Inclusion in Mathematics

Mathematics Policy
SUBJECT POLICY – Mathematics
Review Date:
Next review date:
Person in charge:
Spring 2015
Spring 2017
Faye Crosby
Diamond Hall Infant Academy Mission Statement
Together we will provide a welcoming, caring, stimulating, challenging, creative and inclusive Early
Years learning environment enabling all children to succeed and meet the challenges of an ever–
changing world.
1 Aims and objectives
1.1 Mathematics is a tool for everyday life. It is a creative and inter-connected subject and it is
an essential lifelong skill. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to
tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. It also provides the materials and means
for creating new imaginative worlds to explore.
1.2 By using the Programmes of Study from the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National
Curriculum it is our aim to develop:
 Learners that are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through wide ranging and
regular practice and application of skills so pupils develop conceptual understanding and an
ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
 Pupils that can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, noticing and using
relationships and generalisations, and developing a line of reasoning, explanation or proof
using key mathematical vocabulary.
 Our pupils can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with
increasing complexity, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and
persevering in seeking solutions.
 A positive attitude and fascination towards the learning of mathematics, and the ability to
be both independent and collaborative in their learning.
2 Teaching and learning style
2.1 We use active, visual and involving teaching approaches to teaching mathematics.
2.2 We actively encourage reflection on learning.
2.3 We use rich questioning and discussion as a key part of maths sessions.
2.4 We build on previous learning and use photographs as appropriate to ensure
children see links in their maths learning and build on previous knowledge
2.5 We take time over each new concept.
Mathematics Policy
2.6 We focus on using and applying skills in order to extend mathematical knowledge.
2.7 We identify misconceptions as starting places for concept building.
2.8 We are responsive to the needs of each pupil and allow additional time before
moving on when required.
We ensure that children enjoy challenging maths and that our pupils use a range
of independent learning strategies.
Throughout the whole curriculum opportunities exist to extend and promote
mathematics. Teachers seek to take advantage of all opportunities.
The National Curriculum programmes of study set out what pupils should be
taught in mathematics at Key Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 and provide the basis for
planning schemes of work. At Key Stage 1, teaching should ensure that
appropriate connections are made between the sections on number, and shape,
space and measures. These aspects are developed through a range of practical
activities using mathematical ideas. When planning, staff should also consider
general teaching requirements for inclusion, use of language and use of ICT.
The Early Years Foundation Stage principles guide the work of Nursery /
Reception practitioners. The characteristics of effective learning drive planning
and development of all learners with practitioners promoting explorative
thinking, active learning and creative and thinking critically. The coverage for
mathematics comes under early learning goal 11 and 12- Numbers and shape,
space and measures.
The use of visual representations and images are used to support the teaching
and learning of mathematics. Throughout school numicon is used as a consistent
visual representation of number to support children in developing as a secure
mental image and understanding of the concepts of number. Other suitable
visual representations are used to support the teaching of number across the
At Diamond Hall Infant Academy we also ensure we are working in the inclusion guidelines set out
in the National Curriculum and EYFS.
Inclusion in Mathematics
All children irrespective of their ability/disability should have access to the mathematics
curriculum. Children with SEN are taught within the daily mathematics lesson and are encouraged
to take part when and where possible. Where applicable, children’s IEPs incorporate suitable
Mathematics Policy
mathematics objectives taken from PIVATs documentation and the national curriculum
documentation. Teachers keep these objectives in mind when planning work.
When additional support staff are available to support groups or individual children they work
collaboratively with the class teacher and use appropriate visual aids to support understanding of
mathematical concepts. Suitable feedback about the maths learning is then given to the child’s
class teacher.
Within the daily mathematics lesson teachers not only provide activities to support children who
find mathematics difficult but also activities that provide appropriate challenges for children
who are high achievers in mathematics.
We incorporate mathematics into a wide range of cross-curricular subjects and seek to take
advantage of multi-cultural aspects of mathematics. In the daily mathematics lesson we support
children with English as an additional language in a variety of ways- giving clear, concise
instructions and by providing visual representations, use of modelling and talk partners to explain
In order to overcome any potential barriers to learning in mathematics, differentiation should
always be incorporated into all mathematics lessons and can be done in various ways:
Stepped activities, which become more difficult and demanding but cater for the less able
in the early sections- planning should provide activities to build on existing knowledge and be
based on a sound understanding of learners needs.
Common tasks, which are open-ended activities/investigations where differentiation is by
Resourcing which provides a variety of visual representations depending on ability.
