ñrst but soon f. We're going to have to next year with only one salary. Rua Belo Horizonte, 688 Fone/fax(43) 3337-7788 Londrina - PR 2 ADVANCED WEBTIVITY/ 06 ANSWER 1. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. The dictionary gives you extra information to help you. a. This wine COMES from the south-west region of the country. b. He's nearly 90 and he still fends for himSELF. c. She holds a firm attitude to discipline in schools. d. The next topic for discussion was passed on very quickly. e. The house was led by a long winding path. f. l was really set against this course before l started. g. They must BE SITTING on quite a bit of money. h. It makes me feel pretty happy when I think back ABOUT what happened. 4. VOCABULARY BUILDING - Choose the best meaning of the phrasal verb from the words in the box. a. pick on - (a) collect (b) recognize (C) CRITICIZE b. put away - (a) forget (B) SEND TO PRISON c. cut back - (a) stop (b) remove (d) take (c) substitute (d) criticize (c) reconnect (D) REDUCE SPENDING d. loosen up - (A) RELAX (b) untie (c) prepare (d) allow e. pour down - (a) be honest (B) RAIN (c) appear (d) leave f. pop off - (a) appear (b) explode (C) LEAVE (d) forget 5. Use the phrasal verbs in Exercise 4 to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Use the correct form of the verb. a. It for most of the summer this year. b. They for two years for their part in the crime. c. I've got to now. I've got a dentist appointment at 3. d. They always her because she's the smallest. e. He was quite nervous at ñrst but soon f. We're going to have to next year with only one salary Rua Belo Horizonte, 688 Fone/fax(43) 3337-7788 Londrina - PR