Act II

Name: _____________________
Hour: ______________
Macbeth sees a "dagger of the mind" leading him towards Duncan's chamber. (1.)
Lady Macbeth has drugged the guards, noting that Duncan's resemblance to her
father has stayed her from doing the deed herself. After the murder, Macbeth carries
the bloody daggers from the chamber causing Lady Macbeth to reprimand him for his
great show of emotion. After she returns the daggers and smears the guards with
blood, she tells Macbeth, "a little water clears us of this deed." (ii.)
The porter attends the knocking at the gate, creating a comic relief scene of his
imaginings. Macduff discovers the body, and Macbeth kills the guards, explaining the
act as his overwrought response to their unjust offense. Duncan's sons realize their
danger and decide that Malcolm will go to England and Donalbain will go to Ireland.
(iii.) Their flight makes them suspect, and Macbeth is crowned King of Scotland. (iv.)
Scene I
1. At the beginning of this scene, Shakespeare uses dialogue to establish the time of
day. Why does he use this technique?
Plays were performed during the daytime because they did not have lighting
or electricity.
2. On page 327, Banquo gives the reader some details about King Duncan and his
behavior. How does this heighten the impact of his impending death?
This is an example of DRAMATIC IRONY. The king was very generous to
his host and hostess. He went to bed content and happy with no clue to the
schemes against him.
3. In lines 22-29, what is Macbeth asking Banquo to do, and what does he promise if
Banquo does?
Macbeth suggest they talk about the witches when they have time.
He asks Banquo to join his cause in becoming king and tells him he will
honor him.
Banquo, though, will not tarnish his reputation or honor, but he agrees to
join him if he can do so with a clear conscience.
Scene II
4. In the beginning of this scene, Lady Macbeth makes several comments. What is it
that she is contributing to the murder plot?
She has drugged the king’s servants and placed their daggers in plain sight.
5. Which lines indicate that Lady Macbeth might not be so cold and hard as she’d
like to think? (Not looking for a number, but a quote here.)
Had the king not resembled Lady Macbeth’s father as he slept, she would
have done it herself.(11-12).
6. What mood or atmosphere do the series of short lines of dialogue create? (Lines
13-20) What does this then say about our characters?
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth complete one another’s sentences/lines—this
shows their complicity in murder.
7. Macbeth is unable to say “Amen.” Why could this be significant?
Signifies his guilt and Divine disapproval for the murder of a king
8. In lines 34-39, Macbeth discusses three benefits of sleep. What are they?
A. Nourishing
Gives a person
B. Untangles worry
Heals and calms
the mind
C. Heals body
9. What does Macbeth mean when he says he’s murdered sleep?
Feels guilty/ loss of innocence
10. How do Lady Macbeth’s and Macbeth’s reactions to blood differ?
Macbeth is incapacitated, panic-stricken, weak, nervous, feeling guilty
Lady Macbeth is cool, in-charge, level-headed, calm, sees only the evidence of
the crime, no guilt
Scene III
11. The form of the lines changes at the beginning of this scene. What does this
Changes from VERSE (poetry) to PROSE (text)
Relieves tension
Comic relief
12. In lines 55-62, describe the night that Lennox, a nobleman, has experienced.
Wind was wild
Blew down the chimney
Ominous sounds like owls screeching
13. How is the murder of a king an example of the theme of chaos versus order?
Violation of Divine Right to Rule
If the head (king) is corrupted, then the kingdom (Scotland) will be in chaos
14. According to Lennox, what evidence proves that the guards killed Kind Duncan?
Faces covered in blood
Daggers with blood
Staring and distracted
Recognize cause/ effect of a character’s actions. (3.1.2)
Identify how soliloquy, dialogue, and dramatic irony reveal characters. (3.2.3)
Understand and apply author’s themes of ambition and chaos vs. order. (3.1.9 )
15. Argue whether Lady Macbeth actually faints or fakes it in line 119.
FAKE: She said they must act surprised. She is really good at it.
REAL: Anxiety and fear could really cause it no matter how calm she
16. In lines 136-147, King Duncan’s sons see their danger quickly. What is their
biggest concern?
As heirs to the throne, they are in the murderer’s way to reaching the throne.
They fear they may be the next victims.
17. Why do they go to separate places at the end of this scene?
It will be more difficult to kill both heirs if they are apart.
18. Which two recent events might lead Banquo to believe the king might have been
murdered by Macbeth?
Banquo heard the witches promise Macbeth the crown.
Malcolm had just been named the King’s heir to the throne.
Macbeth asked for Banquo’s support
Scene IV
19. At the start of scene iv, we get instances from nature that illustrate the theme of
chaos versus order. What are they?
Consequences of violating DIVINE RIGHT is CHAOS
A. Horses devour each other while still alive;
B. A falcon is attacked by an owl
C. Darkness during the daytime.
20. What is now believed to be the plot behind the murder? Why?
Believed Duncan’s sons may have paid servants to murder in order to get the
throne. The sons look guilty because they fled and everybody knows the
servants have nothing to gain from killing the king.
21. By the end of this act, whom do you blame more for the murder of King
Duncan—Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Explain.
MACBETH: did the deed
LADY MACBETH: Manipulated her husband
Recognize cause/ effect of a character’s actions. (3.1.2)
Identify how soliloquy, dialogue, and dramatic irony reveal characters. (3.2.3)
Understand and apply author’s themes of ambition and chaos vs. order. (3.1.9 )