1 Supplementary Notes Reference Number: 2005-01-00642B Methods Strain Construction, Protein Expression and Purification A wild-type RNase A clone was a generous gift from Prof. Ronald Raines at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The RNase A gene was subcloned into the SalINcoI sites of the pET-32b vector system. The H12A and H119A single mutants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. The GQ10G, GQ7G and the G9 sequences were inserted in the hinge loop region (following Gly112) of the mutant RNase A by twostep insertion PCR. The GNNQQNY expansion was formed by inserting NQQNYGG following Asn 113 (The GN corresponds to residues 112 and 113 of the wild-type protein and NQQNYGG corresponds to the inserted sequence.) pET32-b plasmids containing the RNase A mutants described above were transformed into the BL21 (DE3) expression system. Cells were grown in LB-Ampicillin to an OD of 0.6-0.8 at 600nm and induced with 0.2 mM IPTG. The cells were then grown for an additional 2 hours post-induction and harvested at 5000xg for 10 minutes. The cell pellets were lysed by sonication in a buffer that contained 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH 8.0, detergents, protease inhibitors and lysozyme. The lysed cells were spun down, and the pellets were resuspended in 50mM Tris, pH 8.0 and taken through another round of sonication. The supernatant was then dialyzed overnight against 20 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 0.5 M NaCl at 4 C. The dialyzed samples were loaded on a Pharmacia Hi-Trap Ni-chelating column and eluted with a 0-250 mM imidazole gradient in 20 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 0.5 M NaCl. The eluted fractions were dialyzed against enterokinase buffer and digested overnight with 2 enterokinase. The digested samples were loaded on the Ni-chelating column again. This time the flow-through was collected, concentrated and dialyzed against water, pH 7.0, overnight at 4˚C. Fibril formation The purified mutants (pH 7.0) were set up for fibril formation by incubating in 50% acetic acid at concentrations ranging from 0.15-1.5mM. This was followed by freezing the samples in dry ice and lyophilization overnight. The lyophilized samples were resuspended in 30-40 l of water and stored on the benchtop. Activity Assays The fibril samples were tested for activity by employing a fluorescence assay kit that is commercially available from Ambion Inc. Three sets of fibril samples were generated for the activity assays. The first set comprised of fibrils produced from the Q10-H12A mutant. The second set comprised of fibrils produced from the Q10-H119A mutant. The third set comprised of fibrils formed by mixing equimolar amounts of Q10-H12A and the Q10-H119A mutants before lyophilization. The fibrils were separated from smaller oligomers by running the samples out on a native gel. The fibril bands that stalled in the stacking gel were excised and soaked overnight in water, pH 7.0. These overnight solutions were then tested for activity by carrying out the fluorescence assay. Briefly, the assay employs a fluorophore-quencher pair separated by 5-6 bases. When the RNase A cleaves at the RNA base, the fluorophore and quencher become separated in space and the fluorescence of the fluorophore (reported in relative fluorescence units (RFU)) is then a measure of the specific activity of the RNase. The assays were carried out in duplicates. The negative control was the substrate in the assay buffer. The positive control was the wild-type RNase A. The rate of formation of the product is determined 3 by the slope of the traces. The slope of a trace divided by concentration of the protein yields the specific activity of each of the samples. The concentration of the solutions was determined by measuring absorbance at 277.5nm and by the Bradford Assay. The rate of formation of the product/unit time/mg of the wild-type protein was set at a 100%. The activities of the mutants were reported relative to the activity of the wild-type protein. Similar activity assays were carried out for the wild-type RNaseA to verify that there are no fibrils that stall in the stacking region. Electron Microscopy Carbon-coated parlodion films mounted on copper grids were glow-discharged in order to increase their hydrophilicity. Four l of each fibril sample was applied to the grids and incubated for 2 minutes. The grids were then washed three times with water and finally stained with 4 l of a 2% uranyl acetate solution for 45 seconds. The samples were then analyzed in a Hitachi H-7000 electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 75 keV. Congo Red Assay The fibrils were incubated in Congo red solution (prepared as described previously1) for 