BIOLOGY GRADUATE STUDENT ORGANIZATION Spring 2007 Semester President: Vice President: Secretary/Treasurer: Melissa Marquez Iliana Cooley Elizabeth Moseman MEETING SUMMARIES: 25. Jan 2007 ........................................................................................................................ 3 1. Open House ............................................................................................................... 3 2. Re-chartering BGSO ................................................................................................ 3 3. Brown Bag ............................................................................................................... 3 4. Grad Week ................................................................................................................ 3 5. Immunology prof search needs student rep .............................................................. 4 6. GAA committee rep needed...................................................................................... 4 7. Open TA position needs to be filled (BIOL 211) ..................................................... 4 8. BGSO speaker ........................................................................................................... 4 9. GSC update ............................................................................................................... 4 10. Community service opportunity .............................................................................. 4 11. Change meeting time?.............................................................................................. 4 08. Feb 2007........................................................................................................................ 5 1. Meeting time/place problems .................................................................................... 5 2. Open House report .................................................................................................... 5 3. ASNMSU News ........................................................................................................ 5 New Senator ................................................................................................................ 5 GRAS & Grad Week planning update ........................................................................ 5 4. Brown Bag update..................................................................................................... 5 5. Faculty meeting update ............................................................................................. 5 6. Community service opportunities ............................................................................. 6 Spring Visits................................................................................................................ 6 Science Fair ................................................................................................................. 6 7. Re-doing grad picture board ..................................................................................... 6 8. Change length of BGSO officer terms? .................................................................... 6 9. Support wolf reintroduction ...................................................................................... 6 22. Feb 2007........................................................................................................................ 6 1. Grad student appreciation ......................................................................................... 6 2. Faculty meeting update ............................................................................................. 6 3. Movie Night .............................................................................................................. 7 4. GSC meeting update ................................................................................................. 7 AGS............................................................................................................................. 7 Senator Position .......................................................................................................... 7 5. Biology Library......................................................................................................... 7 1 6. Brown Bag ................................................................................................................ 7 7. Advisor involvement in BGSO ................................................................................. 7 8. BGSO website updated ............................................................................................. 8 29. Mar 2007 ....................................................................................................................... 8 1. Biosymposium volunteers needed (31. Mar) ............................................................. 8 2. GRAS volunteers needed (26-27 April) .................................................................... 8 3. Movie Night movie picked – Idiocracy ..................................................................... 8 4. Fall BGSO speaker suggestions needed .................................................................... 8 5. Funding updates ......................................................................................................... 8 6. BGSO spring speaker arriving 03. May..................................................................... 8 7. Grad office spaces ...................................................................................................... 8 8. Spring BGSO funding ................................................................................................ 9 9. ASNMSU update from Marcus ................................................................................. 9 12. April 2007 ..................................................................................................................... 9 1. Fall speaker submissions discussed ........................................................................... 9 Ronald Hoy ................................................................................................................. 