What`s Your Verb?

Title: What’s Your Verb (Grade 3 –5)
For this lesson students will use the digital camera to take pictures to illustrate verbs. Students
will create sentences using verbs. Students will create and present a document and or a power
point presentation using the verb in a sentence. Students can also play a matching game to see if
the sentence matches the verb.
Primary Learning Objective(s):
Students will identify verbs and use them correctly in sentences. Students will use digital
cameras to take pictures of action verbs and insert the picture into word documents or power
point presentation.
Total Duration: One to two class periods.
Materials and Equipment:
Language book or material to review verbs.
Technology Resources Needed:
Digital camera, scanner, word processing program like Microsoft Word, and/or PowerPoint
presentation software.
Students will need a basic understanding of verbs. Students will need a basic understanding of
using a digital camera, scanner, word processing program like Microsoft Word, and/or
PowerPoint presentation software.
1) Review verbs, use of digital camera, PowerPoint, and word processing program (like
Microsoft Word).
2) Students can work in pairs using the digital camera to take action shots.
3) Students will construct sentences that relate to the action verb represented in their digital
4) Students will create word document or power point to exhibit their picture and sentence
Assessment Strategies:
Teacher can use a rubric to grade sentence structure.
Teacher can use a rubric to grade Microsoft Word and/or PowerPoint project. (Did the picture
accurately depict the verb being represented? Did the student follow teacher guidelines in
creating their presentation?)
Extension: Students can create matching game using the pictures and sentences.
Accommodation: Students can work in pairs. Team weaker students with stronger students
who can model appropriate skills.
Submitted by: Michelle Saindon