Information about cultural support plans for child protection clients Context The Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (section 176) requires the Secretary of the Department of Human Services to prepare a cultural plan for each Aboriginal child placed in out-of-home care subject to a guardianship to the Secretary order or long term guardianship to the Secretary order (guardianship orders). Section 10 of the Children, Youth and Families Act also provides that the best interests of the child are always paramount. This includes consideration where relevant to the decision making or taking an action for Aboriginal children, the need to protect and promote their Aboriginal cultural and spiritual identity and development by wherever possible, maintaining and building their connections to their Aboriginal families, community and culture. A cultural support plan program is in place across the state to assist Child Protection in developing legislatively required cultural plans for each Aboriginal child placed in out-of-home care subject to a guardianship order. The plan (Attachment 1) forms part of the child’s case plan. The cultural support plan incorporates information about the child’s Aboriginal family, community and culture. This information is used to set out culturally appropriate strategies to support the child to remain connected to their family, extended family, community and culture. A sample (fictitious) completed plan can be found at Attachment 2. Background In 2002, program development commenced in the then Children Protection and Juvenile Justice Branch on measures to promote and strengthen the connectedness of Aboriginal children in Out of Home Care with their families, culture and community. This led to the development in May 2005, of a cultural support plan template and guide which were trialled in the then Loddon Mallee and North and West Metropolitan regions. The pilots were successful and implementation across the state occurred later in the year. With the commencement of the current Act in May 2007, a legislative framework supporting self- determination for Aboriginal peoples in relation to the care of their children was introduced. Feedback was received that cultural support plans were not being consistently developed, promoted, monitored and reviewed for all the children that required them. In addition a number of issues had been identified regarding related program documentation and procedures. In 2008 a program review was undertaken by the former Aboriginal Children and Families Unit, within the then Children, Youth and Families Division with the following objectives: to ensure cultural support plans are part of a dynamic and holistic planning process to ensure the cultural support plans is living and effective document to identify gaps in policy and procedures, legal issues and obligations along with practical and cultural requirements for legislative compliance. The review concluded that cultural support plans should be prepared by Aboriginal people for Aboriginal children and young people. As existing Aboriginal Family Decision Making (AFDM) community convenors held relevant cultural knowledge, connections with Aboriginal community and existing networks a strategy was developed to capitalise on this with the expectation that cultural support plans would now be prepared by the AFDM community convenor and that child protection would be responsible for implementing the plan. In 2010/11 the new cultural support plan program was implemented. Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) were provided additional funding based on the number of Aboriginal children subject to guardianship orders and projections of the number of Aboriginal children placed on guardianship orders per year. Details of funding provided to ACCOs can be found at Attachment 3. The Cultural Support Plan and Aboriginal Family Decision Making Statewide Co ordination and Implementation group identified the need for cultural support plan template and guide to be integrated in Client Relationship Information System (CRIS).This lengthy and complex process was completed in March 2011. To strengthen responses to Aboriginal children and families in Victoria, a cultural support plan brokerage initiative was introduced to assist child protection to action cultural experiences outlined in the cultural support plan. Recent While a data extract from CRIS regarding cultural support plan compliance supports a snapshot audit, there is no daily visibility by divisions to support monitoring of compliance. To improve reporting and monitoring of compliance an automated reporting mechanism is currently being developed. The most recent snapshot audit was undertaken on 23 August 2013 see table one .The majority of children have a partially completed “draft/in progress” plan and only 15 children have completed plans. Table 1 S na pshot on 23 August 2013 Cultura l P la n sta tus Closed Draft/ In progress Final/Complete Incomplete - No Contact No plan record found for this case Not Required Pending Approval Total Orde r T ype Gua rdia nship to Long-te rm Gra nd S e cre ta ry Orde r Gua rdia nship Orde r T ota l 15 2 17 104 18 122 13 2 15 5 5 20 1 21 12 12 2 2 171 23 194 The cultural support plan program guidelines including program requirements and practice guidance