Newsletter4 - Cloudside Junior School

Cloudside Junior School
Tel : 0115 9392263
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Newsletter No 4
2 October 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians
Many thanks to those of you attending the Values Workshop on Tuesday night, your support
and creative ideas have been brilliant and we are looking forward to sharing our twelve chosen
Cloudside values with you by the end of half-term.
Our Harvest Assembly, which starts at 2.40 a.m., will take place on Thursday, 15th October and
parents’ of Year 5 pupils are invited to attend. The assembly will last approximately 25 minutes.
All the food will be donated to the Padley Centre, a centre for the homeless. Would you please
let us have your contributions by the Thursday morning at the latest. Thank you.
Year 6 teachers will be holding a SATs information evening on the 6th October at 5 p.m. You
may or may not be aware that the SATs have been remodelled for this year so we would like to
share examples of the new style SATs papers with you - so you will understand the types of
questions that could be included on the papers in May and the range in difficulty. We will be
looking at all the subjects that are tested in this way: reading, maths and spelling, punctuation
and grammar and as I’m sure you will agree the better informed we all are, the more we can
work together in supporting the people who are most important to us all - your children.
We do, as always, look forward to seeing as many parents as possible as this meeting, so if you
could make it that would be great.
As you may already be aware, changes have been made nationally to the ways in which
children’s academic progress and development are assessed. In order for you to gain a
thorough understanding of how we at Cloudside will be assessing your child’s academic
performance, we shall be having an Assessment Meeting for parents, at school on Tuesday 20 th
October at 5.30 p.m. Prior to this meeting we will be sending out a letter giving a brief outline of
the changes to assessment, to allow you to reflect on the changes and come to the meeting on
Tuesday 20th October with any questions you may have.
The school photographer will be here next Wednesday, 7th October from 8.30 a.m., in the
school hall, to take family and individual photographs.
As you know we held a non-uniform day on Wednesday and we raised a total of £455.00 for
Clic Sargent. We had a fantastic response to our request for cakes (so many we were able to
sell them over three days and raised over £200 on cake & bracelet sales) and we would like to
thank all of you for your generosity and support.
Next week, as well as selling fruit at break, we will also be selling buttered toast (with jam) for
15p per slice. As usual we will be serving one year group per day starting with Year 4 on
Monday, Year 3 on Tuesday, Year 5 on Wednesday and Year 6 on Thursday. The money
raised will go towards buying resources for the school.
Year 6 children have been issued with a leaflet from the Local Education Authority regarding
their transfer to secondary education next September. Please ensure that you apply online, or
by telephone, as soon as possible. The closing date is SATURDAY 31ST OCTOBER. Any
application received after this date will be treated as late and your child may not be given a
place at the school of your choice. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to
contact the office.
Last week’s attendance was 95.9%. This week’s class attendance was won by 3J, & 4J and 5S
and the most punctual class was 6J.
The next meeting for the group will take place in school on Tuesday 20th October at 1.30 p.m.
Please come along if you are available.
There will be a Pet Service at St. Giles Church on Sunday 4 th October at 3 p.m. All pets are
welcome and their responsible owners too! It will be a short service to say thank you to God for
all creatures great and small.
Bronze Award Winners:
Katie Stevenson
Silver Award Winners:
Corey Wood
Dylan Gale
Freddie Waby
Gold Award Winners:
Owen Fowler
Leah Pettinger
Swimmer of the Week:
Isobel Ball
Enjoy the weekend!
Yours, For and on Behalf of All the Staff
Melindar Kaur
The distribution of any advertising material or fliers with this newsletter does not imply endorsement by the
Governors of Cloudside Junior School or Derbyshire County Council.