A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C o m p o s i t i o n L i t e r a t u r e a n d The Bluest Eye Cultural Research While we read The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, we will also research cultural references of the time. Pick a partner, then pick a topic. We will be in the library a couple of days with final presentations on December 18th. Period 2 Cultural Reference Billie Holliday Your Name Kelsey Your Partner’s Name Aaron Duke Ellington Eric David Charlie Parker Chris Marquis Mario Henry Ford Kyle CCC Camps FD Roosevelt Sweta Tierra Townsend Shirley Temple DJ MacKenzie Raggedy Ann Rianna Monica Dick and Jane Jazzlynn Doug Mary Jane Candy Bars Jasmyn Mitch Greta Garbo Tiara Ginger Rogers white baby dolls Shelby Joanna Sean Roberts Alex Bache Clark Gable Jean Harlow The Aqua Lung Martha Graham Frank Sinatra Spruce Goose A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C o m p o s i t i o n L i t e r a t u r e a n d The Bluest Eye Cultural Research While we read The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, we will also research cultural references of the time. Pick a partner, then pick a topic. We will be in the library a couple of days with final presentations on December 18th. Period 4 Cultural Reference Icon Billie Holliday Your Name Lenard Your Partner’s Name Sarah Duke Ellington Dante Camarin Henry Ford Emily Emily FD Roosevelt Josh Daniel Joelle Tammy Greta Garbo Mona Jennifer Ginger Rogers Anna Erin Clark Gable Rachel Paige Jean Harlow Ashley Lorina Logan Mina Charlie Parker CCC Camps Shirley Temple Raggedy Ann Dick and Jane Mary Jane Candy Bars white baby dolls The Aqua Lung Martha Graham Frank Sinatra Spruce Goose A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C o m p o s i t i o n L i t e r a t u r e a n d Directions: With a partner complete research on a Pop Culture Icon and relate it to The Bluest Eye. Be mindful of the following criteria. Use the graphic organizer on the next page. Background and Overall Research Provide historical background of your icon What is the relevancy of this pop character/ object to the time period? Interesting Fact on your Pop Culture Icon Why is this character/ person/ object an icon? What is special about this Pop Culture Icon? What should we remember about this Pop Culture Icon? Connection between your Pop Culture Icon and The Bluest Eye Where is does this pop character/ object appear in The Bluest Eye? In what context? What is the reference or connection between your icon and The Bluest Eye? How does this icon challenge or juxtapose characters, themes in The Bluest Eye? What is the thematic connection between this icon and The Bluest Eye? What is the allusion being made? Create an Annotated Bibliography on 3-4 sources Bibliography typed? MLA format? Annotations should include three paragraphs following each source (summarizing, evaluating, reflection) A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C o m p o s i t i o n L i t e r a t u r e a n d As you research your cultural reference, consider the following aspects: Cultural Icon: Sources: Notes: Describe your cultural icon? What is your icon? Or who is your icon? Explain. What are some major details about this icon? What are the key points and major issues? What might this icon be concerned with? How does this icon relate to the novel The Bluest Eye? Where or when does this icon appear in your novel? How is this icon important to the Toni Morrison? How is this icon important to characters in the novel?