and the cultural support plan guide are currently being redeveloped. In 2012 a cultural support plan workshop was held for Child Protection Managers and departmental AFDM convenors to: increase program clarity for regional staff build confidence and strengthen shared ownership of responsibility identify blockages and strategies to support the program delivery. Following the workshop strategies were developed and implemented to address the barriers identified. These included: communication with Aboriginal organisations regarding correct IT support and management Communication with Aboriginal cultural support workers regarding the correct access to the Client Relationship Information System (CRIS) Ongoing program support via the Cultural Support Plan and Aboriginal Family Decision Making Statewide Co ordination and Implementation meeting Development of a cultural support planning process which includes a visual outline of the roles and responsibilities of the cultural support plan program Distribution of CRIS materials outlining access procedures , helpdesk contacts and how to guides Distribution of materials communicating the use of cultural support plan brokerage and funding ACCO allocations Redevelopment of cultural support plan guidelines and guide Local development of contingency plans for both the department and ACCOs A statewide scoping audit of cultural support plan workers access to CRIS Development of CRIS training for department and community convenors is planned for 2013. Attachment 2 Cultural Support Plan – SAMPLE (fictitious) 1. Child’s Details Nickname: MJ Name Gender: M Age: 2 yrs and 10 months Date of Birth: 01/08/2010 Other Culture: Irish and Chinese Totem: Goanna Traditional Country: The State: NSW boundary of the Wiradjuri Nation extends from Coonabarabran in the north , straddling the Great Diving Range down to the Murray River and out to western NSW. Wiradjuri traditional country includes the townships of Dubbo, Condobolin, Orange, Bathurst, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Narrandera, Griffith and all surround towns. Traditional Name: Wiradjuri “People of Three Traditional Language: Wiradjuri Rivers” Primary Significant Other Name: Relationship: Foster Carer Address: 1 street, suburb VIC Phone: 03 5555 5555 Culture: Australian- Non-Aboriginal Client’s Children (if applicable) Does the child/young person have children? No How many children: NA Parent Details (Biological Parents) Mother: Age: 25 Birth Place: Geelong, Victoria Australia Date of Birth: 02/06/1988 Deceased: NA Culture: Irish Aboriginal Address: 2 street, suburb VIC Phone: 03 5555 55555 Father: Birth Place: Dubbo , NSW Australia Age: Culture: Aboriginal has Chinese heritage Traditional Country: Dubbo Other Culture: Non- Date of Birth: 12/07/1970 Deceased: NA Other Culture: William also Totem: Goanna Address: 3 street, suburb VIC Traditional Name: Wiradjuri Nation Phone: 03 5555 5555 Child’s Address History Current Address: 4 street, suburb VIC Agency Address: DHS 0000 What Aboriginal/ community did the child live in prior to placement? Traditional Country: Wathaurong State: Geelong, Victoria Aboriginal Community: NA. Mother’s networks are non-Aboriginal friends and family. The children no interactions with local Aboriginal community and access to Aboriginal services. What Aboriginal community does the child identifies with? Traditional Country: Dubbo State: NSW Aboriginal Community: Wiradjuri State: NSW Traditional Language: Wiradjuri Family (Siblings) Name: Brother X Name: Sister Y Age: 27 Aboriginal sibling (identifies as ) X has had significant child protection history, including sexual abuse. Last known address was Dubbo NSW and he appears to be overseen by disability services, X has no contact with his father. X has no relationship with MJ. Mother is Non-Aboriginal Age: 12 Aboriginal sibling (mother does not identify child as) Y lives with her mother, in Parkes NSW. Y has and IVO against the father. Y doesn’t want any contact with MJ or extended family. Father has no contact with Y and mother does not wish to commence. Mother is Non-Aboriginal Why is the sibling separated and what is the plan to reconnect sibling? MJ has a different mother to other siblings. He has no relationship with older siblings or their extended family. There are future opportunities to plan reunification with siblings as MJ gets older and wishes to seek them out. 2. Child extended family support system Name: Uncle T Relationship to Client: Paternal uncle Extent of Support: lives in NSW and has expressed his desire to support culturally. T has provided cultural knowledge about MJ’s Aboriginal family and wants to be involved in any reunification opportunity with MJ and X and the Aboriginal community in Dubbo. Uncle T can’t visit but has expressed that as MJ gets older he would welcome opportunity to develop a relationship and visits to NSW for MJ. Currently T has provided a photo album of pictures of family members for the carer to share with MJ. Name: Aunty L Relationship to Client: Paternal aunty Extent of Support: Lives in NSW and has asked to meet MJ. She is the father’s (deceased) sister and wants to keep MJ connected to mob in Dubbo. Aunty L has strong opinions about MJ knowing his Aboriginal family in Dubbo, NSW. Currently plans are underway with carer, agency