Call for Papers

Fourth issue (spring 2012)
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) is a cultural institution dedicated to
acquiring, preserving and disseminating the documentary heritage of Québec (publications, archival
material and films), as well as any Québec-related document published outside the province.
Concurrently, BAnQ encourages and supports research on this heritage with the objective of
contributing to the advancement of knowledge about Québec, its culture and history.
To further its scientific mission, BAnQ has established its own annual illustrated publication as a
vehicle for the dissemination of research into the institution’s archival fonds and heritage collections.
Even as it busily prepares the third issue, to be published in spring 2011, BAnQ is launching this
call for papers for the fourth issue (spring 2012). Students, professors and researchers interested in
having their work published are invited to submit proposals for articles as soon as possible.
Research niches
The Revue de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec welcomes scholarly articles aligned
with either of the institution’s two research niches of choice:
1) research on BAnQ’s archival fonds and heritage collections, including,
private, civil, judicial and government archival fonds; the heritage collections of monographs,
newspapers and periodicals, sound recordings and music scores, early books, posters, performing
arts programmes and ephemera, prints, artists’ books, postcards, cartographic documents,
architecture plans, government publications, and photographs; and the collection relating to
children’s and young adult literature of the Centre québécois de ressources en littérature pour la
2) research in subject areas related to BAnQ’s missions and objectives, i.e.
the history of the book, printing and publishing in Québec; the history and sociology of reading
in Québec; the history and sociology of libraries in Québec; the history and sociology of archives
in Québec; the history of relations between Québec and the member states of the Frenchspeaking world; the aboriginal people’s documentary heritage and the history of BAnQ (both the
institution and its archival fonds and collections).
As a multidisciplinary journal, the Revue de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec is open
to approaches stemming from the humanities and social sciences, or any other relevant field.
Articles must be supported by illustrations drawn from the archival fonds and heritage collections of
the institution. Authors are invited to submit suggestions for illustrations, but BAnQ will handle
complementary iconographic research as well as the costs of reproduction and copyright clearance.
Evaluation process
The two-part evaluation process involves BAnQ representatives and academic specialists. Authors
wishing to publish in the Revue de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec must submit an
article proposal in response to the call for papers. Once informed of the results, authors whose
proposals have been accepted will have four to six months in which to write their articles.
In ruling on the eligibility of proposals and recommending the publication of articles, the evaluators
assess the research particularly in terms of its scientific quality, contribution to the advancement of
knowledge, relevance with respect to the journal’s mandate and the two research niches of choice,
and language quality.
Article Proposals
Proposals must include the following elements:
 a title;
 the identification of the chosen research niche;
 a text no longer than 350 words (text and notes) presenting the research topic, problem and
 the authors’ complete contact information.
* The proposal for the first of the two research niches must include a detailed description of the research corpus
so that the evaluators can associate it with BAnQ’s archival fonds and heritage collections.
Article proposals must be sent by email, fax or postal mail, no later than February 15, 2011, to:
Ms. Isabelle Crevier
Direction de la recherche et de l’édition
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
2275, rue Holt
Montréal (Québec) H2G 3H1
Phone: 514 873-1101 ext. 3831
Fax: 514 873-7168
Authors will be notified of the status of their proposals in April 2011. The complete articles, which
should be approximately 6,000 words in length (notes included), must reach BAnQ no later than
September 1, 2011.
Featured in the third issue, to be published in spring 2011
 Papers on Gaston Miron, Yves Navarre, Brother Anonymous, the Dubuc
Palardy Family and the Rituel du diocèse de Québec.
 Articles on art and on food advertising in Québec.