CURRICULUM VITAE - Emory University

William Marvin McClellan, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.
Office Address:
Emory University
Rollins School of Public Health
1518 Clifton Road NE
Rm 458
Atlanta, GA 30322
(404) -727-6976
(404) -727-8737
E-mail Address
Birth Date and Place: March 30, 1947, Alexandria, VA
Current Titles and Affiliations:
Academic appointments:
I. Primary appointments:
Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory
University School of Medicine, 2012-present
Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Renal Medicine, Emory University School
of Medicine, 2005-2012
II. Joint and secondary appointments:
Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Renal Medicine, Emory University School
of Medicine, 2012-present
Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory
University School of Medicine, 2005-12
Associate Professor, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University of
Alabama at Birmingham 2004-2010
Previous Academic and Professional Appointments:
I. Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Hypertension, Emory
University School of Medicine, 1976-1991
II. Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Renal Medicine, Emory
University School of Medicine, 1991-1999
III. Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Renal Medicine, Emory
University School of Medicine, 1999-2005
Georgia. 017629. Issued 1976.
American Board Internal Medicine. 52806. 1975.
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 2 -
M.S. 1972
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama (Thesis: A
proposed model for amino acid transport in the Ehrlich
ascites cell).
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. (Thesis: Diet and Risk of
early mortality among end-stage renal disease patients treated
by dialysis: A prospective cohort study.)
M.D. 1972
M.P.H. 1992
Postgraduate Training:
Straight Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Straight Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Renal Medicine, Cardiovascular Research Institute,
University of California, San Francisco
The Dynamics of Health Services Systems: Strategic Planning for
Complex Health Organizations, Massachusetts Institute of
New England Epidemiology Institute Computers in
Epidemiology; Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis;
Nutritional Epidemiology; University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
1998 Measurement, design and analysis methods for health outcomes
research, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston
Committee Memberships:
National and International:
American Kidney Fund
Member Selection Committee, AKF Clinical Scholar Program. 1993-1997
Trustee. 1995-1997
American Society of Nephrology
Member. Chronic Kidney Disease Advisory Group 2003-2009.
National Institutes of Health
Member. Working Group for the Development Of NHBPEP Guide for Community High
Blood Pressure Control, National High Blood Pressure Education Program. 1979-1980
Consultant. National High Blood Pressure Education Program. 1978-1986
Member. Working Group on Health Education in HBP Control, National High Blood
Pressure Program. 1984-1987
Member. Physician Survey Advisory Panel, National High Blood Pressure Education
Program. 1985-1986
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 3 -
Member. Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, Dialysis Access Consortium
(DAC) Clopidogrel Prevention of Early AV Fistula Thrombosis Trial, NIDDK. 2005
Member. Scientific Advisory Committee, AV Fistula Maturation Cohort Study. NIDDK.
Member. Steering Committee for the NIDDK National Kidney Disease Education
Program. 2001-present
Chairman. Scientific Advisory Committee. AASK Nocturnal Blood Pressure Pilot
Study, NIDDK. 2007-2012
Chairman. Scientific Advisory Committee. Chronic Kidney Disease Cohort Study,
NIDDK. 2002-present
National Kidney Foundation
Member. Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP) Executive Committee. 2003-2008
Member. President’s Advisory Council 2004-2008
National Kidney Foundation Singapore
Member. Medical Advisory Committee. 1998-2003.
Roche Foundation for Anemia Research
Member. Scientific Advisory Board. 2004-2009.
Norman S. Coplon Extramural Grant Program, Satellite Dialysis
Member. Scientific Advisory Board. 2005-2010.
Editorships and Editorial Boards
Editorial Boards
Patient Education and Counseling
American Journal of Kidney Disease
Clinical Journal American Society Nephrology
Journal of American Society of Nephrology
Associate Editor, 2001-2007
Manuscript reviewer: (all current)
New England Journal of Medicine
American Journal Kidney Disease
Kidney International
Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
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Honors and Awards:
Bronze Medal for Service, American Heart Association-Georgia Affiliate, 1984.
Best Professor, 1999. Selected by student government, Rollins School of Public Health,
Emory University
Society Memberships:
American Society of Nephrology
American Association for Advancement of Science
Research focus:
My current research seeks to understand and reduce racial and socioeconomic (SES) disparities
in the treatment and outcomes of patients with kidney disease. Part of this work focuses
understanding how chronic disease surveillance systems (the Medicare ESRD Networks and
Quality Improvement Organizations) can be used to improve quality of care of ESRD patients. A
second emphasis is working to understand the role of SES and race on the occurrence and
progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Most recently we have begun to examine the
association between geospatial factors and the detection, treatment and outcomes of CKD
Grant Support:
Special Study Contract with CMS (SS-GA-03) for GMCF contract number 500-02-GA02. Chronic
Kidney Disease Pilot Intervention. $860,405. 25%FTE. 9/30/03-10/31/05.
Special Study Contract with CMS (SS-GA-0009) for GMCF contract number 500-02-GA02.
Academic Medical Center Intervention. $560,448. 25% FTE. 9/03/03-10/31/05.
REGARDS - #0000001670
(Funded by an unrestricted grant from AMGEN to UAB)
“Renal Ancillary Study of the REGARDS Study (Renal REGARDS)
The objective of this study is to determine if anemia and chronic kidney disease are important
variables that contribute to the incidence of new cerebrovascular events during the 5 years of
the follow-up of the REGARDS cohort. Role: PI (40% FTE). 04/01/08 – 03/31/11
AMGEN - #108074
“Psychological burden of anemia and chronic kidney disease in the REGARDS Study (Renal
The objective of this study is to determine if anemia and chronic kidney disease are important
variables that contribute to increased disease burden among in the REGARDS cohort. Role: PI
(20% FTE). 01/01/09 – 01/01/12
Clinical Service:
Nephrology Fellow’s Clinic Attending. Monthly at Grady Memorial Hospital, Grady Health
System, 80 Jesse Hill Jr. Dr. SE, Atlanta, GA 30303. 1998-present
Medicine ward attending. One to two months yearly at Grady Memorial Hospital. 1977-1986 &
Formal Teaching:
Course Director. Epidemiology of Chronic Disease Fall Semester, Emory University,
Rollins School of Public Health. 1990-present
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
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Course Director. Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease, Spring Semester, Emory University,
Rollins School of Public Health. 1995-present
Course Director. Epidemiology of Aging, Spring semester, Emory University, Rollins School of
Public Health. 2010-present
Supervisory Teaching:
Ph.D. students directly supervised:
J. Michael Soucie
Title: Epidemiology of Kidney Stones in the United States. 1994
Kathryn Alexis Kohler.
