THE QUANTAR The Quantar Welcome to the Quantar trading network, a new financial system based upon a monetary unit created as an asset for the people and not as a debt for a private banker; a monetary unit which is measured by human physiology and the speed of light; a monetary unit which is relatively free from the demons of debt, interest, inflation and taxation; a monetary unit whose roots travel back in time through the ideas of Benjamin Franklin, Aristotle, the ancient Sumerians and the last four million years of human hunter-gatherer existence. The Quantar © Quantar All copyrights to texts and Quantar images remain with the website 2014. Email: Table of Contents 1 – A little philosophy........................................... 2 – Two systems of money ................................... 3 – What is money?............................................... 4 – Debt money ..................................................... 5 – The Jubilee ...................................................... 6 – Asset Money ................................................... 7 – Quantar Monetary unit .................................... 8 – The Quantar Marketplace ............................... 9 – Quantar Auction House................................... 10 – Quantar $8 subscription ................................ 11 – Welcome to the Quantar! .............................. 12 – Appendix 1: ‘coffee shop’ questions ........ 13 – Appendix 2: Historical banking quotes......... 1 – A little philosophy The Quantar website has a sister site which explores the ‘big questions’ of the universe using the perennial philosophy, the five thousand year old mystical teachings from India, Egypt, China and Greece. Historical India has created Kashmir Shaivism, a model of the universal powers of awareness and consciousness forming the Aum creation model for the universe. Historical China has created the images of the Tao, Ba Gua and the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching, a perfect mirror for the sixty-four codons of DNA. Historical Egypt and Greece have created the image of the ‘Flower of Life’, the ‘Thoth Code’, the transcendental number Pi, and the Law of Octaves, a Law which states that the universe is an octet musical structure in the realms of matter, biology, psyche and consciousness. Using these simple historical images we can now understand the octet basis for the periodic table of elements; or the octet structure for the atom with its maximum of seven shells of electrons, with a possible eight electrons in the outer shell; or the sub-particle realm of Gell-Mann chromadynamics which has been called the ‘eightfold way’; or the octet modular mathematics of Ramanujan; or the nature of dark matter and dark energy, proposed to comprise 97.95918637..% of the universe; or the structure of the transcendental number Pi; or the underlying components of the ‘Unified Field Theory’ and the ‘Theory of Everything.’ Do you find this hard to believe? Then try the simple ‘$AUD10,000 Universe Challenge’ at or read the $5.99 explanatory book ‘The Universe and the Psyche’, available at proposes then that our universe is a structure of awareness and consciousness and not simply an edifice of matter and space-timegravity, so we now need a monetary system which reflects this philosophy, maximizing societal happiness and the pursuit of ‘diamondmind.’ Unfortunately, however, the control of our money supply has been seized by private debt financiers, for human history has often been woven upon the struggle over who shall create the money supply. ‘Follow the money trail’ then is one of the great axioms of the human journey. All supposedly ‘transparent’ democracies should ask themselves two core questions; ‘who gets the power to create the money supply’ and ‘who shall reap the profits from the interest stream.’ The answers to these two questions are however often hidden beneath labyrinths of deliberate complexity, so that it is almost taboo to ask these questions for an informed and educated populace would never accept the present financial structures and philosophies for our world, nor a thousand crimes of humanity which are excused as ‘these are the laws of money and there is no other way.’ 2 – Two systems of money We can suggest that there are two primal creation models for a human monetary system. They are the models of shadow and light, those of debt creation in private hands and those of asset creation in public hands. The financial model chosen for your society will determine every aspect of the social fabric and the reflections upon these two models should be part of our everyday ‘coffee shop’ conversations. It is also important to understand that we are not talking simply of the binary struggles of capitalism and communism, the ‘ownership of the means of production’ because both of these historical models require a healthy and authentic money system or they will both be distorted into ruin. Further, some would say that the inherent flaws within communism have caused it to collapse only a short time before the same flaws within capitalism throw it, too, over the same financial abyss. It is completely feasible then for an individual and private enterprise structure to exist with a monetary supply created as a neutral medium by the democratic organs of the nation, a monetary medium which does not allow the profits of the society to be siphoned off as interest streams to a private cartel. However, democracy was never historically extended to the creation of the money supply which is deemed to be ‘private’ and ‘free’ and the government is told that it has ‘no place in banking.’ Even the Reserve Bank of the nation, the interface with the streams of global finance, must be ‘independent’ from the Treasury. Perhaps then the private bankers only created our democratic institutions in order to transfer debts through the generations, or to shift the burdens of the slave owner to the ‘independent’ slave, through the impersonal chains of debt finance and a private money supply? But if the owners of private finance are hidden from view then to whom are we paying our stream of interest? Who controls the Reserve Bank in our country and is it simply a pawn in a global game of finance? Further, do the banks who create our loan structures actually transfer pre-existing capital during the transaction, fulfilling the legal concept of an ‘exchange of value’, or do they simply create the capital from nothing at the point of the formation of the loan itself, creating the capital with the stroke of a pen or a computer entry? This question of legitimacy is important for a single dollar loaned in the year 1500 at 6% compound interest, today, is a debt of 50 billion dollars, so when we try to repay this debt are we performing an act of integrity, or are we a fool upon a fool’s errand, an ‘idiot full of sound and fury?’ So much of our banking system then is still protected by veils of financial ignorance, veils so deep that we could even suggest that the nature of money is one of the fundamental ignorances which surround the human psyche. The nature of money then bewilders the people, they have no idea of what monetary unit to use, or which monetary system is best, or who shall provide the capital to seed the monetary system. Further, those who run our present financial structures have veiled the educational systems so that they are mute to any valid asset based monetary alternatives. The people then, in their deliberately contrived ignorance, come to believe that they are born poor and that they have no capital and that they must go like beggars to someone who knows the monetary nature. It is into this ignorance that there steps a strange and sociopathic creature, an archetypal shadow from the darkest recess of the human psyche. This shadow is the money lender, or the debt banker, the shadow who offers his debt based money supply with the same intent that a fisherman baits a hook and offers it to a fish. 3 – What is money? The definition of money has taken many forms throughout history and the subject is still the source of intense debate but a nation’s money supply can be defined as the unit it will accept in payment for taxes. However, for the past four million or so years of human hunter-gatherer existence, money was simply an implicit measure of human life force. Money was ‘I will go to the sea and catch a fish, if you go to the valley for the fruit and seeds’ and in my times of plenty I will ‘gift’ to you and in your times of plenty you will ‘gift’ to me. However, five thousand years ago in Sumeria, or modern day Iraq, money became clay imprints, the symbols for commodities deposited and loaned at the temple, commodities which would naturally grow like wheat, or reproduce like animals, to repay any interest owed to the temple, interest which was used for the benefit of all. This then was a Yin or female system connected to fertility and it was the age of the great female goddesses. Then, in time, the Yang or male system of money arose centered upon gold and silver. These precious metals did not organically grow but they assisted the centralization of power, the polarization of wealth, war, competition, hunger, austerity for the general people and the creation of a workforce bound by wage payments. These aspects can be seen in one of the great crime scenes from history, the conquistador invasion of South America, where millions of Indians were worked to death in the silver mines, while offshore the pirates awaited to plunder the bullion ships upon their way to Spain. We are now, however, in the era of floating fiat currencies, based upon the US petro-dollar, a situation creating a world-wide tsunami of debt, monetary printing and a planet pushed to the limits of its hydro-carbon capacity, with the US dollar losing 98% of its value since the formation of the private US Federal Reserve in 1913. It seems then that we are now in a twilight phase with an uncertain future. Throughout history too there has also been a huge monetary debate about the nature of interest, usury and the concept of loaning money for profit, a debate which has left a trail of war and deception down through the centuries. Money then has developed as a way to exchange life force or human energy in communal financial systems which can bring great benefits, but also the great pains of slavery and bondage, depending upon the nature of the monetary system involved. We can even suggest that when humanity moved to the precious monetary metals of gold and silver and the surrounding metals, including copper, iron, tin, that we awoke within us a power of consciousness, a power which we are still struggling to assimilate into our beings, for like a two year old child who discovers the power of swinging a stick, so too have we become possessed with the tools of war and their surrounding dark dreams of conflict and competition. We can suggest again then that there are two primal monetary systems, one which creates its unit of value as a debt and the other its unit of value as an asset. 4 – Debt money For thousands of years, from Sumeria to India, to Egypt, to Rome, to 1500 years of Christendom we were warned about the nature of usury and debt money, yet still we walked into their dark labyrinths, forgetting that debt money pollutes every water hole it enters and when it is merged with the mathematical impossibilities of compound interest, it becomes a virulent plague that can destroy the world. The ancients defined usury as the loaning of money with interest, not simply excessive interest as we do today, so it would astonish them to know that we now loan money created from nothing, burdened with compound interest, through the tool of fractional-reserve banking. They would surely consider this to be the poison of usury manifesting in its most virulent form. Our modern fractional-reserve banking system is based upon the fraud used by the medieval gold merchants who discovered that they could loan out certificates for ten times the gold they possessed because in normal times only 10% of the gold was being traded, so no-one would discover their deception. Then, through time, if a criminal enterprise is run for long enough, someone will eventually pass a law to legitimize the crime. Welcome then to our modern fractional-reserve banking system, formerly a medieval crime scene, now spread across the world in a financial empire of debt, an empire always teetering upon the point of collapse, with bank runs and failures of ‘confidence.’ In the tale of the ‘Wind in the Willows’ the weasels from the wild woods take over Toad Hall through Toad’s greed and throw the lives of the other animals into disarray. Our modern financial world is now Toad Hall under the control of the weasels and we are being educated in the ‘way of the weasel.’ We have grown whiskers and tails and we now repeat the chants of the weasels; ‘the freedom of private finance is best’, ‘the government has no place in banking’, ‘privatise everything’, ‘we need to globalize international finance and the world’s labour force’, ‘these are the laws of money and there is no other way’, ‘the universe is a realm of tooth and claw, a struggle to the death’, ‘care for nothing, for soon we shall be dead.’ The debt money of the weasels however is not wealth but only debt confetti. It is created as an absence, as a hunger, as a shadow or hallucination, continually evaporating with the forces of interest and inflation and taxation. Debt bankers however love this form of money because its control and issuance gives them the tremendous power to create booms and busts at will, with them standing like a financial priesthood between humanity and the light of the sun, or between humanity and its own life force. Yet astonishingly this system of finance only exists because it is backed by the very government and faith of the people which the weasels so deride, with governments continually bailing the weasels out of their fractional-reserve calamities. Has a more insane form of finance then ever walked the face of the earth, for if doctors or engineers created as many failures as the financial profession, they would be imprisoned for incompetence. However, to sustain the bankers’ network and the peoples’ belief in the ‘sanctity of debt’ the citizens of each country must believe that the money appearing as debt at the ‘independent’ Reserve Bank is loaned from a global investor with pre-existing capital and they must also believe that their nations’ banks take in deposits at say 3% interest and loan out at 6% interest to make their profits. These belief systems protect the faith of the people in the ‘sanctity of debt’, so that the debts must be honoured. These belief systems however fail the ‘test of logic’ when almost every country is in debt, yet trillions of dollars in loans are appearing each year. Do the debt bankers really have the capital that they loan? Are trillions of dollars lying around in a banker’s wardrobe, awaiting for centuries if necessary, for the right time to invest? No, the debt system smells more like a financial ponzi scheme, with the debt being created from nothing to capture the profits of the interest stream from labour and resources. The outer operations of banking then, the aspects the people on the street perceive, are simply shop fronts to give credibility to the fractional-reserve and derivative operations which are occurring in the banking labyrinths within. One of the founding stones of weasel finance was the creation of the private Bank of England in 1692 as its Charter included the power to ‘create money from nothing, to charge compound interest for this money and to pay the interest with the taxation of the people.’ In 1692 England’s debts were four million pounds, by 1696 they were fourteen million pounds, by 1815 they were 880 million pounds. After the founding of the Bank of England the weasels then spent 40% of the nation’s budget upon the armed forces and over the next 300 years England would invade all but 21 countries of the world. When the financial centre moved to the United States, then again some 40% of the nation’s budget was spent upon the armed forces, to create a hidden juggernaut of 1000 overseas military bases in 150 countries. When the weasels 3% interest is leveraged through all the levels of production in a society it becomes a 40% component of the final price of the products in the market place. Are these figures of financial interest and military budgets then simply a coincidence? Are there profound links between debt banking, independent central banks and a militarized empire? When most people get a gun they simply put it away for self-defence purposes, but a weasel will invent endless stratagems as to why the gun should be turned upon the populace of another nation; ‘we must civilize them’, ‘they need democracy’, ‘we are only there to maintain order’, ‘there are weapons of mass destruction.’ The debt bankers demand then that a rain of bombs need to be thrown so that financial laws can be imposed and the native currencies destroyed, until the ‘one debt matrix shall rule them all.’ The favoured tool of the debt banker is the national debt bond, the device by which nearly every nation falls upon the financial sword as the bankers move in with their three weapons of financial destruction – debt, floating currencies and free financial trade. The debt bankers deem that the governments cannot create their own money supply as this would be inflationary and instead they must borrow from the pre-existing ‘capital’ of the global market place, capital and funds which are deemed to be awaiting a favourable opportunity to invest. Each nation’s Treasury then must take its request for money to the nation’s ‘independent’ Reserve Bank which is controlled by the forces of global finance. The Reserve Bank then waves the ‘smoke lantern’ of monetization upon the request, like a financial priest in a ritual, an action which monetizes the financial needs of the nation and the Treasury then returns to the people with its money burdened with debt, like a king who has returned in the robes of a beggar, for the money is now deemed to have been borrowed from the assets of the private market place. Then, using the tools of interest rates and derivative bets, the bankers can now tighten the vice of debt upon the people and demand austerity as payment for their ‘pound of flesh’ of interest, payment for their legalised right to create the money supply. In this way, the Reserve Bank and its ‘smoke lantern’ have performed a financial action of dark magic to create a monetary system of debt and endless hunger, a betrayal of natural human destiny and the greatest swindle in all history, as the bank has exchanged the life blood of the country for the chains of debt in a mirror of illusion. The ‘independent’ Reserve Bank then is little more than a mafia-laundering device for converting the treasures of a nation into debt held within the hands of a cartel of private bankers. It could also be described as a medieval counterfeiting machine designed to turn the cruel screws of usury upon an innocent population. It is a swindle, for what the debt banker does not tell the people is that he is simply creating the funds with a stroke of a pen and that every banknote created is an engraving of debt now owed to the bankers. The unsuspecting people have fallen into bondage, they have come to exist as debtors who must rent their money supply from the debt bankers and pay the debt bankers their interest payments for the privilege. This is the freedom the debt bankers exalt, the freedom of private enterprise banking, the freedom for the people to be in debt chains to a hidden private banker who exists like a parasite wasp, dressed as a honey bee, in a fraudulent enterprise designed to steal the ‘honey’ of the world. Debt bankers then take the instrument of the debt bond and convert it into an asset to be traded as a commodity. They turn the world upon its head, the mirror of natural finance is inverted. Debt becomes the asset, the shadow the light and the people, infected with the dark hallucinogenic drug of weasel finance, in their confusion, give the debt bankers the power to rule the world. The debt bankers of course have a myriad of further tools of complexity and deception to bleed the profits of the society, for once the financial industry comprised only 3% of the monetary flows, now it is about 40%. The financial machine has become a parasite which is killing its host, hollowing it out, until it is simply a shadow of its former nature. The debt bankers use their debt tools such as securitization, manipulated Libor interest rates, manipulated currency markets, high speed trading, false share market trades to create the appearance of liquidity with share ownership retained by the DTCC, futures markets to control the price of commodities, and a quadrillion dollars of derivative debts granted seigniorage in the event of a financial collapse, so that a group of bankers now has the motive to destroy the entire financial world. Further, with bail-ins of banks depositors becoming the standard solution for bank failure as depositors are now deemed to be bank ‘investors’ and with major banks now setting aside billions for litigation and fines for drug laundering, then we are now entering the realms of the financial absurd. The people too are now milling like sheep before the dark temple of debt, sensing that they are being swindled but incapable of penetrating the walls to see how the money and debt are being created. Every year trillions of dollars in additional debts appear, supposedly loaned as pre-existing capital, yet where does it come from when every nation is in debt? When the US Federal Reserve creates eighty-five billion dollars a month in quantitative easing then the people’s belief in honouring these debts is slowly eroding to the point of derision. The vast towers of incomprehensible debt have however plunged the people into an existential darkness, a twilight existence servicing streams of interest, reducing the people to robotic labour, where to have a job is the primary goal of existence and consumption is an obsession, with the people toiling to the implicit Auschwitz slogan ‘work will set you free.’ The citadels of consciousness are now forgotten, the destiny of ‘diamond-mind’ now an absurd concept, we have come to ‘look through the glass darkly.’ The weasels however continue to say that ‘these are the laws of money and there is no other way’, or ‘this is monetary freedom.’ However, is the debt bankers’ freedom simply the iron links which form the debtors’ chains, is it only the freedom for the people to be screwed, or as John Lennon said, ‘you think you’re so clever and classless and free, but you’re still (expletive) peasants as far as I can see.’ Why then do we ask a debt banker to create our money supply as debt and then wonder, in bewilderment, as to why we are always in debt? Why do we allow a debt banker to stand between us and our money supply, or us and our life force, or allow ourselves to be trapped within sociopathic debt until we are forced to sell our children into servitude, bound by our belief in the ‘sanctity of the bankers’ debt’? It seems to be a crime beyond reason. 5 – The Jubilee Once the usurers’ game of debt money has ensnared the people then there is only one possible solution that will allow the people to move to a healthy asset based monetary system and the solution is as simple as the debt game itself, for the debt which is created with the stroke of a pen can also be erased with the stroke of a pen. All that is required is for the bankers’ spell of the ‘sanctity of debt’ to be broken within the minds of the people, through a clear understanding of how the fractional-reserve banking system creates debt from nothing. This debt-amnesty solution has historically been called the Jubilee, a point in time when all debts are erased, yet all assets remain. It is the simple pressing of the ‘zero-reset button’ so that the people now have two or three generations to consider the nature of finance, before the burdens of compound interest again begin to tighten their clasp upon the economy. In a modern day sophisticated Jubilee all personal debts would be deemed void while all personal assets remain. Company debts would be erased, including all the bankers’ debt instruments. Debts between nations would however be honoured. A Debt Commission would be set up to handle any grievances of assets and debts erased in an unjust way. With a debt-amnesty Jubilee then the people would retain their assets, including bank deposits, so that they are free to live their lives. The companies are now recapitalized and can expand their businesses without losing all their current profits to the interest streams of debt. The banks too have their debts removed, yet their customers’ deposit base remains, so that they are free to lend again. Countries honour the interest streams of debt with one another so that there is no breakdown in the international order. Financial tools could also be put in place to make sure that there are no short-term inflationary spikes within the marketplace. The only people who lose in a Jubilee are those who run the debt game itself, those who receive the final financial profits from the global streams of interest, yet even they retain their personal assets. Further, if we consider that the ponzi game of global finance has been running for more than three hundred years, since the formation of the Bank of England in 1692, then even these financial architects must know that their debt system has reached the point of mathematical collapse, a collapse inherent in the nature of compound interest accumulating through time. A Jubilee would also greatly reduce the immense conflicts within our societies which are created by the ‘pressure-cookers’ of debt. A Jubilee would also remove the sociopathic calls, by some, for international war as the Jubilee would reduce the ‘debt monster’ which has plagued us for the last three centuries down to a tiny and ineffectual shadow. A Jubilee then is an ‘act of power’ in the same way that a child can walk up to an inflatable promotional monster outside a supermarket and with a sharp object simply reduce the monster to a pile of plastic upon the tarmac. We too need the intelligence and courage of this child, we too need to pierce the veils of ignorance surrounding the bankers’ ‘sanctity of debt’ by using the sharpened perception of an aware populace. 6 – Asset Money Let us walk now into the light of asset money, the other face of the monetary Tao, which we can symbolize as the temple beside the lake. The concept of asset money is not new. It has existed within a myriad of forms, such as in the hunter-gatherer existence; or in ancient Sumeria; or the US before the War of Independence, reflected in the thoughts of Benjamin Franklin; or the US during the civil war and the time of Lincoln; or 1930’s Germany which used an asset based monetary system to pull the country out of the world-wide depression. In a modern asset based monetary system money would not be created as a debt in private hands but as an asset controlled by the institutions of democracy. It would be created similar to the waters of a lake, relatively eternal, self-existing and owing its nature to no-one. It would simply dwell as a potential power source like the waters behind a dam wall which can be released in the correct amounts to irrigate the fields and to supply the electrical needs of the town, causing neither flood nor drought, neither greed nor poverty. This monetary lake would exist as a potential force so that even if the entire panorama of human resources and physical treasures of the earth, projected ahead for the next millennia, was monetized and created as a vast lake, not one ripple of inflation would occur if the waters were released in only sufficient amounts to meet the natural needs of the people, moving in harmony with the earth and their personal quest for diamond-mind. These waters of the lake would also continually recycle so that the people are freed from the yokes of debt, taxation, interest and inflation, creating an underlying peace, for it is the bitter taste of debt which often veils the sweetness of existence. In the presence of this monetary lake, the concept of having no capital for the people to access, to have austerity and hunger, would be an absurdity, a manipulation of the profound underlying abundance of cosmic law. It is the debt bankers, desperately seeking their own survival, who try and manipulate the people away from this true concept of money, for if the truths of the monetary lake are widely accepted then the debt bankers will be cast into the financial prisons of history. 7 – Quantar Monetary unit The trading system of the Quantar is an asset based monetary lake. The Quantar concept proposes that throughout history the real money supply has been the life force of the people and that all monetary systems are simply ways of organizing this life force into a financial structure. How then can we quantify human life force using a scientific monetary measure which is naturally understood by the human mind? When western science was faced with the dilemma of finding a cosmic constant for linear distance it chose the speed of light. The speed of light is the distance light travels within a vacuum in one second, a distance defined as 299,792,458 units, or metres. The historical monetary unit then, used for four million years of human hunter-gatherer existence, measured by the speed of light, is the distance an average human (80kg) walking at normal speed (5km/hr) will cover in a time of one hour, that is 5000 metres. We can call this unit ‘ten quantars’ and it is a measure that we all intuitively understand, for even our modern workforce is still paid as an hour of time and work. We are calling this monetary unit the Quantar after light quanta and it is a measure of human physiology, time and the speed of light. It is also a unit which can be converted into calories, or quanta, or a myriad of other measurements. The name Quantar also indicates that we are working with asset money, the light side of the Yin-Yang continuum and that we are trading a sacred aspect of the cosmos, a sacred aspect which links thousands of years of human wisdom to the changing fields of modern consciousness. 