9 Daniel Mennill ............................................................................................................ 9 Michael L. Rosenzweig ............................................................................................ 10 Daniel Simberloff...................................................................................................... 10 2. Voted on BGSO funding applications ..................................................................... 11 3. BGSO biology seminar speaker 03-04 May ............................................................ 11 4. Faculty meeting update ............................................................................................ 11 5. Building suggestions ................................................................................................ 11 6. Mary Jane West-Eberhard visit next week .............................................................. 12 7. Community service opportunities ............................................................................ 12 Moving a donated tree into Foster Hall lobby (this weekend).................................. 12 Relay for Life (27-28 April) ..................................................................................... 12 Keep Las Cruces Beautiful (28 April) ...................................................................... 12 2 2:30-3:30, Foster Hall 381 25. Jan 2007 1. Open House The Biology Open House will take place next week on Thursday, 01 Feb from 12:30 to 3:30 in the lobby of Foster Hall. Iliana & Melissa have been working on a faculty poster (+14 responded). Anyone else who is interested in making a poster for their lab should contact one of the BGSO officers. Dan has offered free poster-printing on the biology printer. Please contact one of the BGSO officers if you would like to volunteer for this event. 2. Re-chartering BGSO We need to re-charter the BGSO again (every time we switch officers). We need to submit either the full names of all members or names and the new Banner ID number (not the social security number). If you have already submitted your full name in the fall, you do not have to send you Banner ID. Please contact Liz ( if you would like to sign up or confirm your membership. 3. Brown Bag The BGSO would like to restart the weekly Brown Bag presentations. Dan has offered to support us each week with a food allowance. Please contact the following BGSO members who have volunteered to be on the Brown Bag committee if you would like to present, or if you know someone who would like to present: Nabeeh Anke Jana Liz 4. Grad Week The GSC is planning a week-long celebration for grads this year in addition to the regular GRAS presentations. This is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate School at NMSU. Many events are planned for the week of March 26-30. The BGSO is interested in putting on another movie night during this week, possibly on Wednesday. The movie “What the bleep do we really know?” was suggested by Anna as a movie that appealed to broad interests (i.e. not just biology). We could also invite professors from other departments to comment during the movie. Other events: a BBQ is planned for Monday night (26th). The PhD comic guy Jorge Cham is also coming, but the GSC needs to find funds to support this – check out his comics about the life of PhD students at 3 5. Immunology prof search needs student rep The Biology department is beginning its search for an immunology professor and would like grad student help and input. Volunteers need to have taken at least one immunology course. Dan has volunteered to represent grad students in this faculty search. 6. GAA committee rep needed Jana has finished her term as the grad student rep to the GAA committee and is looking for a successor. Nabeeh volunteered to take her place. The rep will help the committee evaluate the applications of incoming students and will rank them in terms of prior teaching experience in order to help assign TA positions. The committee is run by Peter Hood and Jana said that she didn’t think it required a large time commitment. The next meeting is 15. March. 7. Open TA position needs to be filled (BIOL 211) Contact Amy Marion at if you are interested in a half-time TA position this spring. 8. BGSO speaker The BGSO-invited speaker will be coming to NMSU to present a seminar talk on 09 May. We will also be taking suggestions and voting on who the BGSO would like to invite for the fall semester. If you have a speaker suggestion, please contact a BGSO officer. 9. GSC update There is a GSC meeting tonight at 5:00 after the biology seminar in the Senate Chambers of the Corbett Center. We will be discussing double-dipping funding problems, GRAS and Grad week, and the two open seats for grad ASNMSU senators. If anyone is interested in running as a senator, please either attend the GSC meeting this week or contact the GSC president Esteban Torres at There may also be a financial incentive to run for the position – rumor has it that at least partial tuition waivers are granted to senators, but we need to confirm this. The GSC will vote on the new senators next week at the meeting on Thursday. 10. Community service opportunity Linda sent out an email about a potential community service opportunity for BGSO members. The Girl Scouts are having an international event on 24 Feb and would like help setting up and running the event. Please contact Linda at if you are interested in helping. 11. Change meeting time? Some people have complained that they can’t make the current time. However, we ran into problems trying to find a better time. Please contact an officer if you would like to attend but have a conflict and make a suggestion for a time that would be better. 4 2:00-3:00, Foster Hall Lobby 08. Feb 2007 1. Meeting time/place problems This week’s meeting was originally scheduled to meet in FH 481 but that room was unavailable due to a double-booking problem. If you would like to book one of the Foster Hall rooms make sure you speak to Gloria or whoever has the room scheduling book and make sure your reservation gets written down in order to avoid similar problems. We ended up moving the meeting to the Foster Hall lobby. Meeting time and place for the next meeting will be Thursday, 2:30-3:30 in Foster Hall 381. 