Title: The Epidemiology of Microalbuminuria in African-American with Type 2 Diabetes. 1999.
Jean-Christophe Luthi.
Title: Validity and reliability of routinely collected quality indicators to monitor process and
outcome of care in Swiss academic medical centers. 2002.
Nataliya Volkova.
Title: Understanding racial disparities in end-stage renal disease incidence, treatment, and
survival: The role of socioeconomic and environmental factors. 2006.
Wayne D Phillips.
Title: HIV Prevention Research for Men who have Sex with Men: Methodologic Issues,
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 2010
Rebecca Speckman.
Title: Class Discovery: revisiting case definition. 2010
T. Christopher Bond, PhD.
Title: Influenza Vaccination in a High-risk Population: An Evidence-Based Approach to Public
Health. 2010
Andrea Winquist, MD.
Title: Trends in in-hospital acute stroke care processes and stroke patient outcomes observed
during operation of the Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry (GCASR). 2010
Rachel Patzer, MPH.
Title: Determinants of Racial Disparities in Access to Renal Transplantation: from Dialysis
Initiation to Transplant Referral, Evaluation, Waitlisting, and Transplant. (Candidacy 2010)
Idris Guessous, MD
Title: Chronic kidney disease, vitamin D and gene-environment interaction. (defense pending)
Winn Cashion
Title: Polypharmacy and Patterns of Exposure to Renal-Dosed Medications. (defense pending)
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
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1. McClellan WM, Schafer JA. Transport of the amino acid analogue 2-amino (2, 2, 1) heptane2-carboxylic acid by Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1973; 311:462-475.
2. McClellan, WM. Jones, J. Prolonged blood pressure control in a rural outpatient
hypertension clinic: A description of methodology and results. Am Journal of
Health 1980; 6:33-38.
3. McClellan, WM. Community hypertension control, the rural perspective. Journal of the
South Carolina Medical Assoc 1980; 9:2-9.
4. McClellan, WM. The West Georgia Community Hypertension Control Program; a rural
health alliance. In Workshops in primary Care. Steven Marlow and Martha McGowan, eds.
The National Primary Care Associates, Waterville, ME., 1980.
5. McClellan, WM. Practical steps toward improving patient compliance with antihypertensive
therapy. J Med Assoc Georgia 1981; 70: 357-360.
6. Chiapini, M., Henson, M.A., Wilber, J.A., McClellan, W.M. Statewide community high blood
pressure control programs. J Med Assoc Georgia 1981; 70: 357-360.
7. McClellan, WM., Wilber, J.A., Hypertension Control in the Community. In Community
Hypertension Control Programs in the U.S.: A decade’s experience. JB. Rosenfeld, DS.
Silverburg and R. Viskoper, eds., John Libby, London, 1985.
8. McClellan, WM., Gilber, J.A., Hall, WD. Physician Hypertension Practice in Georgia-Results of
the 1989 American Heart Association/Georgia Affiliate Physician Survey. J Med Assoc
Georgia 1984; 73: 217-233.
9. McClellan, WM., Connel L. Improved Follow-up Care of the Hypertensive Patients by a
Nurse Practitioner in a rural clinic. J Rural Health 1985; 1:34-41
10. McClellan WM., Owens S. The American Heart Association-Georgia Affiliate Hypertension
Education Network for Physicians. J Med Assoc Georgia 1985; 74:151-163.
11. McClellan WM. The physician and patient education: A review. Patient Education and
Counseling 1986; 74: 591-594.
12. McClellan WM., Hall, WD., Brogan D., Martinez B., Wilber JA. Isolated systolic hypertension:
Declining prevalence in the elderly. Preventive Med 1987; 16: 686-695.
13. McClellan WM., Hall WD., Brogan D., Wilber JA. Continuity of Care: An important correlate
of blood pressure control among aware hypertensive. Arch Intern Med 1988; 148:525-528.
14. McClellan WM., Tuttle E., Issa A. Racial differences in the incidence of hypertensive ESRD
are not entirely explained by differences in the prevalence of
hypertension. Am J
Kidney Disease 1988; 12: 285-290.
15. McClellan WM., Neel J., Owen S. Correlates drug therapy of diastolic blood pressure
between 80-89 mm Hg by physicians in the community. Am J of Hypertension 1989; 2:869871.
16. McClellan WM. The Epidemiology of end-stage renal disease in Georgia. J Med Assoc
Georgia 1990; 79:153-156.
17. McClellan WM., Anson C., Birkeli K., Tuttle E. Functional status and quality of life:
Predictors of early mortality among patients entering treatment for end-stage renal
disease. J Clin Epid 1991; 44:83-89.
18. Soucie JM, Neylan JF, McClellan WM. Race and Sex Differences in the Identification of
Candidates for Renal Transplantation. Am J Kidney Disease 1992; 19:414-419.
19. McClellan WM, Flanders WD, Gutman RA. Variable Mortality Rates among Dialysis
Treatment Centers. Ann Intern Med 1992; 117: 332-336.
20. McClellan WM. The Study of Hypertensive end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in Blacks: The
role of ESRD surveillance in the ESRD Networks. Am J Kidney Disease 1993; 21 (SUPP.