and Aunty L for a reunification opportunity for MJ and Aunty L. 3. Court Order Conditions Order Type: 4. Contact Plan Immediate Social Network Name Relationship Order Conditions: Please note attached, however DHS are seeking a Permanent Care Order with conditions reflecting the contact arrangements below. Contact Type Contact Details A Mother Monthly home visits at carers home. Mother & carer have met each other and have shared details. Mb: 5555555555 W Father As requested by the father, a minimum of four times a year at a venue agreed to by father and carer. Father is to contact VACCA to arrange all future contact. Father has been provided VACCA details and is reminded and encouraged to seek out VACCA to arrange a visit with MJ. Mb: 5555555555 Kinship Name Uncle D (approx 65 yrs) Relationship Paternal Uncle Contact Details Uncle & carer have met via video conferencing and have exchanged details. Mb: 5555555555 Aunty L (approx 80 yrs) Paternal Aunty Contact Type Currently providing ongoing cultural knowledge. As MJ gets older he would welcome opportunity. Plans are underway with carer, agency and Aunty for a reunification opportunity with MJ. Aunty & carer have met via video conferencing and have exchanged details. Mb: 5555555555 Plans are also underway for video/skipe sessions for Aunty and MJ as he gets older. Aboriginal Services & other Organisations Name Relationship VACCA Contact Type As required Contact Details Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 Lakidjeka As required Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 Weekly playgroup sessions Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 Key ages and stages Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative Aboriginal Playgroup Aboriginal Maternal Child and Health Services Local Aboriginal cultural events SNAICC Aboriginal Children’s Day As per calendar events and local activities Yearly Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 Ongoing Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 Six monthly Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 information for foster carer Dr Julie Smith Paediatrician Staff Member Mb: 5555555555 5. Connecting to Community Events and activities for child Name Time/Location Wathaurong Aboriginal Weekly sessions ( Coop Tuesday am) Various times and dates Activity Burrai Play Group Responsibility Foster Carer attends weekly Various planned community events ( family days, cultural events, Elders story time) Foster Carer is on Coops mailing list and has a positive relationship with staff. Burrai Learn to swim Group Foster Carer attends weekly Carer/Agency – Action Plan Date Time/Location Activity Responsibility Ongoing Various MJ’s Life Book Carer and VACCA Ongoing Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop Cultural Awareness Training Carer to attend VACCA sessions Once a year 4 August Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop July Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop 11 November 2013 Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop Aboriginal Children’s Day Celebrations Carer NAIDOC WEEK celebrations Carer Reunification opportunity with MJ and Aunty L. Carer, VACCA, DHS Geelong Aquatic Centre Sponsored by VACCA Once a year Currently being plan for 2013 Weekly learning to swim sessions ( Friday am) Plans are also underway for video/skipe sessions for Aunty and MJ as he gets older Non - Aboriginal Carer Has the Carer been provided Cultural Awareness training? The carer has been very proactive to learn about the local community they live and also MJ’s traditional country. Uncle D has been a vital resource for carers and they have video conference to discuss family genealogy. The carers have participated in VACCA training which is provided to statewide foster carers. The carers have participated in local sessions with Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop to gain an understanding of the local history. This continues when opportunities are presented. By Who: VACCA Date: Sessions 1 & 2 2012 Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop Local knowledge 2012with Planned for 2013 Uncle D Video conference 2013 Aboriginal Services Has the Carer been given a list of Aboriginal services and contacts for the local area and the child/young person’s community of origin? Yes What information/material have you provided? An extensive state list including: Aboriginal organisations such as VAEAI, & VACCA Local Aboriginal services Carer is on Wathaurong Coop mailing list Calendar of Aboriginal significant events Resources such as Koori Mail Contacts for local and national Aboriginal recourses such as Yarn Strong Sista Resources such as Aboriginal Honour Roll ( local leaders) Application forms for Bunjilaka at Melbourne Museum An extensive national list including: Aboriginal resources such as LinkUp, Trove, NSW Aboriginal Land Council Confirmation of Aboriginal Carer & Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Community When will the Carer be introduced to the Aboriginal Services/Organisations? This occurred in 2012. Who will be responsible for this task? VACCA and DHS staff Has the Carer been given a calendar listing local cultural events? Noted above What supports does the Carer need to help them feel comfortable and confident in attending and