Grouping according to ability so that the groups can be given different tasks when
appropriate. Wherever appropriate activities are based on the same theme.
Visual prompts, instructions and clear modeling.
Appropriately planned sessions to work towards IEP targets.
Using additional adults to support.
3 Mathematics Curriculum Planning
The Foundation Stage
Opportunities and provision, and teaching and learning objectives in Nursery and Reception are
derived from Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals within the EYFS curriculum. The
coverage for mathematics includes number and shape space and measures. Characteristics of
effective learning encourage children to have hands on and open ended experiences which
promote curiosity, building on children’s ability to enquire and find answers to their questions.
Active learning refers to the attention that arises from children concentrating on following a line
of interest in their activities. Creativity is encouraged with children generating new ideas and
approaches and being encouraged to be inventive when solving problems and seeking challenges.
Mathematics Policy
3.1 Mathematics provision takes place in a range of contexts in which children can explore, enjoy,
learn, practice and talk about their developing understanding. Children are provided with
visual representations and opportunities to practice and extend their skills in all learning
3.2 Each class teacher/key worker is responsible for the planning and teaching of their group’s
daily mathematics opportunities guidance from colleagues and the mathematics coordinator.
The approach to the teaching of mathematics within the Foundation Staff is based on three
key principles:
 Daily mathematics opportunities
 a clear focus for direct, instructional teaching, independent and explorative learning.
 An emphasis fundamental maths skills.
Key Stage 1
3.3 Our school’s scheme of work is a working document and as such is composed of ongoing plans
produced on a week-by-week basis. This is developed from the National Curriculum
programme of study.
3.4 Each class teacher is responsible for the mathematics in their class in consultation with and
with guidance from colleagues and the mathematics coordinator. The approach to the
teaching of mathematics within KS1 is based on Daily mathematics sessions which are planned from the teachers secure knowledge and
judgement of their individual pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the
next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered
rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who
are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding,
including through additional practice, before moving on.
 An emphasis on the using and applying of key mathematical concepts and the ability to
rapidly recall and apply knowledge and understanding. Linking key mathematical concepts
and representations fluently and allowing children to reason mathematically and draw on
existing knowledge.
 Making cross-curricular links to mathematics, for instance using maths as part of science
and independent learning.
3.5 Curriculum planning takes place in three phases; long term, medium term and short term. Long
term planning maps out the mathematics to be covered during each year group. The long term
plan will ensure an appropriate balance and distribution of work across each term but is
flexible according to the teachers knowledge of the children’s needs.
3.6 The activities in mathematics are planned so that they build on prior learning. Progression is
built into long term planning, so that there is an increasing challenge as the children move
through the school.
4 Spiritual, Moral Social and Cutural.
4.1 In Diamond Hall Infant Academy we promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural
development through mathematics
 Mathematics provides opportunities to promote:
Mathematics Policy
■ spiritual development, through helping pupils obtain an insight into the infinite, and
through explaining the underlying mathematical principles behind some of the beautiful
natural forms and patterns in the world around us
■ moral development, helping pupils recognise how logical reasoning can be used to consider
the consequences of particular decisions and choices and helping them learn the value of
mathematical truth ■ social development, through helping pupils work together
productively on complex mathematical tasks and helping them see that the result is often
better than any of them could achieve separately
■ cultural development, through helping pupils appreciate that mathematical thought
contributes to the development of our culture and is becoming increasingly central to our
highly technological future, and through recognising that mathematicians from many
cultures have contributed to the development of modern day mathematics
5. Assessment and recording
5.1 Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning. Teachers are expected to make regular
assessment of each child’s progress and to record these systematically. Teachers assess
children’s work in mathematics by using ongoing, formative assessment through both observations
of practical work, as well as the children’s written work and recording. Children receive verbal,
immediate feedback in terms of the positive elements of their work and improvements are
identified together with the children, ensuring children are aware of the next steps and how they
can progress in their learning.
5.2 Assessment is fair and inclusive of all abilities. It is free from bias towards factors that are
not relevant to what the assessment intends to address.
5.3 Assessments are made in relation to the Early Learning Goals (EYFS) (emerging, expected,
exceeding) and the attainment targets for KS1. Staff record the progress made by children
against their learning objectives to enable a judgement to be made against the National
Curriculum programme of study.
5.4 In addition to teacher formative assessment, children should use peer assessment as
appropriate as part f their maths learning.
5.5 Teachers use data and assessments to plan learning for every pupil, they analyse data and
identify vulnerable groups of pupils and ensure they are making appropriate progress and are
suitably stretched.
