If you are Puerto Rican then you have to celebrate Los Reyes. After Christmas, put a
Reyes statue as a centerpiece on your dinning room table so the kids know – but it's not
over yet: "faltan los Reyes." (The Kings are missing!)
Celebrate it Puerto Rican style, that is.... have the kids cut grass or greenery on
January 5th and put it in a box under their bed. Put a small gift from Los Reyes in
the box once they fall asleep - and don't forget to throw out the grass. Have a
special and festive Día de Reyes meal that day. Take pictures of your children with
their boxes. After dinner make it a tradition to sing a Reyes song.
Los Reyes arrive before dawn on January 6th. For centuries Puerto Rican children have celebrated Los
Reyes in the same manner as their grandparents did when they were children. January 6 is called Epiphany
and is traditionally the day in which the Magi arrived bearing gifts for the Christ child. Even to this day in
Hispanic countries throughout the world, January 6 is the day that children receive their Christmas gifts,
in commemoration of the Magi's visit.
Víspera de Reyes
On La Víspera de Reyes (the Eve of
Three Kings Day) Puerto Rican children
cut grass to put in a shoe box under
their bed for the camels to eat. Their
"wish list" is placed on top of the grass.
Grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends
ask children to put a box under their bed
too - just in case.
The Reyes only come if the child has been good all year and if the children are awake they bypass
the house. On this night children sleep lightly listening for any strange noises, whispers, or maybe sounds
of the camels' hooves, or any tale-tale signs of the Kings' arrival. Sometime during the night Los Reyes
arriveand quietly leave their gifts for the children while their camels enjoy their snack.
In the morning the island is filled with the joy and the laughter of happy children enjoying their new bikes,
skates, dolls, and other toys. It is a joyful day full of celebration. Later in the day a holiday dinner is
prepared and friends and relatives join in the festivities. Relatives bring the children the boxes left under
their beds now empty of grass but filled with gifts. What fun!
Who were the Three Kings? Where did they come from?
The tradition of Los Reyes Magos in Puerto Rico is taken very seriously. The Catholic Church declared the
Magi Saints giving each his own Day of Feast. On the days immediately following Three Kings Day, the
Octavas and Octavitas are celebrated. These originally were to honor the Magi.
El Rey Melchor was the Sultan of Arabia. He was the oldest of the Magi and was a small and gentle man.
Baltazar had a long white beard and wore elegant crimson robes. His gift was gold which was much used by
the Hebrews for the Temple and was very plentiful in the time of David and Solomon. Gold was not coined
until after the reign of King David, was an article of commerce and was sold by weight. It is rumored that
Melchor brought many other priceless gifts as well. Saint Melchor's feast day is January 7th. Saint Melchor's
figure goes before the other Kings in a manger scene.
El Rey Baltazar was a Nubian King and ruler of Ethiopia. Baltazar was dressed in exquisite robes. His gift
was myrrh, a precious and aromatic resin that comes from the bark of thorny African trees and symbolized
suffering. Myrrh was a precious comodity in the Middle East. It was one of the ingredients of the holy
ointment, Exodus 30:23, and of the embalming substance. John19:39. It is also used in medicine and as a
perfume. Baltazar was also rumored to have brought many other expensive gifts and treasures along. Legend
tells us that Baltazar died soon after in the presence of the other Wise Men. Saint Baltazar's feast day is
January 8th.
El Rey Gaspar was Emperor of the Orient and ruled over all oriental lands. He is also represented as white
but does not wear a beard. His clothes were gilded in gold. King Gaspar's gift was frankincense, an
exceedingly aromatic gum used in the sacred incense for the Temple service. It is distilled from a tree in
Arabia.. Frankencense was priceless and a gift for Kings and symbolized prayer. It was burned in temples to
honor God. Gaspar is said to have also brought many other fine gifts for the Christ Child. It is said that
Gaspar traveled the furthest to visit the Christ Child. Saint Gaspar's feast day is January 6th.
Los Reyes Magos, from Persian magu, meaning magician; members of a priestly caste of ancient Medes and
Persians; name is applied also to the wise men in the Bible (Matthew ii) who followed a star to Bethlehem; the
Bible story does not name them nor give their number, but Christian tradition from about the 7th century
names the three Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar; their bodies are said to have been brought to
Constantinople by Empress Helen, mother of Constantine, thence taken to Milan, and finally to Cologne in
1162 by Frederick Barbarossa; since that time they have often been called the Three Kings of Cologne
Los tres Santos Reyes
Los tres Santos Reyes, los tres y los tres,
los tres Santos Reyes, los tres y los tres,
Los saludaremos con divina fe,
los saludaremos con divina fe.
Los tres santos Reyes, yo los sé contar,
Los tres santos Reyes, yo los sé contar,
Gaspar y Melchor y el Rey Baltasar.
Gaspar y Melchor y el Rey Baltasar.
Llegan con cautela, la Estrella los guía
Llegan con cautela, la Estrella los guía
se sientes sus pasos, en la noche fría
se sientes sus pasos, en la noche fría
Señores, adiós . . . doy la despedida
al corazón santo, dulce de María
Señores, adiós . . . doy la despedida
al corazón santo, dulce de María
Señores adiós porque ya nos vamos
Señores adiós porque ya nos vamos
todos los presentes pasen feliz año
todos los presentes pasen feliz año