The Graduate Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 in Plaster
Student Union, Room 313. Chair Telory Davies called the meeting to order at 3:30.
Members Present: Drs. Agnew, Arendell, Beckman, Buchanan, Carr, Chang, Dillon, Dollar, Evans,
Finch, Ghosh, Harsha, Hass, Jones, Kaula, Kemp, Kenneally, G. Masterson, J. Masterson, Novik,
Piston, Plymate, Qiu, Scott, Stanojevic, Test, Thomas-Tate, Tomasi, Williamson and Worman;
Andrea Miller and Kevin Richardson
Members Absent: Drs. Calihman, Federman, Gerasimchuck, Leibert, Morris, Quebbeman and Sexton;
Vonda Yarberry
Guests: Drs. Chakraborty, Cook, Cunningham, Feeney, Hail, Jolley and Matthews
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Dr. Piston and seconded by Dr. Dollar to approve the minutes from the January,
2015 meeting. The motion was unanimously approved.
Committee Reports
Report of the Council Chair - Telory Davies Arendell
The next Graduate Council meeting will be held in Cheek Hall 102 (Wednesday, March 4). We were
not able to get a room in the PSU.
Report of the Graduate Dean – Julie Masterson
A. Announcements: For a complete listing of announcement and deadlines, see the “Graduate
College Update” at http://graduate.missouristate.edu/council.htm under the Graduate Council
B. SP15 Enrollment. Enrollment for graduate students seeking degrees is up 5.3%. Overall
graduate enrollment is up 4.4%.
C. IDF. The forum will be held on Saturday, April 25. The website is currently being updated to
include information and deadlines (http://graduate.missouristate.edu/currentstudents/IDF.htm).
Judges are needed so please volunteer and encourage other faculty in your department to
volunteer. This is a good service opportunity for junior faculty. This year, off-campus
presentations will be possible with the use of Blackboard. This will allow not only off-campus,
current students to present, but also December graduates who may have moved away from
D. Visioning Committees. Dr. Masterson is a member of the Academic Profile committee and is
leading the subgroup on, “Balancing Quality with Responsiveness.” The topic has relevance for
the Grad College ad hoc committee exploring potential limits in CBA credit.
E. Electronic Curricular Process. A committee has been working on a work flow system to
allow for electronic curricular form initiation and approval. They hope to test the system over
the summer with a small group and then to present it to all faculty at Showcase and to fully
implement for the fall semester.
F. Graduate Assistants.
 Background checks. A policy is being discussed that would require background checks for
some graduate assistants and student workers who have specific required duties (i.e.,
teaching responsibilities, lab supervision, driving other students, supervising other
students). More information will be forthcoming.
 GA Application. The GA applications is being revised to include a question(s) about past
issues with academic dishonesty.
Report of the Graduate Faculty Membership Committee – Bill Piston
The following faculty were approved for full graduate faculty status:
Luke Boyer
Cathie English
Megan Huff
Judith Cho Lieu
Patricia Wall
Harrison Witt
The following faculty were approved for probational graduate faculty status:
Timothy Brock
Report of the Graduate Grievance Committee – Bob Quebbeman
No report.
Report of the Graduate Scholarship Committee – Kevin Evans
No report.
Report of the Graduate Recruitment Committee – Randy Dillon
Nine Recruitment Mini grants were awarded for the FA14 application cycle - - Applied Behavioral
Analysis (PSY), Student Affairs in Higher Education (CLSE), Nursing Practice (NUR), Occupational
Therapy (SMAT), Writing (ENG) and various programs in Communication, Communication Sciences
and Disorders and Defense and Strategic Studies.
The SP15 grant applications are due April 1.
Report of the Graduate Student Senate – Kevin Richardson
No report.
