Harmonised PROCEDURE After validation by Commission de la Recherche et des études doctorales (Council for Research and Doctoral Studies) (meeting on Nov. 20, 2007) Application for admission for a Doctorate under international co-mentorship No.…../….. With an application for exemption concerning the Master's degree Without application for exemption concerning the Master's degree (cf. Art 14-par. 3 of the French decree of 07 Aug. 2006) Academic Year 2007-2008 Surname– First name Nationality Highest degree obtained (place and year) Discipline for the Doctorate Title of the Doctoral Thesis Full name of the French mentor for the supervision of the Doctoral Thesis (Research Centre) and OPINION Partner Institution Full name of the non-French mentor Date of the first application for admission to a Doctorate Date of the first registration as a comentorship student Name and OPINION of the Head of the host Research centre Full name and signature of the dean of the School/Faculty concerned (applicable only to Metz University) Opinion of the Doctoral School (including, if applicable, an opinion about the application for exemption concerning the Master's degree) Validation by DRV - Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales Page 1 sur 16 NB : Forwarded to DRI Department of International Relations (for their information) COMPOSITION OF THE FILE TO BE SUBMITTED TO APPLY FOR ADMISSION TO A DOCTORATE UNDER INTERNATIONAL CO-MENTORSHIP AND PROCEDURE Preamble: The application for admission to a doctorate under international co-mentorship has to be submitted preferably in the course of the 1st year of doctoral studies and at the latest during the first term of the second year. Procedure : In the first stage, it is highly recommended to the mentor/supervisor to get in touch with Direction de la Recherche et de la Valorisation (DRV) – Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales to submit the co-mentorship project for the preparation of an agreement (with an indication of the partner university, the history of past cooperation with the latter institution, the objectives, etc.). The complete application file is composed of the following items : - A dossier composed of the following documents : o C.V. of the applicant + letter of motivation o Letter of introduction drafted by the Thesis mentor o Copy of the highest diploma and grade transcript o Summary of the research work done for pre-doctoral studies o Title of the dissertation and summary of the thesis project o List of publications, if any - the agreement for co-mentorship together with the charter of theses, the "provisions relating to confidentiality, publications and intellectual property" - the application form for admission in international thesis co-mentorship (with or without exemption of the master's degree) bearing the signature of the thesis advisor/mentor , the head of the host research centre and the head of the doctoral school. Remark If the applicant has not received a French master's or engineer's degree, (s)he has to apply for exemption from the master's degree (whatever his/her nationality –pursuant to the French Decree of 7 August 2006 concerning doctoral studies) together with the application for admission for a co-mentorship (tick the appropriate box on the application form). The two thesis advisors/co-mentors have requested to indicate the terms for the payment of registration fees in the co-signatory institutions in this agreement in accordance with the administrative provisions in force in the institutions concerned. Procedure : The application form for admission in co-mentorship completed and signed by the thesis advisor/mentor and the head of the host research centre is forwarded to École doctorale (Doctoral School) for signature and an opinion. Page 2 sur 16 The application form - completed and signed - is then forwarded to DRV – Sousdirection des Etudes Doctorales for processing together with the agreement and the dossier. At this stage, the DRV – Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales checks on the accuracy of the data entered in the application form and the charter of theses and verifies that all signatures have been given and also all relevant documents have been included into the dossier. If this is not the case, DRV – Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales returns the documents for signature and a request for the documents missing in the dossier. Parallel to this, the draft agreement is examined by DRV – Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales : - either the agreement submitted complies with all expectations and the legal provisions in force in the two institutions and it is then submitted to the President of the university for signature. - or the agreement prepared is not found as complying with applicable provisions and the DRV – Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales will then get in touch with the thesis advisor/mentor and, if necessary, the partner institution so that the two parties can draft a new document agreeable to both parties. Signatures of the partner institutions: IT IS MANDATORY TO HAVE THE DRAFT AGREEMENT VALIDATED BY ÉCOLE DOCTORALE (DOCTORAL SCHOOL) AND SRED (SERVICE DE LA RECHERCHE ET DES ETUDES DOCTORALES) BEFORE BEING SUBMITTED TO THE PARTNER INSTITUTION FOR SIGNATURE. When the agreement has been signed by both institutions, an original copy of the agreement is forwarded to both signatories: - either by the project manager - or by DRV – Sous-direction des Etudes Doctorales as agreed by the two parties. Administrative Registration : The student is then officially registered for a co-mentorship doctorate by DRV – Sousdirection des Etudes Doctorales which then forwards a copy of the registration to DRI (Direction des Relations Internationales).. The doctoral student should renew this registration at the beginning of each academic year. Defence of the doctoral thesis : Formal steps and arrangements for the ONE-SESSION defence of the doctoral thesis should be made with the TWO partner institutions. Page 3 sur 16 AGREEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL THESIS CO-MENTORSHIP N° / This agreement is made between Institution of origin ……………………………………. represented by its President, Prof. …………………., and Host institution ……………….