participating in cultural and Aboriginal community events (e.g. mentoring from an Aboriginal Agency/main stream agency)? The carers are comfortable accessing support and seeking out future opportunities to be involved with local and NSW Aboriginal communities. What support does the child/young person need to help them feel comfortable and confident in attending and participating in cultural and Aboriginal community events? MJ is still very young. He has developed a good bond with the carers and appears to be developing as expected. MJ will continue to have opportunities to engage with his local community. Everyone involved is excited for the pending reunification with Aunty L. Genogram Has the Genogram been completed? YES Date: 01/01/2012 Who w as involved in the development of the Genogram Name Position Uncle D Paternal uncle Aunty L Paternal aunty Staff Member VACCA Staff Member Lakidjeka Staff Member DHS- Child Protection Practitioner Staff Member DHS- AFLDM Convenor Staff Member Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop- CSP worker 6. Connecting to Land Identify the child’s traditional country, or country the child/young person or families identifies with. Traditional Country: Wiradjuri State: NSW Identify family or significant others who should take part in this process Uncle D Paternal uncle Aunty L Paternal aunty Identify an Elder or point of contact at the destination: Uncle D Address: AS ABOVE Phone Number: Aunty L Address: AS ABOVE Phone Number: Has the child’s parents and carers been consulted to approve the trip? The family and carers have agreed that a relationship with uncle and aunty is to be developed initially and a return to country visit can be planned later as MJ is too young. 7. Accountability Rationale for non completion of the Cultural Support Plan (evidence is required to support rationale) What steps/actions have you taken in an effort to complete this plan? 1. several referrals and requests support from VACCA 2. Attempts to obtain information from existing DHS files 3. Research and investigation with Wathaurong CSP worker and VACCA Staff Member 4. communication with paternal extended family What has prevented you from completing this plan? It has been extremely difficult to engage William in this process, he was happy to allow family elders provide information. People consulted to develop this plan: Name: Uncle D Aunty L Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Agency/Position: Family Elder Family Elder Lakidjeka VACCA DHS – Child Protection DHS- AFLDM Convenor Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop- CSP worker Does anyone disagree with any part of the cultural plan? No What are the child’s views/wishes in relation to the plan and what they would like to know/learn about their culture: MJ is still young and has many planned opportunities to remain connected to his family, community and land. As he develops this plan will reflect his wishes and intensions. 8. Signing of Cultural Support Plan I have participated and I am committed to the development and implementation of the Cultural Support Plan. Name: Uncle D Name: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: Name: Aunty L Name: Staff Member ACSASS Signature: Signature: Date: Date: Name: Staff Member AFLDM DHS Convenor Name: Staff Member Wathaurong CSP worker Signature: Signature: Date: Date: Name: Staff Member Child Protection Case Name: Staff Member Child Protection Unit Manager Manager Signature: Signature: Date: Date: 9. Reviewing and signing the Cultural Support Plan Date: 30/08/2014 By Whom: VACCA Date: 30/08/2015 By Whom: VACCA Date: 30/08/2016 By Whom: VACCA Date: 30/08/2017 By Whom: VACCA Additional comments: Annual reviews to occur. Please note to continue the opportunity to elders or their nominated community members. Attachment 3 Cultural Support Plan Funding and Cultural Support Plan Brokerage Initiative Distribution of Cultural Support Plan ( CSP) Funding - 2010-11 and ongoing Division East Region Eastern Hume East Total North Loddon NW North Total South Gipps Sthn South Total West Barwon Gramp Description Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker Brokerage Community Convenor/CSP worker West Total Total Note: Figures exclude NGO indexation Recurrent funding provided in 2010-11 3,926 16,880 7,852 33,760 62,418 10,095 50,640 11,778 59,079 131,592 10,656 50,640 7,290 33,760 102,346 7,572 33,760 3,085 16,880 61,297 357,653 Additional Recurrent funding provided in 2011-12 9,100 14,700 23,800 18,060 25,900 43,960 12,460 14,700 27,160 10,220 6,860 17,080 112,000 Total Recurrent funding in 2012-13 13,026 16,880 22,552 33,760 86,218 28,155 50,640 37,678 59,079 175,552 23,116 50,640 21,990 33,760 129,506 17,792 33,760 9,945 16,880 78,377 469,653 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations Delivering Cultural Support Plan Program East VACCA Rumbalara Aboriginal Coop Mungabareena Aboriginal Coop North Bendigo & District Aboriginal Coop Mildura Aboriginal Coop Njernda Aboriginal Coop VACCA South VACCA Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Coop Ramahyuck Aboriginal Coop West Gunditjmara Aboriginal Coop Wathaurong Aboriginal Coop Ballarat & District Aboriginal Coop Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Coop Note: ACCOs receive a portion of funding based on local data