2. Open House report Thanks to everyone who helped out with the Open House last week. The biology department plus visitors devoured 20 pizzas and 40 burritos as well as almost every single chip and the cheese tray. We had a good turnout and overall the faculty was enthusiastic about the event. 3. ASNMSU News New Senator: Marcus Williams and Quentin Ray were voted in as the new grad senators to ASNMSU at the meeting last week. Marcus has informed the BGSO that another grad senator resigned and so there is another senator position open that needs to be filled. Any other Bio grads interested? GRAS & Grad Week planning update: We discussed doing a Movie Night during grad week. Movie suggestions were “What the bleep do we really know?” and “Idiocracy”. Most people thought Monday (26 March) was a good day to do the Movie Night during grad week because there aren’t very many events planned for that night. One event that is planned is NMSU Idol which will be presented by an undergraduate fraternity. BGSO members at the meeting could not understand why this undergrad event is on the Grad Week schedule and would like it removed. We also discussed potential rooms for Movie Night. We are going to look into booking a room in Hardman. We also talked about rooms in Corbett, but they have extra regulations for showing copywrited material that make booking rooms there more difficult. 4. Brown Bag update Nabeeh spoke to Dan about getting a room for Brown Bags. Dan would like them to be held in either Foster Hall 381 or 481, but BGSO members at the meeting all agreed that these rooms are too small and are not set up for larger presentations. Another possibility is getting a room in Science Hall. It looks like Brown Bags will be held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm. Patrick and Raj have volunteered for the first few presentations. 5. Faculty meeting update Faculty will be presenting 2 awards again this year for best teacher and best BioSymposium presentation. There will not be any grad input on voting for the best 5 presentation this year (last year there were some grad judges for the presentations). Grad help is needed for set up and clean up for the event. 6. Community service opportunities Spring Visits 19 Feb, 11:00-2:00 – help with tours/set up for student recruitment Science Fair 10 Mar – Judge a local science fair 7. Re-doing grad picture board Many grad pictures on the Foster grad board are very out of date: people have graduated, new students have arrived, and hairstyles have changed dramatically. Anke and Ricardo are currently stalking the halls of Foster to get new pictures. You can also send them a picture if you’d like ( or Please also send information on which lab you are in and a few sentences about your research interests. 8. Change length of BGSO officer terms? Melissa brought up the idea of changing the length of terms for BGSO officers from the current year to a semester-long position. She thought it might encourage more people to run for office. Most BGSO members thought it would be a good idea to leave the term at a year and only change it if we are not able to find people to run for the entire term. 9. Support wolf reintroduction The NM Wilderness Alliance is asking for letters to senators in support of wolf reintroductions. We talked about writing one letter from the BGSO and getting grads and faculty to sign it (similar to the letter last year for reducing oil consumption). 2:30-3:30, Foster Hall Lobby 22. Feb 2007 1. Grad student appreciation This week’s meeting, like last week’s, was scheduled to be held in Foster Hall 381 but was again moved to the lobby due to a scheduling conflict with the room. This led to a discussion about how graduate students are valued within the department. We also discussed the faculty proposal for graduate awards for Biosymposium. Although grad students have assisted in judging presentations in the past, some faculty would like to discontinue this. Many members felt that judging presentations at Biosymposium is a valuable experience and are unhappy that all that the faculty wants from the grads this year is hard labor – they would like us to help set up and move things, but not contribute intellectually to the symposium other than giving talks. Iliana will raise this issue at the next faculty meeting. 2. Faculty meeting update Fish & Wildlife may be offering some classes that may overlap with some of the undergraduate ecology courses offered by the Biology Department. Iliana also 6 mentioned that the Biology Department might not be ranked nationally this year because of the limited faculty response to NRC questionnaires. She did say that there is still a chance for a national ranking if at least 80% of the faculty responds before the final deadline. 3. Movie Night We have scheduled a movie night for the Monday of GRAS. It will probably be shown in Hardman 208, and graduate students from across NMSU are invited. Potential movies include “What the &*%$ do we really know?” and “Idiocracy”. The first was screened last weekend at Anna’s house and Marcus offered to host the screening of “Idiocracy” this weekend at his house. 4. GSC meeting update AGS: The last GSC meeting was a working meeting where people discussed GRAS and AGS. Javier is in charge of the AGS effort but BGSO members expressed some concern over whether he is the best choice for the task. Some people interested in AGS had a meeting with Ben Hardy, the president of ASNMSU, last week. Marcus presented a todo list that broke up the tasks involved in breaking away from ASNMSU into 5 things that we either need external aid with, and 5 things that grads can do internally to promote the formation of AGS. There currently is some disagreement within the GSC as to whether we should push to form AGS quickly or be more realistic on how quickly we can change things. The AGS committee is going to begin meeting more frequently – contact Marcus if you are interested in helping ( Senator Position: There is another open position for graduate ASNMSU Senator. We will vote on this at the meeting tonight. 