NYU POSTDOCTORAL PROGRAM IN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOANALYSIS PRESENTS: On and Off the Couch: Explorations in Contemporary Psychoanalysis CO-SPONSORED BY BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER The Unconscious What We Really Do Crimes & Misdemeanors Andrew Druck Mary-Joan Gerson Elizabeth Goren Melinda Gellman Alan Kintzer Susan Klebanoff Mark Blechner Stephen Solow Sue Grand Carina Grossmark Iris Hellner Peggy Carr The NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis is pleased to announce a new yearlong project examining current issues of interest to clinicians. Each semester, participants will attend three lectures on topics in and about psychoanalysis. Each lecture will feature a senior faculty member and an advanced candidate or graduate of the NYU Postdoctoral program. Who is eligible? Doctoral level mental health professionals (such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers) and students in doctoral level mental health training programs who have not yet entered psychoanalytic training and who are interested in learning about psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. This series is an excellent way to learn more about where psychoanalytic thought is going and about NYU Postdoc’s unique and lively analytic community. All participants will be asked to attend all lectures, in order to make this a more meaningful and deeper experience for everyone. The series will take place on six Monday evenings during the academic year 2012-2013. There will be no charge. NYU Postdoc is a large and active community of forward–thinking and intellectually open psychoanalysts. We are excited about what is happening at Postdoc, and we are looking forward to sharing some of it with you. To register, please contact one of the series organizers: Karen Starr: kstarr@optonline.net Margery Kalb: margerykalb@gmail.com Jill Bresler: drjbresler@aol.com Scheduled Dates: September 10th , October 22nd, December 3rd 2012 January 28th, March 4th, April 29th 2013 7:30-8pm snacks and chat; 8-9:30pm lecture Visit NYU Postdoc at: http://postdocpsychoanalytic.as.nyu.edu/page/home and on Facebook