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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
3.100 Construction of Ordinance
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall be used in the
interpretation and construction of this Ordinance, and words used in the present tense include
the future; the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the word
"used"- shall include arranged, designed, constructed, altered, converted, rented, leased, or
intended to be used; and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory.
3.120 Gas and Oil Well Oil and Gas Drilling
A drilling activity for the extraction of subsurface gas and oil deposits including the
construction of a distribution piping system.
3.120.a Oil and Gas Development
The oil and gas development use includes the process of perforating the earth's surface and
rock layers to extract fossil fuels, natural gas, or oil, for energy production and all associated
equipment, structures and construction at the drilling site including the well pad, retention or
impound ponds to capture hydraulic fracturing liquids that will be removed from the drill site
within thirty (30) days, access roads, hydraulic fracturing, production, pipelines, tanks,
meters, and temporary work crew and supervisor trailers for exploration and production at a
single pad, including multiple wells at a single pad. Development is succeeded by the
subsequent phases of production and site reclamation.
3.120.b. Oil and Gas Extraction via Horizontal Drilling Operations
The oil and gas extraction use includes the process of perforating the earth's surface and rock
layers by means of a horizontal drilling process to extract fossil fuels, natural gas, or oil, for
energy production. Under such process it is understood that no equipment, structures or
construction including, but not limited to, the well pad, short term retention or impound
ponds, access roads, tanks, meters, or temporary work crews and supervisor trailers for
exploration and production will be located or operated on the surface of such drilling
3.123 Industrial, Heavy
Industrial uses which, because of the nature of the uses, are a potential detriment to the public
park and users due to excessive noise, odors, traffic, vibration, glare levels, etc.
3.123.a Oil and Gas Staging Facility
A facility on a permitted site for the storage of equipment and vehicles used to support oil
and gas development activities at other permitted sites.
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
3.123.b Oil and Gas Compressor Station /Processing Plant
A permanent structure with equipment, tanks and site disturbance used to process and/or
compress gas. The structurestands alone from a drill site, and functions to connect any type
of pipeline that is used as a midstream operation supporting oil and gas production.
3.123.c Oil and Gas Water Reuse Storage Facility
Tanks of any construction (metal, fiberglass, concrete, etc.) and impoundments used for the
storage of water that has been used and/ or is being reused and will not be removed from the
drill site within thirty (30) days after the hydraulic fracturingand/or drilling of the well is
3.124 Industrial, Light
Industrial uses which are not classified as heavy industrial uses, and comply with the
regulations detailed in Section 4.915 of the Ordinance.
3.124.a Oil and Gas Metering Station
A permanent structure that is used for the purpose of metering or measuring the flow and/or
volume of gas entering the station. It includes equipment, tanks and site disturbance, and it
stands alone from a drill site.
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
4.200 Intent of Buffer (B) Zone
The intent of the Buffer Zone is to strictly control the type, density and quality of
development in the areas immediately adjacent to the parks. Land uses that demonstrate an
obvious compatibility with the rural park setting, and which pose no appreciable potential for
environmental nor aesthetic harm to the parks, shall be considered as permitted Principal,
Accessory, or Special Exception Uses. This Zone shall protect the parks against immediate
encroachment by uses that are, or have a potential to be, detrimental to the park operations or
facilities, or which may distract from the recreational atmosphere of the park. It is further
intended that decisions regarding development proposals within this Zone shall be monitored
closely to ensure that the intent of this Ordinance is being maintained.
4.300 Uses in the Buffer (B) Zone
The following pages list the permitted Principal, permitted Accessory, permitted Special
Exception and Prohibited Uses/Structures in the Buffer Zone. An asterisk (*) following a use
indicates that the particular activity is exempt from obtaining a permit, provided minimum
yard requirements are met.
