- Jordan University of Science and Technology

Curriculum Vita
Name: Azmi Mohammad-Ghaleb Darwazeh
Place & Date of birth: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1st November, 1955
Nationality: Jordanian
Marital status: Married
Current academic position: Full Professor in Oral Medicine since 7/1/2002;
Faculty of Dentistry; Jordan University of Science & Technology
Academic positions outside JUST:
o Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, King Saud University, KSA,
o Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Salman bin AbdulAziz University, KSA,
Last administrative position: Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, JUST (2000-2004);
Head of Oral Medicine specialty, Jordanian Medical Council
o BDS University of Cairo, Egypt; May, 1979
o MSc (Oral Medicine & Pathology) University of Glasgow, UK; June,
o PhD (Oral Medicine) University of Glasgow, UK; June, 1990
o FFD RCSI (Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry, The Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland (Oral Medicine & Surgery)
Specialty: Senior consultant in Oral Medicine
o E-mail address: darwazeh@just.edu.jo
o Home phone number (Jordan): 00 962 (0)6 5521052
o Mobile phone number (Jordan): 00 962 (0)795885271
The Specialty of Oral Medicine
Oral medicine is that area of special competence concerned with the diagnosis and nonsurgical management of the diseases affecting the oro-facial tissues, especially the oral
mucous membrane, but also other associated tissues and structures such as the salivary
glands, bone, and the facial tissue.
It includes also the management of oral
manifestations of systemic diseases.
Academic positions:
Assistant professor (JUST) August 1990 -1995.
Associate professor (JUST) 1995 - 2002.
Full professor (JUST) 2002-
Associate professor in Faculty of Dentistry, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
1998 -2000.
Part-time lecturing professor in Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jordan 1990 –
Full professor and Head of Maxillofacial Surgery & Diagnostic Sciences
Department; Vice Dean in Salman Bin Abdulaziz University September 2011June 2012
Main clinical duties:
Running the Oral Medicine Consultation Clinic in the Dental Teaching
Center / JUST, where treating out patients (private patients) of various
orofacial diseases and conditions and temporomandibular joint disorders,
including taking biopsies from oral tissues. Also given treatment for
patients referred from Ministry of Health Hospitals.
Supervising the postgraduate oral medicine clinic in Postgraduate
Teaching Clinics / JUST (teaching clinic)
Supervising the undergraduate oral medicine clinic at Dental Teaching
Center / JUST (teaching clinic).
Te dental teaching center includes
approximately 120 dental units
University administrative posts:
- Head of Maxillofacial Surgery & Diagnostic Sciences in Salman Bin Abdulaziz
University September 2011-
Dean, Faculty of Dentistry: September, 2000 – 2004
Students academic advisor for the academic year 1990/1991
Director of the clinics in Faculty of Dentistry: October 1991-October
Acting chairman of the Department of Oral Sciences: October 1992October 1994
Assistant Dean 1995-1996
Acting chairman of the Department of Oral Medicine & Oral Surgery
Vice Dean: 1996-1998
University committees
Member in the University Library Committee for the academic years
Member of the committee for evaluation of regulations for the University
academic staff promotion
Chairman of the organizing committee of the First Scientific Meeting of
the Faculty of Dentistry held in 27-28/3/1995, and the second scientific
meeting held in 2/6/2001
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry 1995 -
Member of the Faculty curriculum committee 1995-
Member of the primary disciplinary committee for the university
academic staff, September 2005-2006
Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Conference
of the faculty of dentistry / Jordan University of Science and Technology
and the 5th Scientific meeting of IADR-JOR held in Amman, 7-10 May
Member of the Institution Research Ethics committee,2009-
Member of the University Research Committee, 2009-
Educational workshops:
Workshop on technology of education and evaluation: JUST, 31/8 4/9/1991.
Advanced workshop in technology of education and evaluation: JUST
Joint workshop ( JUST & WHO)on the integration of HIV infection into
the curricula of the ongoing health professional schools, JUST,
Advanced workshop in education and evaluation of students in the
medical field, 18-20/1/1997.
Workshop on student’s assessment. OSCE and standardized patient
examinations; Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science &
Technology; 14th April, 2007.
Workshop on Developing and Implementing Quality Assurance
organized by the British Council in association with Jordan University
and Technology and the Higher Education Policy Institute – UK; 7-10
January 2008.
Workshop on Internal Review Training organized by the British Council,
Salam bin AbdulAziz University and NCAAA from 25-26 October 2011.
Workshop on Programme and course learning outcomes bases on NQF
for medical, science, engineering and humanities; Organized by the
British Council, Salman bin AbdulAziz University and NCAAA; 15
November 2011.