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 7 21. McClellan WM, Anson CA, Stanwyck DJ. Social Support and Subsequent Mortality among
patients with ESRD. J Am Soc Nephr 1993; 4:1028-1035.
McClellan WM. The Epidemic of end-stage renal disease in the United States: A public
health perspective on ESRD prevention. AKF Nephrology Newsletter 1993; 10:29-40.
Gomez-Farias MA, McClellan WM, Soucie JM, Mitch WE. A prospective comparison of
methods for determining if cardiovascular disease is a predictor of
mortality in
dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Disease 1994; 23:382-388.
McClellan WM, Soucie JM. Facility Mortality Rates for New End-Stage Renal Disease
Patients: Implications for Quality Improvement. Am J Kidney Diseases1994; 24:280-289.
Soucie JM, Thun MJ, Coates RJ, McClellan WM, Austin H. Demographic and Geographic
Variability of Kidney Stones In The U.S. Kidney Int 1994; 46:893-899.
McClellan WM. Using continuous quality improvement to improve the care of patients
receiving Epoetin Alfa. New Directions in Anemia 1994; 5:1-6.
Farias, MG Soucie JM, McClellan WM, Mitch WE. Race and the risk of peritonitis: An analysis
of factors associated with initial episode. Kid Intern 1994; 46:1392-1397.
McClellan WM. Epidemic end-stage renal disease in the United States (Editorial). Artificial
Organs 1994; 18:413-415.
McClellan WM, Helgerson S, Frederick P, Wish J. Implementing the Health Care Quality
Improvement Program in the Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease Program: A new era of
quality improvement. Advances in Renal Replacement Therapy 1995; 2:89-95.
McClellan WM, Frederick P, Helgerson S, Hayes R, Ballard D, McMullan M. A Health Care
Quality Improvement Program for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Health Care Financing
Review, 1995: 16; 129-140.
Barker-Cummings C, McClellan WM, Soucie JM, Krisher J. Racial disparities in peritoneal
dialysis used by new end-stage renal disease patients. JAMA, 1995; 274:1858-62.
Soucie JM, Coates RJ, McClellan WM, Austin H, Thun M. Risk factors associated with
Prevalent Kidney Stones. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1996:143:487-95.
McClellan WM, Wish J, Cangialose C. Epidemic end-stage renal disease and Nephrology
Manpower Trends: Crisis or Opportunity? Seminars in Dialysis, 1995.
Rocco M.V., Soucie JM., Reboussin D., McClellan WM. Risk factors for hospital utilization in
chronic dialysis patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1996; 7:889-896.
McClellan WM. Quality of patient care in the Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
Program: The basic and Implementation of the 1994-1997 ESRD Health Care Quality
Improvement Program (HCQRP). Nephrology and Hypertension. 1996; 5;224-229.43
Freedman BI, Soucie JM; McClellan WM Family history of end-sage renal disease among
incident dialysis patients J Am Soc Nephrol 1997:8:1942-45
McClellan WM., Knight D, Karp H, Brown WW. Early detection and treatment of renal
disease in hospitalized Medicare patients: Important differences between practice and
published guidelines. Am J Kidney Dis, 1997; 29:368-375.
Helgerson SD, McClellan WM, Frederick PR, Beaver SK., Frankenfield DL, McMullan M.
Improvement in adequacy of delivered dialysis for adult in-center hemodialysis patients in
the United States, 1993 to 1995 Am J Kidney Dis, 1997; 29:851-861.
Rocco MV, Flanigan MJ, Beaver S, Frederick P, Gentile DE, McClellan WM, Polder J, Prowant
BF, Taylor L, Helgerson SD. Report from the 1995 Core Indicators for Peritoneal Dialysis
Study Group. Am J Kidney Dis 1997; 30:165-173.
Astin GT; Honig E; Shipp C; Moore B; McClellan W. Initial antibiotic management of
community acquired pneumonia. J Med Assoc Ga 1997; 86:105-8
McClellan WM; Soucie JM; Krisher J; Caruana R; Haley W; Farmer C. Improving the care of
patients treated with hemodialysis: a report from the Health Care Financing
Administration's ESRD Core Indicators Project. Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 31(4):584-92
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 8 42. McClellan WM, Soucie JM, Flanders WD. Mortality in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is
associated with differences in physician supervision and adequacy of hemodialysis
treatments. J Am Soc Nephrol 1998; 98:1940-1947.
Mitch W, McClellan WM. Working patterns of nephrologists: Implications for nephrology
training and manpower policies (with editorial comment). Am J Kidney Disease 1998;
McClellan WM, Frankenfield D, Frederick P, Rocco M, Flanders F, Helgerson SD. Can dialysis
therapy be improved? A report from the ESRD Core Indicators Project. Am J Kidney Dis
1998; 31:584-592.
McClellan WM, Frankenfield DL, Frederick PR, Flanders WD, Alfaro-Correa A, Rocco M,
Helgerson SD Can dialysis therapy be improved? A report from the ESRD Core Indicators
Project. Am J Kidney Dis. 1999; 34:1075-82.
Bright RA, Torrence ME, Daley WR, McClellan WM. Preliminary survey of the occurrence of
anaphlactoid reactions during hemodialysis (Letter). Nephrology and Transplantation
1999; 14:779
Frankenfield D, McClellan WM, Helgerson SD, Lowrie E, Rocco M, Owen W. Relationship
between urea reduction ratio (URR), demographic characteristics and body weight for
patients in the 1996 ESRD Core Indicators Project. Am J Kid Dis 1999; 33:584-591.
McClellan WM, Rocco MV, Flanders WD. Epidemiology and the study of critical nutritional
issues in the care of the dialysis patient: Report of the Epidemiology Working Group. J
Renal Nutrition (invited commentary) 1999; 9:133-137.
Bailie GR, Frankenfield DL, Prowant BF, McClellan WM, Rocco MV. Erythropoietin and iron
use in peritoneal dialysis patients. Report from the 1997 HCFA End-Stage Renal Disease
Core Indicators Project. Am J Kidney Dis. 1999; 33:11877-1180.
