Suggestions for improving biodiv

Suggestions for improving biodiversity with your own actions:
1. Support organizations which work for biodiversity protection, such as the Nature
Conservancy and National Wildlife Federation. Check the links for different
organizations here.
2. Buy food and other products which support habitat protection:
Shade-grown coffee - Songbird Coffee Company
Equal Exchange - fair trade coffee
Shade-growth coffee -overview and video
Seafood Watch - another guide to good seafood choices based on
sustainable fishing
making good choices in the fish you eat - Marine Stewardship Council
Organic Consumers association
Eat Well Guide
Buying local food - farmer's markets and farm shares | another list of local
farmer's markets
Sustainable gardening
Store Wars is a movie spoof promoting organic farming
the Organic Pages is a reference for organic farming/food
17 tips for buying organic food cheaply
Organic cotton clothes from Patagonia
Sustainable cotton project
Certified Forest products - if you are planning to add on to your house, or build
a shed/deck/etc :
Forest Certification Research Center
Good Wood Guide
Forest Stewardship Council
Vermont Family Forests
Plastic lumber
Guides to "green" tissue options: here and here
3. Proper care for your yard:
Backyard Wildlife Habitat - get your yard certified by the National
Wildlife Federation
Pesticide alternatives
Reel mowers and other solutions to reducing the environmental impact of
Bayscaping - save water by using native plants in your yard
"Honey, I Shrunk the Lawn" (pdf)
Sustainable pets - reducing your pet's "ecological footprint"
More on native plants
Some sites promoting "urban forestry": Casey Tree Endowment | DC
Urban Forestry Administration | Trees Please
Find native pollinators for your yard
4. Support local planning efforts for "smart growth", an effort to concentrate new
development around existing infrastructure, thus preserving natural habitat
SmarterGrowth - planning development in the DC region
EPA Smart Growth page
SmarterGrowth America
Reducing Sprawl (Sierra Club)