UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTAL COURSE SYLLABUS 1. Course Prefix and Number: 2. Course Title: 3. Regular Instructors Dr. Richard Austin Dr. Michaele Chappell Dr. Gladis Kersaint Dr. Denisse Thompson 4. Course Corequisite: MAE 4936 Senior Seminar in Mathematics Education Enrolled in Internship concurrently 5. Course Description Synthesis of teacher candidate’s courses in complete college program. 6. : Course Objective Upon completion of the entire internship experience, including this course, the student will be prepared to begin a successful career as a mathematics teacher. note: This course provides interns an opportunity to interact with each other and a U.S.F. Mathematics Education faculty member regarding their classroom experiences. Specific assignments insure that interns apply skills and knowledge gained in previous professional courses to design of instructional plans, test construction, classroom management and professional development during their internship. 7. Course Outline: Regular contact with students via e-mail is strongly encouraged Seminars will meet in at least 4 times during the semester on campus. Specific topics to be covered should be brought forward by the students as well as faculty 8. Evaluation of Student Outcomes 1. 2. Successfully complete your internship. This is required for a passing grade . Regular attendance and participation in seminar discussions Other activities / assignments may include some or all of the following 3. Keep a notebook / portfolio organized according to the classes for which you are responsible. It should contain; a. July 20, 1998 lesson plans for a unit, from each different course you teach. Include a reflective assessment as to how well these lesson plans prepared you to teach the particular lessons in the unit. 4. b. a test that you have given covering material that you taught. Include the score distributions and an item analysis for this test. Include your reflective evaluation as to the quality of the test - looking back. c. a list of alternative assessments that you used, and your reflective evaluation as to the effectiveness of such assessments. In addition you will be required to complete the following assignments. The reflections are to be typed and should be submitted in the notebook as separate pages. a. Video tape (audio if video is impossible) at least one of your lessons. Critique it yourself, this is to be a reflective self assessment (one typed page max.) b. Present a lesson using a computer or calculator for much of the instruction. Write a reflective evaluation the effectiveness of the lesson. c. Design and display a bulletin board in your classroom which may help to motivate students. Write a reflective reaction to your finished work. (a photo would be good here) d. Read at least one article on a topic you are or will soon be teaching from a professional journal. Write a one-page summary, including how well the ideas worked in your lesson. e. Prepare an activity, not found in your text, that can be used for concept or skill development, problem-solving, reinforcement or enrichment. Implement it in at least one class, evaluate its effectiveness, and share the idea and experience with the seminar participants. Write a one page reflection on the effectiveness of your activity. f. Attend at least one in-school or extra-curricular activity, such as a club meeting, pep rally, concert, ball game or a play. Write a one page reflection on this experience. g. Meet with the principal, assistant principal, a guidance counselor, dean(s) of discipline, mathematics faculty, and at least one faculty member from another discipline. Once again, write a one page reflection on this activity. h. Three reflective situations (one page each) dealing with situations that you faced for which you were not sufficiently prepared to handle immediately. One on planning for instruction, one on classroom management, and the third on anything else you choose. ( I will keep these three sheets) i. Find out from your cooperating teacher(s) 1. How the FPMS is used in that school for faculty evaluation? July 20, 1998 2. To what degree are the new Florida Frameworks - mathematics standards reflecting the actual curriculum in place in that school. 3. What is the role of school faculty in textbook adoption for that school system? 4. What is the faculty perception of the move to block scheduling, common in many of the high schools. Particularly the view of the mathematics teachers. 5. What special preparations are made at that school in regards to the FCAT j. Fill out the Accomplished Practices Form k Shadow one of your students for a regular school day m. Article reviews / critiques related to assigned topics. 9. Grading Criteria Your grade will be determined by three primary factors. The first and most important is successful completion of your internship (grade of S) Unsuccessful internship will result in at best an incomplete grade (an I) for the senior seminar. Your attendance and participation in the seminar classes on campus The quality of your notebook / assignments given by the professor. Many of the listed activities require a reflection in writing. 10. Recommended Texts: Every Minute Counts, (1982) D.R. Johnson, Dale Seymour Publications, Palo Alto, CA Making Minutes Count Even More, (1986) D.R. Johnson, Dale Seymour Publications, Palo Alto, CA July 20, 1998 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTAL COURSE SYLLABUS ATTACHMENT I Please respond to each of the following questions and complete the attached Matrix: 1. Rationale for Setting Goals and Objectives: What sources of information (e.g., research, best practices) support the formulation and selection of course goals and objectives. This course provides the interns (student teachers) an opportunity to meet with regular faculty in the mathematics education program to discuss what is happening in their real classrooms. This internship experience is very different from the early field experiences that they have, since they are now the real teachers. This is especially important because there is almost never the opportunity for the regular faculty to be the internship supervisor. 2. List the specific competencies addressed from the relevant national guidelines. From the NCTM Guidelines: 3.2 A full time teaching experience in senior high school mathematics is supervised by a qualified teacher and university or college supervisor who taught high school mathematics. A full range of responsibilities from remedial classes to advanced mathematics and activities are part of this experience. 3. Are their field based experiences in this course? If so, please briefly indicate the nature and duration. Since this course is concurrent with the internship the whole course is tied to the full time, culminating field based experience. 4. Is technology used in this course? If so, please briefly indicate type of technology and how it is used to manage, evaluate and improve instruction. Are students provided opportunities to access and/or demonstrate use of technology in instruction in this course? If so, please briefly describe. (See Accomplished Practice #12) No, at least not directly. It certainly may become a focus based on student need, and possible assignments. 5. List the specific competencies addressed from the Florida Adopted Subject Area Competencies, if applicable. While none is a prepared focus, all areas are involved in discussions of what is happening in the real classrooms relative to mathematics instruction. July 20, 1998 6. Are there any components of the course designed to prepare teacher candidates to help K12 students achieve the Sunshine State Standards? Is so, please identify. Yes, the purpose of the course is to prepare qualified mathematics teachers. As such these students will be directly preparing high school students achieve the mathematics related Sunshine State Standards. (Continued) July 20, 1998 DEPARTMENTAL COURSE SYLLABUS Attachment I (cont'd) MATRIX (For College of Education files only) 7. Complete the following matrix showing the association among (1) course objectives (item #6 of syllabus), (2) related topics, (3) evidence of achievement of objectives (including performance-based assessments, as appropriate), and (4) Accomplished Practices (Undergraduate and Plan II Master's Programs). Course Objectives (Note: Objectives should be numbered 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.) Topics Evidence of Achievement What topics are used to fulfill each objective? 1.0 Upon completion of the entire 1.1 internship experience, including this course, the student will be prepared to begin a successful career as a mathematics teacher. Teaching in a High School Predominant Accomplished Practices* (For Undergraduate and Plan II Masters Courses Only) Success in internship Participation in class activities Completion of assignments #11 Role of the Teacher (all others in some way)