Report of the Graduate Screening Committee – Ching-Wen Chang
The following Non-Substantive Proposal was reported:
CSD 760 Deaf and Hard of Hearing I – change periodicity
CSD 765 Reading: Deaf and Hard of Hearing – change periodicity
CSD 842 Vestibular Assessment and Rehabilitation – change periodicity
CSD 880 Grand Rounds in Audiology – change hours, periodicity and description
MCL 710 Advanced Research in the Discipline – change title
OTE 680 Fieldwork Level I – Part 1 – change description
OTE 690 Fieldwork Level I – Part 2 – change description
OTE 780 Fieldwork Level II – Part 1 – change description
OTE 790 Fieldwork Level II – Part 2 – change description
The following Substantive Proposals were approved:
New Programs
Master of Science in Child Life Studies
Graduate Certificate in Conservation Education
Graduate Certificate in Elementary Mathematics Specialist
Graduate Certificate in Community Corrections
Program Changes
CSD, SLP – change sequence and hours for required courses
MOT – change admission requirements and retention requirements
MS, Chemistry – change research requirement
New Courses
CLS 705 Aspects of Childhood Illness and Disease
CLS 710 Childhood Death and Bereavement
CLS 715 Play and Therapeutic Intervention
CLS 720 Trends and Issues in Child Life
CLS 790 Practicum in Child Life
CLS 795 Child Life Internship
CLS 798 Proposal Development for Child Life Thesis
CLS 799 Thesis Research in Child Life
CRM 771 Contemporary Issues I Community Corrections
CRM 772 Applied Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections
CRM 773 Offender Thinking and Decision-Making
CSD 879 Practice Management in Audiology
GLG 782 Contaminant Geochemistry
Course Changes
ART 797 Teaching Practicum – change hours
CHM 792 Degree Paper
CSD 878 Professional Issues and Practice Management – change title, description and hours
DSS 709 Seminar on Space and Information Warfare – change title, prerequisite and description
EDT 650 Selection and Utilization of Educational Technology – change periodicity
EDT 662 Educational Applications of Computers for Teaching – change hours and periodicity
EDT 696 Continuing Education in Educational Technology – change description
EDT 777 Problems in Educational Technology – change description
PLN 676 Site Planning Studio – change title, prerequisite, description and hours
PLN 699 Internship in Urban and Regional Planning – change title and periodicity
The department of Physical Therapy asked that the program change, new courses and multiple course change
forms be tabled until additional discussions can be held. Motion was approved.
Unfinished Business
Bill Piston will chair the ad hoc committee for policy changes regarding maximum credit allowed for
courses taken while not admitted to a program. A meeting will be called soon.
New Business
Dr. Monica Feeney, Program Director for Nurse Anesthesia, gave a power point presentation on the
Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. She began by giving a brief history of the nurse anesthesia
program and the School of Anesthesia.
The Missouri State School of Anesthesia began in 1952 at St John’s Hospital (now Mercy) and the first
class of 3 graduated in 1955. The original school was the Southwest Missouri School of Anesthesia for
Nurse Anesthetist because cases were done at Burge (now Cox) and St. John’s. In 1996, the School
(housed at Mercy) affiliated with MSU to offer a Master’s degree in Nurse Anesthesia. Mercy was the
only clinical site during this time. In 2012, the name changed to Missouri State School of Anesthesia
and the University became the sole provider of the program which allows for 35 clinical sites
throughout the US. Since 1955, there have been 650 graduates.
The Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP) has now replaced the Master’s as the degree required
for certification and accreditation. MSU is one of only a few that offer the specialized DNAP degree.
Most universities just offer the Doctor of Nursing Practice which is a much broader degree for many
nursing areas/practices.
Only 20 applicants are accepted for each DNAP cohort. It is a very competitive process. The program
provides a combination of didactic and clinical courses which gives students the ability to get hands-on
training while also receiving the in-class knowledge that supports the clinical experience. A skills lab
and a simulation room allow students to practice multiple situations that they will experience in their
career. MSU has been very successful with a 100% employment rate upon graduation and a 100% pass
rate on the certifying examination through 2014.
Dr. Feeney thanked the Council for allowing her to speak about the DNAP program. She invited
everyone to visit the School and the simulation lab to see the great things that are happening with the
students and faculty.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10. The next meeting of the Graduate Council will be on Wednesday,
March 4, 2015 in Cheek Hall, room 102.
Telory Davies Arendell, Chairperson