Workshop on Programme and courses learning outcomes based on NQF
organized by the British Council and NCAAA; 10-11 April 2012.
Clinical workshops and courses attended:
Course on diagnosis and management of cranio-mandibular joint
dysfunction 14 - 15/4/1994.
Course on radiation protection 9 - 10/1/1996.
Workshop on "Oral implantology for the Pitt- Easy Bio-Oss system" 17 –
19 /12/1997.
Workshop on “Oral implantology” for ORALTRONICS system 25 - 27
Scientific activities outside the University:
Chairman of the of Oral Medicine Specialty in the Jordan Medical
Council 2000-
Member of the committee of the higher studies in the Jordan Medical
Council, 2001- September 2005.
President of the International Association of Dental Research – Jordan
Section (IADR-JOR) 2002-2004.
Member of the scientific committee in the Jordan Dental Association
since 1992-1996.
Chairman of the scientific committee in the Jordan Dental Association
Editor in the Jordan Dental Journal.
Member of the organizing committee of the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Congress
of JDA held in the Years 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 respectively.
Chairman of the scientific committee organizing the 15th Congress of
JDA and 20th Arab Dental Congress held in Amman in April, 1997.
Chairman of the Drugs Misuse Committee, JDA.
Representing the University in the National Dental Education Committee,
Ministry of Health.
Associate Prof. College of Dentistry in King Suad University (Oct. 1998June 2000).
Members of the National Committee for Medical Ethics.
Member of the Higher Committee for Certificates Recognition in the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, 2009-2010
External examiner:
Examiner in part C, MFD examination, Royal College of Surgeons in
Professionality examination in Jordan Dental Association.
External examiner in final examination (Oral Medicine and Pathology) for
the BDS students, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jordan.
External examiner in final examination (Oral Medicine & Pathology) for
the BDS students, Faculty of Dentistry, Arab Medical University,
Bengazi-Libya 1997, 2005, 2007, 2008
External examiner in final examination (Oral Medicine) for the BDS
students, Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya, 2006
and 2007
External Examiner for final comprehensive exam for MSc students / Oral
medicine in Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, December, 2009.
Examiner for several MSc. thesis in Jordan University of Science &
Examiner for several MSc. Thesis in Faculty of Medicine, University of
Examiner in the MFDRCSI part II exam held in Khartoum 20-21 January
Postgraduate teaching:
Course director for several clinical and didactic courses in the MSc.
program at Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science &
Part-time lecturer for Master students in oral medicine in Al-Arab Medical
University, Benghazi, Libya.
Lecturer in the Primary FFD course of the Royal College of Surgeon in
Ireland for the years 1996, 1997 held in JUST and University of Jordan.
Master and PhD thesis supervision:
o Standards of radiation protection in dentistry in Jordan (DDS). University
of Leeds, UK; 1995.
o Oral manifestations, oral and nasal mycological flora in renal transplant
patients. KSU, Saudi Arabia; October, 2000.
o Compliance with infection control procedures in private dental practice in
Irbid. JUST; August, 2003.
o Prevalence of self-reported symptoms of temporomandibular disorders
among a group of Jordanian universities students. JUST; July, 2006.
o The association between cigarette smoking and candidal colonization of
the mouth. JUST; May, 2007.
o The relationship between oral hygiene and Candida colonization. JUST;
January, 2009.
o Oral findings and oral Candida colonization in the B-thalassemia patients.
JUST; February, 2009.
o Tongue lesions in a Jordanian population.
Prevalence, symptoms,
subject’s knowledge and attitude. JUST; March, 2009.
o The Prevalence of oral candidal colonization and oral candidosis among
surgically treated cleft lip and palate patients compared with healthy
subjects. JUST; May, 2009.
o Awareness and extent of halitosis among a sample of Jordanian
population. JUST; June 2010.
o Candidal species on the tongue and dental plaque in type II diabetic
patients with periodontitis. JUST; August, 2010.
o The association between removable acrylic prosthesis and isolation of
Candida species from the oral cavity and fingertips of complete and
partial denture wearers. JUST; December, 2012.
Master and PhD thesis examiner:
Siwak as an oral hygiene aid in patients with
fixed orthodontic
appliances. JUST; 2005
o Detection of Enterococcus faecalis in oral cavity of dental patients.
University of Jordan; May, 2006
o Anatomic limitations of harvesting soft tissue grafts from the human hard
palate. JUST, June, 2006
o Morphological abnormalities in the dentitions of Jordanian individuals
with cleft lip and palate. JUST; June, 2006
o The effect of topically applied agents on oral wound healing in a rat
model. A clinical and histomorphometric study. JUST; December, 2008.
