Adjective Phrase Examples

Adjective Phrase Examples
An adjective phrase is a group of words that describe a noun or pronoun in a sentence. The adjective phrase can
be placed before, or after, the noun or pronoun in the sentence.
The first few phrases are done for you. Finish the rest by underlining the adjective phrase.
Adjective Phrase Examples
The movie was not too terribly long.
A person smarter than me needs to figure this out.
The final exams were unbelievably difficult.
This pie is very delicious and extremely expensive.
Everyone was extremely delighted when the winner was announced.
The new outfit was very pricey but really beautiful.
Mom said the cost of a car is way too high.
Faster than a speeding bullet, Superman was finished in no time.
Students upset about the rising cost of tuition staged a rally.
That complex has quite small but cheap apartments.
Her eyes were very mesmerizing to the young man.
The highly emotive actor gave a wonderful performance.
Your apple pie smells very tempting.
Eating out is usually not very healthy.
The extremely tired kitten fell asleep by her food dish.
She is rather fond of skiing.
By the end of the date, I was fairly bored with him.
The overly enthusiastic fans painted their bodies with the team’s colors.
A dog covered in mud makes a mess in a car.
The valedictorian was far too serious about her GPA.
A tapestry beautifully stitched by hand is worth the cost.
That movie is getting scarier and scarier.
I really wanted to paint it eggplant purple.
The man covered in sweat took a well-deserved break.
Grass-fed organic beef is the best choice.
This stone is the heaviest of all.
I am quite enamored with him.
The music from next door was annoyingly loud.
Jorge was merely anxious to get on his way.
I love the taste of a sweet, juicy peach.
The boys were angry about the long lines.
The dancing was exquisitely graceful.
The candy was dark chocolate brown.
That old food tastes awfully bad.
The very small kitten jumped at the big dog.
The cost of the car was way too high.
The overly enthusiastic fans painted their bodies with the team’s colors.
A dog covered in mud makes a mess in a car.
The valedictorian was far too serious about her GPA.
A tapestry beautifully stitched by hand is worth the cost.
That movie is getting scarier and scarier.
I really wanted to paint it eggplant purple.
The man covered in sweat took a well-deserved break.
Grass-fed organic beef is the best choice.
This stone is the heaviest of all.
I am quite enamored with him.
The music from next door was annoyingly loud.
Jorge was merely anxious to get on his way.
I love the taste of a sweet, juicy peach.
The boys were angry about the long lines.
The dancing was exquisitely graceful.
The candy was dark chocolate brown.
That old food tastes awfully bad.
The very small kitten jumped at the big dog.
The cost of the car was way too high.