COMERN Project Description 15/02/16 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Identification Project Manager: Dr. Paul A. Arp Forestry and Environmental management Faculty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Research Title: Case study: Coastal environment of the Bay of Fundy Theme Leader: Dr. Paul Arp Collaborators: Dr. Charles Bourque Forestry and Environmental management Faculty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Neil Burgess M.Sc. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Sackville, NB. Dr. Mick Burt Huntsman Marine Science Center, St.Andrews, NB. Dr. Laurie Chan Department of Biological sciences, McGill University, Montréal, Qc. Dr. Gail Chmura Department of Geography, McGill University, Montréal, Qc Dr. Roger Cox Forestry and Environmental management Faculty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Dr. Rick Cunjak Forestry and Environmental management Faculty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.Qc. Dr. Anthony Diamond Forestry and Environmental management Faculty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 1/7 COMERN Project Description Dr. Frank Gobas 15/02/16 School of Resources and Environmental management, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC Dr. Charles Gobeil Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Fisheries and Oceas Canada, Mont-Joly, Qc Dr. Rui Fan Meng Forestry and Environmental management Faculty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Dr. Alphonso Mucci Earth and Planetary Science department, McGill University, Montréal, Qc. Dr. Donna Mergler Département des sciences biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Qc. Dr. Gerhard Pohle Atlantic Reference Center, NB Dr. Judy Snyder Health Canada, Ottawa, Ont. Dr. Lou Van Guelphen Atlantic Reference Center, NB 2. Project summary Atlantic Canada is a region where high mercury (Hg) deposition occurs, and this is - in part - due to atmospheric pollution from the U.S, Central Canada, and local sources scattered within the region. Although limited, our knowledge about the dynamics of Hg in marine environments suggests that coastal areas may be most susceptible to increases in atmospheric deposition. Elsewhere, a number of highly industrialized estuarine regions such as the Scheldt Estuary, flowing into the North Sea, and Kastela Bay in the Central Adriatic are already experiencing Hg contamination problems, even at low trophic levels. The location of the Bay of Fundy provides an interesting case study of airborne pollution issues as the boundary between Canadian and American waters is located at the coalescence point for several continental air masses from the Eastern and Central United States. Whereas coastal fisheries and salmon and finfish aquaculture are vital for the local economy, a number of undesirable changes have been noted in the region: elevated levels of Hg in porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and seals (Phoca vitula) and high levels of Hg in the blood of common loons (Gavia immer) and seabirds (e.g. Phalacrocorax auritus). Little is known at this time how Hg works itself through into the coastal areas. It is thought, however, the frequent fog occurrences add considerably to coastal Hg inputs. Here, local catchments, vegetation and soils may have strong influences on further channeling the incoming Hg into coastal brooks and tidal marshes. In particular, catchments with low permeability and essentially anaerobic substrates play a crucial but unwanted role in transforming some of the COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 2/7 COMERN Project Description 15/02/16 incoming Hg into highly toxic methylmercury (MeHg). Subsequent seepage from these substrates into the coastal brooks and tidal marshes below, or into the Bay itself, may be one of the most important pathway by which measurable amounts of MeHg enter the coastal food web. This project deals with quantifying coastal mass balance inputs and outputs for total and organic Hg, per select coastal catchments, and seeks to quantify subsequent estuarine and coastal impacts on select sediments and biota, from phytoplankton, through feeders (mussels, clams), select fish and bird species, to local communities that depend on some of these species as part of their daily or seasonal food supplies. 3. Research objectives: The overarching objective of this section is to identify the fate of Hg in coastal ecosystems of the Bay of Fundy, and the susceptibility of this coastal region to local and long-range sources of atmospheric Hg contamination. Doing so involves: • Identifying the principal inputs of Hg in coastal regions including a) atmospheric deposition (precipitation, dry deposition, fog); b) riverine and subsurface flow; c) geologic sources and natural background concentrations; d) historical records of deposition. • Characterizing the cycling of Hg in the abiotic environment of coastal subcatchments, including a) mass transfer of Hg from the atmosphere to land and sea and back; b) role of suspended particulate matter and sediment transport processes on methylation of Hg; c) role of environmental variables such as redox fluctuations and tidal freshwater-saltwater mixing on biotic productivity and on Hg methylation rates. • Determining the susceptibility of benthic organisms, fish and seabirds to enhanced deposition of Hg from the atmosphere and local sources of contamination. • Integrating the results to develop whole-ecosystem model of Hg dynamics in coastal regions to forecast Hg levels in predatory fish and seabirds from inputs of Hg to the system. • Installing a local resource link to the proposed COMERN study of Hg food chain effects on human health. The results from the above biomonitoring will be linked to human exposure and its impact on human health. Human exposure in these coastal communities to Hg and other contaminants will be evaluated and dietary questionnaires will serve to establish the population's use of the local resources. Assessment of health and well-being will be carried out. • Synthesizing the results to analyze the management and policy implications of the study