1 - Craven District Council Online Planning

Site Description
The application site comprises 4.35 hectares of meadow land to the east of the
B6265 Skipton to Grassington Road, close to the Craven Heifer Public House. The
surrounding area forms open countryside.
Change of use of the land to a green burial ground. This concept offers an alternative
to conventional crematoria to allow a woodland burial site encouraging green issues
– in particular an absence of chemicals and use of biodegradable coffins, shrouds,
baskets etc. Site maintenance also follows ‘green’ principles with tree management
to take account of conservation factors, particularly wildlife benefit.
The long term proposal is to create an oak woodland within the overall site, inside
which burials can take place without traditional memorials or formal grave
identification (other than a numbered stone sett). The engineering works are limited
to the widening of the present site entrance off Brackenley Lane, with improvements
to sight lines and installation of a cattle grid; construction of a trackway; and parking
space for 20 cars. A ‘woodland path’ and seating, shelters and waste bins will be
provided in a “sympathetic” style.
Planning History
No relevant planning history.
Planning Policy Background
PPG1 “General Policy and Principles”; PPG7 “The Countryside: Environmental
Quality and Economic and Social Development”; PPG9 “ Nature Conservation”;
PPG23 “Planning and Pollution Control”.
North Yorkshire County Structure Plan: Policy E2.
Local Plan: Policy ENV1 “Development in the Open Countryside”; ENV2
“Requirements for Development in Open Countryside”; ENV4 “Special Landscape
Area”; ENV10 “Protection of Trees and Woodland”; ENV12 “Farm Diversification”
ENV14 “The Protection of Water Quality”; ENV16 “General Policy: Pollution”; SRC10
“New Community Facilities”; T2 “Road Hierarchy”; T3 “Parking Standards in New
Town Council Comments
Skipton Town Council: “No objection to the proposal in principle but the (Town
Council) Committee are concerned about the visual impact of the limestone
pathways and would like to see it top dressed with a more suitable colour if possible.
The Committee would also like to see more screening of the car park.
Environment Agency: No objections, subject to a condition limiting distances between
burials and specified water features.
Environmental Health Officer: No objections.
North Yorkshire County Council (Highways): recommend permission be granted
subject to standard conditions regarding the laying out of the access, visibility splays
and prior provision of car parking.
Skipton-in-Craven Civic Society: “We do not oppose this in principle. It is however a
site which is very visible from well-frequented paths on Skipton Moor, Embsay Crag
and Crookrise. As it will be sometime before that canopies of trees overhang the
path sit it is important that their surfacing should be muted in tone, particularly the
access from Brackenley Lane and the 15 foot wide track into the memorial area. We
are puzzled by the mention of parking for 35 cars on the application form but for only
20 in the Survey and Report. We feel provision of 35 is excessive. The car park
need to be screened to the north and to have the suggested alternative surface of
grass supported by permanent ground netting. A welcome addition to the proposals
would be the continuation, on the opposite side of Grassington Road to the ‘Craven
Heifer’ of the permissive path northwards to link up with the public footpath to Bog
Lane and Sharphaw.
Summary of Principal Planning Issues
The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the
In relation to relevant Development Plan policies, the principle of establishing a burial
ground in open countryside would be acceptable – providing that the development
did not have an unacceptable impact on visual amenity and the landscape character
of the area. The proposed development can be described as providing a service to
the community, and is a facility that would be unlikely to be sited within the existing
main urban area of Skipton. The application site is located close to the main centre
of population, and capable of serving the needs of a wider area.
The main planning issue concerns the extent of the impact on the character,
appearance and amenities of the area; in particular whether there would be any
adverse effects on the local landscape. The site lies in an attractive area of open
countryside, close to the boundary of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The land
concerned has no special nature conservation designation, but does fall within the
Special Landscape Area identified in the local plan. There are no public rights of way
crossing the site, but there are views of the site from the B6265 to the west and from
various vantage points, especially higher ground within the National Park.
In the long term, the physical appearance of the site would be largely unchanged by
the burials themselves. The principle change will be the establishment of the
woodland, and the provision within the site for vehicle access, parking, and footpath
routes. These matters have been considered in the detailed survey, construction and
management proposals supporting the application. The woodland planting is not of
concern, and the most potentially intrusive features will be the car park and access
track. Concern has been raised by the Town Council and Civic Society about the
size of the car park and the use of limestone surfacing for these features, a more
“muted” top dressing being preferred. Detailed control over the car park layout
materials, landscaping, and the design of seating and other features, is possible
through appropriate conditions; and this would allow the Town Council and Civic
Society’s concerns to be overcome.
No other matters have been raised, and traffic safety, pollution, and general amenity
issues are not of special concern.
In conclusion, it is considered that the burial ground would not conflict with
development plan policies and the proposals would not result in significant harm to
interests of acknowledged importance, including the character and appearance of the
area or the safety of highway users in the area.
Approval of the application is recommended.
Summary of Conditions
No development to take place prior to the submission and written agreement of
details of the car park layout, surfacing materials for the car park and footpaths, and
other minor artefacts and structures (eg. shelters, seating, refuse or other storage
units, signs, etc.).
Standard highway conditions concerning the construction of the access, provision of
visibility splays, and prior provision of car parking.
No other means of vehicle access other than from Brackenley Lane.
Restrictions on burials within specified distances of water features.
Prior approval of drainage details.
Prior approval of soft landscape treatment.