Frankenfield DL, Rocco MV, Pugh J, McClellan WM, Owen WF. Race/Ethnic analysis of
selected intermediate outcomes for in-center hemodialysis ESRD Patients: Results from the
1997 ESRD Core Indicators Project. Am J Kidney Dis 1999; 34:721-30
Freedman BI, Soucie JM, Chapman A, Krisher J, McClellan WM. Racial variation in autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2000; 35:35-9
Flanders WD, Tucker G, Krishnadasan A, Martin D, Honig E, McClellan WM. Validation of the
pneumonia severity index. Importance of study-specific recalibration. J Gen Intern Med.
McClellan WM, Krisher JO. Collecting and using patient and treatment center data to
improve care: Adequacy of hemodialysis and end-stage renal disease surveillance. Kidney
Intern 2000; 57 (suppl 74): s7-s13.
Luthi Jean-Christophe, McClellan WM, Fitzgerald D, Herrin J, Abrams F, Krumholz H,
Bratzler D, Elward K, Hayes R, Ballard D. Hospital-to-hospital variations in the quality of
care of heart failure among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries. Eff Clin Pract 2000; 3:6977.
Kutner NG, Zhang R, McClellan WM. Patient-reported quality of life in dialysis treatment:
Effects associated with usual physician activity Nephrol Nurs J. 2000; 27:357-67; discussion
368, 424.
Rocco M, Soucie JM, Pastan S, McClellan WM. Peritoneal dialysis adequacy and risk of death.
Kidney Int. 2000; 58:446-57.
Rocco MV, Frankenfield DL, Frederick PR, Pugh J, McClellan WM, Owen WF. Intermediate
outcomes by race and ethnicity in peritoneal dialysis patients: Results from the 1997 ESRD
Core Indicators Project. Perit Dial Int. 2000; 20:328-35.
Kohler KA, McClellan WM, Ziemer DC, Kleinbaum DG, Boring JR. Microalbuminuria in urban
African-Americans with type 2 diabetes. Possible link to Insulin resistance syndrome? Am J
Kidney Dis. 2000; 36:903-913.
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 9 59. McClellan WM, Frankenfield DL, Wish JB, Rocco MV, Owen WF. Subcutaneous and
intravenous erythropoietin use among adult hemodialysis patients in the US in 1997:
Results from the ESRD Core Indicators Project. Am J Kidney Dis. 2001; 37:E36.
McClellan WM, Goldman RS. Continuous quality improvement in dialysis units: Basic tools.
Adv Ren Replace Ther. 2001 Apr; 8(2):95-103.
Freedman BI, Soucie JM, Kenderes B, Krisher J, Garrett LE, Caruana RJ, McClellan WM.
Family history of end-stage renal disease does not predict dialytic survival. Am J Kidney Dis
2001; 38:547-552.
Ramirez SP, Hsu SI, McClellan W. Low body weight is a risk factor for proteinuria in
multiracial Southeast Asian pediatric population. Am J Kidney Dis. 2001; 38:1045-54.
Rocco MV, Bedinger MR, Milam R, Greer JW, McClellan WM, Frankenfield DL. Duration of
dialysis and its relationship to dialysis adequacy, anemia management, and serum albumin
level. Am J Kidney Dis. 2001; 38:813-23.
Kohler KA, McClellan WM, Ziemer DC, Kleinbaum DG, Boring JR. Smoking and
Microalbuminuria: A case-control study in African-Americans with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes
Care. 2002; 25:243-245.
Rossert JA, McClellan WM, Roger SD, Verbeelen DL, Horl WH. Contribution of anaemia to
progression of renal disease: a debate. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002; 17 Suppl 1:60-66.
Rossert J, McClellan WM, Roger SD, Verbeelen DL. Epoetin treatment: what are the
arguments to expect a beneficial effect on renal disease progression? Nephrol Dial
Transplant. 2002; 17:359-62.
Luthi JC, McClellan WM, Fitzgerald D, Krumholz HM, Delaney RJ, Bratzler DW, Elward K,
Cangialos CB, BallardDJ. Mortality associated with the quality of care of patients
hospitalized with congestive heart failure. Int J Qual Health Care. 2002; 14:15-24.
Kutner NG, Zhang R, McClellan WM, Cole SA. Psychosocial predictors of non-compliance in
haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002; 17:93-99.
Eggers PW, Frankenfield DL, Greer JW, McClellan W, Owen WF Jr, Rocco MV. Comparison of
mortality and intermediate outcomes between medicare dialysis patients in HMO and fee
for service. Am J Kidney Dis. 2002; 39:796-804.
Hoehner CM, Greenlund KJ, Rith-Najarian S, Casper ML, McClellan WM. Association of the
Insulin Resistance Syndrome and Microalbuminuria among Nondiabetic Native Americans.
The Inter-Tribal Heart Project. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2002; 13:1626-34.
71. Pastan S, Soucie JM, McClellan WM. Vascular access and increased risk of death among
hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2002; 62:620-6.
72. McClellan WM, Flanders WD, Langston RD, Jurkovitz C, Presley R. Anemia and Renal
Insufficiency Are Independent Risk Factors for Death among Patients with Congestive Heart
Failure Admitted to Community Hospitals: A Population-Based Study. J Am Soc Nephrol.
2002; 13:1928-36.
Fink JC, Zhan M, Blahut SA, Soucie M, McClellan WM. Measuring the efficacy of a quality
improvement program in dialysis adequacy with changes in center effects. J Am Soc
Nephrol. 2002; 13:2338-44.
Ramirez SP, McClellan W, Port FK, Hsu SI. Risk factors for proteinuria in a large, multiracial,
southeast asian population. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2002; 13:1907-17.
Jurkovitz C, Franch H, Shoham D, Bellanger J, McClellan WM. Abnormal renal function and
prevalence of risk factors for renal disease among family members of patients treated for
renal disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2002; 40:1173-8.
