CURRICULUM VITAE - Ashley S. Roseman, Ph.D.

Ashley Senior Roseman
(Formerly Ashley Claire Senior)
Phone: 713-429-5629
University of Houston, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, August 2007
M.A. in Psychology, August 2004
Tulane University
B.S. in Psychology with Honors, minor in Business, December 2001
Honors and Awards:
Stella Earhardt Fellowship for Graduate Study
Tulane Founder’s Scholarship
Dean’s List
National Merit Letter of Commendation
Clinical Experience:
2010-present Private Practice, 4545 Bissonnet St, Suite 200, Bellaire, TX 77401
Provide individual psychotherapy to adults and couples with wide range of
presenting problems. Areas of expertise include anxiety, depression, smoking
cessation, and fertility/postpartum issues.
Baylor College of Medicine, Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Science, Postdoctoral Fellow
Conduct screening, informed consent, and diagnostic interviews as part of
randomized clinical trial for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in adults age 60 and
over. Provide modular cognitive-behavioral therapy in accordance with treatment
manual. Research responsibilities include supervision of data entry, daily
tracking of participants’ progress, and compilation of recruitment statistics.
Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Trauma Recovery
Program, Postdoctoral Fellow
Provide individual psychotherapy to OIF/OEF Veterans. Responsibilities include
treatment planning and coordination with psychiatry and medical providers.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Behavioral
Science, Postdoctoral Fellow
Conduct screening, informed consent, and diagnostic interviews as part of
randomized clinical trial for smoking cessation in pregnant and depressed
populations. Provide behavioral counseling, stress management, or cognitivebehavioral therapy in accordance with treatment manual. Research
responsibilities include supervision of masters’ level clinicians, daily tracking of
participants’ progress, and compilation of recruitment statistics.
Roseman, Ashley S.
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Behavioral Medicine and
Consultation Services Team, Psychology Intern
Provide individual and group psychotherapy to veterans with wide range of
behavioral health issues, including chronic pain and noncompliance with medical
procedures. Conduct psychosocial assessments for veterans preparing for
bariatric surgery and organ transplant procedures.
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Temple Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder Clinical Team, Psychology Intern
Conduct intake interviews to evaluate veterans’ eligibility for participation in the
PTSD Clinical Team. Provide individual and group psychotherapy to veteran
population, all of whom suffer with trauma-related psychopathology, from an
object-relations and psychodynamic perspective. Attend bimonthly team
meetings to assist with case conceptualization and treatment planning.
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Waco Mental Health Clinic,
Psychology Intern
Provide individual assessment and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy to veteran
population with wide variety of presenting problems and varied levels of
functional impairment. Responsibilities include case conceptualization, treatment
planning, and supervision of doctoral level graduate student therapists.
Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Family Medicine Clinic, Psychology Intern
Provide cognitive-behavioral and family-systems therapy to individuals, couples,
and families in a primary care setting. Responsibilities include case
conceptualization and treatment planning.
Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Neurospsychology
Assessment Clinic, Psychology Extern
Conduct neuropsychological assessments in a veteran population. Prepare reports
and assist with discharge planning.
Baylor College of Medicine, Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Science, Research Clinician
Conduct screening, informed consent, and diagnostic interviews as part of
randomized clinical trial for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in adults age 60 and
over. Provide either individual cognitive-behavioral therapy in accordance with
treatment manual or individual nondirective supportive care via telephone.
Research responsibilities include supervision of data management and data entry
and assistance with baseline and interim analyses.
University of Houston, Psychology Research and Services Center, Therapist
Provided cognitive-behavioral therapy on an individual basis. Responsibilities
included case management and assessment. Review therapy tapes for peers to be
discussed in group supervision.
University of Houston, Emotions in Marriage Lab
Helped run participants through research study entailing physiology hook-up,
SCID administration, and conduction of a brief marital intervention. Assisted
with training undergraduate research assistants and supervised complex coding
systems and data entry.
Roseman, Ashley S.
Tulane University, Undergraduate Mentor
Advised students enrolled in Honors General Seminar in Psychology about their
service-learning experiences, assist with class exercises such as debates and
panels, and read and comment upon drafts of papers.