5. Biology Library There is now a new journal library in Foster Hall outside of the Wright Lab (3rd floor). Marcus talked to Dan who approved money for bookends and a step ladder to reach the top shelves. Thanks to everyone who helped get the journals organized. There is still a little work to be done on sorting journals by date – this would be a good community service opportunity for someone. 6. Brown Bag The first re-installment of the Brown Bag presentation was a success. Patrick presented a talk on group selection, inclusive fitness, and ants. Please contact Nabeeh ( if you are interested in presenting. Raj will be giving the next talk, but the schedule is otherwise open. 7. Advisor involvement in BGSO We discussed the possibility of getting the BGSO’s advisor, Ralph Preszler, more involved in our activities. We decided to extend an invitation to him to attend our meetings. Our meeting minutes will also be made available for him. 7 8. BGSO website updated Liz has updated the BGSO website. Check out for archived meeting minutes, funding information, links to funding application forms, and more. Please write to Liz at with any suggestions. 2:30-3:30, Foster Hall 381 29. Mar 2007 1. Biosymposium volunteers needed (31. Mar) Volunteers are needed to set up, judge posters & presentations, moderate, and clean up afterwards. Contact Melissa at 2. GRAS volunteers needed (26-27 April) Volunteers needed for many jobs (sign in, poster monitor/guide, usher, moderator, etc.). Contact Anke at 3. Movie Night movie picked – Idiocracy The BGSO voted on a movie to show during Grad Week in the end of April. Idiocracy received the most votes. 4. Fall BGSO speaker suggestions needed The BGSO has been invited to select another speaker to present a biology seminar talk next semester. Please send any suggestions to Liz ( by 11. April. We will discuss nominations at the 12. April meeting, and then all members will have a week in which to vote (by email or verbally). Voting will close on 19. April. 5. Funding updates Anyone still wanting to apply for GSC or ASNMSU funding: 19. Apr is last day to apply for funding for this semester. For GSC, you must give your funding request either to Aysegul or bring it to the GSC meeting on 19. April. For ASNMSU, your funding bill must be written and will go through first readings on 19. April. 6. BGSO spring speaker arriving 03. May The BGSO voted to invite Dr. Lisa Balance to present a biology seminar talk titled “Frequent Fliers: Seabird Ecology in the Oceanic Tropical Pacific”. We discussed having a BGSO social after the talk, taking the speaker out to dinner, etc. Anyone interested should contact a BGSO officer with suggestions. 7. Grad office spaces Grad offices are now available, but still need furniture. Dan has agreed to buy refrigerators, microwaves, and coffee makers. Please pick up any surplus furniture so that we have somewhere to sit down!! Offices will be FH 379 & FH 469. Any grad can request a copy of the keys from Gloria. The offices also need to be cleaned out (lots of dust etc from the construction). 8 8. Spring BGSO funding The BGSO is eligible to apply for $600 from the GSC for this spring semester. We will send out an email with more details soon, and begin soliciting funding applications. 9. ASNMSU update from Marcus Marcus asked what the BGSO thought of changing the ASNMSU definition of “community service” so that if volunteering is done for an organization, it must be a nonprofit, governmental, or community based organization. 2:30-3:30, Foster Hall 381 12. April 2007 1. Fall speaker submissions discussed The BGSO will be able to invite one speaker for the fall semester of the biology seminar presentations. We collected speaker submissions and discussed each at the meeting. The following speakers were nominated: Ronald Hoy, Daniel Mennill, Michael L. Rosenzweig, and Daniel Simberloff. Voting will be open until noon next Thursday. We will give everyone 3 votes to allocate as you see fit (you can give all 3 votes to one person, one vote each to 3 people, etc). Please send your votes to Liz ( by 12:00 noon on Thursday 19 April. Ronald Hoy o Animal communication (arthropods) Ronald R. Hoy’s work at Cornell focuses on the biology of animal communication using arthropod models. Here's a quote from his web page: "Animals use a variety of communication signals, but we concentrate on their auditory and visual worlds: acoustic and visual signals, how signals are emitted, how they are processed by sensory systems, and how they have evolved. Thus, we study communication from several points of view, including neurobiology, anatomy, ethology, behavioral ecology, biomechanics, and evolution." I think that he would be a good choice for the bio grads because of his interdisciplinary approach. There's a little something for everyone, so we don't have to duke it out between eco/evo and cell/org. Most importantly, though, his lab has done really cool stuff with (among other things) rhythmic and musical mating dances in jumping spiders and the amazing hearing of tiny parasitoid flies that track down crickets by their chirps. Another grad saw him give a talk at a Neurology conference, and says it was fascinating, hilarious, and the talk of the conference. Daniel Mennill o Conservation (Ivory-billed Woodpecker) o Animal communication (birds: impact of eavesdropping on mate fidelity; duets) Dr. Mennill is a professor at the University of Windsor in Canada, whose research spans the temperate to the tropics. He is one of the team members involved in the search for the Ivory-billed woodpecker in the Choctawhatchee River in Florida. He is heading up the acoustic efforts, and as of 2007 has recorded a number of double knocks and kent calls, similar to those given 9 by related species such as the pale billed woodpecker: They have also found cavities significantly larger than those made by pilieated woodpeckers. Their search team appears to be having more success than the Arkansas group! Dan has also been published in a number of journals including Science and Animal Behaviour. One sexy experiment found that