Queen`s Park Resident`s `Bright Ideas` - proposals

Appendix B
Green fair in Westbourne
Ward Members would like the Westbourne Neighbourhood Forum (Local Area
Renewal Partnership) to coordinate an event in the ward to formally open the
Westbourne Canalside improvements, promoting them and encouraging
access for people across north Paddington.
The purpose of the event will be:
1. To celebrate what is available in the local neighbourhood focusing on
its environment and open spaces
2. To bring people together from across the diverse community including
those who are isolated and excluded
3. To provide opportunities for contact with the natural world
4. To raise awareness of opportunities for energy and carbon reduction in
the local area
5. To promote healthy living messages
Project Description
The event will include a range of activities as follows:
Healthy body, healthy mind
 Games and exercise opportunities, including guided workouts on the
Westbourne Green Fitness Trail and a canal walk
 Why nature is good for you – space for quiet reflection
Green tasters
 Stalls giving an opportunity to try out a range of green crafts including
willow weaving
 The cost of carbon: saving energy in Paddington, e.g. find out your
carbon footprint, advice on cutting fuel bills, etc
Birds, bugs and beasts
 Educational activities explaining the biodiversity of the canal and
canalside led by the Beauchamp Boat Floating Classroom.
 Animals from a City Farm
 The making of this urban landscape: the story of the canal, and St Mary
Magdalene’s Church and the Warwick Estate.
 Short programme of open-air theatre, music and poetry with a nature
Appendix B Recommendations for expenditure from the ward budget for Westbourne
Nov ‘08
Food and drink
 Refreshments with a healthy, natural twist
Proposed outputs
 This event will take place in May 2009
 An expected attendance of 300 people
Hire of marquee, stalls, toilets etc
Green tasters
Note that the Westbourne Neighbourhood Forum are coordinating this event
free of charge (i.e. there will be no charge for worker time/on-costs).
Partnership working
It is expected that this event will benefit residents wider than those from the
Westbourne ward alone, so the Westbourne Neighbourhood Forum will seek
additional resources and funding and make links with other LARPs to ensure
these residents are represented in the planning stages.
The LARP will also work with a range of partners to deliver the event including
Groundwork North London, Westminster City Council, Westminster Primary
Care Trust, Paddington Development Trust, Stowe Centre, Westminster
Academy, Westbourne Park Family Centre, community gardeners’ scheme,
Warwick Residents Association, Canalside Club, Amberley Residents
Association, Amberley Youth Club, Kyo-Yu-Bu-Shin, Meanwhile Gardens,
Beauchamp Lodge, St Mary Magdalene’s Church, local primary schools,
Westbourne Children’s Centre, History Talk, London Agenda 21.
Appendix B Recommendations for expenditure from the ward budget for Westbourne
Nov ‘08