Lake and River Ice An obvious and notable feature of lakes and rivers in the North is that they are ice-covered for portions of the year. Its significant hydrological influence arises through its effect on the flow and water level in a stream, the water level in a lake, and through seasonal storage represented by the ice itself, the snowcover it carries, and the channel and lake storage it induces. Indeed it can be argued the hydrological extremes of common interest, floods and low flows, are as much a function of stream processes through the action of ice, as they are of the catchment processes of traditional concern. While the peak discharge is primarily a function of catchment processes such as snowmelt, the peak water level (the cause of the flooding), is 1 very much a function of the ice conditions on the stream. This is particularly so for the North where the snowmelt peak is the peak discharge event of the year and can occur while the stream is still icecovered or otherwise influenced by ice in the channel. For example, in the period 1983-87, ice jams were involved in some 30% of the flood events across Canada. In New Brunswick ice-jam floods are responsible for more flood damage than open-water floods. The 1987 ice jams on the St. John River alone cause $30 million damages. On the other side of the country, in northwestern Canada, the flood threat at almost all riverside communities is primarily due to ice jams, not summer floods. 2 At the other extreme, low flow at a site on a coldregion stream can also depend heavily on ice processes. A striking example of this is the fact that the discharge over Niagara Falls was halted on March 29, 1848 by ice obstructing the outlet of Lake Erie. A more common circumstance is the minimum discharge that occurs in October discharge in the Clearwater River due to ice formation upstream, rather than in late winter discharge from the catchment. The low flow frequency curves for several rivers in northern Alberta show marked “abnormalities” in the curves for smaller streams that are explained by ice effects. As well as influencing the extremes, ice effects can have a major influence on the winter hydrograph of cold-region streams in general. In 3 streams the volume of water stored as ice, and as channel storage due to the increase in water level caused by the ice, can represent a significant portion of winter flow which does not become available until spring. This may be particularly so for the lakedominated rivers of the Canadian Shield where slight changes in the resistance to flow from the outlet due to changes in the ice cover can trigger enormous changes in lake storage. Snowfall on lake ice can cause an increase in flow from a lake. The weight of water displaced from the lake must equal the weight of the snowfall on the lake ice (if the latter is simply floating, with little restraint from the shore, as is often the case). Hence a 0.3 m snowfall will displace ≈30 mm of water from the lake, a flow that can be very 4 significant in a stream in mid-winter in a catchment with a large proportion of lakes. Therefore, unlike on land, a water equivalent of snow falling on lake ice is made immediately available as flow (while a similar amount will be made available in the spring when the snow melts, it should not be counted twice when evaluating the catchment yield). Similarly, in fall, snow falling on land can remain until spring. For small northern lakes the duration of the ice cover and its thickness (as it affects the volume of water remaining under the ice) are very important considerations for aquatic fauna, with winter kill always being a possibility. The hydrological effects of floating ice are therefore of major concern in cold regions. 5 As indicated, they are a major cause of floods in Canada, but these floods are not just significant because of the damages and loss of life they may cause. In other circumstances they can be beneficial; for example, the multitude of lakes in the vast and environmentally important Mackenzie and PeaceAthabasca Deltas in western Canada depend on periodic flooding caused by ice jams to refill and refresh them. Freeze-up of a small, well-mixed lake in calm weather occurs in a straightforward manner (as discussed in the previous lecture). When the lake has cooled sufficiently that the surface water temperature falls to a little below freezing during the diurnal minimum, a thin and fragile ice sheet will form over the lake surface. 6 It will remain for the rest of the winter if it thickens fast enough to resist disturbances by wind, or melt by a subsequent thaw. When the lake has cooled sufficiently that the surface water temperature falls to a little below freezing during the diurnal minimum, a thin and fragile ice sheet will form over the lake surface. It will remain for the rest of the winter if it thickens fast enough to resist disturbances by wind, or melt by a subsequent thaw. On a large lake the process is much less well defined. The first water to cool sufficiently for ice to form is that in the shallow protected areas around the shore. Here sheet ice, or border ice, forms in much the same manner on a small lake. 7 However in the centre of the lake the surface is continually disturbed by wind that prevents formation of the initial thin sheet and instead the heat demand from the cooling atmosphere is satisfied by the formation and growth of small (typically a millimeter or so in diameter) fine discs of ice called frazil. Being ice, the particles are less dense than the water and, although they can be entrained and carried to considerable depth by the windgenerated turbulence, they eventually accumulate at the surface to form frazil slush. Here they are exposed to the cold air temperature and with the wind agitation, causes the frazil slush to gradually agglomerate to form frazil pans. With air temperatures cold enough, the concentration of pans, slush, and sheets broken from the shore ice, can eventually become high enough to dampen the surface disturbance by the 8 wind and finally allow an initial solid ice cover to form over the lake surface. This ice cover will thicken by ice growth on the underside of the ice cover. The ice so formed is coarse-grained, with a distinct columnar structure, and is almost transparent. The growth of this clear ice will be terminated by a snowfall of sufficient weight to “sink” the ice cover. Typically an accumulation about half the ice thickness is sufficient to do this. Then water can flood