Blind Citizens NZ May 2015 Board Meeting Summary An overview of topics and significant outcomes and activities of the Board Meeting held Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May 2015 are highlighted. The Board acknowledged Brian Say’s resignation which it received with regret shortly following its March meeting. Geraldine Glanville was given a warm welcome upon re-joining the Board. She replaces Brian Say. Adoption of budget for the 12 month period to 30 June 2016 While considering the full extent of costs to carry out the core business of Blind Citizens NZ, the Board makes every endeavour to avoid running a deficit budget. This approach involves the preparation of two budgets – a black budget that encompasses the bare-bones of what can be achieved on minimal funds thus avoiding where possible a deficit, and a blue skies budget that includes the fullness of activities should funds be available. The blue skies budget ensures that in times of financial constraint, the Board has made decisions to support which activities will be prioritised should funding opportunities arise. Taking all factors into consideration and bearing in mind the long-term sustainability of Blind Citizens NZ, the Board has reluctantly adopted a budget that carries a projected deficit in the vicinity of $27,000. The Board is most uncomfortable operating under a deficit budget and some hard decisions have been made. While the budget supports only a one-day Annual General Meeting / Conference for 2015, to be held in Wellington (not upper south island), a little further on, you will read about very recent developments in this area. With respect to certain other budgetary items, the Board at its July meeting, will review its position and, in the event additional funding is unable to be sourced, it will decide whether to further prune the budget back by: reducing its face-to-face Board meetings from five to four; funding only the rental component of the National Feedback Line (not costs incurred for toll calls); publishing three Focus issues and not four – consideration to removing the December 2015 issue and publishing issues for September 2015 and, March and June 2016 is the approach the Board is considering taking. 2015 Annual General Meeting and Conference In March this year, the Board decided to defer reaching a decision about this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference until its May meeting. Funding constraints continue to be amongst factors that present decision-making challenges for the Board. Branches will recall that funding from the Lotteries Grants’ Board supported a three-day event being held in 2014. This success was not repeated for 2015. Acknowledging 2015 is the 70th anniversary of Blind Citizens NZ’s establishment, the Board hoped to be in a position to recognise achievement in some small way during a three-day event. The Board recognised that funding approaches to support a three-day event, at the time of its May meeting, remained under consideration. Thus it struggled with making a finite decision at this time. It therefore decided to extend to 30 May 2015, the date by which it would make a final decision. On Thursday 21 May, having been assured an additional $20,000 towards a three-day event had been secured, the decision to proceed was reached. This brings the total amount for this year to $35,000. A further $5,000 to $8,000 will be required to offset the usual costs incurred for the three-day event. The Board is relatively comfortable this can be achieved through efforts to secure funding between now and October 2015, or if required, by trimming the budget back further. Scheduled dates and preferred venue for this year's AGM / Conference have been compromised as result of delays encountered in reaching a decision. This has led to new dates of 16-18 October 2015 being agreed upon by the Board. The location will be Christchurch. Branches will receive separate advice of the venue, costs etc. The Board is grateful to and recognises the Blind Foundation’s support and granting the much needed, additional $20,000 to support Blind Citizens NZ’s 2015 three-day AGM / Conference event. 2012 AGM / Conference Resolution re Blind Foundation Associate Membership At Blind Citizens NZ 2012 Annual General Meeting and Conference, members expressed their concerns about the low number of Associate Members participating in elections for the Board of the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind. The following resolution was passed and duly conveyed to the Blind Foundation: “That noting the primary intention of the current governance model of the RNZFB is that the Board is directly elected by members, and noting also the particularly small number of Associate Members and the low number of votes cast to fill the current Associate Member position, that Blind Citizens NZ calls on the RNZFB Board to take steps to remove the Associate Member seat on the Board unless it can demonstrate that the number of Associate Members exceeds 250 by the time it holds its Annual Public Meeting in 2013.” Blind Citizens NZ’s Board has been mindful of endeavours made by the Blind Foundation's Board of Directors to increase the number of members in the Associate Membership category. In November 2014, in the hope an update could be provided during the Blind Foundation’s AGM, Blind Citizens NZ requested information about the Blind Foundation’s initiatives and how successful these have proven to be, with