5.6 Questions to consider when looking at children’s work in maths:
(The following ideas are a possible focus and are designed to be used as a prompt sheet when
looking at work. There is no expectation that all year groups will have all the elements mentioned).
Mathematics Policy
 Is the objective based on the learner’s specific needs? Is it the appropriate next step to
support the learner’s development?
Calculation methods and recording
 Is the strategy chosen by the child appropriate to the numbers involved? E.g. drawing
 Are children using appropriate notations (symbols and signs)?
 Is there evidence that children have had opportunities to explain their thinking in words
as well as calculations? (Perhaps during whole class teaching and recorded on teacher’s
observation sheets).
 Are the calculation strategies used age appropriate?
 Is there evidence that children are using age appropriate vocabulary?
 Is there evidence that a visual representation has been used to support understanding?
 Is there progression from term to term?
 Is there a sufficient amount of work across the ability groups?
 Is there evidence of different types of recording?
 Is there evidence of children choosing from a range of appropriate strategies or do all
children tackle calculation in a similar way?
Books and paper
 Is the work clear and easy to follow / read?
 Are all children recording in the same sort of books / paper or is there a range used
throughout school?
 Does the type of paper suit the task (e.g. blank, lined or squared)?
 Are there opportunities for children to choose which sort of paper to record their work
 Is the work dated?
 Is there a heading / title / objective? Does this fit in with other school policies about
 Is there evidence of IF and IF+ linked to the maths learning?
 Does the work follow the school’s presentation policy?
Using and applying maths
 Is there sufficient evidence of problem solving?
 Are children clear about what they have to record when problem solving? E.g. there is no
need to copy out the problem.
 Is there evidence of investigations?
 Do the children work systematically?
 Do the children check their answers?
 Is there a range of different types of puzzles / problems?
 Is there evidence of communications and explanations?
 Is there progression?
6 Marking and Feedback
Mathematics Policy
6.1 Marking of children’s work within both Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 is most often given
as immediate verbal feedback to the child. The practitioner will assess the child’s understanding
and completion of an activity and give them an instant summary of how they have done. This may
be praise and a comment on how the child has done the job well or it may be that further support
is needed. Verbal feedback should be given as soon as possible, while the work is still in the
children’s minds, for example during the numeracy session in question, during the next planned
session or the following day– whichever is most appropriate. Immediate feedback should be linked
directly to the maths learning and objective for the session.
In Key Stage 1- feedback recorded for guided groups includes a ‘green for good’ comment linked
to the maths skill and learning, followed by a ‘pink for think’ question, which children are given the
opportunity to respond to. This question should aim to broaden their mathematical understanding.
The following question starts are appropriate for pink for think questions. Describe/demonstrate/show/choose/draw one of …
Is there another?
Give me one/more examples of …
Is … an example of …?
Can you find one that doesn’t …?
Are there any special ones?
Completing, Deleting, Correcting
Tell me what’s wrong with …
What needs to be changed so that…?
Comparing, Sorting, Organising
What’s the same about …?
What’s different about …?
Sort or organise these by …
Is it or is it not …?
Changing, Varying, Reversing, Altering
What happens if we change …?
What if …?
If this is the answer to a similar question, what was the question?
Do … in two or more ways.
Which is the quickest/easiest …?
Generalising, Conjecturing
Of what is this an example?
What happens in general?
Can you say why this is special?
What happened here? And here? Can you see a pattern?
Is it always, sometimes, never …?
Describe all possible as succinctly as you can.
What can change and what has to stay the same so that … is still true?
Mathematics Policy
Explaining, Justifying, Verifying, Convincing, Refuting
Explain why …
Give a reason (using or not using…)
How can we be sure that …?
Tell me what is wrong with …
Is it ever false that …? (always true that …?)
How is … used in …?
Explain the role/use of …
(Please see marking and presentation policy for further information about written feedback.)
7. Observations
7.1 A large amount of mathematical learning takes place in a practical context, and so
observations of children’s learning are of paramount importance. This is particularly true of the
Foundation Stage, although still applies throughout Key Stage 1.
7.2 Observations in Key Stage 1 should show progression rather than repetition of what is
happening in the Foundation Stage. Observations will allow the practitioner to see the next steps
for the child’s learning, or the next steps for numeracy provision in the learning environment.
7.3 When observing children’s learning, the following underpinning principles of observation should
be considered:
1) The starting point for assessment is the child, NOT a predetermined list of skills.
2) Observations show what children CAN do, their significant achievements.