4.310 Permitted Principal Uses/Structures
Public Uses*
Single-family Dwelling
Double-family Dwelling
Coal Mining to the extent authorized by a permit issued by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection or its successor federal or state agency.*
Oil and Gas Extraction via Horizontal Drilling Operations to the extent authorized by
a permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, or its
successor federal or state agency, as well as all other necessary regulatory state and
federal agencies.*
4.320 Permitted Accessory Uses/Structures
Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with and incidental to a permitted
principal residential use, including:
Home Gardening*
Private Garage*
Private Swimming Pools*
Residential Storage Shed (maximum - 500 sq. ft.)*
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with and incidental to a permitted
principal agricultural use, including:
Farm Sheds*
Signs (Reference Article 5)
4.330 Permitted Special Exception Uses/Structures
Home Occupations
Nursery Schools & Day Care Centers
Recreation Facilities, Private
Residential Subdivisions containing 3 or more lots
Semi-public Uses
4.340 Prohibited Uses/Structures
Adult Entertainment Establishments
Auto Services and Sales
Boarding Homes
Commercial, Neighborhood and Regional
Community Clubs/Buildings
Drive-in Theaters
Gas and Oil Wells
Oil and Gas Developments
Industrial, Light and Heavy (includes Oil and Gas Metering Stations, Oil and Gas
Staging Facilities, Oil and Gas Compressor Stations / Processing Plants, and Oil and
Gas Water Reuse Storage Facilities)
Mobile Home Parks
Motels and Hotels
Multi Family Dwellings
Outdoor Storage Areas
Professional Offices
Reclamation Projects
Recreation Facilities, Commercial
Rental Unit Storage Buildings
Residential Care Facility
Roadside Stands, Seasonal
Sanitary Landfills and Hazardous Waste Dumps
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
4.600 Intent of Conservation (C) Zone
The intent of the Conservation Zone is to provide protection against the development of
detrimental land uses within close proximity of the parks, particularly within and
immediately beyond the identified drainage basins serving the parks. The drainage basins are
geographically definable areas which not only provide a supply of water to the parks' lakes
and streams, but also offer a degree of protection against air and noise pollutants which are
generated beyond the drainage basin boundary. Additionally, the ridge line forming the basin
boundary provides a natural visual barrier against activities which are not aesthetically
compatible with the park environment. Because the lakes and streams are the focal points of
each park, the primary concerns of the regulatory provisions are to ensure adequate
protection for the quantity and quality of the park waters and to prohibit any use that poses a
potential to degrade the park waters. Uses are intended to be characterized by low-volume
traffic generation, and non hazardous and non polluting processes which are fully contained
within the property. Additional environmental concerns include air pollution in the forms of
particular and noxious odor, noise pollution, dust, light pollution, glare and aesthetic
incompatibilities, any one of which can destroy the rural park setting if allowed to operate at
an abusive level.
4.700 Uses in the Conservation (C) Zone
The following pages list the permitted Principal, permitted Accessory, permitted Special
Exception and Prohibited Uses/Structures in the Conservation Zone. An asterisk (*)
following a use indicates that the particular activity is exempt from obtaining a permit,
provided minimum yard requirements are met.
4.710 Permitted Principal Uses/Structures
Public Uses*
Single-family Dwelling
Double-family Dwelling
Coal Mining to the extent authorized by a permit issued by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection or its successor federal or state agency.*
Oil and Gas Extraction via Horizontal Drilling Operations to the extent authorized by
a permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, or its
successor federal or state agency, as well as all other necessary regulatory state and
federal agencies.*
4.720 Permitted Accessory Uses/Structures
Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with and incidental to a permitted
principal residential use:
Home Gardening*
Private Garages*
Private Swimming Pools*
Residential Storage Sheds (maximum 500 square feet)*
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with and incidental to a permitted
principal agricultural use, including:
Farm Sheds*
Signs (Reference Article 5)
4.730 Permitted Special Exception Uses/Structure
Auto Services and Sales
Community Clubs/Buildings
Gas and Oil Wells
Oil and Gas Developments
Home Occupations
Hotels and Motels
Light Industrial (includes Oil and Gas Metering Stations)
Multi-family Dwellings
Neighborhood Commercial
Nursery Schools and Day Care Centers
Outdoor Storage Areas
Professional Offices
Reclamation Projects
Recreation Facilities, Private and Commercial
Rental-Unit Storage Buildings
Residential Care Facility
Residential Subdivisions of Three (3) or More Lots
Semi-public Uses
4.740 Prohibited Uses/Structures
Adult Entertainment Establishments
Drive-in Theaters
Heavy Industrial (includes Oil and Gas Staging Facilities, Oil and Gas Compressor
Stations / Processing Plants, Oil and Gas Water Reuse Storage Facilities)
Mobile Home Parks
Regional Commercial
Salutary Landfills and Hazardous Waste Dumps
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
4.900 Special Exception Use Uses Requirements in Conservation Zone
Special exception uses shall be permitted only on authorization by the Zoning Hearing Board
pursuant to Section 7.320, provided that such uses shall be found by the Board to comply
with the following general requirements and any applicable review standards set forth in this
Article for the individual uses.
a. That the use is permitted as set forth herein.
b. That the use is so designed, located and proposed to be operated so that the intent of
this Ordinance is not impaired, and that the public health, safety, and welfare will be
c. That the use shall be compatible with public park development and the proposed
character of the zone where it is to be located.
d. That adequate off-street parking and loading are provided, and access is so designed as
to cause minimum interference with traffic on adjoining streets.
e. That the use conforms with all applicable Supplementary District Regulations, as set
forth in Article 5 of this Ordinance.
f. Unless otherwise stated, the lot, yard, and height regulations set forth in Section 4.800
shall apply to all special exception uses.
g. That violations with any applicable Supplementary District Regulations, as set forth in
Article 5 of this Ordinance, be reported by the applicant to the Zoning Officer withinten
(10) days following the finding of violation.
h. That temporary or permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs) the applicant will
utilize to mitigate or resolve impacts, specifically related to the site, all adjacent land,
nearby roads, light emission, noise, and land use shall be specified in the application for
the permit. Techniques may include:
a. Using non-reflective surfaces on structures; and
b. Orienting lighting with shielding to reduce off-site glare.
i. To reduce aesthetic incompatibilities, uses proposed to be sited near a ridge top shall be
set back a minimum of one hundred (100) feet fromthe edge of the ridge to minimize
visibility from the park area.
j. That noxious, toxic, or corrosive fumes, smoke, odor, or dust shall be contained on the
site of the use.
k. If the use requires an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, the Plan must be submitted
to the Indiana County Conservation District for review and approval .
l. Access roads, if applicable, shall be constructed to include adequate ditching, crossculverts, and grade (not to exceed 15%); and shall adhere to the Erosion and Sediment
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
Control Plan. The use of construction fabric may be required, depending on site
m. The location of the access road, if any, and its point of intersection with a public road,
shall be approved by the Board local or state agency that owns the road.
n. The public road onto which the access road, if any, connects shall be kept mud-free
and permanently passable.
4.905 Gas and Oil Well Oil and Gas Drilling
4.905.a Oil and Gas Development
The following standards are established for land use activities which extract oil and/or gas
from below the earth's surface;
In addition to the Special Exception Requirements found in section 4.900 of this Ordinance,
Oil and Gas Development shall comply with the following:
a. Prior to receiving a permit, the applicant shall prepare and have approved an Erosion
and Sediment Control Plan by the Indiana County Conservation District. The Plan shall
include the well site, any access road to and/or from the well site, and any other adjacent
land affected by the drilling operations.
b. a. When removing timber from the site for land development, the applicant shall
remove only those trees that are absolutely necessary to allow safe drilling activities.
c. At the completion of well drilling activities, the site shall be cleaned and be stabilized
in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Felled trees shall be removed
and any temporary improvement shall be removed in compliance with the Plan.
d. b. Wells shall not be drilled closer than five hundred feet (500') to any body of water,
any public park use areas, any existing or future public park building, or any public park
access road, or within two hundred feet (200') of any residence.
e. c. On completion of the drilling activities, and at the discretion of the Zoning Hearing
Board, If after completion of drilling activities the well head will be visible from either
the park area or from any public roadway, the applicant shall may be required to plant a
vegetative buffer (evergreen or shrubs) to reduce aesthetic incompatiblities. which shall
screen the well head and related equipment from view from the park area and from any
public roadway. Additionally, the Zoning Hearing Board may require that the facility be
secured with fencing.
f. Each well shall be equipped with a properly operating and maintained blow-off tank.
g. Site development or access roads shall be discouraged in steep slope areas (in excess of
h. On County Park land, the County of Indiana may require a financial improvement
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To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
guarantee from the driller to insure that the development site is properly stabilized and
revegetated. Such guarantee shall be for one year from the date of completion and shall
be in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of totally reclaiming the site, as determined
by the County.
i. Access roads shall be constructed to include adequate ditching, cross-culverts, and
grade (not to exceed 15%); and shall adhere to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
The use of construction fabric may be required, depending on site consideration.