8 – The Quantar Marketplace When you join the Quantar trading system you are given 500 Quantars as an initial ‘gifting’ for your account and 500 Quantars for each further year that you participate in the Quantar Marketplace. In this way each Quantar is appearing as a droplet of the lake of asset money and when the lake is full there will be no need for further ‘giftings’ of the Quantar system. The Quantar market place is based upon the ’10 Quantar unit’ of time-energy as the basic measure for an hours wage labour. A house cleaner may charge 10 Quantars for an hour of cleaning while a doctor may charge 100 Quantars for an hour as the doctor is bringing years of study and experience to the task, so this time factor is also included within the hourly rate. The Quantar trading system uses Cyclos 4 software for its operations and includes SMS transactions on mobile phones. It also contains a map function so that you can look for trading opportunities in your area. Please go to for a complete list of Cyclos 4 features, or visit cyclos/communities/ 9 – Quantar Auction House The Quantar website includes a Special Edition Quantar auction house for collectors’ Quantars. Each of the first 200,000 subscribers will receive five individually numbered Series 1 Special Edition Quantars, numbered in ascending sequence according to the time of joining Quantar, with the lowest Quantar numbers attracting the highest collectors’ values. Popular numbers such as 8888 will also attract a higher premium. A series 2 Quantar Special Edition will then be allocated to the next 200,000 subscribers and so on. The Quantar website will retain the numbers 11000 of each Special Edition series, plus some numbers of high value such as 8888, 10,000, 100,000, etc, for promotional purposes. Once a base target of perhaps five thousand members is reached, then every three days the Quantar website will auction a random Special Edition Quantar from the promotional numbers retained by the Quantar website. These Quantars are expected to be of high value to collectors. The Quantar auction market is a similar concept to the ancient Chinese wisdom contained in the Tao, Ba Gua and I Ching, with the latter becoming a tool of divination for the people. In this way the pure teaching of the I Ching is transmitted through the generations and retained within an ‘oracle-like game of prediction’, even though the underlying philosophical premises of the I Ching are often misunderstood by the diviners themselves. The Quantar auction market also becomes a realm where the people can meet to socialize in a ‘game of cards’ and to awaken interest in the underlying Quantar concepts. 10 – Quantar $8 subscription The Quantar Marketplace charges an $8 per year fee to participate in the Quantar trading system. This $8 fee is designed to block robotic trading, hacking and to ensure that only ‘carbon based life forms’ are signing up for the Quantar. The $8 fee also reflects the octet structure for the underlying universe and covers such website expenses as hosting, bandwidth, promotion, education, training, IT work, wages, etc. 11 – Welcome to the Quantar! Welcome then to the concept of the asset based Quantar trading market, an educational tool for the people which allows the experience of an interest-free and asset banking monetary system. Feel free to wander the links upon the Quantar website at, links which will expand in many directions with the insights, experiences and inputs from the Quantar members. Further, to learn more about the universe philosophy behind the Quantar, then don’t forget to contemplate the ‘$AUD10,000 Universe Challenge‘ at or to read the $5.99 book ‘The Universe and the Psyche’, available at Enjoy and don’t forget to tell your friends about! 12 – Appendix 1: ‘coffee shop’ questions 1 – In my society, ‘who gets the power to create the money supply’ and ‘who reaps the profits from the interest stream?’ 2 – Should my society base its financial system upon debt created within private hands or as an asset created within public hands? 3 – If I rent my money supply from a debt banker should I be surprised to find that I am always in debt? 4 – When I look at my societies monetary system then is it following the ‘laws of money and is there no other way?’ 5 – Do we rent our money supply from the debt bankers and pay them interest payments for the privilege? 6 - If the owners of private finance are hidden from view then to whom are we paying our stream of interest? 7 - Why do we allow a debt banker to stand between us and our money supply, or us and our life force, or allow ourselves to be trapped within sociopathic debt until we are forced to sell our children into servitude, bound by our belief in the ‘sanctity of the bankers’ debt?’ 8 - Do the banks who create our loan structures actually transfer pre-existing capital during the transaction, fulfilling the legal concept of an ‘exchange of value’, or do they simply create the capital from nothing at the point of the formation of the loan itself, creating the capital with the stroke of a pen or a computer entry? 