Ecosystems Test Review: Pond Ecosystem

Ecosystems Test Review
1. Name the producer(s) in your pond ecosystem.
_______peas, marigolds, grass, elodea, algae, spirogyra_________________
2. Name the consumer(s) in your pond ecosystem.
_______isopod, snail, daphnia, tadpoles, guppies, bacteria________________
3. Name the herbivore(s) in your pond ecosystem.
________isopod, snail, daphnia___________________________
4. Name the omnivore(s) in your pond ecosystem.
5. Name the decomposer(s) in your pond ecosystem.
________bacteria, fungus________________________________________
6. Name the carnivore(s) in your pond ecosystem.
7. Name four populations in your ecosystem.
________ peas, marigolds, grass, elodea, algae, spirogyra, isopods, snails,
daphnia, tadpoles, guppies, bacteria_______________________________
8. Create the food chains that are found in your pond ecosystem.
A. ___grass___ -> __isopod______ -> ___bacteria___________
B. ___algae___ -> __daphnia_____ -> ___guppy____________
C. ___elodea__ -> __snail________ -> ___bacteria__________
D. ___spirogrya -> __tadpole______ -> ___bacteria__________
E. ___algae___ -> ___snail_______ -> ____bacteria_________
9. Identify if the abiotic or biotic factors from your pond ecosystem and explain
how it is a environmental factor.
Factor: _water is abiotic_ Explanation: ___all organisms need it to survive
Factor: _light is abiotic_ Explanation: ___needed for photosynthesis
Factor: _soil is abiotic__ Explanation: ___plants need the soil for nutrients
Factor: _humans are biotic Explanation: _humans affected the ecosystem by
watering (too much, too little or just the right amount)
Factor: organisms eating is biotic_ Explanation: food chains_(biotic)_____
Factor: death of isopods is biotic_ Explanation: not watering the soil enough
Factor: the appearance of more of the same species is biotic
Explanation: reproduction
10.Describe one of the biggest changes that took place in your pond ecosystem
over the three weeks that we observed them.
Some of the biggest changes to our pond ecosystem were:
1. The increase in number of daphnia present in our water due to
reproduction was a big change.
2. The decrease in number of our daphnia after the guppies were added was
another big change.
3. The growth of the plants on the island was big.
4. The decrease in the elodea due to the tadpoles eating it was also a big
5. Others can be added here….
11.The purpose of the pond ecosystem lab was to discover if we could recreate a
miniature pond ecosystem in the classroom that could function normally
without human interaction.
Were we able to do this? Explain why or why not.
The pond ecosystem was not able to function in the classroom on its own
without human interaction. We had to continue to water the plants on the island
or they would die. The isopods needed more space to live on so they emigrated
off of the island. The daphnia were all eaten by the guppies leaving the guppies
without a food source. The water in the aquarium portion of the ecosystem
continued to drop to a lower level due to evaporation and eventually would be
completely gone leaving no water for the aquatic organisms.