SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY – SEPTEMBER 2012 CURRICULUM EVENTS – COURSE AIMS AND STRUCTURE SUBJECT: ENGLISH PURPOSE: The main purpose of the course is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening and talking, reading and writing in order to understand and use language. As learners develop their literacy skills, they will be able to process information more easily, apply knowledge of language in practical and relevant contexts, and gain confidence to undertake new and more challenging tasks in a variety of situations. Building on literacy skills, the course develops understanding of the complexities of language, including through the study of a wide range of texts. The course develops high levels of analytical thinking and understanding of the impact of language. National 3 National 4 National 5 Higher To enable learners to develop the ability to: To enable learners to develop the ability to: COURSE AIMS To enable learners to develop the ability to: To enable learners to develop the ability to: listen and talk, read, and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context understand, analyse and evaluate texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context apply knowledge of language listen and talk, read and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context understand, analyse and evaluate texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context plan and research, integrating and applying language skills as appropriate to purpose, audience and context apply knowledge of a language listen and talk, read and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context understand, analyse and evaluate texts including Scottish texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context apply knowledge and understanding of language listen and talk, read, and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context understand, analyse and evaluate texts, including Scottish texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience in the contexts of literature, language and media create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context apply knowledge and understanding of language National 3 National 4 National 5 Higher STRUCTURE, ASSESSMENT AND HIERARCHIES Course Structure: Units Course Structure: Units and Added Value Unit Course Structure: Units and Course Assessment Course Structure: Units and Course Assessment English: Understanding Language 1) Understand, analyse and evaluate simple written texts 2) Understand, analyse and evaluate simple spoken language English: Analysis and Evaluation 1) Understand, analyse and evaluate straightforward texts 2) Understand, analyse and evaluate straightforward spoken language English: Analysis and Evaluation 1) Understand, analyse and evaluate detailed written texts 2) Understand, analyse and evaluate detailed spoken language English: Analysis and Evaluation 1) Understand, analyse and evaluate detailed and complex written texts 2) Understand, analyse and evaluate detailed and complex spoken language English: Producing Language 1) Produce simple written texts 2) Take part in simple spoken interactions English: Creation and Production 1) Create and produce detailed written texts 2) Take part in detailed spoken interactions Literacy 1) Read and understand simple word-based texts 2) Listen to and understand simple spoken communication 3) Write simple technically accurate texts by 4) Talk to communicate, as appropriate to audience and purpose English: Creation and Production 1) Create and produce straightforward written texts 2) Take part in straightforward spoken interactions English: Creation and Production 1) Create and produce detailed and complex written texts 2) Take part in detailed and complex spoken interactions Literacy 1) Read and understand straightforward wordbased texts 2) Listen to and understand straightforward spoken communication 3) Write straightforward technically accurate texts 4) Talk to communicate, as appropriate to audience and purpose and Course Assessment: and Course Assessment: A Portfolio and a Question Paper A Portfolio and a Question Paper National 3 National 4 and Added Value Unit: In a Hierarchy National 5 Higher English: Assignment 1) Apply language skills to investigate a chosen topic In a Hierarchy In a Hierarchy In a Hierarchy SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING listening and talking, reading, and writing skills, as appropriate to purpose and audience understanding, analysing and evaluating simple texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media creating and producing simple texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in familiar, contexts using knowledge of language listening and talking, reading and writing skills, as appropriate to purpose and audience understanding, analysing and evaluating straightforward texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media creating and producing straightforward texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in familiar contexts, using knowledge of language listening and talking, reading and writing skills, as appropriate to purpose and audience understanding, analysing and evaluating detailed texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media. Texts studied must include Scottish texts creating and producing detailed texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in a range of contexts knowledge and understanding of language listening and talking, reading, and writing skills, as appropriate to purpose and audience understanding, analysing and evaluating detailed and complex texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media. Texts studied must include Scottish texts creating and producing detailed and complex texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in a wide range of contexts knowledge and understanding of language