for regulations of trans-boundary Hg contamination on the Maine-New Brunswick border and managing ecosystem impacts of Hg in the Bay of Fundy. COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 3/7 COMERN Project Description 15/02/16 Details Coastal Subcatchment Study Preliminary results for Canadian sites in the US National Atmospheric Deposition Program showed that wet deposition Hg in the Atlantic region is approximately: 8.5 ug/m2/year. Eastern Canada likely receives about 4.6 tons of wet Hg deposition per year, i.e., 2 to 3 times more since the last century. Hg inputs into coastal subcatchments are regionally higher than elsewhere because of combined wet and dry atmospheric deposition plus fog deposition. Run-off from the many small coastal catchments (<1 to about 500 ha) adds Hg to the marine environment, and may be intercepted in coastal marshes, mudflats, tidal plains and estuaries. These systems are unique in the sense that they catch most of the coastal fog, especially if oriented towards the prevailing direction of fog and sea-spray drift. With this study, we intend to model total atmospheric Hg inputs/outputs and related pathways for small forest catchments along the Fundy Coast. The model will be calibrated with Hg data from small paired forest subcatchments on the Point Lepreau Peninsula. Subcatchments will be selected so that both point southwest and southeast and will have to present tidal flats, with defined water pathways and sufficient biotic activities. The landowner is NBPower, who will also be a research partner. The monitoring results will be used to calibrate an existing forest hydrology model (ForHyM2) that simulates all major water flows and water storage compartments of forest watersheds at the subcatchment level. Calculated water flows will be used to estimate Hg transfer rates through the forest subcatchments. An Hg input/output model will be calibrated for the pre-disturbance situation and will be formulated to predict outcome. The subcatchments will be treated after the second year of monitoring, to test the model predictions. Coastal Impacts: Sediments and Hg transfer to biota Coastal and marine sediments may serve as potential sources and sinks of toxic substances in aquatic systems. The investigation of diagenetic processes in marine and continental sedimentary systems has become a vital component of pollution assessment studies but the key question remains to what extent are these contaminants transferred to the biota. To examine the ability of benthic invertebrates to extract Hg from sediments, we have made a preliminary study of the marine polychaete worm Maldane Sarsia, common specie in the sediments of the deep St. Lawrence Estuary. Although these sediments are not what one would normally consider to be seriously contaminated (50-300 ng/g sediment or 0.05-0.3 ppm), we found Hg concentrations in the worms as high as 100 ppm, corresponding to an average 250-fold concentration factor between worms and sediment. We observed that MeHg is produced just below the sediment-water interface under suboxic and anoxic conditions. Burrowing benthic COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 4/7 COMERN Project Description 15/02/16 organisms can accumulate MeHg directly from anoxic sediments and may serve as a vector of this substance to their predators. It has been demonstrated that Hg is then transferred from marine sediments to commercially exploited fish species. A study on the bottom feeding snowcrab and shrimp in the Saguenay Fjord revealed Hg levels much higher than in the bottom sediment, exceeding the norms established for the protection of human health. These studies and others have shown conclusively that the abundance of a toxic metal in a sediment is not in itself a good indicator of the potential flux of the metal into fish and from there further up the food chain and, thus, even sediments with moderate to low levels of toxic metals can be a source of contamination. We will attempt to determine the proportion of Hg in marine sediments from anthropogenic sources, the forms (species) in which the metals occur in sediments, and the mechanisms that allow for mobilization and incorporation of Hg into benthic invertebrates. We will also seek relationships between Hg in sediments, in benthic invertebrates, and in bottom feeding fish. Distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic sources of metals in sediments is a classical problem to which there are no simple solutions. The most direct and common approach has been to compare the abundance of a metal in a sediment with its abundance in a pre-industrial sediment. This works well as long as diagenetic mobilization does not significantly change the historical distribution of the metal. Fortunately, Hg seems little affected by diagenesis, and we propose to use high-resolution vertical profiles of Hg in sediment cores to estimate the importance of anthropogenic Hg inputs. A database will be gradually established on the Hg burden of benthic invertebrates, and the results compared with analyses of the sediment in which the organism were found. In addition to the generated data on anthropogenic Hg in sediments and benthic invertebrates, data from an ongoing program by the DFO on Hg in bottom feeding fish in the Bay of Fundy and the StLawrence Estuary will be used. All the information on metal abundance will be combined with information on the location of the feeding grounds of the fish (approximated as the location where the fish was when it was caught) and multivariate analysis will be used to identify correlations. Coastal Impacts: Biomonitoring of Hg levels from freshwater to salt water, bottom-feeding fresh water fish, clams, mussels, and seaducks We will determine the levels of Hg present in specific organisms and verify if there is a constant relationship of these levels with atmospheric and freshwater Hg levels within an ecosystem. We propose to do this by collecting and analyzing Hg levels in 10 different watersheds in coastal southwest NB. In each, water samples, freshwater clams, sediments, and piscivorous fishes (pickerel/perch) will be collected. At the mouth of each