1 hour. The fibrils were then washed twice by spinning down the samples at 15,000xg for 5 minutes and resuspending the pellet each time in water. Five l of each sample was placed on a silanized cover slip and allowed to dry. The dried samples were imaged using both unpolarized and polarized light from a light microscope. Native (Non-Denaturing) Gels Samples were loaded on 8-25% native gels and run on the Pharmacia PHAST gel system. Since the mutants are basic proteins, reverse electrodes and buffer strips were used as per the Pharmacia product manual. The gels were visualized by coomassie blue 4 staining and silver staining. The silver staining was carried out using the Bio-Rad silver staining kit. Model Construction The β-sheet spine was constructed using idealized β-strands corresponding in sequence to the Q10 extended hinge-loop region of RNase A. The relative positions of the strands and the spacing between sheets were taken from the crystal structure of GNNQQNY23 using the two strands of the dry interface as a model. The length of the strands in the spine model is limited by the requirement for domain swapping; a functional globular domain must lie at either end of each strand of the spine. Thus, residues involved in forming the active site of RNase A cannot be recruited into the spine, yet the length of the strands in the spine must be sufficiently long to provide stability to the amyloid and a spine radius large enough to accommodate the steric bulk of globular domains anchored around the spine. We found that the number of residues in the spine could be maximized if each sheet was made antiparallel rather than parallel. The midpoint of the ten-residue glutamine stretch was used as the center of the spine and glutamine side chain torsion angles were adjusted to reproduce the steric zipper observed in the GNNQQNY crystal structure. We found that the steric zipper could be easily accommodated by either parallel (as in the GNNQQNY crystal structure) or antiparallel sheets (as depicted in our RNase model). Glutamine side chains of alternate strands in the antiparallel sheet must have different sets of rotamer values in order to perpetuate the polar zipper; both sets are favorable. A 7 twist was introduced into successive rungs of the spine to simulate the twisted appearance of fibrils in the EM. The graphics program O was used to orient the functional domains around the hinge-loops of the core. Functional domains were oriented to permit sterically reasonable connections between functional domain and hinge loop residues. The positions of the functional 5 domains were then adjusted to avoid steric clash with neighboring functional domains. The modeling process was facilitated by the ability to generate and update the positions of fibril symmetry-related copies in real time as they were being adjusted. Backbone conformations for the linkages between hinge-loops and functional domains were selected from a library of low-energy loop conformations when appropriate. This crude model was then energy minimized using the program CNS with van der Waals, electrostatic, and hydrogen bonding terms. Control Experiments for Activity of Mixed Mutant Fibrils (Fig.2, Table S1) There are two conceivable alternative explanations for the activity attributed to the mixed mutant amyloid-like fibrils, both of which we have ruled out. One alternative is that domain-swapped, complementary, small oligomers cling to the fibrils in a non-specific manner resulting in apparently active fibrils. We control for this by separating the smaller oligomers from the fibrils on a non-denaturing gel (Fig 3, right panel). The fibril bands stall at the surface of the stacking gel and display Congo red birefringence. These bands are extracted from the gel, soaked in buffer and assayed for RNase activity. The mixed fibril bands show ~ 12% of the wild type RNase A activity (orange band, orange trace, Fig. 3). In order to test whether residual oligomers cling to the fibrils, the fibril bands were filtered through a 0.1m filter and the filtrate was found to exhibit minimal activity above background (brown trace, Fig.3). Subsequent washing of the filter did not yield additional activity. The possibility that the RNase A activity of the mixed fibrils is caused by clinging small oligomers was subjected to another test: The small oligomers formed from each of the single mutants Q10-H12A and Q10-H119A and from the mixed sample Q10-H12A+ Q10-H119A were separated from fibrils by filtration and assayed for activity. The mixed small oligomers exhibited significantly higher activity than each of the single mutant small oligomers, 6 because the mixed oligomers can form active functional units by domain swapping (Table S1 in Supplementary