University of Texas, Summer Intern
Worked on research team led by Dr. Ricardo Ainslie. Transcribed interviews and
prepared summary reports of print media in relation to the Jasper, Texas, hate
Tulane University, Research Assistant
Assisted graduate students in running participants, coding data, and analyzing
results of thesis experiment.
Tulane University Upward Bound, Intern
Counseled inner-city fifteen year-olds to strengthen social skills and to develop
emotional control. Prepared daily activities and tests to assess the students’
abilities. Summarized students’ progress in case study reports.
Academic Appointments:
University of Houston, Teaching Fellow
Statistics for Psychology, Experimental Design
Assisted with teaching statistics at the graduate level by leading reviews and
providing support to faculty professor. Primary role was to teach computer
software language used for data analysis, including the creation of exercises,
exams, and projects to assess knowledge of software.
University of Houston, Teaching Fellow
Introduction to Statistics
Taught statistics for psychology on an undergraduate level. Responsibilities
included preparation of lectures and exams, and grading exams and assignments.
University of Houston, Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Statistics, Child Development,
Personality Psychology
Assisted professors and graduate student teachers with grading papers and leading
exam reviews.
Research Experience:
Dissertation: Evaluated the utility of telephone-administered assessments in an older adult
population. Data was collected as part of an ongoing randomized clinical trial for
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in adults over 60. Analyses entailed comparisons
of means, internal consistency, and factor structure across modes of
administration. Validity was examined within the context of a multitraitmultimethod matrix and confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess relative
proportions of variance explained by trait and method factors. A project-designed
rating scale was also administered to assess patients’ attitudes toward the
telephone method. Results indicated no differences in means, internal
consistency, and factor structure between traditional self-report and telephoneadministered modes. Although there was some evidence of method variance, this
Roseman, Ashley S.
is likely due to the timing of assessments. The majority of patients reported a
favorable attitude toward the telephone method.
Defended May, 2006
Supervisor Melinda A. Stanley, Ph.D.
Used structural equation modeling to assess influence of self-blaming attributions
on development of posttraumatic stress disorder among victims of domestic
violence. Results indicate physical abuse, psychological abuse, and social support
make independent contributions to the development of PTSD, whereas selfblaming attributions do not. Methodological limitations include use of an indirect
measure of attribution style; future research that utilizes more sophisticated
methods of assessment may find different results. The results do, however,
suggest a need to incorporate improvement of social support networks into
clinical interventions for battered women.
Defended August, 2004
Supervisor Julia C. Babcock, Ph.D.
Roseman, A. S., Kasckow, J., Fellows, I., Osatuke, K., Patterson, T. L., Mohamed, S., & Zisook,
S. (2008). Insight, Quality of Life, and Functional Capacity in Middle-Aged and Older
Adults with Schizophrenia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, 760-765.
Gloster, A. T., Rhoades, H. M., Novy, D., Klotsche, J., Senior, A., Kunik, M. E., Wilson, N. L.,
& Stanley, M. A. (2008). Psychometric properties of the Depression Anxiety and Stress
Scale – 21 in older primary care patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 110 (3), 248259.
Babcock, J. C., Senior, A.C., Green, C. E. & Ross, J. M. (2008). Intimate partner abuse and
PTSD symptomology: Examining mediators and moderators of the abuse-trauma link.
Journal of Family Psychology, 22 (6), 809-818.
Senior, A. C., Kunik, M. E., Rhoades, H. M., Novy, D. M., Wilson, N. L., & Stanley, M. A.
(2007). Utility of telephone assessments in an older adult population. Psychology and
Aging, 22 (2), 392-397.
Caudle, D.D., Senior, A. C., Wetherell, J. L., Rhoades, H. M., Beck, J. G., Kunik, M. E., Snow,
A. L., Wilson, N. L., & Stanley, M. A. (2007). Cognitive errors, symptom severity, and
response to CBT in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder. American Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry, 15 (8), 680-689.
Senior, A., Kraus, C., & Stanley, M. (2006). Advances in treatment research for late-life
generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety Disorders: A Quarterly Report, Spring.
Skopp, N., Kunik, M., Novy, D., Daza, P., Adams, J, Senior, A., & Stanley, M. (2006).