…………. represented by its President, Prof. ……………………….. hereafter named «the partner », with the following provisions: Preamble on 06 January 2005 with amendments, and with. The above mentioned partners have been co-operating in the field of International co-mentorship of Doctoral theses, compliant with the provisions of - the French Decree of Aug. 07, 2006 relating to formation doctorale (Doctoral Studies) and concerning the dissemination of results presented in doctoral theses and the French Decree of Jan. 06, 2005 amended by the French Decree of Aug. 07, 2006 in relation to international co-mentorship of doctoral theses; - the partner's own regulations ………………………………………………………….. This agreement is established specifically for the international co-mentorship for a doctoral dissertation in …………..………………………………………………………………. (discipline of the doctoral thesis and specialty, if applicable) whose subject is : (title of the thesis) : ………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………………………… prepared by Mrs/Mr. ………………………….………….. , hereafter named "the doctorand", a member of École doctorale (Doctoral School) ……………………………………………………………………. . Page 4 sur 16 The host laboratories / research Centres are: -For the French university: ………………………………………………….. -For the Partner University: ………………………………………………… The advisors/co-mentors for the thesis are: - For the French university: Mrs/Mr..……………………………, position …....... Research Centre…………………….. - For the Partner University: Mrs./Mr. …………………………, position ……... Research Centre ……………………… SECTION 1 : Administrative conditions Article 1 : The student is registered as a doctorand in both academic institutions participating in the international co-mentorship program as from the beginning of the 20… /20.. academic year as soon as all conditions for that purpose have been met. The maximum time granted for studies and research will be three years, unless the student concerned applies for an exemption in the form of an extension to the President of the French University. Article 2 : The doctoral student will pay enrolment fees on a yearly basis, either to the French University or the Partner University. The specific terms are set out in this agreement, on an individual basis: Year 20…./20…. :…………………………………………….. Year 20…./20…. :…………………………………………….. Year 20…./20…. :…………………………………………….. The student's enrolment has to be renewed every year in the two signatory institutions. Exemption of fees will be granted automatically by the institution where the payment of such fees is not required for the current year. This agreement will apply only if the student has found proper support and funding Article 3 : The doctorand is submitted to the legislation in force concerning insurance coverage in the country where enrolment fees have been paid. As for the country where exemption applies, (s)he has to provide for similar coverage and give evidence of that situation at the time of registration in each institution. (S)he also commits him/herself to taking out a "responsabilité civile vie privée" (civil liability for private life coverage) insurance policy. This also applies to an "assurance individual accident" (personal accident insurance) and a specific insurance policy in case of repatriation and an "assurance juridique" (legal service insurance). Registration will be made subject to the production of appropriate insurance policies. Page 5 sur 16 Article 4 : During his stay in the host institution, accommodation will be organised as follows for the doctorand :: ........................................................................................................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Article 5 : During his stay in the host institution, the doctorand will receive the following benefits: ………………………........................................................................................................................ ............. The certificates and vouchers delivered will be produced at the time of registration. TITRE 2 : Tuition and Education Article 6 : Prior to signing this agreement, Mrs./Mr ................................................................. and Mrs./Mr ................................................. commit themselves to assuming fully and jointly their tasks as thesis mentor for the doctorand and keep each other informed of the progress of the doctorands works while the latter is working at the partner's institution. Article 7 : Research work for the thesis is carried out in alternation between the two institutions. The thesis co-mentors organise the doctorand's work time in cooperation with him/her and with an eye on proper balance between the two institutions, with the following schedule: - Year 2011/12: October 2011 to ………………………………in…………………… - Year 2012/13 : October 2012 to ……………………………in…………………. - Year 2013/14 : October 2013 to ……………………………in …………………. The tasks expected from the doctorand beyond the presentation of the thesis are determined the École doctorale (Doctoral School) in France and the corresponding department of the partner institution. The list of such tasks is as follows : - for the French University: …………………………………………………… (e.g.: set courses offered by the École doctorale, intermediate reporting, etc.) - for the Partner Institution: …………………………………………………. Article 8 : The defence of the thesis will be organised ……………………………………………… as a one-only session held at Thesis defence can be planned only after permission delivered by the École Doctorale (Doctoral School) and authorisation for defence is granted, for the French University, by the President and, for the partner institution by Page 6 sur 16 Such authorisation will be given subject to the production of the reports prepared by the preexaminers in French or English. The examining jury will appoint a chairperson from among members of the panel and this person will draft a defence report to be signed by all examiners. The latter report is to be drafted in French or English. The doctorand will defend his/her thesis facing a jury appointed by the two partner institutions and composed - with proper balance and a maximum of eight persons - of members belonging to the two signatory institutions and persons external to these institutions. The examining jury is composed following the legislation in force, unless restrictions or exemptions are imposed by specifically national provisions. Article 9 : The language used for the writing of the thesis will be …………………………….. The language to be used for the defence will be ……………. ……………. When the language selected is not French, a detailed summary will be submitted in French (minimum length 20 pages) before the date of the defence session. The doctorand commits him/herself to fulfilling the conditions imposed by the regulations in force in the two countries concerning legal deposit, publicity and printing. Article 10 : Les regulations laid down in the Charte des thèses (Thesis Charter) enclosed are part and parcel of this agreement. Article 11 : The doctorand and his/her supervisors commit themselves to abiding to the rules of the institution concerning confidentiality of any kind of information, publication, property rights, exploitation of the results provided by research. The regulations laid down in French legislation are expounded in the relevant "Clauses" appended to this agreement. Article 12 : Following the defence, the signatory institutions will deliver to the doctorand : - the doctoral degree awarded by the two institutions, i.e. ………………. ……………. University and............................................................................... University, both degrees being fully recognised on the whole territory of both countries. or - a doctoral degree awarded jointly by the two signatory institutions. Article 13 : This agreement should be introduced by the two partner institutions preferably at the beginning of the first year of doctoral studies and – at the latest – in the course of the first quarter of the second year. The period of validity is three years. Page 7 sur 16 The agreement can be revised or terminated on the basis of an addendum prepared by common consent and signed by the Presidents of the two institutions. The number of original copies released for this document corresponds to the number of signatories : Made in …….., on ………… Made in …….., on The Thesis advisor/mentor in France (surname, name, signature) The Thesis advisor/mentor (surname, name, signature) The President The President of ……………. University of ……………. University (surname, name, signature) (surname, name, signature) Made in …….., on ………… Made in …….., on The Doctorand …………………… Page 8 sur 16 THESIS CHARTER SURNAME AND GIVEN NAMES OF THE DOCTORAND …………………………………………………………………. The university has a mission to provide education and training and is therefore meant to host doctorands and provide facilities and adequate conditions for their research. École Doctorale (Doctoral School) is a key player to fulfil this mission for the benefit of doctorands. Reading and doing research for a thesis is based on an agreement concluded in full freedom between the doctorand, the thesis adviser/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and the Head of the host Research Centre. This agreement concerns the selection of the research area and the working conditions necessary for the progress of research. The Head of the host Research, the thesis adviser/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and the doctorand have therefore to observe high-standard rights and duties. This charter specifies these mutual commitments by reminding of the basic principles that have inspired the administrative regulations in force and the time-honoured code of good practice applied in full respect of the diversity of disciplines and institutions. Its purpose is mainly to guarantee first-rate scientific research. The institutions commit themselves to act so that the standards they have set are also respected when studying and doing research a co-mentorship thesis. The doctorand, at the time of registration, underwrites the text of this Charter together with the thesis mentor (and the co-supervisor(s)), the Head of the host Research Centre and the Head of École doctorale (Doctoral School). The Head of the Research Centre and the Head of École doctorale (Doctoral School) make sure that the rights and duties listed in this Charter and guaranteed by the University concerned are fully respected. 1 – THE DOCTORAL THESIS AS A MAJOR STEP IN A PERSONAL OR PROFESSIONAL PROJECT Studies and research for a thesis should be carried out in a research environment and be integrated as a major component of a personal and/or professional project that whose lines and goals and conditions have been clearly defined. This implies that objectives have been identified and the resources to be implemented are available. Page 9 sur 16 Future Openings The candidate should have information on the academic and extra academic openings in his/ her subjectfield. Statistics at national level on the work opportunities for young doctoral graduates and information on the career of PhD students who graduated in the Research Centre can be supplied by the École Doctorale (Doctoral school), the thesis adviser/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and the Department of the University where the student has enrolled in charge of