9 – The question of loan legitimacy is important for a single dollar loaned in the year 1500 at 6% compound interest, today, is a debt of 50 billion dollars, so when we try to repay this debt are we performing an act of integrity, or are we a fool upon a fool’s errand, an ‘idiot full of sound and fury’? 10 – Is our fractional-reserve banking system based upon a medieval crime scene, the swindle of the gold merchants? 11 – Is the international debt bond, created through the chain of ‘independent’ Reserve banks, simply created from nothing as an engraving of debt now owed to the bankers? 12 – Is the ‘independent’ Reserve Bank of my nation little more than a mafia-laundering device for converting the treasures of my nation into debt held within the hands of a cartel of private bankers? 13 - Did the private bankers only create our democratic institutions in order to transfer debts through the generations and to shift the burdens of the slave owner to the ‘independent’ slave, through the impersonal chains of debt finance and a private money supply? 14 - Are there profound links between debt banking, independent central banks and a militarized empire? 15 – Who owns the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland, the administration centre for the chain of international central banks? 16 - Can an individual and private enterprise structure exist with a monetary supply created as a neutral medium by the democratic organs of the nation, a monetary medium which does not allow the profits of the society to be siphoned off as interest streams to a private cartel of bankers. 13 – Appendix 2: Historical banking quotes Greek philosopher Plutarch, 2000 years ago. ‘An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics.’ Aristotle (384-322 BC). ‘The most hated sort (of wealth getting) and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange but not to increase at interest.’ Aristotle (384-322 BC). ‘Money exists not by nature but by law.’ The Church Scholars (Scholastics) (1100 -1500 AD). Aquinas argued that money is a measure, and usury “diversifys the measure” placing extra demands on the money mechanism which harmed its function as a measure. Henry of Ghent wrote: “Money is medium in exchange, and not terminus.” Alexander Lombard noted: “Money should not be able to be bought and sold for it is not extremum in selling or buying, but medium.” Burudian (d.1358), a professor at the University of Paris wrote that: “Usury is evil …because the usurer seeks avariciously what has no finite limits”. (Above quotes noted Monetary Institute.) from the American Benjamin Franklin, 1763. ‘In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one.’ Benjamin Franklin. ‘The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George the III and the international bankers was the PRIME reason for the Revolutionary War.’ Benjamin Franklin. “Experience, more prevalent than all the logic in the World, has fully convinced us all, that paper money has been, and is now of the greatest advantages to the country.” Benjamin Franklin. The Currency Act of 1764 ordered the American Colonists to stop printing their own money, with Colonial script to be exchanged at a two-to-one ratio for “notes” from the Bank of England. Later, in his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin explained the impact that this currency change had upon the colonies….“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed.” Thomas Powell, M.P., of England, governor and commander-in-chief of all provinces wrote in 1768 upon the US colonial system of money: ‘I will venture to say that there never was a wiser or better measure, never one better calculated to serve the uses of an increasing country, and never was a measure more steadily pursued or more faithfully executed for forty years together than the loan office in Pennsylvania, formed and administered by the assembly of the province.’ Thomas Edison. ‘...if the nation can issue a dollar bond then it can issue a dollar bill... it is absurd to say that our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People.’ Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States. ‘If the American people ever allow private banksters to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.’ ‘I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.’ ‘The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.’ James Madison, fourth president of the United States. ‘History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.’ US President Andrew Jackson talking to the private bankers: ‘You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out.’ US President John Adams. ‘There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.’ Frederic Bastiat, Political Economist. ‘When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral Code that glorifies it.’ John Whipple, lawyer, 1836. “If 5 English pennies ... had been (loaned) ... at 5 per cent compound interest from the beginning of the Christian era until the present time, it would amount in gold of standard fineness to 32,366,648,157 spheres of gold each eight thousand miles in diameter, or as large as the earth.” John Whipple, lawyer, 1836. “(the purpose of money is to facilitate exchange) It was never intended as an article of trade, as an article possessing an inherent value in itself, (but) as a representative or test of the value of all other articles. It undoubtedly admits of private ownership but of an ownership that is not absolute, like the product of individual industry, but qualified and limited by the special use for which it was designed....” A Rothschild banker, 1863. ‘The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class while, on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending will bear its burden without complaint.’ Nathan Rothschild, 1838. ‘Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.’ Nathan Rothschild. ‘I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the empire upon which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British empire, and I control the British money supply.’ In 1875 Lord Acton said, ‘The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the People vs. The Banks.’ Denison Miller, the first Governor of the public Commonwealth Bank of Australia. ‘This bank is being started without capital, as none is required at the present time, but it is backed by the entire wealth and credit of the whole of Australia.’ Frederick Soddy, Nobel Laureate. “Debts are subject to the laws of mathematics rather than physics. Unlike wealth, which is subject to the laws of thermodynamics, debts do not rot with old age and are not consumed in the process of living. On the contrary, they grow at so much per cent per annum, by the well-known mathematical laws of simple and compound interest ... It is this underlying confusion between wealth and debt which has made such a tragedy of the scientific era.” Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England, 1927. ‘The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astonishing piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented... Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a stroke of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again… but if you want to continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.’ Major General Smedley D Butler, 1935. ‘I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.’ Robert B. Anderson, Treasury Secretary under Eisenhower. ‘When a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower’s deposit account in the bank by the amount of the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else’s deposit; it was not previously paid in to the bank by anyone. It’s new money, created by the bank for the use of the borrower.’ Congressman Wright Patman, House Committee on Banking and Currency, 1964. ‘Do private banks issue money today? Yes. Although banks no longer have the right to issue bank notes, they can create money in the form of bank deposits when they lend money to businesses, or buy securities. . . . The important thing to remember is that when banks lend money they don’t necessarily take it from anyone else to lend. Thus they ‘create’ it.’ In a 2002 article posted on the website of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York it noted that today few banks are constrained by reserve requirements at all: ‘Since the beginning of the last decade, required reserve balances have fallen dramatically. The decline stems in part from regulatory action: the Federal Reserve eliminated reserve requirements on large time deposits in 1990 and lowered the requirements on transaction accounts in 1992. But a far more important source of the decline in required reserves has been the growth of sweep accounts. In the most common form of sweeping, funds in bank customers’ retail checking accounts are shifted overnight into savings accounts exempt from reserve requirements and then returned to customers’ checking accounts the next business day. Largely as a result of this practice, today only 30 percent of banks are bound by a reserve balance requirement.’ Carroll Quigley, member of the Council on Foreign Relations. “The powers of financial capitalism had (a) farreaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank... sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope. “It must not be felt that the heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up, and who were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks.” Wikipedia on the nature of odious debt: ‘In international law, odious debt is a legal theory which holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, such as wars of aggression, should not be enforceable. Such debts are thus considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion.’ Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt.’ ‘When you lend someone your own money, your assets go down by the amount that the borrower’s assets go up. But when a bank lends you money, its assets go up. Its liabilities also go up, since its deposits are counted as liabilities; but the money isn’t really there. It is simply a liability – something that is owed back to the depositor. The bank turns your promise to pay into an asset and a liability at the same time, balancing its books without actually transferring any pre-existing money to you… The spiraling debt trap that has subjected financially-strapped people to usurious interest charges for the use of something the lenders never had to lend is a fraud on the borrowers.’ Michael Hudson, economist. ‘You can think of the financial sector as being wrapped around the real economy, almost like a parasite, and that’s why it’s been called parasitic for so long. The financial sector extracts interest from the economy, the property sector extracts economic rent, as do monopolies. Now the key thing about parasites, is that it’s not simply that they extract nourishment from the host. The parasite takes over the host’s brain, to make it think it’s part of the economy, to make it think it’s part of the host’s own body, and, in fact, that’s it almost like a child of the host, to be protected. And that’s what the financial sector has done today.’ Michael Hudson, 2008: ‘You have to realize that what they’re trying to do is to roll back the Enlightenment, roll back the moral philosophy and social values of classical political economy and its culmination in Progressive Era legislation, as well as the New Deal institutions. They’re not trying to make the economy more equal, and they’re not trying to share power. Their greed is (as Aristotle noted) infinite. So what you find to be a violation of traditional values is a re-assertion of preindustrial, feudal values. The economy is being set back on the road to debt peonage. The Road to Serfdom is not government sponsorship of economic progress and rising living standards, it’s the dismantling of government, the dissolution of regulatory agencies, to create a new feudal-type elite.’