Luthi JC, McClellan W, Flanders D, Pitts S, Burnand B. Quality of health care surveillance
systems: review and implementation in the Swiss setting. Swiss Med Wkly. 2002; 132:461469.
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 10 77. McClellan W. As to diseases, make a habit of two things - to help, or at least do no harm. J Am
Soc Nephrol. 2002; 13:2817-9.
Phillips LS, Hertzberg VS, Cook CB, El-Kebbi IM, Gallina DL, Ziemer DC, Miller CD, Doyle JP,
Barnes CS, Slocum W, Lyles RH, Hayes RP, Thompson DN, Ballard DJ, McClellan WM, Branch
WT Jr. The Improving Primary Care of African Americans with Diabetes (IPCAAD) project:
rationale and design. Control Clin Trials. 2002; 23:554-69.
Hayes PR, Baker DW, Luthi JC, Baggett RL, McClellan WM, Fitzgerald D, Abrams RL, Bratzler
D, BallardDJ. The effect of external feedback on the management of Medicare in-patients
with congestive heart failure. Am J Medical Quality: 2002; 17; 225-236.
Reddan DN, Frankenfield DL, Klassen PS, Coladonato JA, Szczech L, Johnson CA, Besarab A,
Rocco M, McClellan W, Wish J, Owen Jr WF, Jr.: Regional variability in Anaemia management
and haemoglobin in the US. Nephrol Dial Transplant 18:147-152., 2003
Frankenfield DL, Rocco MV, Roman SH, McClellan WM. Survival advantage for adult
Hispanic hemodialysis patients? Findings from the end-stage renal disease clinical
performance measures project. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003; 14:180-6
St. Peter WL, Schoolwerth AC, McGowan T, McClellan WM. Chronic Kidney Disease Issues
and Establishing Programs and Clinics For Improved Patient Outcomes. Am J Kidney Dis.
2003; 41:903-24.
Powell KE, Diseker RA, Presley RJ, Tolsma D, Harris S, Viel K, Conn DL, McClellan WM.
Administrative data as a tool for arthritis surveillance: estimating prevalence and utilization
of services. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2003; 9:291-8.
McClellan WM, Ramirez SP, Jurkovitz C. Screening for chronic kidney disease: unresolved
issues. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003 Jul;14(7 Suppl 2):S81-7
McClellan WM, Flanders WD. Risk factors for progressive chronic kidney disease. J Am Soc
Nephrol. 2003 Jul;14(7 Suppl 2):S65-70.
Frankenfield DL, Ramirez SPB, McClellan WM, Kimmel PL, Rocco MV, Frederick PR, Besarab
A, Agodoa LT, Owen WF Jr. Differences in Intermediate Outcomes for Asian and non-Asian
Adult Hemodialysis Patients: Findings from the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Clinical
Performance Measures (CPM) Project. Kidney Int. 2003; 64:623-31.
Langston RD, Presley R, Flanders WD, McClellan WM. Renal insufficiency and anemia are
independent risk factors for death among patients with acute myocardial infarction. Kidney
Int. 2003; 64:1398-405.
Sugarman JR, Frederick PR, Frankenfield DL, Owen WF Jr, McClellan WM; Dialysis Outcomes
Quality Initiative Clinical Practice Guidelines. Developing clinical performance measures
based on the Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative Clinical Practice Guidelines: process,
outcomes, and implications. Am J Kidney Dis. 2003; 42:806-12.
Luthi JC, Lund MJ, Sampietro-Colom L, Kleinbaum DG, Ballard DJ, McClellan WM.
Readmissions and the quality of care in patients hospitalized with heart failure. Int J Qual
Health Care. 2003; 15:413-21.
Jurkovitz CT; Abramson J; Vaccarino LV; Weintraub WS; McClellan WM. The Association of
high serum creatinine and Anemia Increases the Risk of Cardiovascular Events: Results
from the Prospective Community-Based Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003; 14:2919-25.
Abramson JL, Jurkovitz CT, Vaccarino V, McClellan, W Renal Insufficiency, Anemia, and Risk
of Incident Stroke in a Middle-Aged, Community-Based Population: The ARIC Study. (Kidney
Int. 2003; 64:610-5.
McClellan WM, Frankenfield DL, Frederick PR, Helgerson SD, Wish JB, Sugarman JR.
Improving the Care of ESRD Patients: A Successful Application of the Medicare Health Care
Quality Improvement Program. Health Care Financ Rev. 2003; 24:89-100.
W.M. McClellan, Jr.
-p. 11 93. McClellan WM, Ziemer D, Millman L, Presley R, Couzins J, Flanders WD. Improving diabetes
care by primary care physicians: Results of a group-randomized intervention. J Clin
Epidemiol. 2003; 56:1210-7.
94. Luthi JC, Burnand B, McClellan WM, Pitts SR, Flanders WD. Is readmission to hospital an
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Newsome BB, Warnock DG, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW, Houston TK, Centor RM, Person SD,
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Schoolwerth AC, Engelgau MM, Hostetter TH, Rufo KH, Chianchiano D, McClellan WM,
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McClellan W, Warnock DG, McClure L, Campbell RC, Newsome BB, Howard V, Cushman
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Lea J, Cheek D, Thornley-Brown D, Appel L, Agodoa L, Contreras G, Gassman J, Lash J,
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syndrome, proteinuria, and the risk of progressive CKD in hypertensive African Americans.
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Onufrak SJ, Abramson JL, Austin HD, Holguin F, McClellan WM, Vaccarino LV. Relation of
adult-onset asthma to coronary heart disease and stroke. Am J Cardiol. 2008; 101:1247-52.
Newsome BB, McClellan WM, Allison JJ, Eggers PW, Chen SC, Collins AJ, Kiefe CI, Coffey
CS, Warnock DG. Racial Differences in the Competing Risks of Mortality and ESRD after
Acute Myocardial Infarction. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008; 52:251-61.