placement. The doctorand should specify as soon as possible the type of occupation or professional activity that (s)he would like to have. For this information about openings and careers to be provided to the future doctorands enrolled in his/her research centre, all PhD graduates are requested to inform their thesis adviser/mentor (and cosupervisor(s)) and the Head of École Doctorale (Doctoral school) about his/her professional situation for four years after obtaining his/her doctor's degree. Funding The thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)), the Head of the host Research Centre and the Head of École doctorale (Doctoral School) can inform the candidate about the financial support that might be available and the time necessary for his/her thesis (allowance offered by the French Ministry of Research, grant offered by the Regional Council, scholarship offered by a company or a society/association, salary…). Doctorands having no financial support should be an exception. A list – as exhaustive as possible – of possible findings for doctoral research is appended to this Charter. The thesis advisors/co-mentors (and co-supervisor(s)), the Head of the host Research Centre and the Head of École doctorale (Doctoral School) will spare no efforts to raise funding for the benefit of all doctorands who have no wage-earning activity. Training Le doctorand has to abide to the regulations of École Doctorale (Doctoral School) and take the classes, seminars and lectures offered. The doctorand will collect information from the thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) about the statutory and regular possibilities of providing some tuition during his/her time as a doctoral student. If (s)he assumes a position as a teaching assistant, the doctorand should comply with the provisions laid down in the French Decree 89-794 of Sept. 30, 1989 with amendments. Additional classes will also be offered to contribute to opening up the scope of his/her scientific competence. These courses leading to a certificate delivered by the Head of École Doctorale (Doctoral School) are an opportunity to strengthen his/her scientific knowledge and facilitate his/her future employment. Parallel to this, the doctorand, taking advantage of the facilities of the institutions, to think about the his/her employment by contacting potential employers (research centres, universities, companies, in France or abroad). This strategy may include a participation in Doctoriales (Scientific Meetings for PhDs). Depending on disciplines and research centres, this wide range of courses and classes may include an internship during some weeks in a company and/or a private research centre. 2 – THEME AND FEASIBILITY OF THE THESIS Signing the Charter implies that the theme and context of the thesis, and the hosting team have been clearly identified. Theme The theme of the thesis should be selected in such a way as to lead to the elaboration of original and enriching work that can be completed within a realistic period of time. The definition of the area of the thesis depends on an agreement made between the doctorand and the thesis advisor/mentor (and cosupervisor(s)) that is formalised at the time of registration. The person(s) requested to provide guidance as the thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) are selected due to acknowledged competence in the specific area of research and should assist the doctorand to pinpoint the originality of the of the theme in the scientific environment and make sure of its modernity ; (s)he should also ascertain the doctorand's degree of motivation. Page 10 sur 16 Resources The thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and the Head of the host Research Centre should identify the resources and equipment necessary for the work to be done and the procedure for implementation. For that purpose, the doctorand is to be fully integrated into the team of his/her work group or the host research centre. The Head of the centre should guarantee access to the same resources as tenured researchers to carry out his research work (equipment, resources, in particular for data processing, documentation, seminars and lectures). The thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and Head of the host Research Centre will do their best to give to the doctorand opportunities to make presentations about his/her research in scientific meetings, be it “conferences for doctorands” or meetings for larger audiences. The doctorand is submitted to the same obligations as the personnel working in the research centre. (S)he has to be familiar with the internal regulations of the research centre, if any. In particular, (s)he has to pledge that (s)he will respect rules of punctuality, proper practice, confidentiality, hygiene and safety and also all regulations applying to the research centre (equipment, keys…). The thesis adviser/mentor and the Head of the Research Centre will do their best to promote the use of a logbook. The logbook will remain the property of the research centre and no one will have permission to take it out of the premises for whatever reason. However, the doctorand will have a right to obtain a duplicate of the logbook for the writing of his/her thesis. The doctorand is advised to get involved in the life of the research centre, take part in collective tasks and contribute to tuition and training, though without having to substitute in case of technical staff shortage in the research centre. In the event of co-supervision of an intern, the Head of the host Research Centre pledges him/herself to had over to the doctorand a certificate for this activity. 