river, saltwater mussels will also be collected. Bottom-feeding fish will be monitored for Hg in coastal freshwater streams. Seaducks (all-year resident birds such as Common Eider (Somateria mollissima), and migrant species such as Leach’s Petrel (Oceanodrama leucorrhoa) will be monitored for Hg in feathers at time of COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 5/7 COMERN Project Description 15/02/16 molting, at select shore locations. The watersheds that will be sampled in-shore near the estuaries, within the estuaries, and the tidal flats for clam, fish and mussel collections are: (1) St Croix River, (2) Chamcook River, (3) Digdeguash River, (4) Magaguadavic River, (5) New River, (6) Lepreau River, (7) Musquash River, (8) Saint John River, (9) Gardner Creek, (10) Big Salmon River. Each watershed will be visited 3 times. The first visit will collect freshwater clams and water samples; the second will collect fish; the third will collect saltwater mussels at the mouth of these rivers. Results about Hg accumulation in select tissues will be compiled and examined within the geographic context of each location, to provide parameters essential for food chain modeling based on local abiotic Hg loading and locally relevant and species-specific Hg transfer mechanisms. The Big Salmon River catchment that feeds into the Bay of Fundy is particularly noteworthy offering unique opportunities for studying the process and direction of Hg contamination in a coastal inland-estuary ecosystem at a variety of scales - from headwaters to estuary, lacustrine versus lotic, terrestrial to aquatic, and for a variety of trophic levels from primary consumers to the top predators. Its forest is relatively pristine, and there has been little direct influence of urbanization or industrialization along the watercourse. In addition, there is ready access to the headwater streams, the river mouth/estuary, and a large lake with a unique population of relict arctic char (a pelagic predator). From a species perspective, the Big Salmon River has populations of diadromous species such as Atlantic salmon, brook trout and American eels, as well as freshwater resident species such as brook trout and various minnow species. In addition to the biomonitoring program, we plan to trace the transfer of groundwater Hg into the eggs of salmonid fishes (trout, salmon) that incubate in the gravel of groundwater discharge zones. Coastal Impacts Model A whole-ecosystem model linking inputs of Hg to the coastal environment to tissue concentrations of predatory fish and seabirds in the Bay of Fundy will be developed, based on the best available knowledge on the fate of Hg in coastal regions. We intend to develop this model for multimedia usage by managers who deal with Hg contamination issues in coastal ecosystems. It will consists of three main sub-components: 1. A first sub-model describing the speciation of Hg into its more toxic organic forms, based on available thermodynamic data that present the affinity of different Hg species for various ligands and the chemical and physical characteristics of the medium of interest. In sediments, e.g., this includes redox status, dissolved sulfide concentrations, organic carbon, temperature, nutrient status and salinity. 2. A second “environmental fate” sub-model describing how Hg partitions between various media, including air, water and sediments. This sub-model includes site-specific parameters affecting the transport of various Hg species by way of (e.g.) tidal and freshwater inflows, settling of suspended particulate matter, and molecular diffusion. COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 6/7 COMERN Project Description 15/02/16 3. A third “bioaccumulation” sub-model simulating Hg dynamics in food webs. This submodel is based on biological, physical uptake and excretion parameters specific to the species of interest. This sub-model will be based on similar freshwater ecosystem-scale Hg models118, with special calibrations for the marine setting. These sub-models will first be applied to Passamaquoddy Bay in the Bay of Fundy. This area is of particular interest due to its proximity to the Canada-United States border and the concentration of commercial and aquaculture fisheries in that region. The model is currently being parameterized using physical and hydrological data from the Passamaquoddy Bay. An independent data set on Hg concentrations in sediment, water and organisms from the region has also been partially assembled and will be used to test the model forecasts. Data required to complete the food-web bioaccumulation model will also be provided by a study currently underway at the DFO in Dartmouth, NS. This study will provide data on total Hg and MeHg concentrations and diet composition of marine species at 4 trophic levels the Bay of Fundy. Observed empirical and model-predicted concentrations of Hg in sediment and biota will be compared to test the mechanistic model and generate an estimate of model bias and related uncertainties. Monte Carlo simulations will be used to investigate the effects of uncertainties in key input parameters, and to forecast a plausible range of output results. A copy of the modeling software will be available for managers concerned about Hg contamination issues in other ecosystems. The dataset on Hg levels in marsh sediment cores, aquatic sediments and organisms in the Passamaquoddy Bay region and New Brunswick coastline of the Bay of Fundy will also be available for future use. Ultimately, successful application of this model will help to identify the level of emissions to the environment that maintains Hg concentrations in the tissues of fish and seabirds below regulatory guidelines. This knowledge could then be combined with inventories of the sources of Hg contamination in the region in order to identify the most appropriate regulatory framework that minimizes the risk to both human and ecological health. COMERN Head Office: Université du Québec à Montréal, President-Kennedy Bldg – Suite PK-7150 C.P.8888, Downtown STA (Qc) H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987-3601, Fax : (514) 987-3635 -- email: 7/7