Investigation of cognitive behavior therapy. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,
14 (3), 292.
Babcock, J. C., Canady, B, Senior, A. C., & Eckhardt, C. I. (2005). Applying the transtheoretical
model to female and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Gender differences in
stages and processes of change. Violence and Victims, 20, 235-251.
Caudle, D.D., Senior, A. C., Wetherell, J., Beck, J. G., Snow, A. L., Kunik, M., Wilson, N. L.,
Rhodes, H. M., & Stanley, M. A. (February, 2007). Cognitive errors, symptom severity,
Roseman, Ashley S.
and response to CBT in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder. Poster to be
presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Conference, Portland,
Gloster, A. T., Richard, D. C. S., Senior, A. C., & Dotson, S. (November, 2006). Exposure
therapy has a public relations problem: Results from a survey of professionals, clients,
and students. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Gloster, A. T., Senior, A. C., Rhoades, H. M., Novy, D., Wilson, N. L., Kunik, M., & Stanley,
M. A. (November, 2006). Psychometric properties of the DASS-21 in an older adult
population. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Ross, J. M., Senior, A. C, Green, C. E., & Babcock, J. C. (July, 2006). Testing the role of abuse,
physiological reactivity, and social support in the development of PTSD
symptomatology. In C. Taft (chair) panel PTSD in Battered Women: Etiology and
Comorbidity. Presentation at the International Family Violence Research Conference,
Portsmouth, NH.
Babcock, J. C., Canady, B. E., Graham, K., Ross, J. M., Senior, A. & Schart, L. (November,
2005). Anger arousal during naturalistic conflict discussions: Relations between anger,
autonomic arousal, and intimate partner violence. In Holtzworth-Munore and Eckhardt
(co-chairs) symposium Anger and Partner Abusive Men: Can the Lab Inform the Clinic?
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Senior, A. C., Kunik, M., Rhoades, H., Novy, D., Wilson, N., & Stanley, M. A. (November,
2005). Psychometric properties of self-report measures administered over the telephone.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Annual
Convention, Washington D.C.
Babcock, J. C., Canady, B., Yates, D., Ross, J., Senior, A. C, & Costa, D. (May,
2005). Psychophysiological reactivity associated with borderline features among intimate
partner abusers. In U. Ebner (Chair) symposium Emotion Regulation in BPD.
Presentation at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
Webb, S. A., Senior, A., Wagener, P., Novy, D., Kunik, M., Wilson, N, Overall, J., Rhoades, H.,
Greisinger, A., Rodriguez, H., Stanley, M. A. (November, 2004). Treating late-life
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in primary care. Poster presented at the KelseySeybold Health Services and Outcomes Research Conference, Houston, TX.
Ross, J. M., Babcock, J. C. & Senior, A. C. (November, 2004). Psychophysiological reactivity
associated with psychopathic, borderline, and antisocial personality features among
intimate partner abusers during an anger inducing task. In J. C. Babcock (Chair)
symposium Emotional Dysregulation and Borderline Personality: Recent Findings on
Psychophysiological and Behavioral Patterns Associated with BPD. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Yates, D. W., Babcock, J. C. & Senior, A. C. (November, 2004). The relations between
psychopathy, borderline and antisocial personality features and emotional reactivity
during interpersonal conflict among intimate partner abusers. In J. C. Babcock (Chair)
symposium Emotional Dysregulation and Borderline Personality: Recent Findings on
Roseman, Ashley S.
Psychophysiological and Behavioral Patterns Associated with BPD. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Senior, A., Canady, B., Babcock, J. C. (July, 2003). Evaluating the utility of the proactivereactive typology model in intimate partner violence. Presentation at the International
Family Violence Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.
Academic and Professional Associations:
American Psychological Association, Division 29
Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy
Houston Psychological Association
Community Service:
JCC Children’s Scholarship Ball, Next Generation Committee Member
Assisted with invitations, silent auction, and set-up for the Jewish Community
Center Children’s Scholarship Ball
Louisiana Children’s Hospital, Volunteer
Worked in the psychology department, assisted with billing, making
appointments, answering telephones, and other paperwork.