Teacher: Mark Feltner E3 Lesson Plan Save the Baby Zebrafish! Bioengineering in the Classroom combines multiple TAKS objectives into a hands-on activity. Students will ‘save the baby fish’ by correcting a genetic defect. This is done by reading DNA sequences, identifying target regions, and rebuilding gene segments using colored blocks. Lesson incorporates ecology, fertilization and developing anatomy, DNA, RNA, gene transcription, evolutionary conservation of DNA across species. Shows applications of gene technologies by using in-class models (blocks, charts, posters) and images from the lab, including laserscanned, fluorescent gene activity in developing embryos. Language & Technology Objectives: ELPS (English Language Proficiency Standards): If applicable ELL Learning Strategies: Listening: Reading: Speaking: Writing: Technology: Document Camera Digital Projector Laptop Computer Posters for Class Use Wooden Blocks (Colored) for hands-on model construction Key Vocabulary Terms/Academic Language: Students can be expected to show an increase in their learning by using many of the following terms and concepts in their written and spoken classwork: gene, protein, transcription, DNA, RNA, polymerase, genetic disorder, wild type, mutant, mutation, genetic mutation/conservation/disorder, non-coding regions, evolutionary conservation. They may also discuss concepts such as insertion, deletion, chromosomal alteration. Lesson Materials: Overhead slides, wooden blocks, ‘fish cards’, info packets (one per team), Worksheet Templates (one per person), colored posters for student reference. Possibly: fish tank with live zebrafish, O2 sensors, blacklight (to show fluorescence in fish). info packet per team. Over-sized posters hung on front wall (chalkboard) showing embryo development, 5 chromosomes with DNA sequences Projector, laptop, document camera set up for projection. Used for intro to lesson, intro to engineering, and for conclusions – ‘testing’ students’ models of zebrafish genes. Students will have free mobility through the classroom during these activities. Physical movement and interaction with other groups is critical to this activity’s success. Lesson Resources: 1. 2. 3. Information, slides from laboratories at A&M (from labs of Dr Lekven, Dr Yeh) Online: videos from MIT, similar sources that demonstrate engineering advancements Literature: Diagrams of developing zebrafish embryos, cellular proliferation, gastrulation, etc. Grouping of Students: Teacher will assign students to their respective groups. Three is the ideal group size, but four may be assigned to each team if the class is large. Five to ten teams. X Whole Group Pairs X Triads X Groups of 3 or 4 Other: __________ Grouping Strategy Counting Off Common Interests Self-chosen Common Tasks X Other:_Teacher selects based on student ability, performance level Page 1 of 4 Lesson Resources & Set-Up Room Preparation/Materials Set-Up: Room set-up: Desks arranged in groups of 4. One Standards & Language Objectives Date(s): Approx Jan 15-Jan 30, 2013 Grade Level(s): 9th Grade, General Biology Lesson Duration (Hours/Sessions): 4 sessions, 80 min per session. 5th session possible (extension) if time allows. Focused TEKS: Bio TEKS 4 (Cells, Cell Structure); 5 (Cell Differentiation); 6 (Mechanisms of Genetics, Nucleic Acids); 7 (Evolutionary Theory, Genetic Conservation). Lesson Description Lesson Description: This is a four-day lesson that introduces students to the concepts of engineering, bioengineering, and Teacher: Mark Feltner Page 2 of 4 Teacher: Mark Feltner Procedures: (Describe each section, step-by-step. Adjust the number of steps Guiding Questions: (Questions you want them to needed.) be able to answer and think about.) Engage Length (Time): 30min (Day1) Capture the students’ attention by relating your topic to the students’ previous knowledge, as well as real world applications. Present your “Research Project” question (by using the contents of your poster, describing your E3 research lab experience). Explore Length (Time): 30-45 min Introduce the students to the various types of engineering. Explain the Engineering Design process (i.e. How the engineers solve societal problems, cost considerations, design variables and constraints, etc.) Video: ‘A Day Made of Glass’ – other video (one or two, brief) What kinds of engineers are there? Bioengineers, Petroleum, Mechanical, Smart Materials, etc. Engineers use math and science to solve a problem or create a solution for larger society. What problem or solution can you think of that we need right now? (cell phones, bridges, bus systems, zero-G fields, etc.) One video per day, at beginning of class, showing cool stuff from each of these fields. This is the ‘hook’ for this 4 day session. Explain Length: approx 10 min for instructions, 10 min for demos. Allow students to make justifications and connect to new knowledge, information, or ways of thinking. The students will, of course, look to see what other teams are doing. They will notice that other teams are building different constructs. I encourage movement and