j. The location of the access road, and its point of intersection with a public road, shall be
approved by the Board local or state agency that owns the road.
k. The public road onto which the access road connects shall be kept mud-free and
permanently passable.
d. The applicant shall provide an emergency response plan. The Plan shall include the
emergencies which could possibly arise at the site or in connection with the well and its
associated gas lines, how the applicant will notify and assist all parties who could be
affected by such emergencies, and advance preparation with emergency service
providers. This preparation shall include a visit to the site by first responders.
e. That temporary or permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs) the applicant will
utilize to mitigate or resolve impacts should be state of the practice in conformance with
the most current BMPs at the time of application. Sources of BMPs specific to Oil and
Gas Developments include the U.S. Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land
Management, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection including the
Water Quality Antidegradation Implementation Guidance, and the Pennsylvania
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ publication Guidelines for
Administering Oil and Gas Activity on State Forest Lands. Techniques may include, but
are not limited to:
a. Use of redundant protections, including additional impoundments, pumps, and
an earth berm, to contain hydraulic fracturing wastewater if the primary retaining
pond were to fail;
b. Closed loop drilling systems where cuttings are disposed of at an approved
c. HDPE containment liners under drilling and completions equipment;
d. Dual frac pit liners with leak detection;
e. Maximize distance between gas wells and homes or water supplies where
terrain and property boundaries permit;
f. Meet with all property owners along light duty public roadways to share
contact information and timelines for operations; and
g. Maximize the reuse of frac flowback and produced water.
f. The applicant shall provide a plan showing the location of gathering pipelines that shall
be made available to affected property owners. All locations shall be marked in the field.
g. The applicant shall notify the Zoning Officer on any change in identity of the owner
and/or operator of the well.
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To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
h. . All oil and gas developments shall be enclosed by a fence or vegetative screen
adequate to conceal such facilities and the contents thereof from adjacent property. Such
walls and fences shall be distant not less than ten feet (10') from any property line and
shall be distant not less than twenty-five (25') from any public street.
i. . During drilling, the applicant shall make provisions to secure the site, using a stable
and secure chain link fence with gates provided with a combination catch and locking
attachment device for a padlock, and shall be kept locked except when no one is working
on the site.
4.915 Light Industrial (includes Oil and Gas Metering Stations)
In addition to the Special Exception Requirements found in section 4.900 of this Ordinance,
Light Industrial uses shall comply with the following:
a. Such industrial uses are intended to be characterized by low-volume traffic generation,
non hazardous and non polluting processes which are fully contained within the structure.
b. The maximum permissible total floor area shall be 15,000 square feet.
c. There shall be no noxious external effect resulting from the operation.
d. Any exterior storage areas shall be properly screened and kept in an orderly fashion, and
comply with Section 4.912.
e. Minimum lot size shall be three (3) acres.
f. Minimum yard areas shall be seventy-five feet (75) from say any property line.
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
5.100 Coordination with Other Agency Requirements
Proof must be submitted to the Zoning Officer and/or Zoning Hearing Board that an applicant
has complied with all other federal, state and local agency requirements applicable to the
proposed structure or use. This proof must be in the form of an approval letter, permit,
license, or any other form acceptable to the review agency. Additionally, this proof must be
received prior to the issuance of a zoning permit for the proposed structure or use.
The following is a partial listing of other federal, state, and local agencies which, if
applicable, must review, comment and/or approve the proposed structure or use prior to the
issuance of a zoning permit under this Ordinance in both the Buffer and Conservation Zones.
5.110 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Approval for driveway access to a state highway, any proposed work within a state highway
right-of-way, and signs along U.S. Routes 422 and 22.
5.120 Indiana County Conservation District
For rReview of soil and erosion control plans Erosion and Sediment Control Plans on
proposals which involve earth moving activities. Approved plans must be completely
implemented during the earthmoving phase of the proposed construction. The applicant shall
notify the Indiana County Conservation District of the completion of construction of the
approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan measures. The Conservation District must
submit proof to the Zoning Officer that the applicant has installed all improvements
identified in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to their satisfaction and acceptance.
Additionally, storm water control facilities must be reviewed and approved by the
Conservation District.
5.130 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Protection
For applicable registrations, approvals, licenses, and/or permits to operate any use in the
Zoning Districts which requires a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources
Protection approval. These uses include, but are not limited to, land subdivisions,
underground storage tanks, campgrounds, mining, oil and gas development, forestry,
restaurants, commercial recreation facilities, light industry, public buildings, projects which
involve a public water system, and sewage treatment.