3 – MENTORING AND SUPERVISING THE THESIS The doctorand has a right to receive customised guidance from his/her advisor/mentor (and cosupervisor(s)) who commit themselves to dedicating a significant part of their time and inform him/her of the number of doctoral students working under their guidance. The thesis advisor/mentor, as the main supervisor of the doctorand, is a person who is fully accredited to supervise research work, unless (s)he has status as authorised by Art. 17 of the French Decree of Aug. 7, 2006 relating to Doctoral studies. (S)he may be assisted by a maximum of 2 co-mentors. The doctorand has a duty to inform his/her thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and the Head of École doctorale (Doctoral school) about the progress of the thesis and the difficulties (s)he has to face. The thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)), commit themselves to monitoring the progress of the work, in particular by countersigning the doctorand's logbooks and discuss the new avenues to be explored on the basis of results already recorded. (S)he has a duty to inform the doctorand about his/her positive opinions or objections and criticism that the work may deserve. The thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) submits the composition of the jury and a date for the defence to the Head of the Institution via the Head of École doctorale (Doctoral school), in compliance with the administrative and internal regulations of the institution where (s)he has registered. 4 – DURATION OF RESEARCH WORK If research is part of beginning doctoral studies, the standard time granted for the completion of a doctoral thesis is three years. At the end of the second year, the doctorand, the thesis advisor/mentor (and co-supervisor(s) can discuss the predictable date for the defence with regards to the progress made by the research work. A similar discussion will also take place half way during the third year. Page 11 sur 16 When the thesis defence does not take place at the date scheduled for completion and/or when funding is exhausted, the following options will have to be examined: - extension for administrative reasons: An application for extension is generally submitted at the same time as renewing the registration of the doctorand in his/her institution and it has exceptional character. However, all doctorands have to be duly registered at the beginning of each academic year. The application for extension should be submitted in the form of a letter with justification produced by the doctorand, with an opinion expressed by the thesis advisor/mentor and another opinion from the Council of the École doctorale (Doctoral school). The proposal is forwarded to the Head of the institution by the Director of the École doctorale (Doctoral school).. Any application for renewed enrolment at the beginning of the 4th year should be submitted together with a document reporting about the state of progress and a foreseeable date for the defence. This document will be submitted to the opinion of École Doctorale (Doctoral School) taking specific situations into account. - extension for scientific reasons : Time extension should not significant modify the nature and amount of research work as they have been defined originally and agreed upon. - financial consequences of an extension: As granting an extension for administrative reasons does not automatically entail continuation of the funding, the possibility of finding new forms of financial support should be explored, in particular for the doctorands facing financial difficulties. The thesis adviser/mentor (and co-supervisor(s) will inform the doctorand about such possibilities of financing assistance, in particular from the resources of the team or the research centre, in cooperation with the Head of the Centre. If financial assistance is granted, an official document will be established recording the amount, the terms and the duration of the grant(s); the document will be forwarded to École Doctorale (Doctoral School) and appended to the registration file. In nearly all cases, reading for a doctoral thesis calls for yearly renewal of the registration of the doctorand in his/her institution. To be able to meet the date planned for defence, the doctorand and the thesis advisor/mentor (and cosupervisor(s)) should respect their commitments concerning the length of time required for the work. In case of repeated failures to meet these commitments, the doctorand, thesis advisor/mentor (and cosupervisor(s)) will establish a joint report leading to appealing for mediation. 5 – COPYRIGHT PROTECTION – RIGHT OF QUOTATION Plagiarism is prohibited. Pursuant to Art. L.122-4 of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle (Code for intellectual property), any full or partial representation or reproduction made without the author's or his/her dependents' or his/her assigns' consent is considered illegal. This provision also applies to any translation, adaptation or transformation, rearrangement or reproduction by any type of craft or process. The doctorand is expected to apply for permission in all cases, included those listed in Art. L.122-5 of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle (Code for intellectual property), to the author(s) and dependent(s). If a reproduction of pictures or figures is required, the doctorand will apply for permission to the author(s) and dependent(s). Page 12 sur 16 6 - CONFIDENTIALITY Due to his/her contribution to the activities of the Research centre, the doctorand will have the opportunity of having access to information relating to specific research projects (in particular industrial projects) developed in such centres. The doctorands pledge themselves to regard and hold as strictly confidential such information, results, knowledge of whatever nature that (s)he may collect until they are made accessible to the public at large without any fault on his/her part, by direct disclosure (publication, oral communication …), protection in the name of intellectual property or any other form. This duty of confidentiality covers all the research activities of the other research centres of the university that the doctorand may have to visit and will be applicable for five years after the completion of the thesis. 