female chickadees who overhear their partner lose in a singing contest are more likely to cheat on them! Dan also studies duetting wrens in the tropics in which males and females coordinate their calls to form elaborate joint vocalizations. Dan is also a fabulous speaker that won’t leave anyone wishing for a nap during a seminar. He would be a great person for grads to meet-he is a younger professor who is already widely published (Science!), well-known and respected, and is very dynamic. Michael L. Rosenzweig o Species diversity o Desert mammal ecology o Optimal density-dependent habitat selection o Predation dynamics Michael Rosenzweig studies environmental issues, habitat selection, and species diversity. Environmental issues are addressed with new methods for censusing and for assessing environmental health using the rules of species-area curves. Isoleg theory has been developed and exploited to study optimal density-dependent habitat selection, and has led to the linkage of behavior, population dynamics and rules of ecological community organization. His papers on species diversity integrate ecology and evolution to present a basic continent-scale mathematical theory of diversity as a process resulting from the differential equations of speciation and extinction. They identify area as a principle variable and help to explain why the tropics are so rich. He also emphasizes a new kind of conservation effort: reconciliation ecology. Reconciliation ecology discovers how to modify and diversify anthropogenic habitats so that they harbor a wide variety of species. It develops management techniques that allow humans to share their geographical range with wild species. Rosenzweig tries to address matters of public concern by applying the results of his and other ecological research. Daniel Simberloff o Invasive species: patterns, impact on native community, management o Determinants of community composition and community patterns o Morphological variation of species based on the presence of other species Daniel Simberloff is one of the main leading evolutionary ecology scientists for the last 30 years. Many of his scientific publications are considered as classic papers in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Conservation, Statistics and Biogeography. He obtained his PhD at Harvard University in 1969. Currently, he is a professor of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology program at the University of Tennessee. Grad students and faculty will benefit from his visit and presentation since his research topics and interests are broad and encompass a variety of species (e.g. mammals, avian, plants, fungi, arthropods, etc), and thus covering the interests of many biology grad students. These are some of his 10 selected publications from the last 5 years. If he is the chosen speaker, we may select what topic we would like him to focus on for the seminar. 2. Voted on BGSO funding applications The BGSO is eligible for $600 for the spring disbursement of GSO money from the GSC. The BGSO earns points to become eligible for the money through the participation of the BGSO in GSC events and meetings – thanks to all BGSO members who participated by attending meetings and serving as officers or on committees! We received a total of five applications for funding. We were able to at least partially fund all applicants. Congratulations to everyone who applied – make sure to use your money and save your receipts to get your reimbursement. Please contact Liz ( if you have any questions. Aysegul Birand ground travel for mathematical training at U. Tennessee Ricardo Guerrero partial travel support and lab use fees for field $190 $162 research in Thailand Elizabeth Moseman partial support for airfare to Argentina for field work $100 $100 Gloricelys Rivera RNA extraction kit $212 $162 $100 $100 3. BGSO biology seminar speaker 03-04 May Dr. Lisa Balance is the spring 2007 BGSO-invited speaker. She will be arriving on Thursday, 03 May, just in time to give her seminar presentation entitled Frequent Flyers: Seabird ecology in the oceanic tropical Pacific. We are getting a two-for-one deal because her husband will also be presenting Friday on Killer Whales. They will be arriving late Thursday and we would like to plan a social that evening. Because of the short visit they will not be able to meet individually with people, but we would like to plan breakfast or lunch on Friday for grad students to get a chance to talk to them. They will be leaving in the early afternoon on Friday. Please contact Iliana ( if you are interested in helping plan any of the events/activities for the speakers. 4. Faculty meeting update The Immunology job search committee has selected the top three candidates. One candidate met with grads for lunch today and the others will be on campus next week. Grads will have some (limited) input in the hiring process, so we encourage grads to meet and talk with the candidates. 5. Building suggestions We discussed potential additions that would benefit grads and the biology department in general. Some suggestions were to install bike racks outside the building, and to ask if 11 the space under the stairs on the horseshoe entrance to Foster could be used as an indoor bike rack area (especially for hard-working late-night grad students who don’t want their bikes to get stolen outside, or the faculty with fancy bikes who store them in their offices so they don’t get stolen or dented). Other suggestions were coffee stashes in FH 381/481 for caffeine fixes. 6. Mary Jane West-Eberhard visit next week Tim Wright would like to know if grads would like to attend a dinner with WestEberhard on Wednesday evening at 6:30. Contact Iliana ( to reserve your seat. 7. Community service opportunities Moving a donated tree into Foster Hall lobby (this weekend) Dan would like volunteers to help pick up and position a tree donated to the biology department. Strong people preferred – probably 2 hours of work? Contact Iliana ( for more info or to volunteer. Relay for Life (27-28 April) – contact Melissa ( for more info Keep Las Cruces Beautiful (28 April) – 7:00 am-12:00 noon – contact Melissa ( for more info 12