June 22, 2006 - Sinclair Community College

AQIP Math Action Project Team Meeting
Committee Members:
Adams, Barbara
Barhorst, Mike
Ben-Azzouz, Moez
Bolmida, Peter
Easterling, Doug
Gallo, Ed
Not Present :
Clark, Pat
Mercer, Laura*
Huguley, Tom
Jones, Dick
Giambrone, Al
Grove, Helen
Landom, David*
McKinney, Timothy
Linda Pastore
Ponder, Tony
Rhea, Allison
Schweller, Lucinda
Thibeault, Nancy
Wallace, Betty
Wharton, Charlotte
Thursday, June 22, 2006
12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
*Strategic Planning
1. Sign in sheet/attendance/meeting
schedules and corrections to minutes
Corrections to the minutes from May 30, 2006:
 Change MTH to MAT on all course numbers listed.
 Page 2: Pilot 3 is listed twice; change one to Pilot 4.
 Correct placement test cutoff scores: “41 or better on
the placement test and a C or better in the previous course
will qualify a student for MAT 101. A placement score of
41-59 and a C in the previous course will recommend a
student take MAT 191.”
2. Updates from sub teams
Math Pilot update (Al Giambrone):
 Project: Calling students registered for MAT 101
who are without prerequisites or who have old
 Number of calls to students without prerequisites
and registered for MAT 101 likely will be
greater than calls made now to MAT 102
students. Usually they call 20-30% of MAT 102
registered students or about 200 calls. Calls will
be made Fall 2006.
 Project: New Math Sequence 191, 192, 193:
 Al will work with Helen Grove to get the new
math sequence into the schedule. Math 191 will
begin fall 2006.
 Five math faculty members will develop the
study skills component for the new course
 Project: Learning Communities
 Project will begin Winter 2007.
DEV Pilot (Ed Gallo): Team leaders have been
identified for all four proposed projects.
 Project 1: Self-paced My MathLab course
 Barb Adams will lead and reported status.
 Barb will teach all sections fall term
 She will recruit and work with other faculty
members to prepare them for winter term.
(faculty development will be required)
 Barb will need an assistant, either a peer tutor or
professional tutor for fall 06 classes. Barb had
talked to Susan Harris and Tom Wilson who said
a peer tutor may not add any cost. Doug
Easterling suggested that we consider doing the
class differently by using a professional tutor.
 Will not market class differently, because it
could draw better students. Al noted that
students may get wind of this on their own after
fall term and self-select in or out of the class.
 A typical session will be 1 hour, 40 minutes
long. Week 1: Introduce software and students
get to know each other. Use 20 minute mini
lectures and the rest will be self-paced. Students
may take tests, work on the computer, or get
individualized assistance. Students do have
structured assignments and suggested due dates.
Students can access My MathLab via the Web.
Last year only 50% of students had home access.
 Discussion: Helen Grove expressed concern
about students finding out they are in a computer
class without knowing it ahead of time. Doug
recommended against notifying students about
the nature of the class ahead of time, because it
would bias the results.
 Doug Easterling suggested we could use CSSE’s
free attitude inventory for the classes. We could
compare our data with theirs.
 Charlotte asked if a consultant would be of
value. Doug recommended we keep it simple
and not add other variables to the mix during the
initial phase. A single instructor is good. Al
suggested that results could be compared to
Barb’s regular class sections.
 Helen stated that we needed informed consent
from students and an orientation for academic
counselors. This can be done this summer.
 The data analysis team can help define data
collection methods. Doug said that the most
important factor is faculty willingness and
simple procedures or data will not be collected.
Project 2: At-risk student intervention
 Tim McKinney is leader and reported status.
 At-risk is defined as C in DEV 085; DEV 108
taken unsuccessfully two or more times.
 Intervention strategies include: 1) Academic
counselor assigned to track progress each week;
2) Assigned tutors for the pilot group with set
appointments each week; 3) Co-requisite Math
study skills class with DEV 108. Lucinda
Schweller will teach the study skills class.
 This project differs from Early Alert by
intervening at the beginning of the term before
the student has already shown non-success.
 Counselors will collect data each week and will
have a template of questions to ask each week.
 Faculty members will track and report grades as
well as comments on progress and problems.
 There will be four DEV sections for this project.
 ACTION ITEM: Contact tutorial services to
inform them and to train tutors for a winter start
 Discussion: Moez Ben-Azzouz expressed
concern about scalability of this project to all
sections of DEV 108. We will need to address
that problem if the project proves successful.
 Helen asked if tutorial services would be in
Developmental. Tim responded that they would
and that he preferred them to be free for this
 Tim noted that students will be selected about
the 9th week of fall quarter from DEV 108. Barb
suggested that faculty members may want to
refer students for winter term treatment. The
plan it to target 50 students.
 Mike Barhorst suggested that one method would
be to not tell faculty members who is in
treatment. Tim said they would know who is at
risk after 5th week fall term.
 Helen suggested we recruit a tutorial person for
our team.
Project 3: Learning Communities
 Betty Wallace is team lead and reported status.
 Faculty members have already been picked to
work on the project. There will be two cohorts
to include English, Reading, and Math.
 Research shows that cohorts help students persist
and be more successful. Students become more
aware of what helps them be successful.
 Math is the primary course. The Reading
instructor will support the Math text.
 There will be collaborative work across course
boundaries and students will be graded for all
 Will run seven sections Fall 2006.
 Counselors and ILP Counselors have been
informed and are excited about the project.
 Training will be set up before fall term.
 A resource person will be brought in, possibly
form University of Cincinnati.
 Students and faculty members will complete
surveys and students will meet with Linda
Pastore for a discussion session.
 The goal is to get 90% to attend classes.
 Barb added that they will track only DEV 085
Project 4: Inquiry-based Learning
 Ed Gallo reported for Patty Clark who is team
 Patty is doing a three-day workshop on activity-
based learning.
 Faculty members will need development and
time to learn about inquiry-based learning.
 Will need travel money and possibly a
consultant. ($$$).
 Can build on previous activities as well as
develop new activities.
 Start date is Spring 2007.
 Discussion: Barb said that this group in
particular will need reassign time. Ed noted that
it could be reassign time or a PSA.
Research Methodology and Criteria Team: Doug
Easterling said that he had met with one team and that
the other teams must come meet with him soon so that
data collection and methodology can be worked out.
3. Review Budget and determine
amounts, clarify courses, etc.
Charlotte and
Done electronically.
4. Update or assign action items:
Charlotte and
Ask Peter Bolmida if some ILP students may be
ready for one of these pilots.
 Peter Bolmida stated that there are 600 ILP
students this summer and that learning
communities are very appropriate for them. Tim
will send a list of DEV called students to Peter
once they are identified.
 Mike Barhorst suggested that the call center
could help with or do calls. Barb indicated that
the callers need advising experience. Peter said
that they currently call students who do not have
prerequisites. Al added that older prerequisites
are also a problem. Peter thought the call center
could help out with the calling and with student
 Tim noted that there will be 1800-2500 students
to contact. They will start with e-mail, then do a
letter, and then develop a call list based on Math
registrations and risk factors. There will be 9001200 calls for four counselors to make.
Communicate all projects to counselors and enlist
them to help us promote these. Betty Wallace has
already discussed the learning communities project
with Yvonne Dorsett, Student Success Planning
Services, and Developmental Counselors.
Update the counselors on all Math and DEV
changes and all the assistance. In progress.