debate events

Speech and Debate Events
Impromptu, The competitor has a total of six minutes to choose one of
three topics, organize his or her thoughts, and speak. The competitor may
not use any notes during preparation or speaking time.
Expository. A speech that explains a process, idea, concept, or thing.
Visual aids may be used. The speech must be the original work of the
competitor with no more than 150 words of quoted material. Time limit is
eight minutes. Use of note cards is permitted.
Original Oratory. A speech intended to persuade the audience to change its beliefs or actions.
Delivery must be from memory (no note cards). A maximum of 150 quoted words is permitted.
Time limit is ten minutes.
SPAR. SPAR stands for Spontaneous Argument. This is an “impromptu” debate between two
competitors on popular topics. A coin toss determines the topic and side. Competitors get 1 minute
prep time, then go one-on-one as they debate the topic.
Extemporaneous. Thirty minutes before speaking, four current events-related topics (2 foreign, 2
domestic) will be posted. The contestant will select one and prepare a speech. No notes may leave
the extemp. prep room. Time limit is seven minutes.
Dramatic Interpretation. A memorized, serious acting presentation. The program may be one or
more selections from published drama, prose, poetry, radio, television, or recording. Time limit is
ten minutes.
Humorous Interpretation. A memorized, humorous acting presentation. The program may be one
or more selections from published drama, prose, poetry, radio, television, or recording. Time limit is
ten minutes.
Dual Interpretation. A memorized presentation for two students. Can be serious or humorous.
The program may be one or more selections from published drama, prose, poetry, radio, television,
or recording. Time limit is ten minutes.
Interpretative Reading. A thematically integrated program of two or more selections of published
prose and poetry. Each selection will be from a different author. The competitor will introduce the
authors, titles, and theme. Time limit is eight minutes.