out over the ice, saturating the lower layers of snow. This saturated snow begins to freeze, forming snow ice. 9 This ice is fine-grained and, due to the fine air bubbles incorporated into it, is white and opaque. If another snowfall occurs before the saturated snow layer is completely frozen, an unfrozen slush layer will be left behind as the process is repeated. The presence of the saturated snow renders the ice cover isothermal after a short time, so there will be no further heat transfer from the bottom of the ice cover and ice growth there will cease until all the saturated snow layers are frozen. Because of the different grain structure and vastly different transparency to solar radiation, the relative proportions of clear and white ice in a snowcover has considerable significance for the life of the cover and events in the water below it. While a large proportion of clear ice can be expected on northern lakes where the initial ice thickens rapidly and there is little snowfall, the 10 ice cover on lakes in regions of heavy snowfall can be predominantly white. Even on the same lake, however, the proportions of clear and white ice can vary significantly, primarily due to the effects of snow drifting. As the white is formed from snow, its presence must be considered when conducting a snow survey for a catchment with a significant proportion of lakes and rivers. While the water temperature at the under-ice surface in a lake is at freezing, that just below be significantly above freezing due to the winter “inversion” caused by the fact that water reaches its maximum density at 4oC. Because of this “warm” water within the lake, the flow at the outlet of the lake is above freezing. The outlet can therefore remain open long after the remainder of the lake is ice covered. This can 11 have significant repercussions on the variation in flow from the lake, and the winter hydrology of the outlet stream. The situation at freeze-up in a river is somewhat similar to that of a large lake, with two major differences: the turbulence in a river is generated by its own flow, and is therefore ever-present except in pools above rapids, bars, weirs, or dams. It is sufficient to prevent any thermal stratification of the flow so that the water temperature remains within a few hundredths of a degree throughout the flow depth. Again the first ice to form is sheet ice over the quiet water of the shallows along the banks. Out in the central region of the stream, the flow and turbulence is usually sufficient to prevent the formation of sheet ice on the surface. 12 Instead frazil forms and is mixed throughout the depth. When first formed this frazil is actively growing and has a propensity to attach itself to anything it touches. This includes the bed material where frazil will accumulate if it is large enough to resist the buoyant force of the accumulation; this is known as anchor ice. Such deposits can blanket rapids and gravel bed rivers to a thickness of the order of a metre. In a shallow stream, these deposits can grow to project through the water surface to freeze solid and directly obstruct the flow. The deposits are then known as ice dams. If the turbulence generated by the flow is not too intense, frazil particles will accumulate at the 13 surface to form slush, which in turn will agglomerate into frazil pans. Hence, as the cold weather continues, border ice grows out from shore, while the concentration of frazil pans increases on the remaining free surface. Eventually, at some point along the river, the remaining space between the border ice edges will be insufficient for the passage of the frazil pans. Then the pans will lodge between the border ice, and other pans moving down from upstream will begin to accumulate behind the lodgement. This initial pack gradually extends upstream as more frazil pans arrive, forming the initial ice cover on the river. 14 Downstream of the lodgement the production of frazil and the growth of frazil pans must begin again, which delays freeze-over downstream. As the ice cover develops on the water surface the resistance to flow in the remaining water way under the ice increases. The water level must therefore rise to provide a water way sufficient to carry the discharge with the increased resistance. This depth increase is typically greater than 30% of the mean depth of the open-water situation. Furthermore, the ice cover or pack floats with more than 90% of its thickness submerged. This necessitates a further increase in water level to provide the required water way. The nature of the initial pack that forms depends on weather conditions during its formation and on the discharge and geometry of the river. 15 If the river is steep and fast, and the air temperatures mild during formation, the initial pack will be thick and the rate of frazil-pan production slow. In these circumstances the increase in water level as the ice cover passes a section will be large but the pack progression slow. For example, on the Nelson River, a stream characterized by alternating pools and rapids, the initial pack must develop thicknesses of up to 12 m to allow the pack to progress over the many stretches of fast water. Because of the enormous volume of ice required for progression of a pack of such thickness, the progression is slow, despite bitterly cold air temperatures during freeze-up. On the other hand, if the river is flat, the flow slow and the cold intense during the formation of 16 the pack, the pack will be thin and frazil production high. In these circumstances the pack that forms will be simply one pan in thickness and the progression upstream rapid. The variation of water level as the pack passes can have considerable hydrological significance. The water required to fill the channel storage associated with the increase in water level is abstracted from the flow moving into the reach from upstream. This means the discharge moving downstream below the pack is less. This effect can be responsible for the minimum discharge of the year. After the pack is in place, it will begin to freeze solid. 