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Performance Measures Project. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008; 52:753-60.
Babos, K, Lawless, G, McClellan, W. The ABCDEs of CKD: a simple approach to early
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Kurella Tamura M, Wadley V, Yaffe K, McClure LA, Howard G, Go R, Allman RM, Warnock
DG, McClellan W. Kidney function and cognitive impairment in US adults: the Reasons for
Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008;
Wasse H, Speckman RA, Frankenfield DL, Rocco MV, McClellan WM. Predictors of central
venous catheter use at the initiation of hemodialysis. Semin Dial. 2008; 21:346-51.
Guessous I, Duhn V, McClellan W. Breast cancer screening and dialysis: too much or too
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Dember LM, Beck GJ, Allon M, Delmez JA, Dixon BS, Greenberg A, Himmelfarb J, Vazquez
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Hypertension Collaborative Research Group. Long-term effects of renin-angiotensin systemblocking therapy and a low blood pressure goal on progression of hypertensive chronic
kidney disease in African Americans. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168:832-9.
McClellan WM, Newsome BB, McClure LA, Cushman M, Howard G, Audhya P, Abramson
JL, Warnock DG. Chronic Kidney Disease Is Often Unrecognized among Patients with
Coronary Heart Disease: The REGARDS Cohort Study. Am J Nephrol. 2009; 29:10-17.
McClellan WM, Powe NR. Introduction to the Proceedings of a Centers for Disease
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McClellan WM, Satko SG, Gladstone E, Krisher JO, Narva AS, Freedman BI. Individuals
with a family history of ESRD are a high-risk population for CKD: implications for targeted
surveillance and intervention activities. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009; 53(3 Suppl 3):S100-6.
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Levey AS, Schoolwerth AC, Burrows NR, Williams DE, Stith KR, McClellan W.
Comprehensive public health strategies for preventing the development, progression, and
complications of CKD: report of an expert panel convened by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009; 53:522-35.
Zakai NA, McClure LA, Prineas R, Howard G, McClellan W, Holmes CE, Newsome BB,
Warnock DG, Audhya P, Cushman M. Correlates of anemia in American blacks and whites:
the REGARDS Renal Ancillary Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2009; 169:355-64.
McClellan WM, Wasse H, McClellan AC, Kipp A, Waller LA, Rocco MV. Treatment Center
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Nephrol. 2009; 20:1078-85
Bond TC, Patel PR, Krisher J, Sauls L, Deane J, Strott K, Karp S, McClellan W. Association
of Standing-Order Policies With Vaccination Rates in Dialysis Clinics: A US-Based Crosssectional Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009; 54:86-94.
Patzer RE, Amaral S, Wasse H, Volkova N, Kleinbaum D, McClellan WM. Neighborhood
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Wasse H, McClellan WM. Increasing physician knowledge about the diagnosis and
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Nephrol. 2009; 30:499-504.
Guessous I, McClellan W, Vupputuri S, Wasse H. Low documentation of chronic kidney
disease among high-risk patients in a managed care population: a retrospective cohort
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McClellan WM, Resnick B, Lei L, Bradbury BD, Sciarra A, Kewalramani R, Ouslander JG.
Prevalence and Severity of Chronic Kidney Disease and Anemia in the Nursing Home
Population. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2010; 11:33-41.
Famakin B, Weiss P, Hertzberg V, McClellan W, Presley R, Krompf K, Karp H, Frankel MR.
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Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2010; 19:17-22.
McClellan WM, Casey MT, Hughley J, Freund E. Population-based interventions to
reduce socioeconomic disparities in chronic kidney disease. Semin Nephrol. 2010; 30:33-41.
Tamura MK, Wadley VG, Newsome BB, Zakai NA, McClure LA, Howard G, Warnock DG,
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for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med
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McClellan WM, Newsome BB, McClure LA, Howard G, Volkova N, Audhya P, Warnock DG.
Poverty and racial disparities in kidney disease: the REGARDS study. Am J Nephrol. 2010;
32:38-46. Epub 2010 May 31. PubMed PMID: 20516678.
Muntner P, Judd SE, Krousel-Wood M, McClellan WM, Safford MM. Low Medication
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(Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2010;
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McClellan WM. Variations in mortality among hospitalizations for acute kidney injury. J
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McClellan WM, Abramson J, Newsome B, Temple E, Wadley VG, Audhya P, McClure LA,
Howard VJ, Warnock DG, Kimmel P. Physical and psychological burden of chronic kidney
disease among older adults. Am J Nephrol. 2010;31(4):309-17. Epub 2010 Feb PMID:
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Wasse H, Hopson SD, McClellan W. Racial and Gender Differences in Arteriovenous
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Lin J, Judd S, Le A, Ard J, Newsome BB, Howard G, Warnock DG, McClellan W.
Associations of dietary fat with albuminuria and kidney dysfunction. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;
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Warnock DG, Muntner P, McCullough PA, Zhang X, McClure LA, Zakai N, Cushman M,
Newsome BB, Kewalramani R, Steffes MW, Howard G, McClellan WM; REGARDS
Investigators. Kidney Function, Albuminuria, and All-Cause Mortality in the REGARDS
(Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2010;
56:861-71. PubMed PMID: 20692752.
McClellan WM, Wasse H, McClellan AC, Holt J, Krisher J, Waller LA. Geographic
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Nephrol. 2010; 21:1776-82. PubMed PMID: 20688933.
Layton JB, Hogan SL, Jennette CE, Kenderes B, Krisher J, Jennette JC, McClellan WM.
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Diseases. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010; 5:2046-52. PubMed PMID: 20688886.
McClellan W. Processes of Care and Reduced Mortality among Hemodialysis Patients
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Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, Matsushita K, van der Velde M, Astor BC,
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Lynch JR, Wasse H, Armistead NC, McClellan WM. Achieving the goal of the fistula first
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2011; 57:78-89. PubMed PMID: 21122960.