discussion during in-class activities, so students will probably discuss why other teams are building similar, yet different, models (answer: each team has a unique gene sequence, which is accurate to real life). Page 3 of 4 Explain Students, you are each assigned to a team of 3 people. Each team has a set of information, colored blocks, and charts. Use your ‘fish card’ (in the info set) to look up your gene on the oversized poster at the front of the room. Once your gene is found, identify the other non-coding regions that go with it. Use colored blocks to build a 3-D model of the gene sequence (use all 4 colors – blue, white, green, yellow) We will ‘test’ your model by viewing a real lab picture of the gene you created. Did you fix the problem? The fluorescent picture will tell you, and you tell me. Teacher conducts 2 demonstrations. Student work begins. Explore demonstrating new technology. MIT series showing wireless inventions, zero-G applications. Your facilitation questions should help connect engineering to the students’ everyday life experiences. What is an engineer? What does an e. do? (Use overview showing brainstorm/design/test model) What is the best invention you know of that somebody else designed? Who are engineers? Men? Women? Anybody you know? What kind of education do you need to have to be an engineer? (Math, Science; discuss specific courses, programs offered at Skyline H.S.) Engage One is bioengineering (the human ear growing on the mouse’s back is a good one). Questions/Class Open Discussion: Is this stuff real, or just makebelieve? Do you think we could have this in our society in 20 years? 10? 5? 2? Medicine: What if we could change someone’s DNA? Is it okay to ‘fix’ a genetic disorder? What if it saved someone’s life? Poster: Zebrafish research. Gene activation/deactivation; genes’ roles in brain development. Same DNA sequence for humans as for zebrafish – understand the z.fish, you can understand all vertebrates. Cool, huh? -What is ‘bioengineering’? -Well, what does ‘bio’ mean? (‘life’). And what is engineering (‘designing structures to solve a problem’) -Put them together: bio-engineering. What do you think is meant by ‘genetic engineering?’ -Are there any diseases or disorders that a person can be born with? Examples? -What if we could fix the problem in the DNA before the person was born? -What if we could fix it before the person even looked like a person, when they were still a hollow ball of cells (blastocyte)? -Could this improve our quality of life? Teacher: Mark Feltner Procedures: (Describe each section, step-by-step. Adjust the number of steps Guiding Questions: (Questions you want them to needed.) be able to answer and think about.) Elaborate (Create) Length (Time): 75 min (one class period; longer if needed) Evaluate What if this type of fish was allowed to develop in the wild? What would happen to the fish? Could these genes be passed on to a new generation? Why or why not? (Would evolution/preservation of species support this breeding in the general population?) If amino acid base pairs within the protein gene were somehow switched (a point mutation), what might happen to the gene expression? (Answers vary – wide variety of possible correct answers) Students: Do presenting teams clearly explain the unique factors of their gene models? How thoroughly do the presenting teams explain the rationale for their genes’ regions (non-coding regions, codons, polymerases) Lesson Reflection: (Please complete after the lesson.) What are some modifications you made along the way? How would you assess student learning and understanding? What are some things you would do differently? What would you change about the engineering design project? Page 4 of 4 Evaluate Length (Time): Approx 60 min. Student evaluation will be three-pronged: 1. Students will grade other teams’ presentations using a rubric provided by teacher; 2. Students will take a brief Post-Test (identical to Pre-Test) that covers basic concepts practiced in this project; 3. Students’ level of involvement and comprehension of subject matter will be graded by teacher (this is relative to students’ abilities, as I have many Special Education students). What if 2 of the regions in the model were switched? What would happen? (Answer depends on which 2 sections are indicated, but the result is always a failure for the protein gene to be expressed.) Elaborate Students build a model of their gene using colored blocks. If they build a model that transposes or omits sections of the needed sequence, they will see, by way of the overhead image, the mutant image of their fish. Students will determine whether their construct is a success or not. A team may try again until they build the ‘healthy’ model. Teams will present their constructs, their genetic disorders, and overhead images of the healthy (wild type) vs. mutant brain developments. Each team will thus teach the class. Written work (Gene Template worksheet, provided by teacher) will be turned in at end of presentations. During presentations, teacher (or students) may ask questions such as: