GCP 701 Anatomy of the Respiration System (122)

Anatomy of the Respiration System
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
The respiration system’s anatomy; airways, larynx, tracheobronchial system, muscles
of the respiration system. Pulmonary circulation, physiology of the respiratory system
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
GCP 702 Anatomy, physiology, education, physchosocial support, nutrition, relaxation,
rehabilitation after myocard infarction, the phases of the cardiac rehabilitation,
rehabilitation after coronary artery by-pass surgery, rehabilitation after coroner
transplantation, rehabilitation of patients with cardiac valvular diseases
The Physiology of the Respiration System
Local Credit : 4
ECTS : 6
GCP 703
Airways; larynx, tracheobronchial system. Lungs, pulmonary circulation, ventilations,
perfusion, the relation of ventilation-perfusion, difusion, transport of oxygen and
carbondioxide in blood and body fluids, the function of the lungs except respiration.
Postoperative Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Local Credit : 4
ECTS : 6
GCP 704
Anatomy, physiology, education, physchosocial support, nutrition, relaxation,
preoperative pulmonary rehabilitation, the phases of the pulmonary rehabilitation,
rehabilitation after pulmonar surgery, rehabilitation of the lung transplantation.
Cardiopulmonary Rescucitation
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
Diagnosis and results of the cardiopulmonary arrest. Treatment; basic life support,
GCP 705 advanced life support, longtime life support. criteria for begining and ending CPR,
exitus. The CPR of kids and babys. The CPR of the newborn. The complications of
the CPR.
The methods of the radiologic and laboratory assesment for the Respiration
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
Meeting the patient; anamnesis, symptomps, findings and physical examination. The
GCP 706 symptoms and findings of the respiratory diseases. The diagnosis methods, the
methods of thoracic imaging, pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gases. The other
diagnosis methods; bronchoscopic methods, thorasenthesis, mediastinoscopy,
mediastinotomy, the sputum diagnosis methods, ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy,
pleural biopsy, pulmonary angiography, thoracoscopy.
The principles of the Mechanical Ventilation
Local Credit : 3
GCP 707
ECTS : 6
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation of the Thorax Trauma
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
GCP 708
Anatomy of the thorax, approach to thorax trauma, the diagnosis methods of the
thorax trauma, thorax trauma’s effect on the pulmonary function, patient care with
traumatic thoracıc dısease,
The Pump Lung ( Extracorporeal Circulation)
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
GCP 709
Indications, Extracorporeal circulation’s technics. advices; pumps, oxygenareteurs,
hypothermi and heat convertibles, anticoagulations, priming begining
cardioplegy, the calculations before-after and during perfusion.
The effect of the Anesthetic Materials on the Respiration System
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
GCP 711
General information; indications of the general anesthesia, general anesthesia
administration ways, surface anesthesia, application in terms of anesthesia phases.
Inhalation anesthesia. Intravenous anesthesia. Advices and systems used for
anesthesia. Anesthesia and respiration system. Breathing under
Complications that may develop during and after anesthesia
Digestion System and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Local Credit : 3
GCP 712
BIO 701
ECTS : 6
Anatomy of the digestion system. The mechanism of the digestion system’s effect on
pulmonary functions. Obesity and cachexia; rehabilitation of the physical therapy. The
nutrition and diet for the respiration systems diseases. Enteral nutrition. Parenteral
Local Credit : 3
ECTS : 6
Scientific methods and usage, the concept and measurement of data processing, types
of research and survey, screening the literature, error sources in researches, sampling
methods, data processing system and distributions, significance controls, parametric
tests, non parametric tests, probability, correlation analysis, biomedical experiments,
life analysis
Study methods of Experimental Animals
Local Credit : 3
DEN 701
ECTS : 6
Raising methods and Standard shelters, the biologic roperties of the experımental
animals, the criteria of choosing animals according to experiment models. The ethical
criteria of experimental studies. Anestesia technics , cateterisation, fluid balance and
postoperative care of the experimental animals . The technics of taking blood samples
and injection. Special itervention technics in experimental studies, euthenesia methods
and ethic rules
Medıcal Computer Systems and Internet
Local Credit : 3
BIL 701
GCP 797
ECTS : 6
Monitor, keyboard, mouse, box and box contents description, computer operating
systems, DOS operating system, commands and application, Windows 9x operating
systems, computing and setup adjustments. Office 2000 word, Powerpoint, Excel.
Medical links of internet and search engines, medline and other databases, the logic of
server and web publishing, preparing homepages.
Local Credit : 0
ECTS : 3
Mertol GOKÇE,MD,Assist. Prof.
Chairman of the Department of Thoracic Surgery