Bond TC, Patel PR, Krisher J, Sauls L, Deane J, Strott K, McClellan W. A GroupRandomized Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Influenza
Vaccination Rates in Dialysis Centers. Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 Dec 9. PubMed PMID:
Regidor D, McClellan WM, Kewalramani R, Sharma A, Bradbury BD. Changes in
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Baber U, Howard VJ, Halperin JL, Soliman EZ, Zhang X, McClellan W, Warnock DG,
Muntner P. Association of Chronic Kidney Disease with Atrial Fibrillation Among Adults in
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Study. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2011 Feb;4(1):26-32. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
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Peralta CA, Shlipak MG, Judd S, Cushman M, McClellan W, Zakai NA, Safford MM, Zhang
X, Muntner P, Warnock D. Detection of chronic kidney disease with creatinine, cystatin C,
and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio and association with progression to end-stage renal
disease and mortality. JAMA. 2011 Apr 20;305(15):1545-52. PubMed PMID: 21482744.
Kanda E, Erickson K, Bond TC, Krisher J, McClellan WM. Hemodialysis Treatment
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2011;33(5):390-7. PubMed PMID: 21464568.
Muntner P, Woodward M, Carson AP, Judd SE, Levitan EB, Mann DM, McClellan W,
Warnock DG. Development and Validation of a Self-assessment Tool for Albuminuria:
Results From the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS)
Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011 Aug;58(2):196-205.PubMed PMID: 21620547.
Kramer H, Shoham D, McClure LA, Durazo-Arvizu R, Howard G, Judd S, Muntner P,
Safford M, Warnock DG, McClellan W. Association of Waist Circumference and Body Mass
Index With All-Cause Mortality in CKD: The REGARDS (Reasons for Geographic and Racial
Differences in Stroke) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011 Aug;58(2):177-85. PubMed PMID:
Muntner P, Judd SE, McClellan W, Meschia JF, Warnock DG, Howard VJ. Incidence of
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Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
2012 Jan;27(1):166-73. Epub 2011 May 5. PubMed PMID: 21551093.
Patzer RE, Perryman JP, Schrager JD, Pastan S, Amaral S, Gazmararian JA, Klein M,
Kutner N, McClellan WM. The role of race and poverty on steps to kidney transplantation in
the southeastern United States. Am J Transplant. 2012; 12:358-68. PubMed PMID:
Patzer RE, Amaral S, Klein M, Kutner N, Perryman JP, Gazmararian JA, McClellan WM.
Racial disparities in pediatric access to kidney transplantation: does
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Naci H, de Lissovoy G, Hollenbeak C, Custer B, Hofmann A, McClellan W, Gitlin M.
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transfusions: a retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis. J Med Econ. 2012;15(2):293-304.
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Lynch JR, Mohan S, McClellan WM. Achieving the goal: results from the Fistula First
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McClellan WM, Warnock DG, Judd S, Muntner P, Kewalramani R, Cushman M, McClure
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Kurella Tamura M, Muntner P, Wadley V, Cushman M, Zakai NA, Bradbury BD, Kissela B,
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incidence of cognitive impairment among adults in the United States. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011
Nov;58(5):756-63. Epub 2011 Aug 4. PubMed PMID: 21816528; PubMed Central PMCID:
Muntner P, Bowling CB, Gao L, Rizk D, Judd S, Tanner RM, McClellan W, Warnock DG.
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with all-cause mortality. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Sep;6(9):2200-7. Epub 2011 Jul 7.
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Kramer H, Shoham D, McClure LA, Durazo-Arvizu R, Howard G, Judd S, Muntner P,
Safford M, Warnock DG, McClellan W. Association of waist circumference and body mass
index with all-cause mortality in CKD: The REGARDS (Reasons for Geographic and Racial
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McClellan WM, Warnock DG, Judd S, Muntner P, Patzer RE, Bradbury BD, McClure LA,
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reduced GFR with incident ESRD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012; 59(1):25-31. PubMed PMID:
Parikh DS, Inrig JK, Kipp A, Szczech LA, McClellan W, Patel UD. Veterans more likely to
start hemodialysis with an arteriovenous fistula. Semin Dial. 2011 Sep-Oct;24(5):570-5.
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Bowling CB, Inker LA, Gutiérrez OM, Allman RM, Warnock DG, McClellan W, Muntner P.
Age-specific associations of reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate with concurrent
chronic kidney disease complications. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Dec;6(12):2822-8.
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Patzer RE, Perryman JP, Pastan S, Amaral S, Gazmararian JA, Klein M, Kutner N,
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Evaluation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Feb 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
Chang TI, Gao L, Brown TM, Safford MM, Judd SE, McClellan WM, Limdi NA, Muntner P,
Winkelmayer WC. Use of Secondary Prevention Medications among Adults with Reduced
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Lilly MP, Lynch JR, Wish JB, Huff ED, Chen SC, Armistead NC, McClellan WM.
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Rizk DV, Gutierrez O, Levitan EB, McClellan WM, Safford M, Soliman EZ, Warnock DG,
Muntner P. Prevalence and prognosis of unrecognized myocardial infarctions in chronic
kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Dec 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
Binder EF, White HK, Resnick B, McClellan WM, Lei L, Ouslander JG. A prospective
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Amaral S, Patzer RE, Kutner N, McClellan W. Racial disparities in access to pediatric
kidney transplantation since share 35. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012; 23:1069-77. PubMed PMID:
McClellan AC, Plantinga L, McClellan WM. Epidemiology, geography and chronic
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Bell EK, Gao L, Judd S, Glasser SP, McClellan W, Gutiérrez OM, Safford M, Lackland DT,
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with chronic kidney disease. Am J Hypertens. 2012; 25:789-96. PubMed PMID:22573012.
Mohan S, Tanriover B, Ali N, Crew RJ, Dube GK, Radhakrishnan J, Hardy MA, Ratner LE,
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Patzer RE, McClellan WM. Influence of race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status on
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W.M. McClellan, Jr.