3) Practitioners should observe children as part of their daily routine, not additional to it.
4) Children should be observed in play, in self initiated and self chosen activities as well as
planned adult-directed activities.
5) Observations are analysed to highlight achievements, needs for further support and used
for planning next steps.
7.4 Observations are a form of gathering evidence and can work well alongside other methods of
evidence collection to build up a clear picture of a child’s mathematical understanding and
development. This can be done in a variety of ways – observations, samples of work, conversations
with the child, information from parents, evidence from other settings, evidence from other
7.5 Observations are used to inform planning and identify ‘next steps’ both for the individual
child and the class as a whole. Observations are also used as evidence when completing
assessment for individual children. Several pieces of evidence are required for a level descriptor
to be achieved; the descriptor must be witnessed on more than one occasion.
Mathematics Policy
8. Attainment Targets- KS1
The principal focus of mathematics teaching in key stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop
confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This should involve
working with numerals, words and the four operations, including with practical resources [for
example, concrete objects and measuring tools].
At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to recognise, describe, draw, compare and sort
different shapes and use the related vocabulary. Teaching should also involve using a range of
measures to describe and compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume,
time and money.
By the end of year 2, pupils should know the number bonds to 20 and be precise in using and
understanding place value. An emphasis on practice at this early stage will aid fluency.
Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary, at a level consistent with their increasing
word reading and spelling knowledge at key stage 1.
9. Resources
There is a wide range of resources for mathematics teaching throughout the school. The
resources are distributed and stored within the appropriate year groups, and there is also a
central resource store situated in the admin corridor.
Each year group has a wide selection of visual representations to support the learning of
mathematics, throughout the school numicon is used as a common visual representation however
other appropriate visual representations will show clear progression from nursery through to year
Monitoring and Review
10.1 The monitoring of standards in children’s work, levels and goals reached and the quality of
teaching and learning in mathematics is the responsible of the mathematics subject leader with
support from the economic well being team, and the school’s senior management team. The work
of the subject leader also involves supporting colleagues in the teaching of mathematics and being
informed about current developments in the subjects and providing a strategic lead and direction
for the subject in school. A curriculum review is made annually through the economic well being
curriculum team, which reports on achievements and indicates areas for further development.
Mathematics Policy
1- Year One New Curriculum Assessment Document.
2- Calculation Progression for KS1.
3- Vocabulary.
Mathematics Policy
A Year 1 Mathematician is able
Place Value and number
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
To count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with
0 or 1, or from any given number
To count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals
To count in multiples of twos, fives and tens
Given a number, identify one more and one less
To identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial
representations including the number line, and use the language of:
involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs
one of two equal
answer using concrete objects,
parts of an object,
pictorial representations and
shape or quantity
parts of an object,
shape or quantity.
To solve missing number problems such as 7 =
– 9.
Geometry- properties of shape
To recognise and name common 2-D shapes [for
To recognise and name common 3-D shapes [for
[for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than]
example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and
To compare, describe and solve practical problems for capacity and
half full, quarter]
To compare, describe and solve practical problems for time [for
example, quicker, slower, earlier, later]
To measure and begin to record mass/weight
To measure and begin to record capacity and volume
To measure and begin to record time (hours, minutes, seconds)
To recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins
To recognise, find
as one of four equal
example, rectangles (including squares), circles and
To measure and begin to record lengths and heights
and name a quarter
To solve one-step problems that involve addition and
To recognise, find
and name a half as
20, including zero
division, by calculating the
arrays with the support of the
heights [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short,
To compare, describe and solve practical problems for mass/weight
involving multiplication and
To add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to
volume [for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half,
To solve one-step problems
To read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words
To compare, describe and solve practical problems for lengths and
subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial
To represent and use number bonds and related
subtraction facts within 20
equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least
To read, write and interpret mathematical statements
Geometry –properties and direction
To describe position,
direction and movement,
including whole, half,
quarter and three-quarter
Mathematics Policy
and notes
To sequence events in chronological order using language [for
example, before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow,
morning, afternoon and evening]
To recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of
the week, weeks, months and years
To tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the
hands on a lock face to show these times.
Emerging 1-
Expected 1=
Exceeding 1+
0-14 statements (below 50%)
14-25 statements (50-90%)
26+ statements (90%)
11 points
12 points
13 points
Mastery 29 statements (100%)
Children working at ‘Mastery’ level will focus on developing fluency, accuracy, precision, reasoning and problem solving across the year one curriculum provision.