7 – INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - PUBLICATION AND VALORISATION OF THE THESIS In the course of his/her studies and research, the doctorand will have scientific, technical support from the University and guidance from the teaching staff, and have access to the knowledge and resources that the University can offer. In this context, information and results may be produced by the student that are subject to copyright and intellectual property legislation. In such a case the doctorand will get in touch with the department of his/her university in charge of Research Valorisation. If the doctorand receives a salary or some form of financial compensation for his/her work, he/she will be submitted to the legal provisions applying to the inventions made by wage-earners as laid down in the French Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. The information and results produced by the doctorands receiving no salary of any comparable form of compensation will be submitted to the following regulations: if the University has in interest in such results, the parties involved will draft a bode fide agreement about the conditions for an exploitation of such results in the best of interest for the student not receiving a salary (or a comparable form of compensation) and the University. This agreement may involve a transfer of rights. With due consideration for the importance of publications, patents and reports produced on the basis of industrial work and research, the mentor (and co-mentor(s)) will recommend to the doctorand to publish papers and reports in the course of his/her studies and generally make provisions for proper dissemination of his/her research work, in particular through participations in conferences, seminars, etc. However, should information contained in the a draft paper or publication require intellectual property (in particular in the form of a patent, registration at the French Agence pour la protection des programmes…), the parties agree that the publication (or contribution to a conference) may be postponed for a period of time determined in advance in cooperation with the thesis advisor/mentor and the (Service Valorisation (Department for Valorisation) of the University The doctorand will then be cited as an author or co-author in any publication with a reference the research done for the thesis. If the doctorand can be recognised as an inventor (or author) in the sense of Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle, his/her name will be cited with this status in the entitlement for intellectual property concerned. The doctorand commits him/herself - not to make any publication about his/her research for the thesis without consulting his/her thesis advisor/mentor; - to abide to the rules of confidentiality imposed on him/her and to standard practice when having talks with external partners, or to all the provisions laid down in the contracts when research work is partially funded by a partner. The mentor (and co-supervisors) will do their best to promote lab logbooks and ensure that doctorands do use them and keep them up to date. After completion of the thesis, the lab logbook will become property of the University. The doctorand may receive a duplicate of this document. Page 13 sur 16 8 – PROCEDURE FOR MEDIATION The head of the research centre shall be informed of any persistent dispute between the doctorand and the thesis mentor (and co-supervisor(s)) and (s)he will do his/her best to solve the problem. Should the tension endure, the doctorand, thesis advisor/mentor (or co-supervisor(s)) or head of the research centre will report to the director of École doctorale (Doctoral School). The latter will then call on a mediator who will listen to the parties involved without depriving any of them of their scope of responsibility and suggest a solution amenable to all parties. The mediator has a duty to be unbiased at all times and on all occasions. If the mediator fails in his/her mission, the doctorand or any other party in this charter may request the Director of the Institution to order the Conseil Scientifique (Scientific Board) to appoint a mediator who is a member of the university staff, possibly external to the institution. As a last resort, the dispute may be submitted to the Director of the Institution for a final appeal. For all these proceedings, the doctorand may be counselled by a staff member whom (s)he has selected. 9 – SUBMISSION AND PRINTING OF THE THESIS The doctorand commits him/herself to submit his/her final memorandum when the time for defence has come, according to the regulations in force in the institution where (s)he has registered. The thesis memorandum has to be drafted in French in compliance to legal regulations, except when the research work has been conducted under the co-mentorship system. The thesis is then written in the language set in the international agreement for co-mentorship made between the signatory institutions. When printing has been authorised, the terms are laid down by the institution where the student has registered. 10 – Provisional arrangements and miscellaneous The Université de Lorraine and Écoles doctorales (Doctoral Schools) concerned will meet once a year to review the conditions for the implementation of the charter and, if necessary, make new proposals for improvement. Representatives of the doctorands may be involved in this reviewing process. Made in ............................ on ....................... Made in ............................ on ....................... The Thesis Supervisor The co-supervisor(s) (Surname, Given names, signature) (Surname, Given names, signature) Made in ............................ on ....................... Made in ............................ on ....................... The Head of the Research Centre The Head of École doctorale (Doctoral School) (Surname, Given names, signature and stamp) (Surname, Given names, signature and stamp) Made in ............................ on ....................... The doctorand (Surname, Given names, signature) Page 14 sur 16 "CLAUSES" CONCERNING CONFIDENTIALITY, PUBLICITY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONFIDENTIALITY All partners agree to consider as confidential, and not to disclose to third parties, under any form whatsoever, any information, including but not limited to documents, systems, software, know-how, methods or knowledge obtained from the other Partner or to which they might have had access to while performing the tasks relating to this Agreement, directly or indirectly, (hereunder called as a whole "Confidential Information") and to use the Confidential Information exclusively for the purpose of work for the doctoral thesis. All partners shall ensure that all members of their staff and students observe the duty of confidentiality as provided in this article and to take all necessary measures to guarantee the full enforcement of this duty. This obligation of confidentiality does not apply to information that has become available to the general public. This obligation shall be in force for a period of [5 years] from the date of signature of this Agreement, notwithstanding the termination or the expiry of the Agreement Any purpose of this Agreement does not imply any transfer or delivery of rights of intellectual property, or technology transfer concerning the information delivered by any Partner to the other. PUBLICATION Any publication or communication of information relating to the Results or Know-how developed as part of the Co-mentorship thesis by either Partner shall be submitted - as long as this Agreement is in force and for the 6 months following its expiry date - to the written authorization of the other Partner which shall provide notice of its decision within less than 2 months from the date of the request. After this time and in the absence of any response, authorization shall be considered as granted. Consequently, any and all draft publication or communication shall be submitted to the other Partner to have an opinion and the latter will have the possibility to delete or modify certain details which, if disclosed, might cause damage to the industrial or commercial use in proper conditions of the Results originating from the Study. Such deletions or changes shall not affect the scientific value of the publication or the contribution in a conference. Moreover, the other Partner may postpone the publication or the communication for a maximum period of 18 months from the date of the request, in particular whenever information contained in the publication or communication is required to be protected by rights of industrial property. Such publications and communication shall refer to the contribution by each Partner. Page 15 sur 16 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The results obtained by the Partners prior to the research conducted in the framework of a Co-mentorship thesis or independently shall remain their respective property and the other Partner shall receive no rights over the corresponding patents and Know-how under this Agreement. The results originating from the research conducted in the framework of a Comentorship thesis become joint property in equal parts of the (French ) University …………………………. and …………………. University. With the exception of a case of waiver by one of the Partners, joint patents shall be registered jointly in France and other countries in the names of both the (French ) University …………………………. and …………………. University. The management and monitoring of Joint Patents from the date of filing of the first patent application until the date that they become public domain shall be entrusted to Organisme Gestionnaire de la Copropriété (Joint Ownership Management Office). To this end, only Organisme Gestionnaire de la Copropriété (Joint Ownership Management Office) shall be entitled to act and proceed on behalf of joint owners for all actions undertaken for the registration, maintenance and extension of Joint patents. This institution might choose to require assistance from an agent in order to carry out these tasks. ……………….. has been appointed as Organisme Gestionnaire de la Copropriété (Joint Ownership Management Office) for the purposes of this Agreement Partners undertake : - to provide to each other all technical or administrative documents required to register and obtain the Joint patents ; - to ensure that the name of inventors are duly mentioned in the patent application in accordance with the legal provisions in force ; - to ensure that the members of their staff mentioned as inventor give all signatures and fulfil all formalities required to register, obtain, maintain in force and defence of Joint patents, and in particular that they sign the assignment of rights relating to US procedure. If one of the Partners in the joint ownership decide to transfer to a third party its part of the Joint patent, it will have to notify it by a recorded delivery letter to the other Partner, which will then have a right of pre-emption under equal terms and conditions. If this Partner does not take advantage of this right within a deadline of three (3) months from the day of notification of the purported transfer, in accordance with Section L613-29 paragraph e) of the [French] Code de la propriété intellectuelle [Code of Intellectual Property], the transfer will become final. Prior to any direct or indirect use of the results originating from the research conducted in the framework of a Co-mentorship thesis, an agreement setting for, in particular, financial terms shall be signed by the Partners. Page 16 sur 16