5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007 Fold Interference Patterns at the Precambrian basement of Hassan-Robat Region, North Isfahan, Iran Nadimi Alireza Geology Department, Payame Noor University of Isfahan, Kohandej, Isfahan, Iran (geotecton@yahoo.com). Fold interference patterns are a useful tool when attempting to determine the structural geometry of complexly deformed terranes. Folds are common structures in many ductile shear zones. The origin of these folds is variable, as their development may predate, be contemporaneous with, or postdate the shearing event. Folds and other common meso- and microstructures in shear zones (e.g. crenulations and boudins) are often asymmetric. This asymmetry is regarded as a kinematic indicator (Ramsay 1979; Bjornerud 1989). The Precambrian basement complex of Hassan-Robat Region, north Isfahan, in the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt of Iran, preserves evidence of multiple orogenic events (Fig. 1). The Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone is a narrow band lies to the northeast of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. The SSZ is the inner crystalline zone of the Zagros orogen, which has been highly deformed and exhumed during Late Cretaceous-Eocene continental collision between Arabian plate and central Iran. The Hassan-Robat Region in the zone is an example of the exhumed Precambrian basement complexes (Nadimi & Nadimi, 2006). In the region, the Precambrian deformed marbles contains metamorphosed limestone and chert has faulty contact with dolomite marble and granite with Precambrian age. The region is a polydeformed region that records a complex shortening and shearing history involving the development of crescent-shaped interference pattern (Fig. 2a), disharmonic ptygmatic vertical fold (Fig. 2b), non-cylindrical oblique fold with curved axis (Fig. 2c), disharmonic ptygmatic fold (Fig. 2d), noncylindrical recumbent with vertical axis fold (Fig. 2e and f) during the Pan African orogeny and later phases. Measured strain (e=8.35) on the deformed rocks show intensity of deformation. Base on structural evidences and studied fold patterns, tectonic evolution of the Hassan-Robat Region is interpreted as the product of three major sequential tectonic events: 1) formation of beds of limestone and sandstones in the initial basin. 2) Folding the strata during first orogenic phase that must has occurred in Upper Precambrian (F1). 3) Refolding the deformed rocks during a high degree of deformation and forming the different pattern of folds (F2). 4) Covering of the old basements with younger sediments. 5) Exhumation of the old deformed basement during Zagros orogeny and in a lateral extensional at the SSZ. In this episode the old basements and strata located adjacent younger strata with normal fault contact. 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007 Figure 1. Topography map of Iran and its active belts. Thick words are: P-G= Precambrian granite; P-D= Precambrian dolomitic marble; P-M= Precambrian metamorphic and deformed marble and J-S= Jurassic slates. Figure 2. a-f) Photos of the Hassan-Robat deformed marbles. REFERENCES Bjornerud, M., 1989: Toward a unified conceptual framework for shear sense indicators. Journal of Structural Geology 11, 1045–1050. Nadimi, A., & Nadimi, H., 2006: The Zagros Collision: Exhumation of Old Rocks in the Northwestern Part of Zagros Mountain, Iran. Inter. Conf. Continental Dynamics and Environmental Change of the Tibetan Plateau. PR China, 3. Ramsay, D.M., 1979: Analysis of rotation of folds during progressive deformation. Geological Society of America Bulletin 90, 732–738.