5.140 Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
For review of proposed plans to construct any public use facility which may include day care
centers, motels, hotels, professional offices, semi-public and public buildings, residential care
facilities, restaurants, apartment buildings, and community buildings.
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
5.150 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
For residential care facilities which provide both dependent and independent levels of care to
welfare recipients.
5.160 Indiana County Sewage Enforcement
For receipt of the proper permit for proposed sewage treatment which may be on the site
through an individual septic system, or through a community collection and treatment
5.170 Local Municipal Officials
For compliance with local regulations concerning the approval for driveway access to a local
road, the review of proposed building plans, and the issuance of a local building permit for
the proposed construction.
5.180 Lead Agencies
The Zoning Officer and/or Zoning Hearing Board will designate a lead agency or agencies
which will be the ultimate owner(s) of proposed public improvements (streets, water systems,
sewage treatment systems, etc.) within a development. The lead agency must review and
approve the proposal, and submit proof that the applicant has installed all improvements to
the satisfaction of and acceptance by the lead agency, or has posted a financial guarantee to
insure the completion of all improvements.
5.190 Indiana County Emergency Management Agency
Review and approval of an emergency response plan if required. In case of an emergency,
parties to be contacted by the Emergency Management Agency may include but are not
limited to the Indiana Regional Medical Center, DEP, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
Commission, the park operator, the applicable municipal council or supervisors, the
applicable water authority, the closest emergency medical service provider, and the Indiana
County HAZMAT team.
5.200 Other Agencies
The Zoning Officer and/or Zoning Hearing Board may stipulate other agencies which must
review, comment and/or approve the proposed structure or use.
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
8.100 Duties and Powers
The Zoning Officer is hereby given the duty, power, and authority to administer and enforce
the provisions of this Ordinance. The Officer is authorized to institute civil enforcement
proceedings as a means of enforcement when acting within the scope of his/her employment.
The Zoning Officer shall meet qualifications established by Indiana County and shall be able
to demonstrate the satisfaction of the County a working knowledge of municipal zoning. The
Zoning Officer may not hold any elective office in Indiana County, and shall be appointed by
the Board of County Commissioners.
The Zoning Officer shall receive and review applications for zoning permits; issue permits
for the construction, alteration and enlargement of all structures or uses which are in
accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance; maintain records of all applications for
permits with accompanying plans and documents; make, inspections of properties within the
Zoning Districts to determine compliance with the Ordinance; notify persons violating the
Ordinance; suspend Special Exception Use permits until any violation of the Ordinance is
remedied; maintain the official Zoning District Maps; accept applications and present facts at
hearings before the Zoning Hearing Board; be the official custodian of all minutes,
stenographic transcripts, records, and decisions of the Zoning Hearing Board; identify and
register nonconforming uses and nonconforming structures; issue letters of compliance; and
perform such other duties as the Board may determine by its rules. The Officer must provide
a reason for the identification and registration of each nonconforming use and/or structure.
The Zoning Officer shall administer the Ordinance in accordance with its literal terms, and
shall not have the power to permit any construction, use, or change of use which does not
conform to the Zoning Ordinance, except that the Zoning Officer has limited power to
determine "like" uses to those listed in the Schedule of Uses, and accordingly may grant or
deny approvals based on the proposed use/activity being like those actually listed. He shall
not have the power to waive nor tighten any requirements of the Ordinance.
All appeals from decisions of the Zoning Officer shall be taken in the manner prescribed in
Article 7 to the Zoning Hearing Board.
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Indiana County Oil and Gas Draft Text Amendment
To the Special Recreation and Conservation Zoning Ordinance
11.600 Validity Severability
The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable. If any article, section, subsection,
sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance or the location of any Zoning District boundary
shown on the Zoning District Maps that forms a part, hereof, is for any reason held by a court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not, affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this Ordinance nor Zoning District Maps. Any failure to include every
city, borough, and township, or any portion thereof, within this Ordinance, likewise shall not
affect its validity. The Board of Commissioners of the County of Indiana hereby declare that
it would have passed this Ordinance and each section or part thereof, irrespective of the fact
that any one or more sections or parts thereof might be declared invalid.
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