‫ دكتوراه من معهد‬.‫ العقاقير النباتية الفموية و طب الفم بين القرنين الرابع و السابع الهجريين‬o
9002 , ‫ أيار‬, ‫ الجمهورية العربية السورية‬, ‫ حلب‬, ‫التراث العلمي العربي‬
o Factors affecting force degradation in orthodontic latex elastics. An in vivo study.
JUST; December 2009.
o An in vitro study of the effect of antifungal agents on surface properties of
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and its relation to adherence of Candida
albicans; JUST, November, 2010.
o Salivary factors affecting dental erosion in children; JUST, May, 2011
o Immunohistochemical analysis of maspin, syndecan-1 and KI-67 in keratocystic
odontogenic tumours. JUST, August, 2011
Book: Two chapters “Salivary gland diseases” and “Infections of oral mucosa” in Text
Book in Oral Medicine. Edited by: R. Prabhu. Oxford University Press, UK, 2003
1. Lamey P-J, Darwazeh AMG, Connel JMC. Hydrallazine induced
syndrome. International Journal of Oral Surgery 1989; 17:92-93.
2. Darwazeh AMG, Diabetes mellitus, dental caries and periodontal disease: evidence
for a relationship. Dental Health (London). 1990; 29(4):3-7.
3. Darwazeh AMG, Lamey PJ, Samaranayake LP, MacFarlane TW, Fisher BM,
Macrury SM, MacCuish AC. The relationship between colonisation, secretor status
and in-vitro adhesion of Candida albicans to buccal epithelial cells from diabetics.
Journal of Medical Microbiology 1990; 33(1):43-9.
4. Darwazeh AMG, Lamey PJ, Lewis MA, Samaranayake LP. Systemic fluconazole
therapy and in vitro adhesion of Candida albicans to human buccal epithelial cells.
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 1991; 20(1):17-9.
5. Lamey PJ, Darwazeh AMG, Muirhead J, Rennie JS, Samaranayake LP, MacFarlane
TW. Chronic hyperplastic candidosis and secretor status. Journal of Oral Pathology
and Medicine 1991; 20(2):64-7.
6. Darwazeh AMG, MacFarlane TW, McCuish A, Lamey PJ. Mixed salivary glucose
levels and candidal carriage in patients with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Oral of
Pathology and Medicine 1991; 20(6):280-3.
7. Lamey PJ, Darwazeh AMG, Frier BM. Oral disorders associated with diabetes
mellitus. Diabetic Medicine 1992; 9(5):410-6.
8. Darwazeh AMG, Pillai K. Prevalence of tongue lesions in 1013 Jordanian dental
outpatients. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 1993; 21(5):323-4.
9. Darwazeh AMG, Lamey PJ, MacFarlane TW, McCuish AC. The effect of exposure
to chlorhexidine gluconate in vitro and in vivo on in vitro adhesion of Candida
albicans to buccal epithelial cells from diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Journal of
Oral Pathology and Medicine 1994; 23(3):130-2.
10. Darwazeh AMG, al-Bashir A. Oral candidal flora in healthy infants. Journal of Oral
Pathology and Medicine 1995; 24(8):361-4.
11. Darwazeh AMG. Oral candidosis in diabetic patients. The Jordan Dental Journal
12. Darwazeh AMG. Oral disorders associated with diabetes mellitus. The Jordan
Dental Journal 1996;11:29-36.
13. Darwazeh AMG, MacFarlane TW, Lamey PJ. The in vitro adhesion of Candida
albicans to buccal epithelial cells (BEC) from diabetic and non-diabetic individuals
after in vivo and in vitro application of nystatin. Journal of Oral Pathology and
Medicine 1997; 26(5):233-6.
14. Lamey PJ, Bolas A, Napier SS, Darwazeh AMG, MacDonald DG. Oral white
sponge naevus: response to antibiotic therapy. Clinical and Experimental
Dermatology 1998; 23(2):59-63.
15. Darwazeh AMG, Hamasha AA, Pillai K. Prevalence of taurodontism in Jordanian
dental patients. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 1998; 27(3):163-5.
16. Darwazeh AMG, Pillai K, Oral lesions in a Jordanian population. International
Dental Journal 1998; 48(2):84-8.
17. Lamey PJ, Darwazeh AMG.
Buccinator window anomaly. Journal of Oral
Pathology & Medicine 1998; 27(9):453-4.