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Crews DC, McClellan WM, Shoham DA, Gao L, Warnock DG, Judd S, Muntner P, Miller
ER, Powe NR. Low Income and Albuminuria Among REGARDS (Reasons for Geographic and
Racial Differences in Stroke) Study Participants. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 Jun 11.PubMed
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Bond TC, Spaulding AC, Krisher J, McClellan W. Mortality of Dialysis Patients
According to Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Status. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 Jun 11.
PubMed PMID: 22694948.
Tanner RM, Gutiérrez OM, Judd S, McClellan W, Bowling CB, Bradbury BD, Safford MM,
Cushman M, Warnock D, Muntner P. Geographic Variation in CKD Prevalence and ESRD
Incidence in the United States: Results From the Reasons for Geographic and Racial
Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 Dec 7. PubMed PMID:
Beaubrun AC, Kanda E, Bond TC, McClellan WM. Form CMS-2728 Data Versus
Erythropoietin Claims Data: Implications for Quality of Care Studies. Ren Fail. 2012
Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23227806.
Erickson KF, Lea J, McClellan WM. Interaction between GFR and Risk Factors for
Morbidity and Mortality in African Americans with CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013
Jan;8(1):75-81. doi: 10.2215/CJN.03340412. Epub 2012 Oct 18. PubMed PMID: 23085727;
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Gutiérrez OM, Judd SE, Muntner P, Rizk DV, McClellan WM, Safford MM, Cushman M,
Kissela BM, Howard VJ, Warnock DG. Racial differences in albuminuria, kidney function, and
risk of stroke. Neurology. 2012 Oct 16;79(16):1686-92. doi:
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McClellan AC, Luthi JC, Lynch JR, Soucie JM, Kulkarni R, Guasch A, Huff ED, Gilbertson D,
McClellan WM, DeBaun MR. High one year mortality in adults with sickle cell disease and
end-stage renal disease. Br J Haematol. 2012 Nov;159(3):360- . doi: 10.1111/bjh.12024.
Epub 2012 Sep 12. PubMed PMID: 22967259.
Tuot DS, Plantinga LC, Judd SE, Muntner P, Hsu CY, Warnock DG, Gutiérrez OM, Safford
M, Powe NR, McClellan WM. Healthy Behaviors, Risk Factor Control and Awareness of
Chronic Kidney Disease. Am J Nephrol. 2013 Jan 31;37(2):135-143. PubMed PMID:
McClellan WM, McClellan CB. Poverty and mortality in hemodialysis patients. J Am Soc
Nephrol. 2013 Feb;24(2):165-7. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2012121176. PubMed PMID: 23334391.
Bowling CB, Muntner P, Bradbury BD, Kilpatrick RD, Isitt JJ, Warriner AH, Curtis JR, Judd
S, Brown CJ, Allman RM, Warnock DG, McClellan W. Low Hemoglobin Levels and Recurrent
Falls in U.S. Men and Women: Prospective Findings from the REasons for Geographic And
Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Cohort. Am JMed Sci. 2013 Jan 16. PubMed PMID:
Tanner RM, Gutiérrez OM, Judd S, McClellan W, Bowling CB, Bradbury BD, Safford MM,
Cushman M, Warnock D, Muntner P. Geographic Variation in CKD Prevalence and ESRD
Incidence in the United States: Results From the Reasons for Geographic and Racial
Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2013; 61(3):395-403.
Kulshreshtha A, Vaccarino V, Judd SE, Howard VJ, McClellan WM, Muntner P, Hong Y,
Safford MM, Goyal A, Cushman M. Life's Simple 7 and Risk of Incident Stroke: The Reasons
for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Study. Stroke. 2013 ;44(7):1909-14. PMID:
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Patzer RE, Sayed BA, Kutner N, McClellan WM, Amaral S. Racial and ethnic differences in
pediatric access to preemptive kidney transplantation in the United States. Am J Transplant.
2013; 13(7):1769-81. PMID: 23731389.
Plantinga L, Howard VJ, Judd S, Muntner P, Tanner R, Rizk D, Lackland DT, Warnock DG,
Howard G, McClellan WM. Association of duration of residence in the southeastern United
States with chronic kidney disease may differ by race: the REasons for Geographic and
Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort study. Int J Health Geogr. 2013;12: 17.
PMCID: PMC3606831.
Muntner P, Judd SE, Gao L, Gutiérrez OM, Rizk DV, McClellan W, Cushman M, Warnock
DG. Cardiovascular Risk Factors in CKD Associate with Both ESRD and Mortality. J Am Soc
Nephrol. 2013 Jun;24(7):1159-65. PMCID: PMC3699822.
Bulka C, Nastoupil LJ, McClellan W, Ambinder A, Phillips A, Ward K, Bayakly AR,
Switchenko JM, Waller L, Flowers CR. Residence proximity to benzene release sites is
associated with increased incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer. 2013 Jul 29. doi:
10.1002/cncr.28083. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:23896932.
Books and chapters.
William M. McClellan, Anton C. Schoolwerth, Todd Gehr. Clinical Management of Chronic Kidney
Disease. Professional Communications; Caddo, OK. 2006
Franch, Harold; McClellan, William; and Mitch, William. Chronic kidney Disease:
Pathophysiology and influence of dietary protein. In. Robert J. Alpern and Steven C. Hebert. The
Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology, 4th edition, 2007
Masud,Tahsin and McClellan, William. The Heart and Kidney Disease
In. Valentin Fuster, R. Wayne Alexander, Robert A. O'Rourke, Robert Roberts, Spencer B. King,
Eric N. Prystowsky, Ira Nash. Hurst's The Heart, 11th Edition, 2008; 12th Edition, in press
William M. McClellan and Friedrich K. Port. Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease. In Donald
A. Molony, M.D., Jonathan C. Craig. Evidence-Based Nephrology, 2008.