Information). These active small oligomers were then added to inactive Q10-H12A fibrils and incubated overnight, and then the mixture was run on a native gel. The fibril band when extracted showed no increase in activity over the original Q10-H12A fibrils. We conclude that the native gels are effective in separating fibrils from small oligomers and hence the activity from the mixed fibrils does not arise from clinging small oligomers. Another source of activity may be large, non-fibrillar, domain-swapped, active aggregates in the stalled band. That is, the stalled band may contain two species inactive amyloid-like fibrils and an active domain-swapped aggregate. Arguing against this, the samples containing fibrils have been examined by electron microscopy and have been found not to contain any other large aggregates. Further, the appearance of the stalled band in the native gel correlates exactly to the detection of fibrils by microscopy. That is, in cases where the fibrils form over several days following lyophilization, the first appearance of fibrils detected by EM corresponds exactly to the first appearance of a stalled band on the native gel. Further, when fibrils were run on Blue-Native gels 2 that are used to separate very large aggregates (to the order of Megadaltons), the fibrils remain stalled in the stacking gel and no other higher order aggregates could be detected. In short, we have found no evidence for contamination of fibrils by non-fibrillar, large, domain-swapped aggregates of RNase A molecules. References 1. Ivanova, M.I., et al., An amyloid-forming segment of 2-microglobulin suggests a molecular model for the fibril. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA July 20; 101(29): 10584-10589 (2004). 7 2. Schagger, H., Cramer, W.A. & Jagow G.V. Analysis of molecular masses and oligomeric states of protein complexes by blue native electrophoresis and isolation of membrane protein complexes by two-dimensional native electrophoresis. Anal Biochem. Mar; 217(2): 220-30 (1994). Table S1. RNase A enzymatic activities for various fibrils and small oligomers demonstrating that complementation of inactive RNase molecules creates active fibrils. The bands stalled in the stacking gel excised from lanes 4, 5 and 6 of supplementary figure S2 have negligible activity compared to the wild-type protein (sample 2 in green). The activities of the two single mutants oligomers, 8 Q10-H12A, Q10-H119A are negligible (sample 6 and 7) and comparable to their fibrils (sample 3 and 4). The small oligomers from the domain-swapped mixture Q10-H12A+Q10-H119A (sample 8 in red) have activity comparable to their fibrils (sample 5). The addition of the active mixed oligomers Q10-H12A +Q10-H119A (sample 8, in red) to the inactive Q10-H12A fibril sample (sample 3) does not result in any increased activity of the stacking Q10-H12A fibril bands (compare rows 3 and 9). This demonstrates that the small active oligomers can be effectively separated from the fibrils by gel electrophoresis. That is the activity measured for the mixed fibrils (sample 5), originates from domain-swapping and is not due to active small clinging oligomers. Supplementary Figure S1. Cross- diffraction from partially oriented Q10H119A RNase A fibrils. 9 The Q10-H119A fibrils were spun down, resuspended in water and partially aligned between the ends of silanized capillary tubes. The diffraction was obtained with the partially oriented fibrils parallel to the vertical axis. A distinct 4.8Å reflection corresponding to the separation between the -strands is somewhat stronger along the meridion than the equator. A more diffuse 11Å reflection corresponding to the separation between the -sheets appears somewhat stronger along the equator than the meridion. This pattern corresponds to the classical cross- x-ray pattern associated with amyloid-like fibrils. Supplementary Figure S2. Silver-stained, non-denaturing gel comparing lyophilized Q10 -expanded RNase A with lyophilized wild-type RNase A. Left to right: Lanes 1, 2 and 3 contain lyophilized Q10-H119A + Q10-H12A, Q10H119A and Q10-H12A RNase A mutants, respectively. All three samples contain 10 fibrils confirmed by the presence of the stalled bands in the stacking regions on the surface of the gel and verified by electron microscopy. Lanes 4, 5 and 6 contain lyophilized wild-type protein samples at concentrations at which the Q10RNase A mutants form fibrils (0.15-1.5mM). There is no visible stacking of fibrils nor are fibrils detected by EM. Further, the stacking regions from lanes 4, 5 and 6 were excised (though no stalled band is detectable) and tested for activity. The bands did not exhibit significant activity compared to the wild-type protein. (Table S1, sample 2).