18. Hamasha A, Darwazeh AMG. Prevalence of pulp stones in Jordanian
adults. Oral
Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodntics 1998;
19. Al-Omari MA, Hattab FN, Darwazeh AMG. Dummer PM. Clinical problems
associated with unusual cases of talon cusp. International Endodntic Journal 1999;
20. Darwazeh AMG, Hamasha A. Radiographic evidence of enamel pearls in Jordanian
dental patients. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and
Endodntics 2000; 89(2):255-8.
21. Al-Mobireek AF, Darwazeh AMG, Hassanin MB. Experimental induction of
rheumatoid arthritis in temporomandibular joint of the guinea pig: a clinical and
radiographic study. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2000; 29(5):286-90.
22. Darwazeh AMG, Al-Refai S, Al-Mojaiwel S. Isolation of Candida species from the
oral cavity and fingertips of complete denture wearers.
Journal of Prosthetic
Dentistry 2001; 86(4):420-3.
23. Al-Mohaya M, Darwazeh AMG, Al- Kehudair W. Oral fungal colonization and oral
candidosis in renal transplant patients. Relationship to miswak use. Oral Surgery
Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics 2002; 91: 455-60.
24. Hamasha A.A.; Al-Khateeb T.; Darwazeh AMG. Prevalence of dilacerations in
Jordanian adults. International Endodontic Journal 2002; 35: 910.
25. Darwazeh AMG, Al-Nasser NM. The effect of fixed orthodontic appliance therapy
on oral Candida carriage. The Saudi Dental Journal 2003; 15(3)
26. Al-Hamad K, Al-Omari M, Al-Wahadni A, Darwazeh AMG.
assessment of post-retained crowns in an adult Jordanian population. The Journal of
Contemporary Dental Practice 2006; 7: 1-9.
27. Al-Mohaya MA; Darwazeh AM; Bin-Salih S; Al-Khudair W. Oral lesions in Saudi
renal transplant patients. Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplantation 2009;
20: 20-29.
28. Darwazeh A, Al-Dwairi Z, Al-Zwairi A: The relationship between tobacco smoking
and oral colonization with Candida species.
Journal of Contemporary Dental
Practice, 2010, 11(3): 1-7.
29. Darwazeh A M-G, Hammad MM, Al-Jamaie AA. The relationship between oral
hygiene and oral colonization with Candida species in healthy adult subjects.
International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 2010, 8: 128-133.
30. Hazza’a A, Darwazeh A, Museedi O.
Oral Candida flora in a group of Jordanian
patients with ß-thalassemia major. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology,
Oral Radiology, and Endodontology 2010;109(2):252-6.
31. Darwazeh AM, Almelaih AA. Tongue lesions in a Jordanian population. Prevalence,
symptoms, subject's knowledge and treatment provided. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir
Bucal. 2011 Sep 1; 16(6):e745-9.
32. Rawashdeh MA, Ayesh JA, Darwazeh AM. Oral candidal colonization in cleft
patients as a function of age, gender, surgery, type of cleft and oral health. J Oral
Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Apr;69(4):1207-13. Epub 2010 Aug 5.
33. Karasneh JA, Darwazeh AM, Hassan AF, Thornhill M. Association between
recurrent aphthous stomatitis and inheritance of a single-nucleotide polymorphism of
the NOS2 gene encoding inducible nitric oxide synthase. Journal of Oral Pathology
& Medicine 2011; 40: 715-720.
34. Darwazeh AMG, Darwazeh TA. Probiotics and oral disease. An update. Smile
Dental Journal 2011;6:1-7.
35. Bedair AA, Darwazeh AMG, Al-Aboosi MM.
Oral Candida colonization and
candidiasis in psoriatic patients. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral
Radiology, 2012 Nov;114(5):610-5.
36. Darwazeh AMG, Al-Aboosi MM, Bdair, AA. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in
psoriatic patients: A controlled study. Accepted for publication in Journal of Clinical
and Experimental Dentistry, 2012;4(5):e286-91.
Scientific and editorial board of scientific dental Journals:
o Jordan Dental Journal
o International Arab Journal of Dentistry
o Smile Dental Journal
Al-Hakam F. Al-Hadidi
Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine
Jordan University of Science & Technology
E-mail: hhadidi@just.edu.jo
Tel. 0096227201000 Ext. 23861
Peter Cowan
Previous Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin
Chief Executive Officer / Director of Dental Affairs
Phone: +353 1 402 2239/2256
Fax: +353 1 402 2125
E-mail: pcowan@recsi.ie
Professor Philip-John Lamey
Professor of Oral Medicine
Main Subject
Oral Medicine
School of Dentistry
Grosvenor Rd
BT12 6BP
Tel No:
(028) 90635314
Fax No:
(028) 90438861