17 The ice so formed is fine-grained and a little translucent. If the pack is thin enough, and the season long and cold enough, the freezing front will progress through the pack into the flow underneath. The ice that is formed then is coarse-grained and transparent, as described for lake ice. Also as for lake ice, the freezing of the pack, or growth of clear ice under it, will be terminated by a snow accumulation heavy enough to submerge the ice surface. If open water exists upstream, frazil will be generated and carried under the ice cover to be deposited to form a slush-ice layer. As the freezing front moves through this, finegrained ice is formed that is somewhat translucent and often has a smoky hue due to sediment particles incorporated in the ice. 18 The above processes continue throughout the winter. Because the ice cover is initiated at different times in different places, and its character depends on local stream characteristics, it can be expected the final ice cover will be quite heterogeneous, possibly varying from a relatively thick pack at one location, to thin, totally clear ice over a polynya at another location. If there are reaches of fast water, areas of warm ground water or lake outflow, or a large polynya, there can also be areas of open water that survive the winter. With the onset of warm weather, the temperature of the ice cover increases until melt begins at the bottom and, if the ice is exposed to solar radiation, within the ice cover itself. This initial melt within the grain boundaries, a process and which, particularly in columnar structure, can cover occurs at the known as candling, clear ice, with its cause a dramatic 19 reduction in the ice-cover strength while having little effect on its thickness. Being fine-grained and opaque, white ice resists the debilitating effects of solar radiation on its strength with the result that areas of the ice cover that are predominantly white ice can remain strong when areas of clear ice, such as in a freeze-up polynya, have decayed completely. At about the same time, snowmelt begins and causes an increase in water level. The bottom-fast ice along the shore is not free to follow the increase in water level and becomes flooded, exposing the water to warming by solar radiation and air temperature. Any open-water areas expand as the heat the water absorbs melts the ice cover downstream. Areas of thin ice become weak and either melt or, if at the upstream end of an open-water area, break away due to the drag of the current, to 20 accumulate at the downstream end of the open water. If the discharge remains reasonably steady these processes of melt, decay, and fragmentation will continue until the river reach is free of ice. However, if the discharge increases substantially, or an accumulation of fragmented ice develops to the extent that the load it exerts on the downstream ice cover causes the ice cover to fail, an ice run can be initiated. As the ice moves the depth falls, releasing water from channel storage, the reverse of what happened during freeze-up. This releases a surge, or river wave that causes an increase in discharge and water level downstream and helps sustain the ice run. Eventually this ice run will stall, either because it encounters a sudden increase in water way width 21 or depth, such as the confluence with a reservoir, lake, or larger main stream, or at a sudden reduction in channel slope, that absorbs the surge maintaining the ice run. When the ice run stalls an ice jam has formed and the water level will increase substantially. Eventually the ice jam will fail or move, possibly releasing another surge that will trigger an ice run again if any ice remains downstream. This process is repeated, not necessarily sequentially, until the whole river is finally free of ice. On a lake the process of ice decay and melt begins as on a river. It is typical that the ice closer to the shore melts first, releasing the main body of ice to be moved about the lake by the wind. 22 As on a river, the rate of melt, and particularly decay, of a lake ice cover depends on the proportion of clear and white ice. This effect can be sufficient to reverse the shoreto-centre progression of melt mentioned above. On a large lake, wind can assist break-up by blowing large ice floes about the lake once they have been freed from shore by melt. However, on more moderate-sized lakes the ice more-or-less decays and melts in place, only disturbed by wind when it is in a very frail state. The above events are typical of a truly cold region, so that the water body experiences only one freeze-up and one break-up each year. In more temperate regions there may be more than one freeze-up and break-up cycle in a given year, whereas other years there may be none at all. In such situations events become a strong 23 function of the quantity of ice that can be generated in each cold spell. In North America such a situation is typical of the Maritimes, southern Ontario and New England, and of British Columbia and the northern Pacific States of the USA. Inland and north of these locations the former scenario is more typical. On lakes in the High Arctic the situation can be such that there may be no break-up at all in a particular year. Chronologies of river and lake ice formation and disappearance provide broad indicators of climate change over extensive lowland areas. Broad scale patterns of freeze-up are available for Russia from 1893 to 1985. In general, freeze-up in western Russia is 2-3 weeks later now than at the turn of the century, whereas further east there is a slight trend toward earlier freeze-up. 24 Similar patterns are available for ice break-up dates, with western Russia rivers breaking up 710 days earlier now than in the 19th century. In North America, records from 1823 to 1994 at six sites on the Great Lakes show that freeze-up came later and break-up was earlier until the 1890s, but they have remained constant during the 20th century. Freeze-up and break-up dates of ice on lakes and rivers provide consistent evidence of later freezeup and earlier break-up in the northern hemisphere from 1846 to 1995. Under conditions of overall annual warming, the duration of river ice cover can be expected to be reduced. Many rivers within temperate regions would tend to become ice-free, whereas in colder regions the 25 present ice season could be shortened by up to one month by 2050. Warmer winters would cause more mid-winter break-ups as rapid snowmelt becomes more common. Warmer spring temperatures could affect the severity of the break-up, but the effect is the result of a complex balancing between downstream resistance (ice strength and thickness) and upstream forces (flood wave). Although thinner ice produced by a warmer winter would tend to promote a thermal break-up, this might be counteracted by the earlier timing of the event, reducing break-up severity. 26