respect to the number of Associate Members registered at that time. At its May meeting, the Board considered a response received in March, from the Board of Directors. It noted the number of Associate Members has increased by 72% to 150 registered members over the past twelve months. Bearing in mind continuing efforts by the Board of Directors to increase the number of registered Associate Members, and noting there has not been an election for this “seat” since 2010, the Board resolved it would maintain a watching brief. Accountability of Blind Foundation Board of Directors Following its March meeting, a set of statements that included the 2014 AGM / Conference resolution, was formally conveyed on the Board’s behalf to the Blind Foundation’s Board of Directors. The statements (circulated to branches late in April), require the Board of Directors to take a series of actions to address member-concerns surrounding the Blind Foundation’s September 2014 Special General Meeting. A response was received from the Blind Foundation’s Chair Rick Hoskin on behalf of the Board of Directors, shortly prior to the Board’s May meeting and circulated for the Board’s attention. Due however to the extent of business already scheduled, the Board was unable to give the letter its full and considered attention. The Board did however recognise an earlier decision that requires its Rules and Policy Standing Committee to draft a policy detailing what Blind Citizens NZ seeks with respect to the Blind Foundation's Constitution, the electoral process, behaviour of Board Directors and the ability of members to monitor the Board of Directors. On the premise the response from the Board of Directors has the potential to assist with framing the draft policy, the Board referred the letter to its Rules and Policy standing committee. Rules and Policy will draft also, for the full Board’s consideration, a response to the Board of Directors. Items in Brief Branch Feedback: The Board considered from branches, feedback to each of two specific topics on which it sought information. It acknowledges the time given to these responses and where required, the way suggestions have been framed. Regarding calling on the Office for Disability Issues to hold a stakeholder forum to determine if dedicated disability legislation is required, branches overall, were supportive of this approach. Finding ways to resource branches to carry out Blindness Awareness Education is the major theme that came through in responses from branches including that all support this happening. The Board has appointed a sub-group to consider what resources would be required and practical aspects that need to be recognised. Convened by Geraldine Glanville, the sub-group comprises Jonathan Godfrey, Paula Waby, Murray Peat and the Executive Officer. 2015 Wellington Seminar: a change of date has been made to this year’s Wellington Seminar. This will now be held on Friday 10 September (not 20 July). Its primary focus will be to address the essence of the 2014 AGM / Conference resolution that requires a stakeholder forum to be convened to determine if dedicated disability legislation is required. While it was hoped the Office for Disability Issues would be in a position to convene the forum in July, the Director Megan McCoy has advised that until its work-schedule is approved by Cabinet, that she is not in a position to commit to any such undertaking until at least July 2015. 2015 Leadership Seminar: A decision has been made to proceed with this year’s leadership seminar which will take more of an “advocacy” focus. It will be held in conjunction with this year’s AGM / Conference. Expressions of interest for both a facilitator and participants will be publicised. In the first instance, funds (i.e. interest) from the Vanessa Lowndes Leadership Development Fund, will be used. At the same time, funding applications to support this year’s initiative will continue. Donor Acquisition Fundraising Campaign: The Board received an update about its donor acquisition fundraising campaign. Due to events outside the contractor’s control, this commenced a month later than planned. Readvertising of Focus Editor and, Workbridge Council Representative Positions: Advertising for each of these positions will occur in the June Focus issue. The Board has welcomed Carolyn Weston’s offer to continue as Focus Editor and her support to remain in this role in the meantime. Blind Citizens NZ Shared Services Agreement with the Blind Foundation: The first report against the six-month Shared Services Agreement was submitted in early April. The next report is due on 5 June. As the terms of the first agreement conclude on 30 June 2015, the Board is hopeful a longer contract can be achieved for the period commencing 1 July 2015. Blind Citizens NZ Facebook page: every effort is being made to keep Blind Citizens NZ’s Facbook page posted with up-to-date news relevant to the blind community. Increasing the number of visitors to the Facebook page (and “likes”) will help spread the word – the link is: Submissions: Blind Citizens NZ has made submissions in response to the following opportunities: Braille Authority of New Zealand: feedback to the final draft of Policy 7, Accreditation of braille producers working in New Zealand. Justice and Electoral Select Committee: Inquiry in to the 2014 General Election Ministry of Social Development: Employment, Participation and Inclusion Services: Draft Proposals for Change. [Ends]